❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: A bit relived (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Cafe (X) OOC:

    "It's getting kind of late... and you should be getting back to you're party..."

    Hearing her, Shane took out his phone and checked the time. She was right, it was getting late. "Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me." He'd really almost forgotten about the thing he was doing with his family. Fortunately there was still time to make it before his dad had himself a fit.

    Taking her hand, he shook it and spoke. "Thanks for the offer, I'll see if I can visit if i have the time." Getting up from the table too, he said his farewell and headed home. As he neared his home, he could faintly smell the food inside just from the door. Good, I didn't miss anything too important. That'll save him some grief in the long run. Opening the door, he walked in and got ready for the next step of his night.

  2. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    ' .

    Sophie wasn't sure where she had spent the day, but it had gone by quickly. She moved from place to place, from park to store, from here to there. It all passed in a blur. She had taken a shot or five and was now parked in front of Pierce's house, ready to walk in.

    She had thought about going home, but the thought of looking at Lucas, and him looking back at her, with that face, with those eyes. And the dining room . . . She violently shook her head, and leaned back against the car, taking a deep breath. She really needed to pull it together. How was Pierce? The empty bottle of rum she once found . . . Drunk together, eh? There was nothing better than being drunk together with a friend, and . . .

    . . . Whose car was that?

    Sophie straightened out and narrowed her pale eyes at it. Her mood shifted to a more negative scale, and she made her way up to the door, grabbing the spare key from the small black handbag and unlocked the door, and immediately taking off her shoes. There was noise coming from the living room — the television was on? Her fingers worked at the large black buttons of her dress-coat and she stopped short of the living room to peek around the wall.

    No one there. The sound was more distant and she walked toward's Pierce's bedroom. The door was slightly cracked open, and light was coming from in there. She tilted her head to get a better look.


    It was Oliver.

    Pierce invited Oliver over.

    Emotion suddenly washed over Sophie and a tight feeling grew in her throat. She played it up to the rather emotional day, but seeing Oliver here was giving her unacceptable feelings. Unacceptable. Unacceptable. She didn't want him here. She wanted Pierce here, sitting next to her, and holding hands or something. She needed human comfort, and it was only Pierce that could give her.

    She considered the methods. No, she was far too exhausted to consider the methods. The black dress-coat was hung on the coat rack, and the black heels were set there by the door. Perhaps it was a bad idea to come here. Sophie thought to herself, walking into the oddly-designed kitchen. Still . . . I have nowhere else to go. Well, that wasn't true.

    She grabbed a mug and the jug of milk, and poured herself some, then set the mug in the microwave. Her eyes scanned the area for vodka. Did they have vodka? Surely they would, if they had rum enough for Pierce to drink. Aha. There, on top of a cabinet. Short little Sophie climbed on top of the counter and grabbed the clear bottle, sat on the counter, and hopped —


    Sophie laid on her back, on the kitchen floor, staring up at the dim light. My hand is bleeding . . . she thought to herself, looking over. The microwave beeped. Her hand burned; the vodka bottle was broken open and some of the liquid seeped into the cuts on her hand. What a waste. Her black dress had become undone and was now open at the front, clearly showing her lacy undergarments.

    Whatever . . .

    Her mood turned even more sour as she salvaged what she could of the bottle, poured the liquid into the mug of hot milk and set it on the counter, inspecting her mess. Ten minutes later, she had it cleaned, and was washing off her bloodied hand. You're drunk, Sophie Bennett. she thought to herself, not bothering to redo her dress.

    She took a seat at the counter and began to drink her spiked milk.
  3. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Julius always told himself he was horrid at prep-talks and no matter how many times he told himself this he always would still attempt one. He always felt this and though he did, in the end they always tended to work effectively and quite well. The next action from Noelle caught him by surprise and his eyes immediately widened as the girl embraced him.

    Julius was expecting is words would only be at the most mildly effective, that she would at least smile. To get such an embrace just took him by surprise. He sat there dumbstruck for a mere second but once he calmed himself Julius softly closed his eyes and rubbed her back with his hand with a smile as she continued to embrace him. When she decided to let go of him Julius let go as well and smile.

