♛ ▌1 0 0 D A Y S ❣ 【OOC】

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Nov 6, 2012.


Movie Night ?

  1. Sync.

  2. Stream.

  3. I don't care.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Just to clarify because the video is fast and whatnot. All of my characters are alive, but Temperance and Marina are pending?
  2. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Yes .
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Map will continue to expand and grow as you guys discover things.

    S = Storage. Food, blankets, water, maybe some weapons can be found at these locations.

    E = Elevator shaft. Most will be empty, or will not open without a passcode.

    DARK RED = Big tunnel for a truck to drive through.

    QUESTION MARK = You haven't explored here yet.

    YOU = Where MOST of you guys are, or the 'camp' is.
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Day 2/3 is coming to a close. Tomorrow will be the last day in Day 50 and so far lack of initiative / activity does not warrant an extension. If you have something planned, please hurry up with it. I know where this is going at this point if this is the best everyone can collaboratively do.
  5. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    S = Storage. Food, blankets, water, maybe some weapons can be found at these locations.

    E = Elevator shaft. Most will be empty, or will not open without a passcode.

    DARK RED = Big tunnel for a truck to drive through.

    QUESTION MARK = You haven't explored here yet.

    YOU = Where MOST of you guys are, or the 'camp' is.

    E, H , Q = Where Ellios, Heidi and Quin are.
  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    S = Storage. Food, blankets, water, maybe some weapons can be found at these locations.

    E = Elevator shaft. Most will be empty, or will not open without a passcode.

    DARK RED = Big tunnel for a truck to drive through.

    QUESTION MARK = You haven't explored here yet.

    YOU = Where MOST of you guys are, or the 'camp' is.

    BROWN S = Sewers. Ew.
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Yoooo. END ARK (lol) 2.

    Please take this time to evaluate some things, come up with some fresh ideas, maybe new characters--if you'd like. The new opening will be posted when Days reopens, so if you would like to make a new character that would be in that video, please do so before I post again saying I'm not accepting anymore more (until the video is up).

    So. Overall I rate this C+. You guys got it together towards the end. Let's try to take that last minute mentality and kind of...spread it out, some, yeah?

    I'll be making a declaration video and killing some people, during the break, so look out for that. I'll also clean up the thread / catch-up on updates and whatnot.

    Thanks to everyone who actively participated tonight. Let's try and come back 3x as strong, okay? Make the break count!! Recharge!
  8. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Allow me to write a little tale for the heck of it as I test out new banners...
    Please do not kill me...
    Once there was a little boy, one who just never seemed to fit in. He didn't like sports, he didn't like girls... more importantly he did not like himself. He couldn't figure out why he was so different from the rest, he pretended to like the things a guy would like and it never worked out. He found out a little thing called MtFT. After researching it for a while he made a decision.
    The boy went up to his father, sat down at a table after making him a cake and set up a dinner for him. His father chuckled, and spoke as a joke.
    "J.L, you seem to be cooking and decorating as though you are a female."
    "Actually, dad... that's what I want to talk to you about."
    "Dad... what if I told you... I didn't want to be your son anymore..? I want to be your daughter."
    "I cannot tell if this is a joke or not."
    "I am not joking..."
    "If that's what will make you happy. Then I will be happy."
    That day his J.L. dropped the Louis and only kept the Jessie. And on the boy's Thirteenth birthday he officially became a she.
    And she had trouble being happy... because people kept thinking she was still a him.
  9. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Here is something I wrote up during the break

    As I lay here wounded and in pain I recall I time of my childhood, a precious memory I wish to never forget even until I grow old and senile…

    I remember a hospital, one that I visited many times. I can still recall my parents carrying me to that place and the amount of times I cried for them to stay with me. They told me that I was sick, that I needed to be brave and strong. I was merely a child at the time and could not understand the severity of the entire situation. I can still remember their smiles and attempts of encouragement, but nonetheless even as a child I still saw the sorrow in their eyes.

    Toys and sweets were nothing uncommon to me at the time. As I sat in the hospital I received everything a child would ever dream of having, but I didn’t want any of that, I just wanted to be with my mom and dad and to get out of the scary hospital. Their visits were common and as much as I wished to cry out to them I did what they asked me to do. I remained brave and strong, I placed a big smile on my face to tell them that nothing was wrong.

    The fear and tears soon stopped as I grew. The ignorant child that I was soon began to realize the truth and just why I was there in the first place. There was nothing to look forward to and in the end all that rested on my face was a fake smile. Time passed and though the usual procedures continued, something new occurred, something that changed me. A girl in her late teens was assigned to share my room. She was friendly and kind, but I was far too quiet. Other than the doctors and my parents, I never really managed to ever communicate with other and now that I could, I had nothing to say.

    “Hello there, my name is Maria. It’s nice to meet you” she said as she introduced herself to me with a bright and warm smile.

