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Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Jayn, Nov 12, 2012.

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  1. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    Duncan stood up gingerly and stretched. His body audibly piping as he worked out the kinks of sleep. He then went into the bathroom and splashed water on his face before examining it. Did he look a little gaunt? Pfft. Whatever,. His stomach rumbled as he dried his face off and returning to the room, he realized there seemed to be no breakfast tray either this morning, but that was alright. He rummaged through their things and discovered food. Food that he didn't want, his eyes felt tingly as he noted that he wanted breakfast and not any breakbut his mother's breakfast, not that he missed her or anything.

    He straightened his hair then his skully and quietly left the shared hotel room. He couldn't get Mom 's home cooking but he would just have to settle for the next best thing. Whatever they had for breakfast downstairs. Woo. He trudged down there and tried not to think abysmal thoughts, instead focusing on pancakes and how they should think about heading to Brookridge, well, at least he should.he maybe still had family there. His reverie was burst by a bit of a commotion down there. Two blonds from his little group was with an officer. This could not be good. As he neared the group, he caught the tail wind of the German girl's plea. His mind whirled and he stood up behind her, tossing his hesitancy to the wind because if they were caught then they might investigate their room and find the gathering of teens in their hotel. Duncan respectfully removed his skully and gazed into the officer's eyes. "Please, sir. She is telling the truth. We are just tourist and as you can see, our friend is very sick. Can you put her down? I mean she has an eye injury so can you give her some mercy? The incident was very recent and she's just still shaken." All partially true so that is why Jt wads so easy to say. He straightened his spine and spoke again before the security guard could speak. "We'll aren't staying for long and I am sure you don't want to look like a bad guy. Let us take our friend, and we will make sure she takes her meds and settles down. Okay, sir?"
  2. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    [ OOC : SIGH. ]
    [ DAY : 61 - 1/3 ] [ JANUARY 29, 2013 ] [ LOCATION : OUTSIDE // LOBBY ]


    Harley saw Bernie walk to the dining room as he walked into the hotel with his hands in his pocket. He'd had plenty time to think, but . . . Never felt like it was enough. He looked at the clock on his phone, and then pulled out his new wallet and looked at the several cards in there.

    Finally, he'd gotten a real ID. And some other things. Forged documents, etc . . . He'd claimed guardianship of the others that were under seventeen. His name was Hiram Jefferson, he was twenty-three-years-old, and he was on a road trip with some friends and family.
    The clerk greeted him and he began to converse with the middle-aged man. "It's just a road trip." he lied, "We'll be checking out some time today, I think."

    He continued to talk to the clerk for a while, and then he found that he was watching Duncan and Bernie trying to console a security officer that had a sick-looking Madeline draped over his shoulder. He clicked his tongue and walked over to the group.

    "Hey," he called out, and the officer looked at him, "I'd appreciate it if you sat my cousin down." he said, "She's sick, can't you see? Treating her like that . . . I could sue your ass if I wanted to." He didn't if he actually could, but it sounded good and he really wasn't in the mood. "Put her down, please."

    For several long moments he and the officer had a stare-down. Stubbornly, the office complied and set Madeline down. She looked a little wobbly, so he put his arm around her shoulder for support. The guard left and Harley turned to Madeline, "You look like shit." he told her bluntly, mostly annoyed, "What'd you do, stuff your face? None of us have eaten decently in days. Should've known that it was bad to gorge yourself."

    He looked at Bernie, "We need to get all of our stuff together, we're moving by the end of the day." He then looked at the sick, stupid one, "You need to get cleaned up. Your eye needs stitches, too. I'll set up an appointment for that later."

    - - -​

    { DAY : 61 - 1/3 } { JANUARY 29, 2013 } { LOCATION : KITCHEN }

    xxxx . . .
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    xxxxxx . . .

    Kallisti sat quietly in the kitchen, haven woken up before Devyn did. She was surprised to be alive, to say the least, and to say the most, she was glad to still be breathing. Taking the liberty of making breakfast, her only company was Chestnut, who seemed thrilled to see her, or have some company. She smiled at him and moved along as she hummed.

    She wondered if Devyn played any instruments . . . It was thought to ask her when she woke up.

    Waking up beside her had been . . . interesting. There had been no bag. Curious. Her face wasn't unattractive, deformed, or anything else. She was rather pretty. Kallisti wondered why she didn't like her appearance. It was probably best not to ask her about it.

    When done making breakfast, she set the table, and sat down, humming gently and waiting for her . . . What could she call Devyn? Certainly not a friend.


    Kallisti scoffed. "Shut up, Kal . . ." she murmured.


    "Kal." she said. "I am not in the mood for your negativity."

    Kallisti covered her mouth, realizing that she was talking out loud, and then sighed.

  3. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    "How about $30,000?"


    "ohohoh? your a tough one....how about $25,000?"


