ben 10 meets kinghearts

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by naminestwinsister, Mar 2, 2008.

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  1. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    ooc-not really but it can be in san francisco and

    "An ambulance is a big van that takes ill or hurt people to a hospital. Hang on a minute i'll dial one up"Gwen said taking a cell phone from her pocket and dials 911 "hello we need an ambulance in new street in san francisco please. Straight away. Yes. Ok fine thanks"Gwen hung up "Think you can last ten minutes without dying?"Gwen asked
  2. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Leon just looks more perturbed and fatigued.

    "What the heck's a hospital??" Leon asks, trying to yell over Gwen talking into her phone but recoils from over exhausing his voice and breathing.

    Pete, not seeing Maleficent around anywhere, summons another Portal to darkness and walks through it.

    Landing back in San Francisco, Pete looks from his left to his right.

    All he sees is two ways of a street.

    But then he looks to his left again and sees a white van storming his way.

    Pete screams surpringly and tries to run away, but the van hits him in the back and sends him hurling into the ocean by the road.

    He lands in the water with a great splash and resurfaces with a sharp gasp.

    He looks around and there's not a shore for at least a mile and it's on the other side.

    "Goooooh!" Pete mutters angrily as he dog paddles in the direction of the shore.
  3. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    "A hospital is where the cure the sick and injured. Save you're breath untill we get there"Gwen said as the ambulance arrived "This is him"she told the people

    "What did he do? Stab himself?"they asked putting him in the back

    "No. Some strange creatures appeared and attacked him"Gwen replied "Come on Ben!"Gwen said dragging her cousin into the ambulance

    the people turned the ignition and off they went

    "I really am sorry but me and Ben are used to kicking butt"Gwen said
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: The hospital may commit Gwen for saying that creatures suddenly appeared since other worlds don't know about Inner space, Gummi Ships, or anything else like that.

    Leon is starting to come back to after being put on the strecher.

    "Le-f-left,....." Leon begins to mutter. "" Leon continues breathlessly. "Elixer...." leon finshes off.

    If one of the kids can give him an Elixer he had stashed away in his left Jacket pocket, it'll bring him back to full conciousness.
  5. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    gwen reached into his left pocket and found the elixer and gave it to to him "so what exactly were those things that attacked us?"gwen asked not sure weather he could hear her or not

    ooc:new rule if you are in-active for a few days i'll have to get someone to take over your character if it continues for a month i'll give it away all together but this will only happen if you have not given reason
  6. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Don't worry, I'm pretty consistent on here.

    Leon, drinks the Elixer handed to him and instantly, the deep gauge in his stomach and back is healed.

    He slowly gets up, Since the Elixer takes a while to dissolve all pains.

    Leon looks at Gwen, he's got a lot of explaining to do.

    "They were Heartless." Leon began. "When somebody dies and loses their hearts, they become a Heartless." Leon goes on. "That Guy you saw back there, was Pete. The King used to work for him, but long ago His Majesty Bannished Pete to another Dimension." Leon explains from what he had once heard from Sora. "But Malifecent, the leader of the Heartless, released him and uses him as a puppet to gather a Heartless army." Leon Explains. "I'm just glad we don't have to handle Nobodies yet." Leon mutters, gettting up from the strecher and streches out himself.

    "If you need to ask what a nobody is...then you need to see one first..." Leon solemly notes.

    Pete shakes off the majority of water that stook to him when he reached shore.

    Tilting his head sideways, he releases a stunning quantity of water that had clogged in his ear.

    Shaking off some more, Pete looks far off to an ambulance heading for the hospital.

    A look of glee comes over his face.

    "Say, with the beating those guys had, I'd had bet they'd be goin' to that Medical Institution-like place..." Pete mutters, rubbing his great chin with a smirk over his features.

    Over his head is a large bridge with cars rolling by.

    "Now I just gotta get there fast enough..." Pete notes to himself.

    Then he looks at a small green car with an open roof headed for the bridge.

    He storms up the rough cliff to the road and stands in the middle of the road.

    The car halts with a giant screech, and the guy in the driver's seat glares Angrily at Pete.

    "Hey pal! Get your Big Fat keister outta the way!" The Man yells, all dressed up in a undershirt and trunks, along with a a highlighted up-do and black sun-glasses.

    The Man just glares at Pete who glares back.

    Pete then clenches his fist at the man, insulted. "What'd you call me?!" Pete yells angrily.

    The man just gets on his hood and meets Pete eye to eye.

    "I said, pudgy..." The Man collectivley, pocking pete in the gut. "Get outta the road, with your Big... Fat-" The man continues, but then feels shock and fear as a great hand grubs him by the scruff of his shirt.

    "AAAAAAAAAAH!!" The Man yells as he's tossed over the bridge into the cold water below.

    Pete chuckles evilly and crams into the small two-seater Porsche, having to hold his legs closer to himself due to his immense size and the cars small build.

    He places his hand carefully on the miniature steering wheel and zooms off.

    Below, the man's head rockets from the below the surface.

    Cold and wet, his up-do totally flat, the man just stares confusedly at the bridge where he had been mugged.

    "Stupid son-of-frickerfacassrickergrenet" He mumbles and grunts to himself as he begins to stroke andswim to the nearby shore.