    “my name is Cas….er…C….just call me C” I replied softly. Casey was a name I dreaded and hated. As much as I hated to admit it my body wasn’t the most masculine one and my name definitely did not help that at all.

    “C…what an odd name” Maria said with a small chuckle “so whats wrong C? you look so down, so sad” Maria told me

    Such a question caught me off guard. There was nothing I could say; I was speechless and just sat there silently.

    “Come now, don’t be so down, cheer up! Put a smile on that face” Maria told me with a great amount of liveliness.

    “what’s the point?” I said to her. All those times I put on a smile was merely to erase and concern my parents felt….just what was the point of smiling any other time when I could truly not look towards the future.

    “To live without happiness is not living at all” she told me. Those words struck my heart and stuck with me even till this date. “I’ll show you that this life is one to look forward to, I’ll make sure there is a bright smile upon that face of yours” Maria told me with a great optimism.

    I decided to trust her words, and in the end it was the best decision I ever made. Maria told me many wonderful stories, stories of her family, stories of her friends and all the wonderful things that occurred outside the hospital. These stories brought me joy…and hope, she successfully did what she set out to do and in the end made me smile and enjoy myself.

    Time passed and the two of us became close. We joked, we laughed, and forgot all about why exactly we were here in the first place. I was truly happy and I did all I could to make Maria happy as well. I would tell her many jokes and she would laugh happily at my antics, but as time went on her laughter began to dim. I began to notice this, but as a child I merely thought my jokes were becoming stale. I tried so hard to make her laugh like she did before, but I never realized it wasn’t that she found me unfunny, but it was because she was slowly beginning to lose the ability to laugh.

    Soon enough news that I would partake in an operation soon reached me it hit my nerves hard. They said after this operation everything would be over, that I would be able to return to my mother and father and that I didn’t have to remain in the hospital. Even though I was ignorant of the many risks this operation held I was still terrified.

    Maria told me that she too was to take a similar operation, but unlike me she showed no fear. Before the doctors whisked me away I asked her why she wasn’t scared. In the end, right before the doctors entered to take me away, she replied with only this:

    “It is because this is one of life’s challenges. The trials life places before us are numerous, but I believe there will be a reward through it all. Remember C, to live without happiness is not living at all. You’re brave and strong C…I know you will do great things”

    Those were the last words I ever heard from her…

    My operation was a success; I was allowed to leave and was free of the things that ailed me. As I awoke I noticed the bed beside me was empty. Through the days of my recovery I waited…waited for my precious friend to return to her bed so we could laugh and joke…but she never returned. The last time I saw her was when her body rested in the coffin that would reside deep in the ground.

    I always think back to those times in the hospital, the stories Maria told me and the dreams I had about the future. Thinking back, I never really knew much about Maria and I even question if those wondrous tales she told me were true or not…but regardless they are the tales that I will always hold close to my heart. There are times where I wish I could have done more for her when she was alive, but recalling her cheerful smile and knowing I brought forth that smile all the way until her end…this is what makes me never regret my time with her.

    I will never forget those who have left my side...and even if I become a different person...I will always be the same Casey deep inside...I'll walk forward with a bright smile

    Also for a better pic of Casey's new appearance: Here
  10. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Waits ever so patiently to find out which characters have bit the dust. . . . . :confused: *whistles with hands behind back rocking on heels*

    btw, that was a great sad empowering story TB.
  11. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Break extended for a couple of days. May be opened sooner, but yeah. Have to finish some stuff before we start out again and my next day off is Monday.

  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Recent deaths were decided by who was active and contributing the last day before the break.
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    { ark t w o; END }

    Top Poster(s): Hyuge (513) / Jayn (504)
    Lowest Poster(s): Midnight Star (86) / Bushy Brow (95) (Cstar & Fuzzy Blue for those still here)
    Funniest Character: Altair, Laurence (Darrius, Casey)
    Angsty-est Character: Madeline, Temperance (Quin)
    Saddest Death: Marina & Ben (Trials), Eleanora
    Most Fashionable: Marina (Quin, Madeline)
    Most Kawaii Character: Eleanora (Vanille, Anthony)
    Best Onii-Chan: Altair (Cherno, Harley)
    Most Likely to Die Next: John, Heidi
    Most Likely to Win the Game: No One
    Cutest Ship: Temperno
    Most Shocking Moment: Going Back in Time, Bag Lady, (Cherno losing the power to declare)
    Scariest Moment: The Trials, Being Set on Fire, Bag Lady
    Character with Most Interesting Backstory: Cherno, Theodore (Casey, Olivia)
    Most Predictable Character: Bronagh, (Quin)
    Most Disturbing Moment: Altair's Church Slaughter, (Temperance Killing Her Dad, Quin's Death)
    Best Declaration: Let's Play with Time!, (Snakes!!)
    Best Character Template (colors, font, banners altogether): Vanille, Nora, Harley, Quin
    Prettiest Tumblr: Eleanora, Quin
    Most Verbose: What?, (Saxima)
    Laziest Poster: What?, (Fuzzy)
    Most Interesting Tumblr Poster: Marina, (Anon, John)
    Most Realistic Character: Bronagh, Theodore
    Most Attractive Character (Best Art) : Theodore, Marina
    Member You Wish Would Join 100 Days: No One, (Dinny)
    Character You'd Befriend IRL: Casey, Thomas, Bernadette
    Character You'd Hate IRL: Zeke, Laurence, Quin
    Best NPC: DOM (Rhia)
    Most Missed (from those who no longer 'exist'): Bushy (1 vote for Bushy, three for different characters of his).
    Best Fanfiction: The One About Casey, Smile Towards Tomorrow, Desire For Purpose, Hyuge's, Allison's Before Death Story (i didn't know if any of these were the same one oops)
    Characters Most Likely to Befriend Each Other: Marina & Harley
    Characters Most Likely to Become Enemies: Heidi & M, John x Laurence