    Seeing the girls happiness and hearing her gratitude for his actions were quite uplifting for him and he felt a sense of accomplishment. It was a great feeling and one that he wouldn't really trade for any other. Soon enough the two of them began to chat away and soon enough Noelle had to leave for home. It was quite disappointing to see her go but he felt it was for the best since he didn't want any young girls roaming around late.

    As Noelle stated her farewell Julius smiled back "Alright then, take care now" Julius said as he rose his hand and waved as she walked off and left the room. Closing his eyes, Julius merely closed his eyes and let out a sigh as he opened them once more and stared up at the ceiling. "Man...can't wait to get out of here" Julius said before closing them once more before falling fast asleep.
  4. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 11 - 4/4 | DATE: December 31st, 2015 | LOCATION: Home

    Being there at the funeral was depressing to say the least. Sitting there, in the funeral home, with most of the others that witnessed it first hand, it was difficult. The memory of that night was burned into his brain. No matter how much he would try, the memory would never go away. And when everything was said and done, he didn't know what to say to... well, anyone. No words of comfort, or any words at all, just silence. He really couldn't find the words, or the courage, to speak to anyone at the funeral. All he really did was attend the funeral just to pay his respects to the departed and left.

    At home, he just plopped down onto the couch and lazily flipped through the channels on his TV. An image flashed on the screen for about five seconds before changing to a different one. This continued for a good long while. He just sat there, not really doing anything. His mind drifting around like some aimless wanderer. What would he do now? There really wasn't anything to do, and he wasn't exactly in the mood to do anything in particular. He stopped channel surfing and just grabbed his phone. Using his thumb, he scrolled through the contact list on his phone. He stopped on Zoey's number and thought about calling her. There wasn't any good reason that he could think of. Well, other than checking up on her and asking her if she went to the funeral or asking how she's been lately. Hmm... There seemed to be plenty of reasons to call her, now that he thought about it.

    Well, it would be something to do, that was for sure. He pressed her name and called her to see how she was doing. It rang as he grabbed the TV remote and flipped through the channels again. As the phone continued to ring, he put his legs up on his couch and propped himself up on his arm. It might be good to talk to someone now that he thought about it. Hopefully it would get his mind off of things and maybe let him forget about that moment, at least for a little while.
  5. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts:Stupid me...|Place:Graveyard|Mood:Depressed|Music: ]

    Zoey took in small breaths of air, her crying pretty much over. She just knelt there on the ground, staring at the tombstone before her.

    Suddenly, her pocket vibrated and began to play the Sailor Moon opening, signaling a call was coming in. She sniffed, drying her eye with her hand as she fished in her pocket to see who was calling her. Big Brother (Freddie) showed up on the caller ID. She smiled a bit, sighing out in relief and answered the phone.

    "H-hello?" Her voice sounded raspy from crying and being sick, and then she felt a sudden tickle in her throat. She pulled the phone away, her chest heaving as she coughed heavily. Clearing her throat, she pulled the phone close to her ear. "Sorry... Hi Freddie..."

    A familiar voice, a familiar face. She hadn't seen him for about two days now, always missing his calls or texts. She stood up from the cold ground, brushing herself off as she shivered in her warm jacket. If someone touched her forehead though, it would be burning hot. She didn't realize she was that sick though because her emotions got the better of her. She was blind to her own well being at the moment.

    ...We can chase the [U][B]dark[/B][/U] together; if you go, then so will I...
  6. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY11 & 4/4
    " AND SO IT BEGINS... "

    After the reception Erik headed to the bar. He hadn't been ready to end the day and more often then not, the bar was where he wound up for things like these. He didn't feel right going to Maria's New Year's party and with Julius in the hospital still, he felt pretty left out. Bryan wasn't the drinking type and Tucker would no doubt be at the party. Erik tugged at the collar of his white button down shirt and twisted the cross necklace between his fingers. There was a blond smiling at him across the bar and he gave a half wave back, not really paying much attention. He twirled the stir straw in his glass absently before swallowing down the last of his cocktail.

