So Gamersgate is having a pretty neat sale for Assassin's Creed games. Before I jump in and just buy, buy, buy, I want to make sure I got some things straight. First of all, is there a way to register these games with Steam? The whole client-less system they have going worries me a little, because I don't want/can't have all the games installed at once. Also, I just like having Steam as the cornerstone of all my PC games. The second thing is getting the best deal. I'm thinking of getting the Complete Collection Bundle, but it's basically just the PC versions and Mac versions. There's also the deluxe editions and there's DLC for some games, and there just seems to be a ton of content. Which is the best way to go? I also noticed there's a Revelations: Gold Edition, but it's not on sale. So, I'm just really confused and I want to know what the best deal/combo is.
I haven't played any of them, and Steam is just the little house that I store all my games on, so it's like, I don't want my games to be homeless. On the street. Hell, even Origin isn't something I really want to use, but if they ever do another $20 coupon like the one they just did (which will be never considering what happened), I would do it. Because free games. But if I'm paying for it, I want to know there's some level of security and I'm just most familiar with Steam compared to any other digital game services. So, I'm hoping Steam does a similar deal with the release of AC 3 on the horizon.
I agree, I prefer having my games on Steam. Why I'm sad Dead Space 3 will only be on Origin: I already have the first 2 on Steam.
Is EA really pulling that? They're just limiting their customers to those who use Origin. Granted, the majority are going to be playing it on a console, but it's forcing the PC gamers to either use Origin or not buy it. They have no sense of customer service.
It seems they are. I totally agree with you: I'm so annoyed when a game is only available on one service. Might just pick it up for the PS3, since I originally owned the first two on that...then my brother sold both.
And Steam is having the exact same sale, if not better. Guess it was worth holding off then.