◖ℂross Ťhe ℓine◗ [Character Dump Story]

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Maka Albarn, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Yeah, don't change a thing. Having a lot of people with short tempers and bad additudes might keep the story very interesting. :3

    That's what I was thinking as I was falling asleep last night. ^^

    Alrighty! I'm formulating something special for your character then. Well, maybe it won't be oober special, but it'll be good for her! I think. ><

    Yeah, I got a few plans for that. :3 And we covered the friend thing on MSN. ;D

    Righty-o! ;D

    Hm... Very curious character. ^^ I hope this won't take away from his character at all, but I'm probably not going to make him swear ooberly. >< Lol, I'm still a baby when it comes to swearing, so I hope you don't mind.

    Hey, get out of my brain! xD In other words, that's what I was thinking.

    I thought I saw you lurking in the beginning! xD Okay, I'm really going over my character limit, but since you guys are willing to work with me on this (as I seen with replies) I can squeeze in one or two more characters. After you and someone else gets your character in...


    Anyone who wanted to make a character but didn't speak up right away before I put that little statement above, just lurk in the thread and wait for me to get this story written. If it all works out, I may do another character dump thread. It may not be this story exactly, but it'll still be a story nonetheless.

    Anyways, those two who are making characters at the moment, don't be alarmed if you're not in the first chapter. You'll come in the second chapter, I swear.

    Everyone else, I hope you won't be disappointed in me when I write your character out. If there's something you didn't like me writing for your character, speak up and let me know. Maybe I can make a few adjustments. 8D

    Putting on some deodorant, grabbing a composition notebook to map out ALL of the characters thus far, plugging in my headphones, turning up my music, and here I go to write the first chapter! xD
  2. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    Here she is: I hope it's okay ^^;;

    • What is his/her name: Aiyana

    • Gender: Female

    • Age:

    • Half Species Type: Human/Banshee

    • Height/weight: 5’10” 140lb

    • Body shape: Tall and thin.

    • Hair color/skin color/eye color: Red/Very Pale/Green

    • Typical outfit they wear: Long pale blue dress with a green cardigan over the top.

    • Moral views: She sees life as just one point in a much larger journey which we are all a part of. She is non-religious (Gnostic Athiest).

    • Basic personality: Incredibly quiet, introverted and shy, however, her will is as strong as iron.

    • Favorite Saying: “Life is just a fleeting dream in a long sleep.”

    • Do they or do not have a job? What kind if so?: She works a few jobs to keep alive, from concert halls to funeral parlours.

    • Method of transportation: She walks just about everywhere.

    • Favorite genre of music: Classical (Romantic and Late Romantic) and Traditional Scottish/Irish

    • Their theme song: MacCrimmon’s Lament (I’ll send a version if you want, cant find a good one on youtube.)

    • Favorite place to be: Somewhere quiet or somewhere filled with beautiful music.

    • Goals for the present: To help people.

    • Long-range goal: To help those who are lost on their way into the afterlife.

    • Do they go to middle school/high school?: Dropped out for reasons below. She is not stupid however, and teaches herself things in her free time.

    • What kind of place do they live in?: Small appartment with few material possessions.

    • Any kind of pet? What kind if so?: Black cat named Eilidh

    • Favorite food(s): Italian and french food (especially lasagne).

    • What is their financial situation?: Fairly poor, but she does not mind, material possessions mean little to her.

    • Hobby: She loves to sing and play the violin.

    • Normal Skill: Music, as above. Talking to people, but only when she has the confidence to do so
    • Supernatural abilities: Communication with the dead and Death-sense (she knows when people around her will die, and the traditional Banshee trope applies here (one of the reasons she dropped out)), Words of power, she can bend the will of others by talking to them, or through wailing can paralyse them temporarily, but she dislikes doing this and it takes a lot of energy, mild prophecy and future-sight, usually but not limited to death and the afterlife (her Death-sense is a part of this, but it links with the Communication too).

    • Favorite book and/or last-read book: Wuthering Heights – Emily Brontë.

    • What is the bedroom like?: Fairly sparse, nothing much there. Just her bed, her clothes, a dask with an old computer and her violin. Painted white.

    • Parents: She has never known her parents, she grew up in an orphanage. She left that orphanage 1 year ago.

    • Fears: Hurting people, conflict and violence, being alone forever.

    • Other things that weren’t covered here: She knows nothing about the Grimm Experts.
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    I think you doubled post on accident. ^^; Anyways, this is good. I'll have her live next to Kyle. ;D You're in.