    OOC: I know he should have probably died being flung off the Golden gate, but I just couldn't do it since he was a major part of my joke with Pete's cruelity. I just thought it was about time Pete did something bad and got away with it, for the moment. Expect punsihment later...XD
  7. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    ooc-To let you know i'm sharing my account with naminestwinsister at the moment so I automaticly get a character i pick Larxene and Naminé and rent out Ben due to the new inactivity rule

    "Whoa strange potion"Gwen comments "But seriously me and my doofus cousin have got extra-ordinary powers I can use Magic i'll shoow you By getting us out of this ambulance"Gwen said and grabbed her spell book "Levitorus demitra!"she said and they lifted from the air leaving ben in the ambulance "Hero up and Follow us already Ben, we all know you can"gwen said making the ambulance doors open

    Ben played around with the omnitrix until he found XLR8 he slammed his hand down and he turned into Stink Fly and flew out and followed unaware of Pete following them
  8. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Pete looks on as Leon and Gwen fly out of the ambulance a couple of yards away.

    Pete slams down on the gas and grins evilly, but instead, the car grows slower and slower.

    Pete's evil grin disappears with a grunted, "huh?" and he looks down at the gas meter.

    The meter is below E and the car is still in the middle of the road with cars behind him.

    With every car honking like mad behind him, Pete storms out and begins pacing for his prize.

    Leon, still a little dazed, looks behind his shoulder to see Pete after them!

    "Anyway of getting out of here faster? Or we need to get to higher ground!" Leon commands, taking out his GunBlade to fire a few Fireballs to slow Pete Down.
  9. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    Ben glanced behind him to see pete "Go to grandpa i'll catch up"Ben/Stinkfly said and stopped and spat some balls of slime at pete

    "I know how we can go faster"Gwen said and got rid of the bubble as the they started to fall "aeros levitorus!"She cried as a gust of wind kept leon and her flying just faster and raised only by air

    Naminé turned a corner and saw Pete following a girl and leon also fighting his way past a big bug the bud thing was pretty low she could use it to get to leon she ran and jumped and grabbed onto the bugs back "New passenger on board stop that guy!"naminé said

    Larxene watched the whole thing from on top of sky scrapers jumping from one to the next using portals she was laughing a cold laugh
  10. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Pete gets slimed in the face and stops dead in his tracks, trying to pry to goo off his face with his hands.

    The goo just stretched out and didn't break, no matter how far he stretched it.

    "Why you little brats!" Is what Pete would have sounded like if his voice was completely nullified by the Goo.

    Pete thrwos a tantrum and summons a heartless to help pry to goo off.

    Leon looks behind them and sighs relief.

    "That's it for now, take us somehwere where I can contact the others in safety." Leon commands to Gwen.

    Not noticing Larxene on a building not so far away.
  11. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    "Here use my cell phone"Gwen said handing him the cell phone "We'll be safe in my grandpa's RV"Gwen assured Leon

    Ben caught up to Gwen and Leon "We have to speed up" Ben said and indicated the omnitrix icon flashing red and then pointed to the girl riding on his back

    "Hey Leon hows it going!"Naminé called out to him

    "Oh thank you Xemnas this job is fun following the tennyson boy"Larxene said to herself still following them
  12. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Pete suddenly stops dead in his tracks when he sees a Nobody, larxene to be exact.

    He clenches his fist, not knowing who she is.
    "Say, what're you doin' up here?" He asks, telling her to get out of the way.

    Leon suddenly realizes Namine and waves back with a much smaller grin than anybody could possibly make. Leon wasn't known for being a wide grinner.

    "Take us in." Leon commmands curtly as he goes through the adress book and comes to "GrBen".

    Pushing the small green button, simliar to the gummi ship communicator, Leon waits for somebody to speak.

    Indistinct chatter on the other side begins to speak fuzzily with the poor reception.

    "Gwen? Gwen is that you?"

    "No, this is-" Leon begins but is instantly cut short by a "Wrong number" remark and loses the call.

    "Just great..." Leon moans to himself.
  13. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    Ben hears the all too familliar sound of the omnitrix de-activating "Hold on tight!"Ben said as he turned back into himself then he spotted belowan RV, Grandpa's RV he landed on the roof and held tight to the antennae on top

    Naminé copied ben as the RV stopped

    Larxene smiled at pete then used thunder on him
  14. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Pete jolts with an involuntary motion several times, jutting into different poses of pain.

    Meanwhile his bones inside continue to show through perioidiocally, showing he actually is big boned, not just fat.

    Pete, confused and smoking raises a finger in argument, but quickly falls back in the following second.

    Leon grabs Ben by the scruff of his shirt off the RV antennae and polops the boy onto the roof of the RV.

    "So how do we get inside?" Leon asks, holding his balance.
  15. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    Ben looks at leon with confusion and jumps off the roof "Jeez haven't you ever heard of a door?"Ben asked opening the door and stepped inside "Grandpa we have some freaks with us" Ben said

    "Ben, they aren't freaks"Gwen said said "They are just new around here"

    Naminé stepped inside "Do you want me to leave?" She asked

    Ben blushed slightly he thought Naminé looked kind of pretty "Erm no, no of course not I was just um, just making the fact clear you were a stranger"Ben said just improvising

    Gwen looked at Ben and laughed "Bens got a crush! Bens got a crush!"Gwen chorused
  16. kh_namine_kh Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 4, 2008
    can i be namine please
  17. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    May I have Namine and.....I guess kairi...and.......ummmmm ...................Yuffie Yeah hehe!
  18. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    ooc-your both in except major sergeant namine was already asked for sorry post whenenver
  19. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    ok sry so I got kairi and Yuffie?
  20. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    ooc-yes you got kairi and yuffie
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