    The blond moved in beside him, still smiling. Erik greeted her blandly. He held up his finger for the bar tender, signaling for one more, and the man nodded before grabbing a fresh glass. He turned to the woman and she seemed to be studying him. She smirked when her act was discovered. "Erik," he told her. Erik wasn't really in the mood tonight, but at least it would be a distraction.

    "Cecilia," she replied, holding her hand out. Erik shook it. Her finger trailed playfully over the back of his hand. He didn't really pay attention. Erik just stared at a spot on the wall and sipped his drink Cecilia talked and he nodded on occasion, but her words didn't register in his head. Eventually she got the hint that he couldn't be bothered with real conversation and left his side to talk to someone else.

    Erik was home before midnight. After he entered his large two-bedroom apartment he locked the door and flopped down on his bed. He was tired and it wasn't even that late. Things were just draining. Were things really about to get as bad as before? He hoped not. Erik didn't bother changing out of his clothes. He barely managed to get his shoes off before passing out.
  7. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 11 - 4/4 | DATE: December 31st, 2015 | LOCATION: Home

    "H-hello?" The raspy voice came from over the phone. She didn't sound to good. Was she sick or something? That's definitely not good. He could hear her cough and clear her throat over the phone, though it sounded like she pulled it away from her in an attempt to cover it up. She was definitely sick. "Sorry... Hi Freddie..."

    "Yeah, hey. Are you alright? You sound like you're sick or something." It has been cold recently, so maybe the weather got to her. That's not good. "Are you taking medicine?" Freddie sat up straight on his couch as he asked her that question. It was a bad thing if she was sick like that and was out and about. Going around would probably make her even more sick. "Where are you right now? I hope you're indoors."

    He was prepared to leave and pick her up if he needed to. After getting home, he didn't bother changing out of his clothes for the funeral, so he's all ready to leave if need be.
  8. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts:Stupid me...|Place:Graveyard|Mood:Depressed|Music: ]

    Zoey felt absolutely foolish now when she heard how worried Freddie was. Perhaps she should have called him earlier, but she chose not to. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment as she adjusted the phone to her ear, looking around the place. "I'm at the graveyard," she said, keeping her voice low. "I missed the funeral... Came to say goodbye to everyone." She walked over to a tree and huddled next to it, pulling her hat more over her ears and made sure her scarf was snug around her neck. "I haven't been home all day," she added, feeling a little light headed now. Maybe it was a good thing Freddie called her to get her to her senses. She was outside, with a bad cough, her throat hurting, and it was freezing cold. Not a very good combination of everything all mixed together.

    "I-I'll go catch the bus or something... Go home now. Maybe Dad is working late..." She pulled the phone away from her again when another cough attack overcame her, pressing a hand to her aching chest. "I'm sorry," she said, bringing the phone back to her ear. She wasn't meaning just the cough... There was a lot of things she was sorry for at the moment. For being stupid and not calling sooner, for not going to the funeral, for not staying indoors. What was she trying to do anyways, kill herself? "I'm just out of it... I'm sorry..."

    ...We can chase the [U][B]dark[/B][/U] together; if you go, then so will I...
  9. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 11 - 4/4 | DATE: December 31st, 2015 | LOCATION: Home ==> Graveyard

    "The bus? Oh no no no no, not in your condition. Just, sit tight. I'll be right there." He promptly hung up and rushed out of his house. After making sure his door was locked and putting his phone in his pocket, he got into his car. He jammed the key into the starter and started the engine. To think she went out by herself in this weather when she's sick. That's crazy. Crazy and stupid. He pulled out of his driveway and raced over to the Graveyard.

    After about twenty or so minutes of erratic driving, he made it to the graveyard where they buried the others. He got out of his car and kept his engine running so that the inside would stay warm. The door slammed shut as he looked around and found her sitting on a bench nearby.

