
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Oct 25, 2010.

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  1. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    "I see then... You're just like all the rest. Because your blind faith distracts you from the truth." Emile started to breath heavily. A single tear began to fall down his cheek. His eyes closed and he bit his lip. "All of you... You all think I'm insane. I can never stress it enough to you mindless people. First it was my Grandfather, then my Mother. And now everyone else is dead to me. You people are all the same. Fine. If you wish to sacrifice you own to preserve your own life, and follow a drug addict leader, and a false god, I will not stop you. You deserve to die by the dragon. It will be your punishment for ingnorance." Emile regained his composure. He took a deep breath and looked back at Meiko. "Now move aside." Emile kicked up the axe that he had originally thrown to the ground and caught it in his right hand. He flipped it around and slammed the bottom of the long hilt of the axe on the ground.
  2. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Meiko steeled herself for the fight. As far as she knew, the scholar wasn't much of a fighter. There was no need for him to be. However, she can see that that has changed now. But how good of a fighter could he be in such little time? Meiko herself has been practicing day after day since she began her apprenticeship as a Knight long ago. She held her sword with both hands holding the hilt right by her head, the sword perpendicular to her body and pointed straight at Emile. The distance between them was now the length of the room just about. This stance meant she was serious. Surely Emile would know this, as he may have seen a few of her spars against other Knights. Her red eyes focused on every movement that he would make and her mind formulated how she would best be able to counter them, as well as the safest way to subdue him somehow. The palace is so huge, there's bound to be a room we can keep him in, since the Oracle herself tends to stay in the cave out of preference. There would be many books that he can past the time reading. I can get him out of here. But I have to stop him now. If he's that desperate to get of here, he may make a fatal mistake. I must take that chance. Forgive me, Scholar.... "Come. Let us see how great of a fighter you really are."
  3. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Emile immediately jumped over Meiko and landed behind her. He started running out the door. If there was any place he would rather fight, it was a place with more space. He used the axe and his momentum to smash through the door. He could smell fresh air. He was now at the gates of the prison. He was surrounded by large walls and the dead bodies of prisoners lay there from the last riot. He looked around. He picked up a small knife. He favors this far more than a large, clumsy axe. He waited for Meiko there. He sat down and criss-crossed his legs. He was hatching a very deadly plan in his mind.
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Ah!" Meiko exclaimed in surprise. She didn't think he'd do something so reckless and bold as to avoid the problem altogether. A thousand curses! I can not let him escape! "Scholar! Surely you do not believe that you can best me in a fair fight? Without any sort of trickery?" she questioned as she gave chase after him. She stopped when she noticed that he had also stopped a good distance ahead. Where are those accursed guards? I did not even draw my sword against them the whole time I stormed the prison. And why does he have a knife now? The security here is far too lax. I will have to fix that myself when this is over. Her senses were on alert. Meiko was not a dumb person, but she knew that Emile had to be planning something. For that, she had to be on the lookout for anything that would hinder her from capturing him. Unknown to Emile,she was fully aware that this whole Draconic system was crazy. She had first hand experience on that. However, she was not prepared to destroy it and take away the hopes and peace of mind of the people living under it. They knew no other way to live. If one were to destroy the known system of social status and living without calculated moves, there would be mass chaos. Of course, she wanted this to stop, hadn't he seen her when a new Diva was chosen? When it was final that Teto had perished? Meiko held her sword tightly in her right hand, prepared to defend against an imminent attack as she walked slowly towards Emile, carefully watching the ground in front of her for any trap. Her eyes darted around trying to be fully aware of her surroundings. "It doesn't have to happen this way, Scholar. This can be solved peacefully."
  5. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City

    o I can finally see..
    That you're right there beside me..

    Klad smiled at the white haired man. It was a nice smile, sincere as he was already trusting the man. As was his nature. "That would be very welcome." Blue green eyes began to scan the room calmly. Where would they began? His visions offered limited possibility. But Klad knew better then to say anything about being related to a Diva. Maybe being in the castle would give him more leads to the castle. And, his eyes drifted back to the Jester, this guy would only be a welcome addition.

