I was looking through all the threads here and not a lot of people were posting good things that happened. I wasn't sure if everyone already knew about this. But it kinda doesn't matter since I'm gonna post it anyway. 12 days ago an airline had people scan their boarding passes, then Santa popped up on the screen to ask them what they wanted for Christmas. Then all the staff reviewed the videos and made a list. They all went to different stores to buy everything. After they wrapped the presents they drove it to where the flight was headed. So, when the passengers were waiting for their luggage the airline put the presents out instead.
That' s ... just blatant marketing. Consumerism in all its glory. Sorry to rain on your parade. I' m sure they are lots of feel good stories out there if you need one, I just don' t think this is one of them.
I was just happy about all the people getting what they wanted. I don't really care what the airline gets out of it. Because airplanes flying death traps.
I have to disagree slightly with you here. It could be partly marketing but I mean it isn't all bad. It is possible for westjet to do something nice for their customers and if they get some positive recognition for it, then alright but there is cheaper ways to promote yourself as a good company then buying your customers flat screen tv's and other more expensive gifts. And they did bring joy to lots of people so why argue about it? It was nice to see. Can you not just accept and leave it at that?
Gonna have to disagree with ya there. You make it sound like an airport cant do anything you know "nice" out of the goodness of their heart?
Just so you know where I' m coming from, it seems crony capitalists often throw us low peasants a few crumbles in the hopes it will help us forget/not notice that they rigged the entire system against us.The right hand of the magician pops up a present while his left hand is picking your pockets, oldest trick in the world. Not sure how much WestJet fits that profile though. Besides, even if that' s what they' re doing the problem would be the left hand, not the right one, which is why I dropped it when TWTNW pointed that out in her own way. Shortsighted or not, if seeing people smile is enough for her I can live with that.
Even if it was a consumerist marketing stunt, those folks did seem quite happy enough. I do have to commend the idea behind it, despite its multifaceted nature. Acceptable as airplanes have some danger to them (as do all transportation systems), but hardly are they flying death traps I would say. Generally, commercial airlines are fairly safe and are getting safer.