    So I've decided that I'll come up with a day for you guys to check in to see if the next chapter is up. I will make it every Saturday . If I post early, YEAH! If I miss my own deadline, I got a life. :'D I'm about to start college soon, and I applied for at least six jobs,plus I'm swamped with character so be patient with me.

    Percentage of story completed thus far: 2%~ I wrote a bit of an outline for Apple's first appearance, starting now with Kyle and Nix's outline, and next on my list is Adreana, then Zeni, then Elliot and Kaida, then Willa, and then I'm planning for Aiyana to come in chapter two along with another character who's profile is still being created. I also downloaded the following themes of these characters so I can listen to it while writing out their part (Had to censor some though. B| ): Apple, Kyle, and Nix.

    So! Back to work I go.
  4. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    It's okay, I used my mod powers to fix it :D. Good luck with this, it looks like it's gonna become a great story.
  5. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    What is his/her name: Layla "Laya" Anderson
    • Gender: Female
    • Age:16
    • Half Species Type: [Pixie]
    • Height/weight: 5'11 100 or so pounds
    • Body shape: Skinny and thinish
    • Hair color/skin color/eye color: Pink and black highlights/Pale-Peachy Color/Purple
    • Typical outfit they wear: Even though she lives with the scientists, she wears normal clothes like regular kids too- A short sleeved shirt with jeans and sneakers
    • Moral views: Doesn't really have a religion
    • Basic personality: Layla's a sweet girl,but just wants to leave science lab. She might just do anything in her power to get out of there-no matter who or what she hurts-
    • Favorite Saying:" I just wanna get the hell outta here!"
    • Do they or do not have a job? What kind if so?: Works for the scientists
    • Method of transportation: Her very own blueish gay wings
    • Favorite genre of music: Rock but likes Country and Japanese music. Owns an Ipod given to her by the scientists.
    • Their theme song:Runaway by Linkin Park
    • Favorite place to be: (Ice cream palor, arcade, park, roof of house, etc.) In her room in the lab
    • Goals for the present: Get out of the lab and find others like her
    • Long-range goal:be a singer after she gets out of the lab
    • Do they go to middle school/high school? Taught by scientists
    • What kind of place do they live in?: (House, apartment, mansion, street, etc) Lab
    • Any kind of pet? What kind if so?: Nope, she's seen pictures of dogs and would really like a Shiba Inu
    • Favorite food(s): Pasta and Italian food
    • What is their financial situation?: (Homeless, poor, middle class, rich) Not really sure what to say about this but everything is given to her by the scientists
    • Hobby: (List one to as many as you see fit) Sing, Flying, Reading, Playing with ipod, Writing stories.
    • Normal Skill: (like can beat almost every video game, eating large quantities of food, material arts, etc) Smart, Fast Reader, and great singer
    • Supernatural abilities: (Only three and they must relate to each other, and no ultimate powers.) Blue wings that look like a butterfly's, pixie dust that turns people to stone to revese it just throw the dust on the person again, and has a katana which she can use very well :)
    • Favorite book and/or last-read book:Septimus Heap book one Magyk- Angie Sage
    • What is the bedroom like?: Four walls with a door that's always locked. No windows. Four large bookcases full of books. A bed and a desk and a chair.
    • Parents?: (Single/None/Mom and dad) Mother gave her up when she was born
    • Fears: Dark, never leaving the lab
    • Other things that weren’t covered here:

    Edit: God Damn! Now i read your post after I sent you the PM <_< If My character can't be included thats fine <_<
  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Oh hey, it's fine~! Your character will come in the second chapter, I swear to it! You're still in. I can think of very interesting things to do with your character.

    Status of story 3%~ Keep getting distracted, On to Plumsy's character's outline. WOOT! Also in the process of opening Microsoft Word to get the intro written out. I think I'll post my story under the character list, so just click on the spoiler tag when it appears. XP
  7. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Man, I - am - super - excited to read this! I think you're gonna do a really good job Maka. (:
  8. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Thanks! I'm glad you have confidence in me. :3 I hope it'll turn out good.

