|Supernatural: S1| Acolytes of Azazel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    [This thread is a reboot of this one. The original was quite popular amongst its members and one of my favorites, but it unfortunately died. There was interest to bring it back so I rebooted it 8D. However, unlike other reboots, I changed virtually nothing. You can feel free to read through the old thread to catch a glimpse of what it was like or for nostalgia (if you're one of the returning members), but otherwise there really is no need to (though it is a fantastic read, if I do say so myself). Reason is because we're starting pretty much from the beginning so any newcomers can join in!]

    "Honey, the baby's crying," the man whispered to his wife sleepily as he rolled over.
    Mmm," was the only response he received.
    Not wanting to wake up his love, he decided to check on the baby himself. Before getting up, he mumbled, "
    It's been six months and I'm still not used to this.."
    Suddenly, his wife jumped awake. "
    Six mon-," She seemed panicked as she jumped up from bed. "It's okay, sweetie, I'll go see what's wrong. Probably just a diaper change," she said quickly as she rushed out of the room, leaving her husband confused.
    She hurried down the hall to the nursery. The door was cracked, like it was every night; however, she thought it seemed to be a centimeter or so more cracked than usual. She burst into the room to see why the baby was crying, only to see a shadowy figure standing over the crib. The figure turned around, his face still covered in shadow. Her baby was in his arm, crying. His other arm was over the baby, and she could make out a cut on his hand. His blood was pouring into the baby's mouth. Her lip trembled when she saw the sight. Her eyes immediately went up the figure's face. The only features she could make on his shadow-covered face were his eyes: they were glowing yellow.
    It's you!" She yelled out and rushed forward. The figure raised his hand and the mother flew back into the wall, screaming in the process.

    Her heart-wrenching scream went throughout the house, filling every hallway and room. Her husband had laid back in bed after she had left, but her screams jolted him awake as a chill went down his spine. He ran down the hall, faster than he's ever ran before, and burst into the room. The room was normal. Nothing was out of place. There was no figure, no wife, only the crib in the center. The only noise came from the baby, who was still crying. He looked around, nervously, whispering his wife's name. He walked quickly to the crib and looked into it, as his six month old offspring. There were red dots on the sheets. Then another red dot dripped onto the baby's face. The father looked up and couldn't believe what he saw. His mouth dropped open at the sight: his wife was pinned to the ceiling, her stomach cut open and her white night gown's midsection was a dark red. As he let out a scream, her body became engulfed in flames. The flames spread out.

    A few minutes later, the father watched from across the street as his house burned down. His child was crying in his arms. Unbeknownst to the child, its father was crying just as hard.

    The Road So Far...
    This is your story. You were that baby. Every single one of you. For some reason, when you were six months old, your mother was murdered and your house burnt to a pile of ash. Your father raised you. He had no idea what happened or why it happened, but he raised you the best he could. Some of your fathers continued to raise you, while the others? Well, they couldn't handle it. Suicide was hard when you had a baby, but some of them managed it. So while some of you were raised by your fathers, some were raised in an orphanage or by foster families, or by relatives. Maybe some of you raised yourselves. But you all had one other thing in common, besides the fate of your mothers, and that is that you were different. Your dreams were extremely vivid. And sometimes, these dreams came true. It wasn't long before you started having these "dreams" while being awake. They always came with headaches. There were even a few rare cases when you thought you had moved an object without touching it. Then, there was an incident when you were a teenager. You did something else. You had another power. While you shared your "premonitions" and telekinesis with the others, this power is different. It was stronger. It was dangerous. It was...demonic.