    ".....your quite the negotiator....$22,000?"


    "Alright fine! $20,000 and thats my final offer"

    ".......good enough"

    "Great! now Mr. Solomon would you please follow me as we fill out some forms and speak of payment"

    Listening to the jolly fat man that looked nothing like Santa Claus, Septimus let out a sigh as as he nodded and followed the man into the office. Haven woken up quite early in the morning, Septimus worked along side Harley and managed to finally sort the problem they had with id and other important documents. The name he went by on his fake ID was that of Setanta Solomon, a 25 year old traveller that had arrived with a few friends. He was always said to look older than he truly was and because of this it only made the deceit much more stronger. As he took a seat and awaited the paperwork, Septimus took out his phone and began to type a message over to Harley

    The message was small but it was merely an attempt to get the point over at Harley. Since they were being apparently followed they had to stay cautious even when sending messages such as the one he just sent. The vehicle he chose was a minivan which was in great condition. With the eight of them they really needed something they didn't have to squish into and something that would also be able to carry their stuff. He could have gone for something used, but with their situation they really couldn't afford to buy something that could possibly breakdown on them. Once the paperwork arrived and the payment issue was over, the two shook hands and Septimus obtained himself a vehicle.
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    WEARING LATEST TUMBLR UPDATE OOC: no i just can't wait 2 b king

    Her vision was going black by the time she was set down. Her head was pounding and her small body was shaking. Three familiar voices had reached her ears in this time. Why couldn't she ever be alone? She didn't want these people. Her heart drummed in her chest. The security guard left but Harley was there, telling her how terrible she looked. She didn't need it.

    "Fuck off..."

    Yanking her shoulder away, her forehead creased with a scowl. Harley said something about her eye needing stitched. She didn't want stitches. The nurse at the clinic had given her two options -- dig out the remaining and get the hole stitched up and closed, or get a prosthetic. Madeline didn't want an eye patch. She wasn't a fucking pirate!!

    Without waiting, Madeline pulled herself away from the group, skipping the elevator and running to the staircase. She needed a shower, and then she needed to get the hell out of there. She wanted nothing to do with this group anymore. Fuck teamwork. She wanted to be alone, or dead. Her fingers felt greasy and her stomach unsettled. Amazingly enough, she was still hungry. Starving, actually. Tears fell again but she wiped them away, smearing jam on her cheek and over her eyelid.

    Sliding the key rather aggressively, Madeline swung the door open, not necessarily meaning to be rude. She was feeling more frantic and on edge than angry. Anyone who was near the bathroom was pushed out of the way once she grabbed a change of clothes. She yanked the door open and slammed it behind her, locking it and wasting no time stripping and stepping into the tub.
  5. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    My Glorious TumblrxxxxxxxxMusicxxxxxxxOutfitxxxxxxxxxx
    In her dream she was in the middle of the ruins of Brookridge, standing, alone. No one else was there and she felt that rush only ghost towns give. She heard a high pitched whizzing noise and knew it was another bomb. Jessie ran quickly over to another building and ran inside. The bomb went off but it had not effected her in that room.

    She heard a chiming sound that slowly turned into a tune. She looked around frantically, it was another music box, she couldn't make the same mistake again. Not twice. Jessie frantically searched everywhere as the tune played. She opened up a floor board and saw the music box there, she picked it up and smashed it across the floor.

    Seriously? Did you think I'd pull the same trap twice?
    The kill learns after the first time.

    Jessie was silent as she heard another music box start up. She started searching for that one and found it in a pile of rubble.

    *sighs* Did you not hear what I just said?

    Jessie smashed the music box against the floor and as she did it detonated the bomb.

    Jessie woke up immediately at the sound of a door slam. She moved her hair out of her face and sat up to look around. She stretched and got herself out of bed and made it, despite that being a housekeeper's job. She started to ask questions not knowing if someone was indeed there to answer them, "Did I miss something? Who just ran into the bathroom?"

    She yawned and sat on the bed, reflecting on her nightmare with a saddened face as she spoke, "Are they okay?"
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2017
  6. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    [ DAY : 61 - 2/3 ] [ JANUARY 29, 2013 ] [ LOCATION : LOBBY // HOTEL ROOM ]


    "Fuck off . . ."

    Madeline weakly pushed off his body and disappearing to the stairway. She was probably going back to the room. Ugh. He didn't have time to be taking care of little girl Maddy. Harley could understand that she was feeling like complete shit, and that no one wanted to be in a good mood or act nicely when they were like that, but she really need to get her shit together or do them all a favor and off herself.

    Harley wasn't sure if he meant that last bit or not.

    His phone vibrated in his pocket and he looked down at it. Septimus. Fantastic, they had transportation now. He tapped a reply up.

    Bring it to the back of the hotel.
    We'll be packing up and moving
    out from this building, to another
    one down the block.