    He walked over to her and greeted her,
    "You know, you really shouldn't go out in the cold when you're sick like this. C'mon, I'll take you home." He motioned for her to get in the car. "It's a lot warmer in there than it is out here."
  10. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    I do. Oliver's eyes lit up in the midst of his own pizza bite. That was good, he was glad. When he asked about her parents, she looked at him and he was afraid she was about to cry or give herself a stutter-induced seizure or something. Instead, she answered with a bit of anxiety in her voice. Work. My - my mom always works holidays like these. It p - pays more.

    She didn't mention her dad, but that was becoming less and less of a surprise these days. He leaned back and took another bite of pizza, thinking about his own family.

    W - we could watch it n - now.

    Sounds good. He grabbed the DVD from the counter and held it under his plate, grabbing her's as well. Once confident that he wouldn't drop anything, he pulled himself from the counter and trailed behind her as she lead them towards another area of the house. Then, she stopped.

    U - um, m - my room might be b - better. The living room is... well... um... different.

    Different ...? I don't mind, he mumbled. She either didn't hear him or didn't care, and turned a new way. Well ... Okay. He said, following behind her.

    I'll - I'll take the movie... And she did, putting it into the DVD player and starting it. The room lit up with the before-the-movie previews, but Oliver was too busy controlling his wild heart rate. Pierce's room smelled of her. He remembered the scent, from their time at the box office -- when she'd arrive first. It was normal that it was smell like her but a girl's bedroom was ... He had never even been in Grace's room before. Aaaaaaaah.

    Timidly, he set their plates down on the bed, but kind of just stood by it until he was invited to sit or something because he was in her room tho. He was usually not so prepubescent 13-year-old but for some reason Pierce just made him feel less confident in himself. Like anything he did was going to traumatize her for life.

    He was still zoned out in his thoughts when Pierce fell to the ground. His shoulders tensed and he instantly thought he had done something wrong. Then, he took in the open bottle of rum, and the front of Pierce's black dress, and ... He was staring for a bit too long and he internally panicked, diverting his gaze with a heaving sigh.

    ... Um. You oka--?

    Sorry... It's just -- if you want to go, you d - don't have to stay... Her small, fragile voice reached his ears from her spot on the floor and his shoulders fell. Lips turned into a clear frown, he turned to her and resisted the urge to ball his hands up into fists at his side.

    What do you want, Pierce? Do you want me to leave? He asked, a bit more aggressively than he intended. His heart felt like it was trying to drill out of his chest, and though he sounded confident enough, his gaze wavered from her's again. ... Do you really ... Want me here, with you? Am I just intruding? Am I making you uncomfortable? Do you hate me?


    Oliver turned towards the door. Her mom, maybe ... ? Or an intruder? Nah, it was probably nothing -- ... Suddenly, thoughts of the party flooded back into his mind ... Everyone dropping dead one by one. Was this the killer? BACK FOR MORE?

    Stay quiet, he told her, his own voice a whisper. He listened carefully over the sound of the movie's menu screen. is that your mom?

    Pierce shook her head, replying back softly. No. Th-there's no way sh-she would be home y-yet.

    He looked around the room, searching for some kind of weapon. Of course there was basically nothing of use. Maybe he could throw a pillow at the intruder to distract him. He groaned in frustration, circling around the bed. He was about to just grab and break the rum bottle, but then his vision locked onto the ... eccentric looking lamp sitting on the side table. That was useful!

    He unplugged it and crossed back to the door, giving Pierce a reassuring smirk like a typical shonen MC from an anime, before pulling the door open and exiting out into the hall. He had no idea where the sound had come from, so he headed to the most likely place -- the near the front door, the most obvious entrance. He'd start there and then continue until he found the source.

    His conclusion was overall anti-climatic, as as soon as he left the main hall with the lamp held high, ready to strike, he came into view with a ... disheveled looking Sophie.

    Oh, ugh. It's you. He hadn't said it in a rude way. He was mostly relieved. Oliver lowered the lamp and turned back to the hallway, calling for Pierce. It's Sophie!

    With the adrenaline fading, and Sophie's attention caught, he could actually register what she was wearing. He felt like he was going to drop dead, this was too much. He turned away with a red face, resting his forehead against one of the walls with exasperation.