    With a slight bow he spoke again, "I'm Kladamire. Klad for short, I'll be ready to leave when you are, Mr...?" He couldn't help but be polite, though the man didn't seem much older then Klad himself. While waiting he gestured for a drink and another drink, one for him and his knew partner. Klad hesitated a second before gulping down half the liquid before him. The fear of it being ale didn't bother him anymore. He stared blankly, blinking the entire time before snapping out of his reserve, mind still debating if he were drunk, almost drunk, or not drunk at all.
  6. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    "Exactley, it doesn't have to end in violence." Unkown to Meiko, Emile had set up a trap. Many thin, small, transparent strings, were tied in such a way that if one was cut it would bind Meiko where she stood. These strings were of his own creation. A little side project that had kept him busy in prison. They were extremely strong and cut only be cut with an extremely sharp blade. The knife he had was absolutely perfect. He stood up. "This is goodbye Meiko. It's been nice living with you insane humans." Emile made a motion with the knife to his neck. Almost as he was about to slit his throat, he threw the knife on the ground, cutting the main string. Immediatley, the rest of the string came flying toward Meiko. They began to quickly wrap themselves around her wrists and ankles. "I doubt this will hold you for long, but this should give me some time to escape. Goodbye." With that said, he began walking toward the prison gates.
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

              • [​IMG]

                Just tell me that you're scared...
                Just tell me that you’re lonely…

                And I’ll be right there.

                She had been going at it for hours straight now, preforming her dance and song for the beast. This was ritual now, waking up and getting right to pleasing this god. If she began to slack, Sync would know. However, the dragon had fallen asleep and she finally had time to stop and catch her breath. This was the first time she had ever felt so exhausted, and she began to wonder if her body was giving out on her. Her body felt heavier than usual, her legs trembled and the soles of her feet burned and throbbed. With a deep breath, she rested her hands on her knees and lowered her head. Regardless of what would happen to her, this was her fate.

                There was one thing she couldn’t accept so easily, however. And that was her brother. She knew he was out there somewhere and she desperately longed to meet him. Her desire to meet him was mutual, of course. She could feel it. She could feel the mutual loneliness and it warmed her heart if not causing it to ache harder. She could feel everything he felt, every emotion, every hope. At times it almost hurt her to think so much of him, and to have to wonder if she would ever meet him, but she knew it would distract her if she let her desperation get the better of her. While the dragon slept, she would lay down in the dim pool of light glowing through a man-made crack in the ceiling of the cave, and she would clutch at her necklace, hoping he could feel her presence. With this, she heard a rumble and flinched. The dragon was waking up.

                Sing forever…


                The sky falls and you’re stepping on broken clouds,

                As the sun melts away and you’re left all alone,
                You think to yourself;

                ”What a beautiful day.”

                The quiet woman stared silently from the mouth of the cavern the poor young woman was trapped in, her head tilted slightly to the side and a small half smile gracing her lips, curious eyes hidden by the white mask that covered them. A soft breath escaped her lips and her eye lids lowered. Usually, she would leave the girl to set out on her dull and systematic pattern of pacing through the kingdom and through the maze of underground chambers, but she had a feeling the young girl was close to giving up. She would need a bit more motivation, before she collapsed from exhaustion.

                It was strange to her, not that Klaire would have been the shortest lasting of the DIVA’s but because she seemed to have such strong dedication.

                Sing forever.” It wasn’t towards Klaire as much as it was towards herself, reminding her of the lonely cycle she was to oversee for eternity. She wouldn’t think too hard on it, she didn’t have to. Turning away from the sight, her figure vanished into the shadows, the DIVA’S voice fading from sentences to words, to syllables, to echoes and nothing more.

                Sync’s footsteps were quiet as usual as she made her way routinely from the cavern, weaving her way through the dungeons and chambers until she made it to the courtyard. It was silent now, but she could feel that not too long ago, a disturbance had taken place there. She could also sense the disruption taking place in the prison, but she would not act until taking it up with the Oracle. So without any conscious effort, Sync closed her eyes. She knew she had enormous power, but she didn’t quite understand why. She also knew that this was a key factor to keeping things in place, and that she was needed here. Because of this, it wouldn’t have been strange for others to see her demonstrating the small amount of power she still had control her. She had seemingly vanished from the courtyard, only to arrive in a form of vapor a few feet away from the oracle. Once solidifying into her original form, she executed a short bow, signifying respect before lifting her gaze.

                Is there anything you wish of me?