    He turned to Bernie and Duncan, "C'mon, we've gotta get ready to ditch this place." he told them, and then went up to the hotel room. His first sense was that Madeline was now showering. He knocked on the door, "Don't drown yourself," he said, half-teasing, "We need to talk soon, too. We're getting ready to leave, so we'll wait for you."

    Harley explained to the others what was going on, and then began to wait for Septimus to reply to him.

  7. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    He took in all that had happen and felt sorry for the one eyed girl named Madeline. It must have been horrid to lose an eye, not that he cared about her or anything. Once they returned to the hotel room, he was mulling over the most recent events and a bit of his soccer training kicked in. He turned to the little one named Bernadette and with a half smile he said, "Good job...with everything." She was a little workaholic, from bringing the cart of food in with the Sario girl, to helping out Madeline. He knew how important it was to keep up morale, so in an effort to keep some sanity in this forlorn gathering. He decided to try to start with boosting her morale, since she seemed so supportive, despite being a foreigner in a new country, then getting forced into coming to another new country.

    He straightened his clothing and listened to Harley inform them about their next step and began to keep himself busy by helping out and packing things into separate bags, even grabbing a black and white colored backpack for himself before setting other backpacks aside and putting supplies into them. The shower was running so he glanced towards the door and took stock of who was outside and who was in. Either the other dark haired boy was in the shower, or Madeline had closed herself off in their, and since she headed this way and was not outside, he concluded that she was the one in there. He hoped for all their sakes that she'd be okay. He kind of felt like she might snap...and kill them all.

    He shook his head and tried to clear them from negative thoughts like that. He tried to think of one of the many lame sayings his mother would and found that none would fit a situation as bizarre like this. Instead, Duncan merely sighed and began to preform useless chores to distract himself.
  8. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    Devyn had forgotten to close the curtains when she climbed into bed last night, so when the light of day poured into the room, she shifted and groaned. Honestly, though, she did not feel that tired. In fact, she felt quite rested and rejuvenated. It was strange, considering how early she was up. Twisting around under the blankets, she opened her eyes. A few minutes later, she was alert and ready to start the day. Carefully, she pulled the sheets back over her face and pulled the bag over her head, just in case, gingerly walking out onto the patio to grab her dried mask and fasten it under her veil.

    When she reentered the house, she finally noticed a few things. One, was that Kallisti was gone (had she...seen?)...The second thing stopped the panic from starting, as she could smell food coming from the kitchen. What...time was it? Without checking, she sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled her key out, routinely checking the music box for any changes. None. That was bad. What was it? Day...Sixty something, now? It had been a nice little vacation, but she had to get back to work. A good chunk had been eliminated at her playpen, but that chunk wasn't enough. She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth and sighed.

    When she was done, she tucked it away and slipped on a pair of house shoes, travelling to the kitchen. Pancakes, bacon, eggs and hash browns awaited her. Yum. Her eyes scanned the room until they settled on Kallisti, who had her hand over her mouth. Strange.

    Good morning, Kallisti.

    This was uncomfortable for her. She took a seat, and grabbed her fork, snapping her fingers at her side. Chestnut ran over and licked them affectionately. Using the fork, Devyn took a bit of each food and placed it on her plate. Then, she lowered the plate down to watch Chestnut's reaction. He sniffed it, and then stared at her, waiting for permission to devour. Permission was denied, but it was nice to know the food wasn't poisoned. Lifting the plate again, she made a more suitable serving for herself.

    I am surprised to see you still here. Are you not planning on running away?
  9. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    { OOC : I'M SO COLD. }
    { DAY : 61 - 2/3 } { JANUARY 29, 2013 } { LOCATION : KITCHEN }

    xxxx . . .
    xxxxxxxxx . . .
    xxxxxx . . .
    "Good morning, Kallisti."

    She looked over her shoulder and saw Devyn, bag over her head. Kallisti frowned. She supposed it was too much to ask for Devyn to keep off the bag. Kallisti removed the hand from her mouth and smiled. "Good morning, Devyn."

    Kallisti watched as the other girl made a plate and then laid it down to Chestnut. She looked at the other girl strangely for the motion, but shrugged it off. DON'T YOU RECOGNIZE? SHE WAS CHECKING TO SEE IF YOU POISONED IT. Kallisti coughed and looked away for a moment.

    "I am surprised to see you still here. Are you not planning on running away?"

    Her attention was caught again, and she gave a light laugh, "If I did that, you would come to find me and kill me more violently than you already have planned." she said, as if they might be talking about the weather. "Unless . . . You want me to leave you?" she asked, and Kal laughed loudly in her head.

  10. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    The food was good. A bit different from how she would have prepared it, but good. Devyn ate and tried to stay casual, even if she did not feel that way. Yesterday, she had been so close...it was still so disappointing. Her eyes cast down to her breakfast and her right foot started tapping absently against the kitchen tile.