    Then came that man. He called himself Lenny Fredericks. He introduced himself to your father or your foster parents or the orphanage, whoever was in charge of you. He said he had come for you. He adopted the orphans. Those with foster parents eagerly went with him; after all, your parents knew you were different and they feared you. They were happy to give you up. If you still had your father, he persuaded your father to hand you over with the promise of revenge: revenge for what happened to your mother. After all, he knew who he did it. But your father wasn't special enough. He couldn't be a part of it, but Lenny was happy to keep your father informed. The first thing he told your father, and you, shook your world. The one responsible for your mother's death was none other than a Demon. Did you believe him? Of course not. Or maybe you did. Maybe you had always known there had to be something mystical about it. Lenny told you the Demon was from Hell and there were many like him. He called the Demon Azazel, known by his Yellow Eyes. The next thing he told you should have been a surprise, but it wasn't. He told you that the blood of the demon runs through you. You are Azazel's child. Not literally, no, but figuratively. You have his blood. That's why you're developing powers. That's why you can see things that haven't happened yet, or while they're happening elsewhere. His blood links all of you. Lenny then told you something else. Demons are real, but so are other creatures. Werewolves, vampires, spirits, shapeshifters, ghouls, things you've never even
    heard of. They're all real. There exists things that go bump in the night. And Lenny wants you to bump back. He recruited all of you. He calls you the Acolytes of Azazel. For even though that is your common enemy, the object of your revenge, he is also what links you together. You will find Azazel and you will kill him. That is your reason for joining Lenny.

    Lenny trained you. He trained you with firearms. He trained you how to work around and outside the law. He taught you how to lie. How to investigate, how to fight, and how to use your powers. He sends you on missions to towns and cities all across the country where signs of the Supernatural are easy to spot, if you know how to look. You are protecting people who don't believe in fairy tales. People who don't believe in the boogeyman. People who don't understand you. People who will shun you if they knew the truth. Lenny has entrusted three of you with a special weapon. Each of you three have a knife that'll instantly kill a Demon. He's entrusted all of you with a large amount of firearms, ranging from pistols to rifles to shotguns. He's taught you about the Supernatural, their weaknesses, their habits, their strengths, everything you need to know to kill them. Your main objective? To find Azazel and to kill him. How are you going about it? By finding other Demons and interrogating them. Azazel is the only Demon you have ever seen with Yellow Eyes. He's famous even among the normal Black-eyed Demons. They must know how to get to him. Along the way, you will hunt. Hunt whatever isn't human, whatever isn't natural. Maybe you'll even find a clue about the Yellow Eyes Demon. Maybe you'll get your revenge. Maybe you won't come back.

    Acolytes of Azazel
    This is what you are. You are one of the Special Children. Azazel's blood runs through all of you. His blood has given you psychic abilities. This unites you in powers. Azazel murdering your mother, making life for your father hell, THAT unites you in cause. Lenny sets up headquarters in what he calls the Roadhouse, but you know it as home. The roadhouse is a large building. On the outside, it appears to be a bar, or saloon, if you will. The second story is where your rooms are. The first floor appears to be a bar, where Lenny works as the proprietor and bartender, despite already having a large amount of financial resource. The usual customers? Traveling hunters. The basement is a safe house, loaded with firearms, other hunting paraphernalia, and a panic room in case of emergencies. Lenny's room is on the first floor, hidden by the shelves of drinks. The Roadhouse is in the middle of a clearing, deep in a forest, isolated from civilization.
    All of you have minor premonition abilities and minor telekinesis. But some of you excel in other things. A dangerous ability. All your abilities grow stronger when you feed on Demon blood, think of it as your bounty from finding Demons. The Demon blood makes you stronger. It makes that one unique ability powerful to the point where you can fight the Supernatural without weapons. Demon blood does all this and more, it makes you high. It is addicting. Lenny makes sure all of you only drink in moderation. Otherwise, you might become the very thing you hunt. That is also why Lenny is your boss. He knows more about these things than you do. You don't have a choice. If you leave, well, you're a hazard. Someone with your abilities can't be let to your own devices. You either stay with Lenny and find Azazel, or your comrades have to get rid of you.
    Special powers from the show:
    -Mind Control (through speech)
    -Superhuman Strength
    -Heart Stopping Touch
    -Stronger telekinesis
    These powers become even stronger with Demon Blood, such as being able to place images in the heads of others, mind control without talking, controlling Demons, and even being able to exorcise Demons without killing the host.

    Resources you have:

    • A large amount of firearms.
    • Large amount of weapons.
    • Large amount of books on myths and legends.
    • Several credit cards and fake IDs for working outside of the law.
    • A jeep and a van, both fitted with Devil's Traps, firearms and ammo, and other useful items for hunting.
    • In the Roadhouse, you can choose to have your own room or room with someone else. Your rooms are fitted just how you like them. All of you have a decent T.V., computer/laptop, radio, etc.
    • Extra cash for personal use. To earn this, you have to work the bar downstairs.