  8. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    When Emile had lifted that knife to his neck and said his last words, Meiko faltered in her resolve for a moment. Her guard dropped immediately as she outstretched her hand toward Emile wanting him to stop. To cease his suicidal attempt. However, it was when she outstretched her hand that she noticed a thin fiber. It was then that she realized that he had set up a very elaborate trap in such a short time. With this realization, her eyes widened in shock before squinting into a glare as she quickly lifted her blade up making sure one edge faced outward as the fibers bound her. Oh, you were right, Scholar. These bindings won't last long at all. Meiko always made sure to sharpen her blade every other week. Luckily for her, that happened yesterday. She quickly began to saw the blade back and forth cutting the strings a few pieces at a time. In half a minute she was free and bolting after Emile. "Raise the alarm! Raise the alarm! A prisoner has escaped! A prisoner has escaped! Block his way! Call the guards! Catch him!" she shouted to warn the people. I swear upon this sword that if he dares to kill anyone else, I, myself, will end him with this sword.
  9. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Emile looked back at her with disappointed eyes. He crouched down and started feeling around the ground with his hand. Finally, he found it. Another string. He jerked the string up. This was his only back up. Earlier during the first days of his sentence, he snuck into the guard's quarters and planted magic infused explosives. Luckily he got said explosives before the maker was executed and his room searched. He had planted all of them and wired them all to a detonator by the gate. He attached a string to the detonator so he could use it from a distance. He pulled the string. After a few moments a large explosion sounded out in the prison. Half of the prison was blown away in the explosion. The only ones left now were the prisoners and a few guards. He had never wanted to use this plan. He watched as the prison went up in flames behind Meiko. "I am determined to leave, whether you like it or not. But I know you. You won't stop. So, I'm going to have to get rid of you for the moment." Emile bent over and retrieved the knife. He stood up and put his body in a stance.
  10. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Meiko heard the explosion and felt the shockwave coming from the prison. Even from this distance she could feel a blast of heat radiating from the source behind her. She didn't bother to look at the carnage. She stayed focused on Emile, her eyes blazing with rage. How dare he have the audacity to not only kill just about all of the guards and a portion of the prisoners, but also destroy over half of the prison itself? This country was rich, but funds could be used for more important things than rebuilding the prison. Meiko held her sword, poised to defend or attack depending on Emile's move. She stalked closer to Emile slowly. "I am going to defeat you. Then, I am going to drag you with me back to the palace whether you like it or not. And after that, you will be kept there while I discuss what has happened today with the Oracle to judge what will happen to you. May the Dragon have mercy on you for your accursed soul and spare you from a painful, burning death!" she spat. Even though she was burning with anger, Meiko reminded herself that a cool head was what decided a battle. And she needed this to end.
  11. LunaCat Moogle Assistant

    Oct 13, 2010
    A place where I can laugh all my troubles away...
    It really didn't take all that long for Rin to exit the forest, even though it felt like an eternity; a rather shadowy eternity surrounded by masses of trees on one side, and the coast on the other. Like the coast, the forest stopped rather abruptly, and now it just appeared to be grassland, with emerald oceans of plants. It was a bit breezy here too, sending the grass along in waves and ripples, which were outlined by a white sheen. In the distance were a few clouds and the gray, blurred triangular outlines of mountains. However, the most prominent thing was the stark, black outline of the main city. In a very loose way, it resembled an upside-down cone; the wide, somewhat sprawling bottom of it was the majority of the city, and the tall, rising peak? That was the castle. That was his destination.

    Rin's silver hair was ruffled up by the breeze, along with his tunic; both of which felt as if they were almost trying to pull him towards the way the wind was going. He rubbed his glasses, a usual habit of his, and then set off again at a slighty faster-than-normal pace. After all, he was a messenger, and this letter he was to deliver might just be his ticket to something greater. What that greater thing might be, he did not know, nor did he care. He always knew he was destined for something great, and this was his chance to prove himself.
  12. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008


    • If all good things come to an end, then what about the bad?
    • Am I cursed to never see the fruits of the life I wish I had?

    Celio let go of his blade as he waved his arm before folding it in front of his stomach and bowing. "Celio Nuvola di Angelo, at your service," he said as modestly as he could. After a few seconds, he stood up straight and ran his blue eyes over Klad's body. He eyed the boy from head to toe to head again, stopping at his face. Something was...familiar about his new "employer." Those blue-green eyes of him...it was as if he had stared into them before. The facial structure...arch of the eyes...the way his nose led into his lips...even his cheekbones gave him the strangest sense of deja vu. His eyes moved up slightly, stopping at Klad's blond hair. "Have...have we met?" He asked before feeling a sudden, but slight pain in his forehead.

