Advanced school shooting.

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Donaut, Oct 11, 2007.

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  1. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    Yesterday there was another shooting in Ohio. It was for advanced students, but one stood out more than the others. He had a bad criminal record, and he did another thing wrong at that school. He then comes back the next week, still suspended, but manages to get past all of the teachers into the bathroom. Then the kid started to load the guns while people were walking in and out of the bathroom. He then started to walk in the hall with the guns. Here's the part that makes me mad: Nobody said a word! They let him get that far so he manages to injure four people (two students and two teachers) and he takes his own life. What is this world coming to?
  2. Repliku Chaser

    It is hard to believe none of those kids said a word. How depressing. Sure, I might play off it's cool at the time or play ignorant but my butt would have been down the hall once he was out if I couldn't get the gun away, and telling anyone. All they had to do was go into a classroom down the hall and ask the teacher to call to the office. How tragic. There's just no excuse for that unless they were terrorized and could not move. Apathy is a horrible thing.

  3. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    It is called the crowd mentality. If you are walking down the street alone and you see smoke coming out of a window you would go over to investigate to see if there is a fire. If you are in a crowd of people and no-one else seems to notice you wouldn't do anything. In England a woman was beaten to death with a crowd looking on in a crowded shopping centre. No-one even tried to help. In a crowd you do what you think everyone else wants you to do, in this case everyone else ignored it so you do.

    This shows AGAIN the severe problem with the mentality in America. Having guns so freely available just makes them seem normal. Guns should NEVER seem normal. They shouldn't be so readily available, people should be educated to their dangers and people should be adequately prosecuted.

    In a list of school attacks (here) 1 were in the UK, the majority were in the US and involving firearms of some kind. This has to be dealt with, beginning with the legislation. If you start talking about that 2nd Amendment crap, I will actually scream with your ignorance.
  4. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    Is this the SuccessTech Academy story? I saw it on the news. Made me cry. What the hell was that kid thinking. I don't mean that in a bad way. When the news reporter said that he suicided, i start crying. What the heck was that? If I was in a situation like that. He brought 2 guns, a bag full of god knows what, and 3 knives...

    Thats horrible, and it was all because he and this guy got in a fight about GOD and if God is real. Obviously I think God is real, I just wish this guy didn't take his life, but what else would happen right? The police will arrest him, make him go to Juvie or something, did he really think that suiciding was better than that?

    The sad thing is, how exactly did he get all those weapons...he was 14!
  5. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau

    He was obviously a little messed up in the head.

    What's one life gonna make a difference?

  6. newman Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2007
    I read your posts and I agree with them. The guy wasn't entirely at fault,as alot of others were guilty as well. Not alot was said about the parents, and all those guns that were found in his room.Seems like alot of people might have issues that need investigating. The deaths need not have happened,and it is tearful that any life is wasted needlessly.
  7. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    I heard about that. I dont know how he got past the teachers and students, but like Bunterx said, it was probably crowd mentality.
    Guns are too easy to get in America. And they say that the rules were tightened even more after the Virginia Tech incident =/
  8. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.
    Couldn't have said it better, Bunter.

    Once i was down in HK, and going down one street in a cab, i counted 13 gun shops. When guns seem 'normal' as you put it, people forget how dangerous and evil they are.
  9. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    If anything still bugs the crap out of me, its the fact that bullets and guns are so easily obtainable. I just don't think everyone should own a gun or have access to it. And yes I know that it is in the bill of rights to bear arms. But honestly people should need to take a freaking IQ test to be allowed to own a gun, cause the last thing I want is some idiot running around with a Tek 9 and us having another freaking coloumbine. Plus ammo is to readily avalible for people, I mean come one they sell it at K-mart and Walmart (two of the biggest redneck stores ever.) But I think ammo should be discontinued to be sold in those types of store, and for sale solely in gun shops.
  10. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.
    I agree SpitFire. But i also think gun shops are to common. read my last post. To bear a gun IS in the bill of rights, but i have met parents of kids who go out hunting unsupervised and have actually shot at people. Ammunition and guns are far too common to be taken seriously. If i took a bloody SMG and walked through the streets of several places i have been to no one would give a crap; several other people will have guns at their belts. I don't remembe where, but once i was out at night, and this gang shot at this lady. I told the cops around the corner, and they told be to f*** off. Guns are seen too frequently that they have become part of everyday life, therefore making them even more dangerous.
  11. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    This is my problem with it. The Bill of Rights states that to maintain a militia for the protection of the country every citizen has the right to bear arms. That was back when America didn't have an army. Back when mass conscription was still in effect. Now that America has a rather large army, this part is now redundant. Obsolete. No longer needed. The sooner it is removed the better.

    Here is an example, in Canada they have more guns per capita than in America but have far fewer gun fatalities (it's something like 10 a year, compared to 100's in America -___-). It is all about the mentality. Unfortunately, that is the hardest thing to change. The best place to start is with the next generation and in the areas which most staunchly support the use of firearms.
  12. the muffin man Banned

    Jun 16, 2007
    Drury lane.MUFFIN MAN! DUUH!
    Yeah...It's really sad.In this world there seems to be no interest for other people except themselves.People are also starting to get crazier than they were before,for no reason.Depression is found all the time in societies.It's really sad.I think that we should think WHAT caused that man to injure 4 people,instead of talkig about the system there...
  13. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    But Canada has FAR fewer people, but I get what you mean. I live in Canada, and some IDIOT from our rival school spray painted "a bomb will go off at 3:00". So now, I am stuck on my *** on the friggen computer because I stupidly came home to get my key =_= DAMN IT. then the school called and told me not to come back.

    What an idiot. Trust me, no bomb is going to go off, its just some Football rivalry.
    Everyone in school is i think in lock down...and im so sick of waiting for people to come back...

    It just reminded me of this thread...

    anyways, the thing is, if we illegalize guns, whats going to happen? Most guns are in peoples possesions ILLEGALLY anyway, whats the difference? Its the ignorance of people that get others killed. And stupid judgements. There was a shooting in my elementary school 15ish years back? Some kid and his step father went ontop of a building right next to the school and started shooting randomly.

    Idiots. And its not like people should blame the children for gun violence or violence at all. Blame the parents for not teaching the child better. How did he get guns? from his parents probably, or somene from his family. UGH I'm waiting for 3 o'clock...
  14. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    That's why I said the problem is the mentality, it doesn't matter there are fewer people in Canada. There are still proportionally fewer people killed. It is the mindset in America that guns are ok and normal and part of everyday life. That is just wrong =/
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