    If I did that, you would come to find me and kill me more violently than you already have planned . . . Unless . . . You want me to leave you?

    She might have choked if she hadn't already swallowed the mouthful of food. Instead, she flipped her mask back on and lifted her chin. Her head tilted. Kallisti was...Oh.

    I do not care. It would make it easier to kill you, if you tried to leave.

    It was honest. The moment Kallisti tried to run she would feel no more attachment or reason to skirt around anything. It may be a good thing for her, really. Apart of her anticipated Kallisti's ... rebellion so much because she wanted it. She longed for a chase. At the same time...

    Hoping she was not expecting anything overly emotional, Devyn moved on.

    Last night I summoned Crestatia,she said plainly. I asked her about having more than one winner. She told me I could make a deal for two, if I really wanted to, but I am unsure... The fork dragged across the surface of the now-empty plate, sending a shiver down her back. Her head started to ache, eyebrows mashed together and lips pressed in a thin line.

    I do not think you have it in you to kill your friends. More specifically, Harley Jackson...Madeline Moore.
  11. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    « Updates Interactions: Duncan Location: Hotel Room//Lobby Day: 33 (61 & 2/3) Wearing »
    "C'mon, we've gotta get ready to ditch this place." Harley said after Madeline's horrid departure. He followed after her a moment later and left Bernadette standing in the lobby with Duncan.

    She had begun to follow after him when Duncan spoke up, surprising her. "Good job...with everything."
    Bernie blushed and rubbed her arm awkwardly. "Oh, uh... Danke. I'm jist tryin' ta' keep things calm und postive." She gave him an embarrassed smile and motioned towards the elevator. "Vee should git bahk und pack." She walked over to the elevator and pressed the button. After a moment it dinged and the stainless steel doors slid open revealing the small compartment. Bernie walked in and held the open button until Duncan got in. When the doors slid open to the fifth floor and she slid her room key into their door, everyone was awake and buzzing.
    [OOC: --- Wearing!! Client: --- Location: Hotel Room Day: 61 2/3 Tuesday January 29th, 2013]

    When Harley entered the room, she smiled warmly at him. "Good morning." Everyone seemed so preoccupied with Madeline. How annoying. He talked about leaving. Best be getting to it then. "If we are to depart today, then we best get everything together and leave very shortly. Checkout will be soon and since they do not know we are leaving early, we will have to make a call to the front desk. Afterwards, we will have a few hours before we can check into any place new, as check-in is not until three at most hotels and motels." The thought of staying at some crummy motel disgusted her, but Marina brushed it off, for now. She moved over to the phone and dialed 0.

    "Ah, hello. Yes, everything has been wonderful. Thank you. I was just calling down to let you know that we will be checking out today instead. Yes, 519. Oh, thank you. Yes. You too. Bye." She turned back to the others and smiled before picking up the backpack she had sitting on the bed. "We just need to head down to the desk when we are ready to get the bill squared away. Did we find transportation?"
  12. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    { DAY : 61 - 2/3 } { JANUARY 29, 2013 } { LOCATION : KITCHEN }

    xxxx . . .
    xxxxxxxxx . . .
    xxxxxx . . .

    "I don't care. It would make it easier to kill you, if you tried to leave."

    Kallisti hummed in reply and they continued to eat. She hadn't expected any sort of reply that seemed overly attached, as Devyn seemed to be an extremely rational person.

    "Last night I summoned Crestatia," Kallisti looked up at the girl with raised eyebrows. It seemed to be a common thing, summoning Crestatia, so she didn't comment on it. "I asked her about having more than one winner. She told me I could make a deal for two, if I really wanted to, but I am unsure . . ."

    Two winners? Why? What did Deyvn have to earn by telling her that? RED ALERT. Kal . . .

    "I do not think you have it in you to kill your friends. More specifically, Harley Jackson . . . Madeline Moore."


    At their mention, Kallisti coughed, choking a little on her coffee. "You . . . are right." she replied, setting down her cup, "Why would you as Crestatia about two winners? I did not think you cared about the others, the rest. Myself, more specifically - thought that is a little pig-headed of me." She trailed her finger around the rim of the cup.

  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    WEARING!! LATEST TUMBLR UPDATE OOC: booty booty booty booty

    The shower was uneventful. Madeline skipped her hair and focused on getting the smell of food off of her body, along with the filth under her nails. The hospital soap smelled of honey and made her nauseous, but it was better than the scent of grease and bland vanilla yogurt. When she was through, she stepped out of the tub and got dressed, using a disposable toothbrush to brush her teeth and tongue and wash her face. She wasn't feeling perfect, but she was feeling better than this morning.

    It was becoming more and more apparent that she was a nuisance. During the past few days, she had stayed quiet and tried to stay out of the way, but that was apparently not enough. The air was thick with annoyance as she stepped out of the bathroom. Honestly, it hurt her. Especially now that she was alone. It didn't seem to matter what she did. If she was involved and vocal, she was an annoying bitch. If she was quiet and detached, she was annoying baggage.