    He took a step back and his view broadened to include Klad's full figure. His view flashed from Klad's short blond hair to long blond hair. Klad's face became slightly more feminine, along with his figure. The new vision lasted only a second before Celio's headache increased to such an intensity that he fell back into his seat. He quickly reached for his glass and rushed it to his lips, ignoring the drops spilling from the cracks onto his lap. After a few seconds, he sighed and looked at Klad. "For...forgive me, but...have we met before?"
  13. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City

    o I can finally see..
    That you're right there beside me..

    "Celio! Celio?!" His hands reached out to stable the man without hesitation. Balancing him on the stool, before checking him out with his eyes to see if he was okay. Other then a slight paleness about the face, and an expression that Klad couldn't place. Celio seemed okay. But worry began to etch it's way into his skull. "Maybe we should have you rest a bit before moving out." He suppressed the part of him that said 'Your sister cannot wait.' This silver haired stranger was vital though, where else would he find someone who'd take him to the castle, what better clearance then the Jester.

    Klad shifted his eyes to the man's face once again wracked with worry before remembering he'd be asked a question before the episode. "Ah...no Celio, sir. I've been out in the farms and fields all day." He smiled reassuringly and with such pure innocence that he couldn't have been lying. Though, he wasn't so there was no need to even doubt.
  14. LunaCat Moogle Assistant

    Oct 13, 2010
    A place where I can laugh all my troubles away...
    By now Rin had reached a small road. While it wasn't much; just some path travelled along and made by farmers, it obviously led to the city. After all, everything led there, and even farmers needed to go out there once in a while, mostly to trade their goods. It seemed uncertain of its own width, sometimes becoming narrow, and at other times stretching out over the fields. It was made of smooth cobblestone, and contained deep gaps from the wagons that the farmers dragged along it. He felt somewhat safe here, like it was home; probably the fault of a farmer's blood flowing through him. However, there was a dilemna in this peaceful countryside: It would take a day to get to the city if he just moved along by foot, whether walking or running. The castle would be closed to all visitors by then, and he would have to stay at an inn, something he didn't exactly feel comfortable doing.

    Just then, he spied something in the distance. It looked like a wagon or small chariot, and seemed to be going along at a slow pace. Deciding to speed his own pace up to see what this vehicle actually was, Rin hurried at a quick jog to the object. By the time he neared it, he swore that the Dragon had placed this vehicle there for him. It was a small trade wagon, led by horses. Not slow oxen or donkeys, but quick and speedy horses. However, he could really only judge that from how tried they looked; the owner was likely walking them so they wouldn't collapse of exhaustion. As he came closer, the rider, a bony middle-aged man with a slight stubble, turned his head to look at him. "Well, what do we have here?" He spoke with a somewhat suspicious tone to his voice, and he had every right to. After all, it wasn't everyday that an ordinary man saw a messenger of the priests.

    "P-permission to...board your vehicle...sir," Rin spoke between ragged breathes as he continued jogging alongside the wagon, he was obviously running out of steam, "I need...a ride to the city." Honestly, this was his only hope. If he didn't get this ride, he would need to rest...and then he would have to get there tomorrow. What if it would be too late by then? Worse, he still had the letter that Master had told him to deliver in the first place. If he messed up on both of these, it would probably mean the end of his career, and his life as he knew it.

    Just as he was beginning to think of a prayer to recite, the man simply gave a gruff nod. He motioned to the back of the wagon, a spot that appeared to be clear and not cramped with crates. Giving a very, very sincere smile of gratitude, Rin climbed onto the vehicle through the back. Once he inched his way over to the place the man specified, he slumped down and breathed a deep sigh. "I'll repay you...after I get some rest..." The man only grunted again to his words. Whoever said the job of a messenger is boring is definitely wrong...
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    • If all good things come to an end, then what about the bad?
    • Am I cursed to never see the fruits of the life I wish I had?

