An Official KHV Movie Club?

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Scarred Nobody, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    I proposed this about a year or so ago. I would like to have a bi-weekly movie club here, sort of in the vain of the old book club from years passed.

    For those that would be interested, every time we needed another movie to watch, we would vote from a bank of suggestions, and the winner would be the movie that we watch and discuss for a two-week limit before moving on to the next movie, and the cycle repeats itself.

    There of course would be a few ground rules. First off, the majority of the films would be those on Netflix streaming simply because it is a legal source to watch films and most people have it. If you don't have Netflix, or we somehow choose a film not on that service, there are other avenues (that are legal) that one could do.

    Another would be the rating of each movie. Since this site is a mix of teenagers and young adults, the majority of the films would be PG-13 with the exception of some R rated movies. This will fall upon myself, anyone willing to help with this, and the KHV staff to decide if an R rated film is appropriate or not. For example, if The Conjuring was ever nominated, I would have no problem allowing it because the rating is for scary images and nothing else.

    This is mainly to see if it would be okay to start up some kind of official movie club for KHV as well as seeing if there is any interest for this kind of thing. There is still a lot to explore with this idea, and I'd love to hear your feedback.