    Spawn from Hell. They exist as a black cloud. They can possess humans. Once a human is possessed, it's almost impossible to tell it's really a Demon. A possessed human can be hurt, beaten, shot, stabbed, but nothing will happen until the Demon leaves the host. Then, all their injuries take their toll on the body. A possessed human can have pitch black eyes, the true eyes of the Demon, but it's up to the Demon when to show it. If a Demon wants to stay hidden, it won't show you his real eyes.
    All Demons are known to have telekinesis and telepathy. They get inside your head and mess with your mind. They have enhanced endurance and are MUCH stronger than normal humans. Demons can't feel temperature. A strong Demon might even exert mind control. The more powerful Demons can do a lot more.
    Demons can be exorcised through certain rituals, this sends them back to Hell.
    Charms can be made to protect against demon possession, but these are hard to make.
    The best way to kill Demons is with a gun known only as the Colt.
    Three of the Acolytes have an ancient knife that can kill a Demon instantly.
    Some of the Acolytes can exorcise a Demon by though if enough Demon blood is consumed.
    Holy Water gives most Demons an intense amount of pain.
    Most Demons cannot enter holy ground.
    Hex Bags: These are small bags all Acolytes have (their hideout also has them hanging around) that hides their whereabouts from Demons.

    • Salt. Demons cannot cross a line of salt and feel intense pain if made contact with it. Your shotgun shells are filled with salt.
    • Iron. They can't cross an iron line and, just like salt, it hurts them.
    • Holy Water. As stated above, it hurts them. It's like acid to them.
    • Devil's Trap. A symbol that can be marked on the floor or ceiling. Once above or under it, a Demon cannot step out of the circle.

    The Supernatural
    Remember those scary stories parents tell their children to make them behave? About how the boogeyman will get them? Or maybe you were one of the ones who claimed they believed in ghosts but had no proof? Or maybe you were fascinated by stories of werewolves and vampires? Well guess what. They exist. Even things you've never even heard of. Some of them have simply always existed as what they are. Others may be people turned that way. Lenny educates you on these creatures and sends you to hunt them. That's what you are after all, a hunter. You leave for each mission knowing you may never come back. Can you live with taking the life of a creature? Even if it was once human? Even if it still has its humanity? For example, the little girl is only a ghost because she wants to see her parents one more time. Will you get rid of her? So what if she wants to be reunited with them by killing them? She's still a little girl. Do you have it in you to rid the Earth of her presence once and for all? If you don't, she'll rid the world of yours.

    When Lenny, through his many resources, hears of a Supernatural occurrence, he sends you to hunt. Once you return, he uses his own powers to learn everything you learned from your mind. He learns your thoughts throughout the mission, what you saw, what you heard, what you doubted, what you did. He does this in case there was something you missed. Maybe the Demon you exorcised smiled before being sent back to Hell. You may not think it was a big deal, but Lenny knows better. He's been hunting longer than you were born and he's not letting any detail go unnoticed. Azazel isn't slipping through our grasps for your mistake.


