Abortion VS. Adoption

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Ansem59, Feb 5, 2008.


What are you for?

  1. Pro: Choice

    15 vote(s)
  2. Pro: Adoption

    43 vote(s)
  1. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion

    yes wemon get the choice becuase they have the baby... but if they don't want the baby then... they shouldn't have been so stupid... however i will take into consideration the possiblity of rape... if rape happen's and the wemon doesn't want to child then they should get an abortion. but (like i previously stated) if the wemon did something stupid they have to deal with the consicunsiss... whether they like it or not.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Really? Considering many women are teenage girls when they get pregnant and 'least expect it' shouldn't older men be told to leave younger girls alone and males are just as dumb as females for not bringing with them a simple condom? Shouldn't sex education be better and encourage the use of pills, condoms and such and put it in kids' heads, male and female, that if you have sex a baby might come out of it so wrap it before you tap it? The world isn't a perfect place and people also are emotional and things happen. You can think high and mighty and all but guaranteed in life we all make some mistakes and choices that will make us have consequences for the rest of our lives. Girls get coerced into sexual acts often by boys or older men and so both males and females are responsible for pregnancies transpiring. However, men can run off unless a woman wants to pay 500 bucks for a paternity test and even then play games of unemployment and dead beat dad scenarios. There are many things girls have to consider and a one night romp in the sack is 'their fault' perhaps and that is why it should be their choice what happens.

    Pro Choice means that a woman should decide not just to -have an abortion- as some of you keep saying. It is about the right to choose to give the kid for adoption whether her family fights her on it or not. It is the right to decide the girl is keeping the baby despite what the man or family want. It is the right of that girl to choose an abortion if she is not ready for a kid despite the family's wish or man's. Pro Choice is 'pro women' and those against Pro Choice are simply anti-women. Pro Life is not the opposite of Pro Choice. Adoption is not the opposite of Pro Choice. Adoption is a CHOICE of Pro Choice. Just because abortion is a choice of it as well does not mean Pro Life is the opposite option. Pro Life people want everyone to believe that's the truth but it is not.

    The point here is that adoption might be right for any of us to choose for ourselves, but truly no one has a right to take away the mother's decision to be able to choose that or not. There are men that force abortions as options too. There are men that try to force women to give up their children. There are older mothers that do these things too. It really helps to know the facts and not let people con others into knowing half truths. And just so you know...regardless of what a woman chooses for the fate of that child, it will always be with her. She doesn't need others to tell her so or look down on her because she chose one option over another. Any choice is a responsibility.
  3. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    To me it's like a 50/50. It really just depends on what the situation is. Most the time women are scared to give birth, or to young, or the fact the man doesn't want the child, ect.

    But if you ask me, if the child was a mistake, it's the couples fault. Safe sex doesn't mean anything anymore. :/
    I just find it really stupid, that girls can't handle that fact. But like I said before it really just depends on the situation. If she gives up the baby, she'll just feel guilty for it later on in life.

    Like, my cousin got a abortion at 14. because she says it was a mistake to go have fun. Be it's her fault, family didn't care on what she did, she thought she could do anything and looked on what happen. Nobody talks to her anymore, it's sad. And I have my rights to blame her. She knows better, and we all know it.[my family and I]

    If she wants to give up that baby, go right ahead. You deal with that pain later on, when you really want to have kids. l:
  4. UzumakiRage Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 20, 2008
    Destiny Island
    I'm against abortion because NO ONE has the right to destroy a new life!
  5. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    White rook: thats exactly what i mean,

    amsem the wise: i know, i make it sound cold hearted ,but its the thruth,something without thoughts , in this case a baby, would just be a mass, better yet a vessel,because it has nothing

    even when the organs are created ,

    thats why i said that , if the girl thinks she is pregnant , then in the first 1 or 2 months she should abort......

    then , if the girl cant deal with it emotionally(abortion) , then she can always give the child into adoption ,

    but its her choice ,because shes the one that carries it ,wheter eople think abortion is morally wrong, its her choice........
  6. Repliku Chaser

    Again, you blame the girl for a lot of things that she'd be confused about as a teenager. Girls may develop the 'oh he's cute' thing and want a 'boyfriend' sooner than boys will care about girls, but in the end, boys want 'sex' before girls will. What I don't get is like I said much earlier, the day after pill would resolve a lot of this problem in the first place. It is no different really than any other contraceptive and it could make abortions a thing of the past. However, it also has to be available to people that want it. Then abortions could be saved for those needed points where a mother's life is at stake. However, until the day after pills are available commonly, abortions do have to be an option.
  7. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i mean if they do it willingly then they should take responisbility for the child but if the sex wasn't consentual that's when it should be avialable in my opinion. i find it's something that shouldn't be used unless something wrong has been done or as a last resort, there are also some women that can die if they become pregant, so they should have the option too but not everyone should have an abortion just becuz they didnt' think things through enough.
  8. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    My point was never that aborting a fetus is justified because they don't know they exist. The point is that it's existence, and very nature at that period of time is completely dependent on the woman. The choice is hers to make.