    She took a seat, prepared to leave when they started out the door. Thoughts like earlier, about her childhood, were coming up more often. Everything seemed to be reminding her of her past. Her father's departure, her mother's descent into depression...Uncle Reed, his girlfriend and Reuben. Her weight gain and subsequent eating disorder. The loneliness, manipulation, and fake-personality. Her growing interest in cosplay and other stupid things, mostly to take her mind off of the prostitution...and then, Thomas' advances.

    He loved her, but she didn't give a single shit about him until he nearly died. Why? Because it was proof that he cared for her. Someone cared for her. It was selfish. It had nothing to do with him, she was just ecstatic that someone saw something in her and almost died for it.

    Then there was Quin, who always seemed to show up in the midst of a break-down. Helping her in the hallway, being the first time. Another person who went out of their way to give a shit. Maybe it was nothing to do with her as a person, either. Maybe it could have been anyone. Then there was Elliot, who had made her heart race just by killing someone in defensive of her -- well, them both. Harley had caught her interest just by lugging her around. Temperance, too, by giving her tissue and crying with her.

    Madeline...was beginning to think she had never been in love before. Not really. It could be anyone. So long as someone cared. Her arms wrapped around her waist and her nails dug into her sides. Anyone. Just anyone. Someone. She just wanted a friend, maybe. No one liked her, though. Madeline didn't even like herself. She was a bad person, and whenever she tried to be useful, she fell flat on her face, or annoyed someone. Same for when she tried to rid them of herself.

    There was a lot of anger and hurt down there, too. Buried and boiling under the surface. It made her want to scream. Feeling hungry, feeling fat, feeling sick, feeling alone, feeling used. It all made her want to scream and hurt someone. If not herself, someone else.

    Madeline gasped, feeling her fingernails piercing the skin over her rib-cage. She released herself and wiped the blood over her dark leggings before anyone noticed. She had to get out of here. She stood shakily and returned to the bathroom to wipe the small amount of blood away, and any trace from her undershirt, returning soon after and taking a seat again silently, a far-away look on her face.
  14. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    [ OOC : . . . ]
    [ DAY : 61 - 2/3 ] [ JANUARY 29, 2013 ] [ LOCATION : HOTEL ROOM ]


    "Morning, Marina," Harley greeted with a smile, grabbing her hand and twirling her around. He listened as she called up the front desk and confirmed their departure.

    "We just need to head down to the desk when we are ready to get the bill squared away. Did we find transportation?"

    Harley nodded, slipping into a chair, "Septimus should message me back about, then we can pack it up." He then motioned to the restroom, looking out the window, "Just waiting for little Maddy to get her act together. I'll tell you . . . I feel for her, but we don't have time for this. Not now." He sighed tiredly, feeling like he was years older now. Haha, if only he could live that long . . .

    He rubbed at his face. "We we get there, I'll tell you about what I saw in that building . . ."

    He looked down at the crowd and saw something suspicious. Across the road, there was someone standing, looking up at all of the buildings. They seemed to be looking for something. Harley closed the drapes, and leaned away from the window.

  15. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    You . . . are right. Why would you ask Crestatia about two winners? I did not think you cared about the others, the rest. Myself, more specifically - though that is a little pig-headed of me.

    Devyn pushed her plate to the side and leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs in thought. They were honestly nothing more than imaginary friends -- or opponents, to her. None of them existed. The only way they could is if they won. There was no shame in eliminating them or progressing, when you thought of it strategically. Day 100 was right around the corner and if she had any chance of becoming a true Player, she would need to end it before then.

    I am not sure I do.She started, carefully. It would have been nice not to have to worry about killing you. I like you, Kallisti Lein. I like you enough not to kill you, if I do not have to...

    Without delay, she stood and started to gather the dirty dishes, walking to the sink to wash them up.

    Shame, shame...
    Devyn was murmuring mostly to herself, but would not have minded if Kallisti heard. When she was finished, she wiped her hands of dishwater and opened a cabinet stocked with dog food. As she hefted a bag over her shoulder and placed it down near Chestnut's bowl, he came to meet her. ❝...I have things to do tonight. You may come with me, or you can stay here. I do not mind either way. They are things you will not be too pleased about, after all.
  16. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    [OOC: ---Wearing!! Location: Hotel RoomMood: Melancholy Day: 61 2/3]
    "... Why are you returning?!" He was seething frustration.

    "There's something I have to take care of." she replied simply. Temperance didn't want to give anything away. She couldn't let him know what happened.

    He frowned at her. "So are you gonna tell me the whole story yet?"

    She stared blankly in the direction of the parking lot. "I did tell you."