    { RULES; }

    Please send in your votes as soon as you see this! PM me! You have 24 hours. (If you log on, but don't send in a vote by then, we'll carry on without you and I won't count any votes for you or your character).
    If you have a question or need clarification on what a category is referring too, please ask here in this thread so everyone can see.
    You may vote for up to two people / events in each category. Please don't skip any categories. No, you cannot vote for yourself / your own characters.
    Please only send in votes for those who don't have a winner yet. Green = Winner. Light Green + Parentheses = Runner Up.
    Please be mature about the more 'negative' categories. This is obviously just for fun and if you're voted for one of them, use it as a means to improve.
    Only those who were in Ark 2 can be voted for. 'Most Likely' questions can include everyone.
  14. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Tumblr Directory Yo':

    Madeline: http://littlem-chan.tumblr.com/
    Theodore?: http://vanquished-soul.tumblr.com/
    Thomas: http://photographnut.tumblr.com/
    John: http://7forthelord7.tumblr.com/
    Quin: http://vermilion-clouds.tumblr.com/
    Harley: http://enigmatic-melody.tumblr.com/
    Vanille: http://frostyvanillasugar.tumblr.com/
    Casey: http://facekickerextreme.tumblr.com/
    Laurence: http://god-god-gooooooooooood.tumblr.com/
    Cherno: http://blancstate.tumblr.com/
    Olivia: http://cavatina-cabaletta.tumblr.com/
    Temperance: http://tempykins.tumblr.com/
    Heidi: http://jekyllandheidi.tumblr.com/
    Marina: http://deviantdivination.tumblr.com/
    Bernadette: http://neuanfange.tumblr.com/
    Elliot: http://only-experimentation.tumblr.com/
    Jesse: http://tea-cake-and-history.tumblr.com/
  15. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  16. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    1. wooo~~~
    2. the music was awesome
    3. i really like the April's Fools prank
    4. i won a lot more categories than anticipated, even if some of them were negative... so... awesome~ so suck it!
    5. the blurbs you made over Sony Vega being dumb were smile worthy.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1364856648][/DOUBLEPOST]is it just me, or does anyone else have issues with Jesse's tumblr? this is all i get.
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Jessie's tumblr works for me.

    Alright, I'm assuming I'll have to do multiple counters at once at some point during this, so this is a key for y'all. If something is in your group's color, it applies to your group. If it's bright red, as usual, it applies to everyone.

    GROUP 1
    GROUP 2
    GROUP 3
    GROUP 4
    GROUP 5
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    GROUP 1
    GROUP 2
    GROUP 3
    GROUP 4
    GROUP 5
  19. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Full Name: Katrina Heckles
    Appearance: Here
    Age: 12
    Likes: Family and friends, candy, exploring the outdoors
    Dislikes: Arrogant and selfish people, loud mouths,
    Weaknesses/Fears: Loosing everybody she cares about
    Strengths/Talents: Patient, surprisingly strong, fishing (hidden potential),
    Personality: Katrina is a very polite and calm person. She prefers to analyze a situation before action but if its a ridiculous situation she tends to overreact (a trait usually seen in her bloodline)
    Sexuality: Hetrosexual
    Contact Information: Tumblr
    Favorite Color: Violet

    Full Name: "Billy Bob"
    Appearance: Here
    Age: 17
    Likes: Pain, giving others pain, pain makers, blood, company, love
    Dislikes: Being treated like a monster, being interrupted.
    Weaknesses/Fears: Never feeling pain
    Strengths/Talents:Incredible endurance and agility, proficient with bladed weapons.
    Personality: A very eccentric person that loves everybody. He loathes being alone and does not wish to upset anybody. In general this is very hard cause his mind and overall mentality is far from normal.
    Sexuality: Asexual
    Contact Information: None
    Favorite Color: Blood Red
  20. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    GROUP 1
    GROUP 2
    GROUP 4
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