    Celio's eyes remained on Klad. His headache had left as soon as it came, but that feeling of deja vu was still there. I swear I've seen him before... He thought as his heart's rhythm sped up. "No...I'm fine, really," Celio assured Klad by waving his right hand up. "Maybe I shouldn't drink spirits, heh," He chuckled as he reached for the glass, "I'm still young after all." Despite saying that, he raised the glass to his lips a final time and downed the liquid in one gulp. He could feel the burn again, but it distracted him from the off-balanced feeling he was experiencing at the moment. "You do look familiar though...Maybe it's just a common face," Celio let out a laugh, attempting to assure Klad he was fine, but it came out weak. "Thanks for the drink!" He yelled loudly at the bartender as he turned around and jumped on the stool. "But now I'll take my leave!" He proceeded to push himself off the stool, doing a backwards somersault in the air and landing on his hands. Several patrons started clapping, unaware that Celio was holding his body up mostly through his right arm. "Shall we go, Master Kladamire?" He asked as he started walking backwards on his hand. "The castle isn't going anywhere, but that by no reason means we shouldn't!" Despite not feeling a hundred percent, he had to make Klad feel like he was fine. Otherwise, he might not let Celio lead him after all. Besides, if he seemed in a rush to leave, that would make his plan for money all the more convincing in the end.

    "Just follow this trusty jester, if you may. A guide, protector, and a show, all in one!" Another flip into the air, landed him on a table, causing the glasses (and the couple sitting there) to jump slightly. "Celio Nuvola di Angelo, traveling trickster extraordinaire, is at your service!" He bowed once more before stepping off the table and waving a hand towards the door. "Off to the castle, we shall go?" He asked once more as the crowd watched, amused at his act.

  16. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    The king narrowed his his eyes. A unforgiving look on his eyes as his Commander of the Guard gave his report of the events unfolding inside his own kingdom.​
    "Wretched, cursed, bloody, scholar! How can he run amok!? Are our warriors not prepared for one such as him?! What am I paying you and that woman for!!" His voice was that of a lion's and this was his din. He had to make a good show from whoever displeased him, lest the ever watching, ever present, court vultures found some weakness and took opportune of it. Shaking his head and causing the golden brown mane of his hair to move with the motion, he slammed a battle thickened fist upon his regal throne. "Send out more guards, I want him contained, even if you have to level the prison to do so! Make it happen!" And after a simple motion the Commander was dismissed to do what he been ordered to do.

    That damned scholar knew things, dangerous things that could lead to uprising. Catastrophic risings'. An aura or pressure began to emanate from their king, an anger so large that it could be felt, even by the vultures of the court. If the scholar was not contained, the real vultures would have something of a delicacy to eat among their winged kind. The human head.


    o I can finally see..
    That you're right there beside me..

    He envied how the slightly older man could down the drink without any seeming consequences. As his display of acrobatics clearly showed. With a smile Klad stood up and clapped. Completely convinced that Celio was okay and good to go. He weaved his way too him and his smile turned into a bright grin, almost childlike in it's innocence. "Let's go to the castle!"

    Young Kladamire was revved up and enthused even more to find his sister. His new companion's energy being absorbed by him as they stepped out into the sunshine. The castle was visible even from here. But Klad wasn't even focused on it. There were many sights in his own city that he'd never seen before. Everyone had seen the castle at least once or twice, but never took the time to observe the things that made up the kingdom for it to even be called a castle. It was these things that the hero-to-be looked at and learned from.
  17. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Emile immediately ran as fast he could at Meiko. At full speed he body-slammed her and jumped over her and caught her on the other side. He punched her in the center of her back, making a large dent in her armor. He reeled in pain and held his fist. He ran forward and used his momentum to kick Meiko as hard is he could. He immediately bolted for the gates. Maybe, just maybe he could make it. He hated this. With the gates im sight he tried to run through but was stopped short by guards. Where did they come from? Just my luck. Now what? I have no back-up plan... Emile ran the other way to the exit that he had blown through the wall. More guards stood ready. He was trapped. He had nowhere to go. All his research would be for nothing if he didn't think fast enough. He knew that everyone was against him. All of his old friends still couldn't get the truth through their minds. He decided there would be no more running. He would face this problem head on. With his bleeding fist he sat and began to nuture it. These people would capture him no matter what. He hoped his luck would change soon, otherwise he was a dead like the rest of his family.
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    • If all good things come to an end, then what about the bad?
    • Am I cursed to never see the fruits of the life I wish I had?

    Once outside, the sun hit Celio square in the face. It was bright, but his eyes didn't even squint. His eyes did tingle strangely though, the eyes that had once been brown but were now blue. "So, Master Kladamire. If it's too the castle we go, it's to the West we must venture," Celio noted. His tone was formal and the structure of his dialogue weren't his own. It came natural to him, though. He fell into the habit of talking in that fashion during his days as a castle guard. It was also the way he talked during street performances. Casual conversation was not the best form of professionalism. Celio looked up at the sun, once again not squinting, and then to his right. He grabbed the sword from his back and pointed to where he was staring. "We head this way if we are going West," he told Klad. "Our trip shan't be long, but it might be quite the tedious task."