  11. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts:Stupid me...|Place:Graveyard|Mood:Depressed|Music: ]

    Zoey looked up from the bench when she saw the familiar car roll up. She smiled weakly, standing up from the bench and came over to Freddie. Her cheeks and nose were very rosy from the fever she was going under without realizing it, her good eye puffy and blood shot from crying so hard. Her hair was messy and a bit out of place, and all and all, she was exhausted. She came up to her big brother, giving him a big hug first. "Thank you," she whispered to him, smiling at him before she pulled away and made it to the car. She slipped inside the warm vehicle, feeling a relief when she inhaled the warm air instead of the cold air outside. She bent over, coughing hard once more as she tried to quiet it down. She didn't really think she was sick until now. She just thought she had a little bug in her throat. Once it was done, she pulled on her seat belt and leaned her head against the headrest, whimpering softly. "Can I stay at your place?" she asked, opening her eye and glanced over at her brother when he was in the car. "Dad and I... we're not getting along right now."

    ...We can chase the [U][B]dark[/B][/U] together; if you go, then so will I...
  12. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Ooc: Short post because getting off computer.

    Evan and Dennis had been to the party and after an undetermined amount of time of partying the two eventually said goodbye and thanked Maria for the party. Afterwards the two ended up driving home and after getting back to both their respective houses, went to sleep.
  13. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Home (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Home (X) OOC:

    Not to long getting home, Shane had to explain where he been for this long. Considering that he's normally being forced to go get some fresh air, he'd would think that they wouldn't mind him actually taking an initiative, but he was wrong. In the short time he was given, he managed to come up with a story involving him hanging out with a new friend to explain where he'd went. For the most part it was true.

    Since everything was already set up, all they had to do was head outside. While his father went to get the match, Shane went outside with the sole firework. It would've been more, but this was a precaution after a previous fiasco that had happen. His dad soon came back with the match and handed it to Shane, seeing as he was much more trustworthy.

    Fortunately Shane had had some experience lighting matches so it was easy for him to do. The lit match was moved to the fuse of the firework and it shot off into the sky before bursting an array of colors. Once the festive tradition had ended, Shane went ahead and tool and shower. Which was followed by him going into his room and falling asleep.
  14. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 11 - 4/4 | DATE: December, 31st, 2015 | LOCATION: Graveyard ==> Home

    As he drove off, he was shocked to hear her request. Well, he wasn't all too surprised that she was having problems with that bastard, but still. Freddie supposed he could let her stay with him for the night. He'd have to fix up the guest room though. Nobody's been in it for, well, years. There was a TV in there and stuff, but it must be covered in a layer of dust or something. But if she wanted to, he'd let her stay there.

    "Uh, yeah. Sure, you can stay at my place for tonight. That'll be fine." As he said that, he hurried home with her. Another twenty minutes passed and they were back at his place. He turned off the engine and as soon as Zoey got out of the car, he locked his door. Freddie rushed to get the door open and let her in. "Well, I've got some tea if you need some. Just, uh, make some while I go clean the room you'll be sleeping in, 'k?"

    After she was in, he went into the dirty, old guest room with a cleaning rag and began to dust off everything and wipe off every surface he could. He didn't want her sickness to get worse all because of some dusty room. That wouldn't do at all.
  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 12/31/2015 DAY 11 & 4/4 MUSIC
    What do you want Pierce? Do you want me to leave? The aggression in Oliver's voice was startling. Her mouth was dry. She didn't know how to respond. ... Do you really ... Want me here, with you? What? Why would he ask her that? If she didn't want him here, she wouldn't have texted him in the first place. Her body felt hot and her face was beat red. Before Pierce could think of some sort of reply, there was a loud crashing noise.

    A scream escaped Pierce's throat. Her hands flew to her mouth and she buried her face in her knees. Scary noises. What was going on in her house? There was no way her mom was home yet. There was someone in her house. There was someone in her house! Oh God. OH GOD. She was panicking. There was someone in her house and the only other person here was Oliver.
    Stay quiet, he told her, his own voice a whisper. Is that your mom?