    1. First and foremost: Don't powerplay, don't godmod, etc.​
    2. I tried to make it so you don't have to know the show to join, but basic knowledge will help.
    3. This is a baseball game. You're the players, I'm the umpire, these are the rules. Three strikes and you're......OUT.
    4. All of these rules apply. They're KHV's rules. If you haven't read them yet, you shouldn't be RPing on here http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?114808-Updated-8-28-2011-Role-Play-Section-Rules!
    5. Please, please, PLEASE follow the 20 word minimum rule. It's not that hard to add a few words simply by detail.
    6. I don't expect everyone to have perfect grammar and spelling, but I expect most of it to be correct.
    7. Romance is pg...16. Yeah, not 13. Supernatural has some lusting, too.
    8. Swearing is REQUIRED...no, just kidding. But it isn't forbidden. Supernatural wouldn't be Supernatural without some swearing.​
    9. If you're taking a break or simply quitting, let someone know (preferably me). I like giving recaps so breaks are no big deal.
    10. Any of the characters from the series (Minus Azazel, of course) DO NOT exist here. So no Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby, John, etc.​
    11. Three characters max. All 3 can be hunters; up to 2 can be Special Children; Only 1 can be something supernatural, Demon or otherwise.​
    12. I will need people to control NPCs often. I don't mind controlling them myself, but I don't want to hog the fun. NPCs range from victims to regular people to the monsters. Let me know if you want to control a specific monster though VM/PM or on here.
    13. NPCs that are regular people or the "monster of the week" don't count towards your character limit.
    14. You can't always be high on Demon blood (Duh) and don't be using your powers in every post. Try fighting things the old fashioned way: with lots of bullets.
    15. Out of the Acolytes, only FOUR will have a Demon killing knife. Lenny has one, my character has one, that leaves two more for you.
    16. One other character can have a car. You can pick what it is (if you don't enough enough about cars to name a model, just describe the basics of it)
    17. The car and knives are first come, first serve.
    18. All Acolytes (minus Lenny) have to be between the ages of 15 and 23
    19. Angels and Heaven are not in this RP (currently). So none of you believe in it unless your character is religious.
    20. If you think a monster that has not been seen on the show should be used here, let me know. We can definitely get creative with that. (I already have a list of some :D)
    21. I don't mind OOCs as long as there's a BIC in the post as well.
    23. Same for powers, if you want to use a power that the show hasn't touched upon.
    24. If you use pictures for anything when making a character, put them in spoiler tags.
    25. If you have a question, feel free to ask on here (or on my page) before making a character. I'd rather you ask me first and we can clear things up instead of you just guessing and making a character then me asking you to correct something.
    26. To go along with #26, if you're not sure you can use a certain power, ask first.
    27. If you've read everything, before this point and after this point, make sure to put (Celine Demon) in your first post.
    28. I will probably break my own rules many times for plot purposes. This means I will do things I shouldn't be able to do, not just with my characters, but with yours, in regards to abilities. For instance, I will give you premonitions or headaches or make your powers activate, etc.
    29. Since I'm the RPMaker, I might add rules later. I'll tell you when I do and what they are.
    30. Oh, and we're going to pretend we have unlimited ammo, just to make things easy. Of course, if you're going trigger happy, your bullets might just...disappear.