    He grinned at Klad and threw his sword in the air. It flew high in the air, becoming but a mere glint against the sky. "Shall we depart?" The sword came crashing back down at a high speed and tore through Celio's open palm, the tip pointing down as it stabbed through. Celio didn't flinch, but instead swung his arm so Klad could see the wound. That is, if there was a wound. Celio had caught the blade between his middle and forefinger, with enough strength in them that they stopped the sword suddenly. There was no wound at all, but a sharp burning on the entirety of the skin on his arm. His expression remained calm and the grin didn't falter at all.
  19. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Meiko charged at Emile just as he charged her. She was prepared for him to feint to her right and counter attack him there, but to her surprise, he kept charging at her until they actually hit. Caught by surprise at his bold reckless, move her eyes went wide and she gasped before groaning in pain as she felt him hit in the back of her armor with a great clang!. Meiko crouched as she fell forward from the blow relatively unhurt save for the minor pain because of her protective armor. She then lurched forward again as Emile kicked her in the same spot. "Argh!" she winced in pain but smiled to herself. Compared to past battles and encounters, Emile's punch and kick were weak, and her armor was great. She had always despised being a part of the wealthy elite, but with that status, you can always buy the rarest and best of supplies. She stood up after hearing the scuttle of Emile's fast footsteps as he ran away. Soon more footsteps followed and some stopped near her. Meiko turned around and saw a troop of soldiers. One of them asked if she was alright. "I am. Come, we must catch him quickly. He went in that direction." she stated as she pointed in the direction she heard his footsteps go.
  20. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009


    Silently, Kolina stood before a long, rectangular shaped mirror in Stella's room, her mouth twisting in an unpleasant frown as she stared at her reflection. She couldn't run off from the palace in her usual attire, so she needed to disguise herself before leaving. At first, she planned on making herself look like a young lady in poverty, but Stella, a trusted servant that was currently helping her escape the castle, convinced her to dress up like a man. She insisted that it would help her sneak away without getting suspicion from people that would eventually go looking for her. She didn't have to dress like a man for too long, just long enough for her to get a good distance away from the castle. Still, she was displeased by the disguise she now donned.

    Fortunately and unfortunately, she had curves so subtle that they could barely be noted, so she looked just like what you'd imagine a young male peasant to look. A young male peasant with a body slightly shorter and smaller than average and a girly face. She wore a black tunic that was a size or so too big and was fastened with a long piece of rope along the waist. Tattered black stockings covered her legs and her feet were tucked in to well-worn brown boots. Both her hands were covered with thick brown gloves to cover how feminine and fragile they looked. A long cloak the same color as the tunic and stockings draped over her body and reached just a little passed her knees. The only thing left to finish was her hair.

    Kolina knelt down to reach for a bag laying on the floor that contained everything she would need for the next few days. She was told by Stella that a wig was placed in there for her, so her hand shoveled through the bag to look for it. But just as she grasped it, she heard a stumping noise outside the door, someone walking down the hallway by the room. The sound of the footsteps were heavy and irritated, like those of a guard. When she heard it her whole body tensed in anticipation of being found out, but maybe it was just a servant walking by. It couldn't be a guard coming to escort her to her parents. Stella wouldn't sell her out...would she? Kolina slowly stood straight and held her arms to her sides, listening as she hoped the footsteps would pass by the room. 'It's just someone walking by,' she thought, trying to convince herself. 'It can't be over already. I haven't even ran away yet!'

    The steps stopped right in front of the door. It WAS a guard. Kolina felt her heartbeat quicken, but she didn't move. She just gazed at the doorway, waiting for them to come in. She heard the sound of the doorknob getting clutched and turned and expected to hear a click before it opened, but the door didn't budge. Suddenly, she heard the person turn the knob repeatedly and jimmy it as if they were trying to force it open.

    'It's locked!' Magenta eyes darted everywhere around the small room, looking for a quick place to hide. There was no sign of a closet, and every single thing in the room was right in the open... 'The bed!' Kolina eyed the door as she tiptoed across the room and towards to the bed. As soon as she got down on her hands and knees, the door finally swung open.

    Someone tell me if my font color is annoying. :v
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