    Making the necessary preparations and then still ending up with a pregnancy doesn't make anyone stupid either. It's just an odd, but probable occurrence. From there the choice up to the woman as to whether or not she wants to go through with having the child.
  9. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    my mistake, i'm sorry, i thought you meant something else... back on topic: i agree with you it is the women's choice... but i believe that if a wemon is going to make this choice that she be carefull as to not have sex without thinking this over
  10. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    true, i don't think it's right for a woman to have an abortion just because she didnt' think things over enough before having sex.
  11. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    You really want to say they don't want the baby, I know. It gets me too. You must not have realized that a lot of these preg girls are teenagers and are party-hard, like Repliku had said.

    Also saying they "did something stupid" is a complete generalization. I find it funny how you just assume a vast majority of all women are just idiots who go have sex and then get abortions the next day. You really think that's how it works? Girls sometimes don't expect it. Why do you think we have birth control?

    I can't see why you'd express that the consequences (having a baby) is even a "consequence." lol

    You so got that off of George Carlin. lolz
  12. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    1.) i agree

    2.) not the majority... but enough for this to be considered a problem. birth control and condum's (as i've previously stated) DO NOT always work.

    3.) i'm sure any wemon who has a baby and wasn't expecting it consider's it a consequence.... but that's the problem, isn't it? some wemon do not see it as a blessing.
  13. Dreadnought Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 3, 2007
    No idea......
    All the cool heroes in books and movies don't live with their parents... Like Luke Skywalker! He lived with
    his uncle... Or Frodo from lord of the rings... Even Sephiroth.... And if sephiroth does something,
    its always (And I mean always) right, soooooo adoptions cool with me.....
    Its better than murdering somone who hasn't been born yet! Murder is BAD! Even though Sephiroth
    murders people, its wrong! :yelling:
  14. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    I beleive every living thing must know how the world works and how many things that are mostly impossible is made possible.
  15. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Could you explain that a little further please? Because not every living thing knows how the world works.
  16. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Could you explain a little more like White_Rook said?

    I think I know what you mean, but it'd be appreciated.
  17. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Someone has already said this but it doesn't seem to of sunk in... So I'm just going to say it again as it helps my argument a little...

    The baby is no more then a ball of cells until it beomes a "Embryo" at the 14 week stage I belive, I'm to certain about the dates, just the names. But anyway, most abortions are done before the 8-week stage. At that point the so-called "baby" isn't any more alive the a hair. Sure it grows, but it has no heart-beat, no form and is little more then a ball of unprogrammed stem cells. That is not a child, it's barely even alive. Destroying that is no different to destroying a skin coulture in a lab. When the cells become something that vaguley resembles a child and/or could survive being born then yes, it's wrong and it's murder. But before then, it's nothing. I'm sorry if that insults anyone, but when you take away the "Ethics" that's what it is; destroying of an unwanted growth.

    However I can see the other side of the argument, I can tell why many people see it as wrong. It is destroying the potional for life. However, may I point out that not all parents of these unwanted children would want to go through the hassle of giving up their child. The adoption process isn't as simple as saying "'ere, I don't want this thing. You have it." and throwing the baby to some other people. And if the child was going to born with a illness that would make it's life a living hell you would rather the poor child suffered through that then be put out of its misery? Because if you do that's far more sadistic and sickening then the entire concept of abortion.
  18. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    If I read more than the first and last page of this thread, I'd probably be pulling out my hair (which in relation to the current subject, is about as much murdering of life as an abortion)

    The period in which a woman can abort the fetus is within 3 months of conception, or around 9 weeks, after that point you can not abort the fetus. The point in which a fetus has developed enough to have nervous systems to feel pain is roughly 20 weeks.

    At the very latest period in which an abortion is legally allowed to take place, the "child' is not developed enough to feel pain, or even be medically claimed "alive", as vital organs have not even fully developed; the "child" is nothing more than a mildly developed clump of cells. The average human sheds more human tissue in a day than the mass of cells removed in an abortion procedure.

    The typical person's ethical stance against abortion is often based on misconceptions from pro-life or religious propaganda that is completely unfounded, unfortunately most people don't bother to research for themselves what is actually taking place in conception and gestation.
  19. Repliku Chaser

    You are right that most abortions do happen in the early period of conception to a month during pregnancy. I think what people often find most disturbing and I do agree with them is the women who get abortions later in pregnancy during the last trimester when sometimes a baby could actually survive outside of the womb with some medical assistance. Having been born over a month prior to 9 months, I do kind of see why it is disturbing unless there is some medical reason as to why to terminate a pregnancy. The images people get set in their heads on why abortion is so nasty is because of some of the pictures taken of aborted fetuses in their last trimester and if a woman doesn't know by then that she wants to abort...I don't see why unless there is some nasty medical condition that is a danger to the woman or child. I think this is kind of where things become murky for me and I do kind of lose respect for the woman who does it then because then I would consider it a life after what happened to me and my twin being born early.

    However, as you pointed out, most abortions happen in the early first trimester and this I do not disagree with. Also, most stem cell research is done on the early fetuses too because of cells that are not yet assigned to functions in a fetus to study. This I consider the right of women to choose regardless of the reason.
  20. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    people usaly have reasons if they abort children..like they cant afford them or they wouldn't be able to grow up in a safe environment so you technically arent destroying a life unless its for no reason that you abort a child.

    adoption is just plain special..i hate when people are ashamed when they are adopted its so special!your parents picked you..they love you even if you arent from them.biological parents usally love a child no matter what because its theirs.your adopted parents picked you from all the others and its cool.

    in conclusion,
    abortion is not wrong is most cases [ not all]
    adoption is so special and great ^_^