    "And yet you're returning so soon?" He was clearly skeptical. There was no hiding that fact. It was understandable, but she just couldn't tell him.

    "I need to get my things. That's all. No need for you to come with." It was a partial truth. If she planned on going anywhere with him, she needed to pack the few belongings she had at his house.

    "Temperance. there's more to this, right?" Of course there was more. Obviously.'

    "It doesn't matter." she snapped. Why couldn't he just butt out?

    "Sister! Why're you going off acting like this?!" His frustration was now radiating off of him as he stepped closer.

    "It doesn't MATTER!" Temperance moved away from Cherno. His proximity would only make her cave and she couldn't do that. She needed to clean everything up without involving him. He would hate her if he saw what she did--what she was capable of.

    "Temperance! That place is dangerous. You're gonna get hurt! I'm coming with you." Would he never learn? She didn't need a knight.

    "No! It's not dangerous ANYMORE... You're NOT coming with. You just--you don't understand!" She stormed through the parking lot of the hospital and further away from him. She could call a cab to bring her back. Temperance heard footsteps behind her as he followed, but she kept moving and her speed picked up. Finally, there was silence around her.

    Her phone vibrated in her pocket as she climbed into a cab. It turned down the street in the direction of her father's duplex.
    Jeez! Would he not leave her alone? Three messages. He talks about how they need to keep feelings in check, and yet he barades her in messages the moment she leaves his side? This was... This was--she wanted to break something.

    She replied finally.

    Temperance followed up with a second message.
    A heart beat or two later it vibrated in her hand.

    She shook her head as the car turned down her father's street. Idiot, you're not the one who should be apologizing. The stupid genius would never learn. As the car pulled up to the house, a chill radiated down her spine.
    The memory had been haunting her since the moment she woke up. Why couldn't he just leave her alone. He was dead now. Dead and gone. It was time to move past it, but grief filled her. It would not leave. She felt as shitty as Madeline had been looking the last couple of days, but had done a better job at hiding it. Her anger and bitchy attitude concealed the hurt and loneliness she felt. He had been a constant over the last 61 days. As much as she didn't want a knight, she could count on Cherno to be there for her. He had proved that the moment he came barreling through the convenience store during the flood. He was there for her and now... now he was just gone.

    She fought back the urge to cry again. They already had one sniveling bitch to deal with. Only the weak cry. She could bring him back, but did she want to? It was something that kept crossing her mind. He never brought her back. If he cared as much as he had been trying not to say he did, then why did he never bring her back? Why did he wait until they had a second chance and just prevent her death, rather than bringing her back much sooner? He had gone on about memory issues, but she never noticed anything wrong with his memory, other than not knowing who Olivia was. Olivia seemed so giggly and excited about the idea and had explained some to her, but she just could not believe it.

    Everyone was buzzing and getting ready to leave. She glanced over at Madeline who had finally come back from the bathroom. She looked more off than usual, but Temperance shook it off. That memory was shaking her up. She could feel something stirring inside her. She wanted to leave and leave right now. Her eyes drifted to Harley briefly. She never did talk to him, but given recent events, she wasn't sure if she still wanted to tell him. He might actually try to stop her. Did she still want to go through with it? She had been so sure of her actions. Even after their talk with Chester. Would she end up in a new game with her memories but a new face and surroundings? Would she want that? It would give her a one-up, but would she even be a pawn in that game, or just someone that was forced to sit on the sidelines and watch?

    Temperance jumped to her feet, crammed all of the clothes into her duffel bag and glared at the others. "I'm going to wait downstairs." Without another word, she stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut behind her. She was suffocating in there. Temperance needed air and couldn't breath with all of them in such a closed space. This was annoying. The elevator would be suffocating as well, so she made her way to the stairwell and stormed down the many flights of stairs until she reached the lobby.

    There were people everywhere. Stupid. Her green eyes searched for the door and once it was in sight, she moved to it. She was so fed up with everyone. There was bench outside the hotel and she sat down on it, resting the bag at her feet. The cold Candiah January air was refreshing. It helped calm her nerves.
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Harley had caught Marina off guard by taking her hand and spinning her. It lasted but a moment since she called the front desk, but it was sweet none-the-less. Her blues eyes stayed on him as he took a seat and began talking once more. "Septimus should message me back about that, then we can pack it up." He then motioned to the restroom, looking out the window, "Just waiting for little Maddy to get her act together. I'll tell you . . . I feel for her, but we don't have time for this. Not now." Madeline came out a moment later. Harley looked so tired. This whole thing with his cousin must have been eating at him more than he let on. He rubbed at his face. "When we get there, I'll tell you about what I saw in that building . . ." Oh. That was surprising. she had not expected to ever learn what he saw.

    "I'm going to wait downstairs." Well then. Marina rolled her eyes before moving to sit on the armrest of the chair. She leaned over Harley and wrapped an arm comfortingly around his shoulders and stroked the top of his head.