    Story's Progress: 15%~ Only five more characters to get introduced in the story! It's actually working out really well. I found people to interact mostly everyone with, and if your character didn't interact with someone yet, they will in the next chapter. Heh, this is all like one big jigsaw puzzle! ^^; I only have six pages written out thus far. Woot, here I come Plumsy's character!
  9. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Words cannot express how flipping excited I am to see how this turns out. I wanna see Kyle be awesome!!
  10. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    You know what I noticed? We all came up with awesome names. :Awesome:
  11. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    And also, for some reason the majortiy of the experiments done by the Grimm Experts produce either red hair and or green eyes. Seriously, go read all the characters XD. Not a bad thing or anyhting, it might be a plot point.
  12. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Haha, I'll be damned! They are! That's crazy... I didn't even pay attention to all of that when I first read through the profiles... XD
  13. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Oh believe me, I've noticed it. xD I'm already formulating a plan for those things.

    Story Status for Chapter One: 29%~ Plumsy's character is done! Now to do the mermaid and the second dragon, the demon, and last the avian. The Banshee and the pixie will come in the next chapter. I may or may not be able to post it tonight. It's almost 8:30 PM here, and I've been sitting in front of a computer screen all day, so we'll see what happens. ^^; Thank you everyone for you patience and the support thus far.
  14. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!! so stoked. ^-^

    dont mind me, im just going to quietly express my joy.

    ^_^ :) (:

    BTW Maka, you said your doing a zombie character. when do we get to see that profile?
  15. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    That's disturbing. Haha.
    Either way, you got a lot of support coming your way, Maka. I'm excited too. I rarely get excited over stories anymore. Not after...Twilight...xD; I hope you get to post it tonight, but it sounds like a lot of work. Especially if you've been writing all day today. I'll leave my next post to be a critique, once the chapter is written. Good luck, again. :'D

    Also, guys (Maka excluded), random reminder that this is still the Creativity Corner and posts do count here. So please make sure you're posts have some significance. I don't want to leave a spammy mess for poor Plums to have to clean up. :]
  16. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Mine doesn't have Red or Green eyes... She's special. She has purple eyes xD
    And I agree with the rest of you. I'm going crazy with excitement! Take your time though Maka! We all(I hope) understand there's a world outside of KHV(weather we like it or not xD)
  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    That's for me to know and for you to find out. MUWHAHAHAHAHA!

    Uh... >> Don't know if I should feel honored or very disturbed at the moment...

    Thanks Jayn. :3 I feel the love from everyone! :glomp:

    Yush, your character ish special. :3 She wasn't in the first chapter sadly, BUT she was mentioned. xD

    Status of First Chapter~ 100% Go check it out guys! Sorry if it seems really short, rushed... and bad. Especially for Elliot and Kaida. I tried, I really did. D': Destiny's Hand, I'm really sorry, but I'll have to bring your character in the second chapter along with the other three that couldn't make it. It seems to fit better anyways like that. Hopefully you can forgive me.

    Everyone else, if you don't like how your character's side turned out, PLEAAAASE (I beg of you) tell me how I can improve. TEACH ME!

    Anyways, expect the next chapter next Saturday at least. I'm getting a migraine... I think I'm going to give my fingers and eyes a break now. Love all of ya! I hope you're all not disappointed in me.

    OH YEAH! One more thing. I just wanna give you a summery of what I've learned from writing this chapter.

    What I've Learned: What a shiba inu is (seriously, I thought it was some mythical creature when I just saw the breed name), that there are different kinds of plattes, and what they were called, and the name of different paintbrushes, where the Ten Commandments are in the Bible, and writing from my own experience of having to breathe "oxygen" to put me to sleep in the first part of the story really gives me the gitters. D:

    What I Would Like to Learn For the Next Chapter: What everyone thinks of their section, how I can improve, how do fight clubs work exactly, one of the mall's names that are in Chicago, and more places to do the story in Chicago.

    Enjoy the first chapter my children.

    Total Time to Write It: 15 Hours (I was up since 8 AM writing this)|Total Pages on Microsoft Word: 13 Pages 1.5 spaced
  18. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    You are a god. I shall now start a religion based around that fact.

    I totally laughed when I saw that Kyle chose Ness as his SSBB character. XD I hate that kid with a passion. lol But I can still see Kyle liking him. =D
  19. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Maka, you've just made my entire night. You are made of awesomesauce.

    I would have even begun to imagine what Nix was like in practice, and you've started him out awesome. And Lucario as his SSBB character? Good choice. I was really excited, though, to read all of the other characters, you've pinned them all so well.

    Great, great start. (:
  20. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Amazingly amazing, as expected. (: I thought you did a very good job of introducing the characters, and intertwining our story forms with your own little twist. Very creative. I can't wait to see what else you write, and what you have planned for the story. (You did awesomely with expressing Elliot's confusion, by the way. ^^)