    Pierce shook her head, replying back softly. No. Th - there's no way sh-she would be home y - yet.

    Oliver looked around her room for a weapon. Hah! She had nothing weapon-like in her bedroom. He seemed to settle on one of the lamps, unplugging it from the wall and disappearing into the hall. Oh no Oliver! She hovered near the door, gripping the frame nervously. Oliver was protecting her in her home when there could be some psycho murderer in the house! Oh God! She bit down on her thumb nail. What if something happened to him? She was more afraid for Oliver than she was with the source of the noise. Please be okay! Please be okay! This was a nightmare. Her mind was running wild. Her heart was thumping wildly in her chest. Adrenaline was coursing through her veins and the front of her dress clung tightly to her body where the rum had spilled.

    It's Sophie. Oliver finally called back to her.

    Oh. Just Sophie. No big deal. Everything was all right. It was just So -- OH DEAR GOD. What was Sophie doing here?! She was supposed to be at the party. Even after just taking a pull off of the bottle, Pierce was finding herself to be completely sober. Her hands trembled and her knees quaked as she stepped timidly down the hall to join Oliver. She stood behind him, gripping Oliver's sleeve. She was afraid to see Sophie. Would the other girl be mad at her? Pierce bit her lip as peeked around Oliver's arm. S - Sophie I though -- her eyes widened at the way Sophie was dressed. Her dress had come unclasped and her underwear was completely exposed. Pierce's face flushed red and her heart which felt as if it was already going to explode beat even faster. She looked up at Oliver whom appeared to be avoiding eye contact with Sophie by facing the wall.

    Pierce left his side and quickly moved to Sophie, reclasping the other girl's dress. S - Sophie you reek. Is that, she sniffed, Is that vodka? Not like she could talk. Pierce probably reeked like rum. She swallowed nervously. Wh - what happened to the p - party? Pierce wanted to die. She glanced back at Oliver helplessly. Y - you should pr - probably lie d - down... She grabbed Sophie's arm, wrapping it around her shoulder and put her own arm around Sophie's waist. This was so embarrassing. She just wanted to disappear forever and ever. Someone just kill me. I would rather it be a psycho murderer than this...
  16. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    The party was a nice way to get away. She had woken up a little bit more, by the time Maria greeted them with a bright smile and they joined the group of other people in the party. She stayed close with Ryder, of course. There was some friendly chatting and laughs. Elisa forced herself to be a good sport and put on a smile herself and chatted up as well. Aside that, she actually ate a couple snacks and consumed no alcohol - it was more of Richie's thing to drink all the time (even though she was open to the possibility of using it as a vice to drown the sorrows away but it seemed too pathetic).

    She eventually did end up being really drowsy after some hours and she hated to be the party pooper. The teenager leaned in closer to her best friend's twin brother and stood on her tip toes, whispering into his ear that she wanted to go home. Since other people began leaving too, they followed suit. She thanked Maria for the party and admitted that it did put her in the best mood she'd been in lately - which was definitely something. She really enjoyed her company and her house was very lovely.

    She followed Ryder out the door and climbed into the car. She watched him climb in and start the car. She smiles a bit as she watched him drive for a bit. She was really happy he ended up going and taking her to the gathering. "Hey Ryder..." her voice was drowsy and her sleepy eyes stayed on him as her lips curled into a more prominent smile, "Thanks for taking me... and going as well and... stuff..." her last words dragged on as her eyelids fell to a close. She fell asleep.
  17. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    ' .

    When footsteps were cautiously nearing the kitchen, Sophie was once again cleaning her hand. It would have been a good idea to look for bandages, maybe, but she wasn't in the mood to even get up. Before she went to bed, after Oliver left, she would ask for bandages. They were probably in the rest room, but she didn't want to go anywhere near them . . . Not for the moment.

    Someone padded into the kitchen just as she licked some blood off and then took a drink of milk.

    Oh, ugh. It's you.