    "All right then. You do not--you do not have to tell me, if you are not ready." She smiled at him reassuringly before looking at the others. "We should probably head down as well. We can meet Septimus in the lobby if he has acquired a vessel for us to transport to the next hotel or motel." she said, unable to hide the disgust in her voice. How trivial it was and yet old habits die hard. She did not do well with grime and low income. Those days foraging for food and scrounging for places to sleep during the bombings had been unbelievable torture. The others might find her shallow for it, but it was just who she was. Marina unwrapped herself from Harley's side and moved to help Bernadette who was packing up the neat piles. The girl seemed rather organization prone. She helped keep everything separated in the appropriate bags and filled her backpack with a few miscellaneous items.

    Marina turned back to the others, pulling on her jacket and mittens. "Shall we?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

    [OOC: --- Wearing Client: Harley Location: Hotel Room Day: 61 2/3 Tuesday January 29th, 2013]
  18. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Johnny was walking down the street with his headphones on, music blaring, as he thought about that odd E-mail he had received. It just appeared in his Inbox out of the blue. He thought more about it, but he just decided to forget about it. He was sure that nothing could possibly happen to him just because of some stupid E-mail that was more likely than not just Spam. He continued down the street for his walk that he took almost everyday. These walks of his would let him think and reflect on what happened during the day and what he could do the next. In the midst of thinking, a stranger man appears in front of him, blocking his way. Johnny tries to just walk around him, but the man continues to get in his way. "Excuse me," He said as he pulled his headphones off his ears. All he wanted to do was taking his usual walk and think and then go home. That was all. But then, the stranger looks at him and says, "You got that E-mail, right?"

    No way, his mind couldn't process what he had just heard. He tried to play it cool and quipped, "So what if I did?" The stranger, grinning after hearing the response, reached into his jacket and pulled a gun from inside. Johnny's eyes widened in terror. No way, he thought again. There's just no way that E-mail, could be real, could it? Everything seemed to be normal, he didn't want to believe that nonsensical E-mail, but in that moment, another thought raced into his mind. Run.

    He ran as fast as his legs would allow him. Turning down streets he had never been to before, he rushed down each one in the hopes of losing this guy as he turned each corner. But it was no good, the guy kept up with him, the gun still in his hand. "What the hell do you want from me!?" Nothing. No answer from the stranger. Keep running, or you are going to die. He didn't want to believe it, but that was the situation he found himself in. As he ran past a hotel, he shouted at him, "Just leave me alone, dammit!"
  19. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Temperance stormed off for whatever reason, and then Marina spoke.

    "We should probably head down as well. We can meet Septimus in the lobby if he has acquired a vessel for us to transport to the next hotel or motel."

    Septimus was taking a bit, and it was annoying her, clear from the expression on her face. She wanted out...now. A change of location was highly necessary. Without complaining, she stood up, grabbed what she could to help, and left the hotel room. The lobby felt further away than it had earlier, maybe due to how self-conscious she felt traveling down the halls. When she left the stairs and arrived at the front desk, she noticed a 'wet floor' cone, no doubt placed after the hotel staff's clean up of her mess. Her face fell from agitated into something blank and vacant again. Her feet carried her outside again.

    The fresh air felt alright enough, but she wanted spring. How many days would that be? They wouldn't make it to spring, would they? She didn't care enough to actually calculate.

    Temperance sat outside on a bench. Madeline thought about joining her on it, but then digressed, instead holding the couple of bags she had grabbed close to her chest and standing a bit away on the sidewalk, keeping an eye out for anyone mysterious and quiet with a new car.

    "Just leave me alone, dammit!"

    Madeline jumped, her shoulders stiffening in surprise. Some kid ran passed her, followed by a strange man in black. She rolled her eyes. This country was not much different from America, obviously. It wasn't until a few seconds later that she registered something. Someone in black; with a long hood billowing behind him. Oh, shit. Taking a step back, Madeline glanced to the side of her. Temperance seemed to be the only one really paying attention. She wasn't sure what to do. It was amazing the man hadn't noticed the rest of them. Why was he after that boy, though? Was he...on the list? Unsure of what to do, she swiveled around again for someone -- anyone else. Anyone. She glared towards Temperance, not angry with her, but frustrated with the situation.

    "Did you...notice..." Her voice trailed off. She wasn't completely sure if Temperance had bothered hearing her.

    It's not like she had a weapon on her. Maybe if she did... Well, fuck. Okay. It was just one guy, yeah? Growing a pair, Madeline dropped her bags and ran back into the hotel, eyes searching for security. Once she found them, she put on the most distressed face she could manage and spoke.

    "...There's a kid being chased by someone with a weapon outside." Her voice was dry, mostly because she didn't really give a personal shit, just thought she should do something. At first, they stared at her and she feared that they would recognize her from earlier and think her crazy. Instead, one of the three on duty nodded at her and picked up a phone, calling in for backup. ...So, maybe it was a bit different from America.