    Why Pierce, you sound like — She looked over the rim of her glass before setting it down. That wasn't Pierce. Oh, how wonderful, it was Oliver. She gave him a wave with her bloodied hand, not even registering that she used the wrong hand.

    It's Sophie.

    Oliver's face turned red, he turned away, and Sophie frowned. What was his . . . Oh. she thought after looking down at herself. She heaved a sigh and then rolled her eyes, but didn't bother to fix her dress since she only had one hand available. Blood was a hard stain to get out, only Lucas seemed to know how, and he never let her watch.

    Forgive my indecency. she told him, gazing at his back. But I can't fix it at the moment. She stood from the counter, grabbed the milk from the fridgerator again, and then poured more into the cup, setting it back into the microwave for thirty seconds.

    Beep. Beep. Beep.

    Pierce, I accidentally broke a bottle of vodka. Forgive me. There wasn't much left in it anyway . . . She sighed, and reached for the cup with her uninjured hand. It will help me sleep. she then said, pouring a different type of alcohol into it, just a table spoon or so.

    S - Sophie, I thought —

    Sophie turned around and saw Pierce gripping Oliver's sleeve. She didn't reply immediately, but Pierce moved to fix Sophie's dress. S - Sophie, you reek. Is that - Is that vodka?

    Yes. It will help me sleep. she answered plainly. Pierce glanced back at Oliver and Sophie momentarily narrowed her eyes before returning to her bored look.

    Wh - What happened to the p - party?

    Pierce, I said I wasn't going to the party. she replied patiently.

    Y - You should pr - probably lie d - down . . .

    Pierce tried to grab her. Pierce, I can walk. I fell off the counter. She showed the other girl her bleeding hand. I have a high tolerance for alcohol, unlike — . . . She cleared her throat and grabbed her mug of milk. She scanned Pierce's face; the girl was obviously embarrassed. Embarrassed because of Sophie? Embarrassed because Oliver was witnessing this?

    . . . Sorry for interrupting your - What would she call it? A date? Get together . . . Time? Sophie didn't know. She glanced between Oliver and Pierce, - . . . Whatever you're doing. Would you like me to leave? I need bandages . . . She cast her pale eyes to the ground, almost like she was sulking, and bit the inside of her lip, the burning feeling in her nose coming back God, what was with her emotions tonight.

    She sniffed and began walking out of the kitchen. Her dress fell open again; the clip must have been broken from the fall. She rolled her eyes, the tears starting to retreat.

    Suffice to say, Sophie didn't feel great, and her hand was still bleeding. Lucas . . . She thought about calling him but he was probably too busy with . . . something else.
  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DATE⁞ Thursday, December 31st, 2015 DAY⁞ 11 4/4
    LOCATION⁞ Car//Elisa's INTERACTION⁞ Elisa
    The party was all right. It had been better than Ryder expected. No one gave him too many looks. That was much appreciated. He felt better about going now. It lifted his mood and by the time he would get home, his mom and sister would be well in bed. That was another bonus. When Elisa finally said she was ready to leave, he gladly obliged. She had even seemed to cheer up. That was good too. Ryder walked with her out to the car and started up the engine once inside. The start of the trip was silent, save for the radio playing.

    "Hey Ryder..." Elisa finally spoke up when they were about halfway back to her house. Her voice was drowsy. He glanced over at her for a brief second and her sleepy eyes stayed on him as her lips curled into a more prominent smile, "Thanks for taking me... and going as well and... stuff..." her last words dragged on as her eyelids fell to a close.

    Ryder nodded. "No problem. I'm glad you cheered up. It's been hard seeing you so upset." He glanced over to see that she was out cold. Ryder sighed and rolled his eyes. He drove the car the rest of the way feeling drowsy as well. By the time he pulled up at her house, he was rubbing his eyes to stay awake. He gave the girl a nudge on the arm. "Hey, Elisa, hey. Wake up. We're here..." Nothing. She was out cold. He furrowed his brow.

    After climbing out of the car, Ryder made his way around to the passenger side door and open it up. He unbuckled her seat belt and leaned into the car backwards. Pulling Elisa's arms over his shoulders, he slipped his hands under her thighs and lifted her off the seat. Ryder shut the door with the heel of his foot and gave her a piggie-back ride to the front door. It was unlocked fortunately and when he got inside, Ryder locked it behind them. There was no way he would make it all the way up the stairs. Instead, he carried her into the living room. Ryder set Elisa down on the couch and went to grab two blankets. He put one on Elisa and set the other one down on the couch beside her. He peeled her shoes off her feet and carried them back to the entrance, kicking his off as he did so.

    Ryder went back to the living room and curled up on the opposite end, wrapping the blanket around him. He left his jacket on the coffee table with his hat on top of it. Ryder sighed heavily, giving Elisa one last glance, then went to sleep on the couch beside her.
  19. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    Hey guys New Years is just around the corner. So what's everyone decided there resolution for the New Year going to be? I know mine's gonna be something like learning how to Ice-Skate. I mean it can't be too far off from rollerblading.

    Hm... I'd like to do something about my personal relationships... I can take those Tucker.

    "Oh, uh, sure! Thanks!" he said as she got his clothes. Tucker kind of wanted to follow her and help her out, since she seemed to be doing so much for him already but he didn't want to leave Dennis or Evan plus, she had left his side so quickly. He never really thought about new year resolutions. His lips pressed together in thought. "I guess I just want to keep people happy." he said with a nod. He did feel like he's been upsetting and troubling people lately.

    Aside from being thrown into the snow, did you get here all right? It sure took you a long time to get here. I was starting to think you weren't coming.

    He could feel her body lean close to his, causing him to tense up a bit but he didn't move away, only slightly jumped when she poked his side playfully. He let out a small laugh (mostly to mask his slightly awkward feeling), "Aside that, I'm doing alright. Yeah, sorry for my tardiness, been a little rough lately... at home... at the shelter... and felt kind of sad after the funeral but that's not the matter, it's party time!" he grinned cheekily.

    Soon, they were joined by more - being Ryder and Elisa. It made his heart hurt a bit seeing them, knowing it must have been very hard for them recently but he decided to live up to his new-found new year's resolution and make them smile. They all chatted together, laughed and told stories. It was a good time. A great distraction.

    Dennis and Evan left first, and Ryder and Elisa followed them. He stood by Maria as he watched them get into their cars and go. Once the front door was shut he cleared his throat, stuffing his left hand in his pocket. He looked over at her with a smile before he looked down at his watch, "I should probably get going too, it's getting late." he muttered. His chestnut eyes looked up at the blonde girl, "My clothes should be good now, right?"
  20. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    Things were unfolding rather uncomfortably. Two girls one Oliver ... not to mention, Pierce's mother would likely be home at some point.

    He watched as Pierce eventually left his side to go ... err, tend to Sophie. While she did that, he took a step back and retreated to the bedroom to grab his plate out of her room. Making sure his keys were in the pocket of his jacket, he ran his fingers through his hair and breathed out. It was a long night. Their brief, awkward, stutter-filled night was a memorable one.

    He didn't exactly want to say good bye to them, because he found it melodramatic. He wasn't sure what to say or how to go about it, so he tried to be as cool and casual as he could. His feet carried him to the kitchen where he threw away leftovers and placed his plate in the sink, and then he went back to the front door to slip on his dried shoes.

    I'm off, Pierce! He called from the doorway. He felt like he was fleeing the scene and maybe he was. It's late. Talk to you later. Happy New Year.

    He didn't wait for a reply and closed the door behind him, moving straight for his car and backing out of the parking lot as quickly as possible.

    That was emotional and not cool at all.

    He drove home to see Reed's car in one of their designated parking space. He groaned and seriously considered sleeping in his car before finally dragging himself out.

    Once inside, he shrugged off his jacket, kicked off his shoes and went straight to his room. The door was locked and lights turned off before he plopped down onto his mattress and tried to get some sleep.

    Females were unnecessarily complicated. Maybe he should reach out and taste the rainbow a little bit.

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