    He stood and the four of them exited the hotel. Madeline scooped her bags up again and trailed slightly behind the officers, stopping before she reached them completely. She couldn't hear what was going on, but a crowd was gathering. The boy and the hood-guy hadn't gotten too far when she thought she heard one of the security guys billow out;


    Or something else typical. Calming down, Madeline sighed and waited for the scene to clear. Instead, the security guard suddenly dropped to the ground and a shot rang out. Madeline shook her head back and forth and crouched down, moving back under the hotel's umbrella. Her eyes gazed up at the sky, the same as many of the other's who had gathered.

    "THERE'S SOMEONE ON THE ROOF OVER THERE!" She heard a man yell. Two shots later, the other security guards dropped. Her breath caught in her throat, the sound of sirens blaring pierced through the sound of civilians screaming. Not long after, four cop cars that actually looked pretty American (well, this was a 'border' city) came into view, swerving and surrounding the corner of the sidewalk, where the boy was. She watched him scramble back as the hooded figure spun around towards the cop cars. Man, this was bad.

    A shot rang out and Madeline yelped, jumping back as glass shattered behind her. Then, with a meaningful glance at Temperance but not waiting, she ran in the opposite direction of the chaos, as fast as her legs could carry her. The bags were abandoned, but she kept the cell phone given to her. She rounded the corner and ran until she was behind the hotel, into a surprisingly clean alleyway. She could see the boy running down the street she heading was towards.

    "Hey, wait! WAIT, dammit!" Adrenaline rushed through her as she sprinted forward. The ground trembled and an explosion sounded. She pushed her palms over her ears and slowed to a stop, tripping a bit over gravel. In her peripheral, she could see one of the cop cars flipping in the air before slamming down in the middle of an intersection. "Holy shit..."

    Her eyes (well, one of 'em) settled on the stranger a bit ahead of her. "What the hell did you do?"

    Honestly, she knew it was one of Devyn's men but ... well, he was really going all out. Devyn really wasn't all that reserved, was she? Was this guy really just from the email?
  20. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    [OOC: ---Wearing Location: Outside Hotel//AlleyMood: Annoyed Day: 61 2/3]
    Temperance was just sitting there sifting through her thoughts when things started to go wrong. She heard the doors of the hotel open and close, but paid no mind to whomever came out. Lots of people were entering and exiting the large building. None of them mattered, not to her anyway. "Just leave me alone, dammit!" A boy came into view, being chased by hooded figure in black. Just fucking amazing. She didn't know him, but the cloaked man could only mean one thing. She rolled her eyes and groaned in frustration.

    "Did you...notice..." Oh. It was Madeline that had walked out of the building. Temperance had barely even heard her over the shouting and the brisk winter wind. By the time she turned her attention to the blond, she was already back inside. How lame. Temperance kicked at the bag, feeling the familiar shape of the machete inside. Her fingers stung as she thought about it, and stared down at the mittens absently for a moment. If anyone tried to mess with her, she would would easily take a swing at them.

    There was some more shouting and now Temperance was finally starting to get a grip on things. When the gunshots rang out, she jumped to her feet. This was getting dangerous. I just love a good gunfight in the morning, she thought sarcastically, groaning once more. Bodies were dropping and American police cars were coming into view now. What the hell did this fucker do? God Fucking dammit! Glass shattered behind her and she turned to see Madeline running, leaving her bags behind. Just great. She was going to make them lose the supplies they just fucking bought. Nope. Not happening.

    Temperance tossed her duffel bag over her shoulder and scooped up the bags Madeline had been carrying. They weighed her down, but they couldn't afford to lose them. She took off in the direction that the strawberry blond had gone--following after the boy that started this craziness. More gunshots sounded behind her. They really needed to get away from here and head to the next hotel. They weren't safe, not like they were ever safe, but still.
    As she reached the oddly clean alley, she looked around in surprise. Temperance huffed and puffed from carrying all the extra weight. She wanted to pull the machete out (just in case), but she didn't have the hands to hold it. She rounded the corner in time to hear Madeline say, "What the hell did you do?"

    "Hey!" she shouted at the dumb bitch that dropped her bags. "Take your damn bags." She tossed them at her before stepping closer and gripping the handle of the duffel bag (just in case). Temperance panted, cheeks red and puffy, and glared her dagger-like green eyes at the kid. "What the hell did you do?" she reiterated Madeline's question. If he was one of them, which would royally suck if he was, they would need to know why those cloaked guys were over this way. Obviously they knew about him, which meant they probably knew about the rest of them being at the hotel.

    All thoughts of Cherno and suicide were momentarily pushed to the back of her mind as she sized up the one causing them a new batch of problems. She slipped the phone out of her pocket briefly and sent a message to the others.

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