    Link to OOC thread here:
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Click. Click. Click. Click. ... Click. Adam sat at the bar, flicking his lighter on and off out of anxiety. Click. Click. Click. There was only the sound of his lighter clicking. The white and black-haired boy sat in silence on the bartender's side of the counter, countless bottles of alcohol lining the shelves behind him. "Where the hell is Lenny?" He grumbled as he turned his stool and leaned against the counter, resting one elbow on it. Directly in front of him was a half-empty bottle of beer. Next to it, a pistol. "Ol' man's got some 'splainin' to do," he said aloud, obviously agitated. He looked towards the window; the "Open" light was off and every once in a while, Adam could hear a car pull up, slow down, and then leave. It was unusual for the Roadhouse to be closed, most Hunters knew that, but they also knew that Lenny and his "kids" were different and when they were unavailable, they were unavailable. He looked around and looked at Scott first, or as he called him, "Hercules." Then his gaze shifted to Luce, his "older sister." They've been together for years, hating each other and hunting with each other. They were an awkward family. Then she came along. Alexis, the newest Acolyte...Adam could not get a reading on her. She seemed like a walking time bomb at first, putting the rest in danger with her rebellious attitude; not to mention the fact that her appearance into their lives meant something horrifying: They were other children of Azazel out there and Lenny didn't find them. And just like warning shot that preceded a dangerous gunfight, three more Special Children were found days ago: Tatum, Eliza, and Zeke. Those three sat in the bar as Adam watched over them, scowling. There was...something fishy going on around her. "Goddamn it, Lenny!" Adam snapped, pushing his seat back and jumped up. "Get out here! You can't just bring three more Acolytes in and then lock yourself in your room!"
  3. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Alexis was also at the bar, albeit, unlike her newly acquired 'brother', she wasn't looking as agitated as he was. She was leaning against it and her eyes were focused on and analysing the three newest arrivals to their 'circle' so to speak.
    Alexis had gotten pretty good at analysing people due to her past. Out on the streets, you had to be able to judge people quickly, or it could mean death... of course... Alexis still never trusted anybody. Heck, she didn't even trust Lenny entirely yet, or the other 3 Acolytes who came before her. Especially since two of them had 'seemingly' tried to kill her already.
    Adam... or 'Mulligan' as she called him. Mulligan hated to be called the latter, something Alexis had learned when Lenny had called him it, and it was something that she had began to call him when he had a habit of getting her name wrong with very little effort of correcting himself. Despite the fact that one of her earliest encounters with the guy had involved him aiming a gun at her head (a test as he had called it), out of the original 3, Mulligan was probably the guy she got on with the most, which was a pretty big step for her.
    Next was Scott. Alexis didn't really know Scott or associate with him that much. Despite the fact that she had lived at the Roadhouse for around a month now, the two hadn't really said too much to each other, but that suited Alexis perfectly fine. From what she could judge of the guy, he and Luce clearly had issues. Something that Alexis didn't want to get involved in... but of course...
    Yes... Luce. Alexis and Luce out of all the Acolytes so far had the most similar past, and yet they had the biggest issues it seemed. Luce absolutely hated Alexis, and to be honest, Alexis wasn't that fond of Luce now. When the two had first met, Alexis was completely indifferent as she didn't per-say like or dislike Luce, but Luce had instantly expressed her dislike/hatred. And on Alexis's first mission, Luce had under the influence of Demon Blood aimed her pistol at Alexis's throat, an exchange that had ended with Alexis aiming a shotgun at point blank range to Luce's gut.
    There were a lot of complications in their little 'family'... and Lenny, the man Mulligan was anxiously waiting for, was their 'father' figure.
    Lenny and Alexis had not since spoken of the events that had happened when she was first recruited, which was probably for the best. But Alexis did have to admit that she owed the changing of her life to this man.
    Alexis had lived on the streets for an astonishing 14 years not knowing the truth about her past; that a demon named Azazel had killed her mother and made a baby Alexis 'different'... Something that Lenny referred to as an 'Acolyte of Azazel'. Lenny had (once he found her) taken Alexis from her life on the streets where she had developed quite a reputation, and actually given her something more. Alexis was still trying to adjust to her new life, but in the month that she had been at the roadhouse, she had cleaned up a fair bit and also put on a little bit more weight to something a tad healthier than what she had been. The one thing she wasn't grateful to Lenny for was the fact that he made her room with Luce. He had put the two together for some reason known only to him. Perhaps he hoped they might learn to get along or something, but that clearly wasn't working. Alexis still found herself to be an incredibly light sleeper, almost practically sleeping with one eye open like she used to on the streets which... let's face it; she had plenty of practice in. But regardless, while Alexis didn't fear Luce in the slightest, she wasn't going to let down her guard either.
    Mulligan's next outburst about the three new Acolytes bought Alexis back to her senses. Alexis continued to stare at the new arrivals. Out of the all the current Acolytes, Alexis was probably the least surprised. After all... if Lenny found her only recently, then the odds were good that he had missed more than just her when he had first began recruiting. There may be even more than these new three that he had missed too. ...Just how many children had Azazel reached so many years ago...?
    "Calm down, Mulligan. I understand why you're frustrated, but that won't help things right now." she spoke to him calmly, her arms folded as she continued to lean against the bar. She was still looking at the 'new guys'. Alexis sorta knew how it felt to be sitting there, but now she could also understand how the others must have felt when they first met her and found out there was another one of them. Another of Azazel's special children...
    Another... Acolyte of Azazel.
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Scott kept quiet, his eyes still fixed on the rock in his hand that he had been chipping away at with his knife. He ignored the complaints of Adam as he sheered piece after piece off of the small rock, managing to turn it into a distinct dart-like shape after at least an hour of work. It wasn't particularly difficult, he just wanted to take his time with it.

    He wasn't concerned about the appearance of three new Acolytes. Why would they need to assume it would have just been the three of them? Alexis was still a new girl for them and the fact that three more could show up at any time didn't bother him. Though...three at the same time was a little much. ' How many lives has Azazel destroyed? Are there still more of us out there? ' The thought bothered him a great deal but he shrugged it off. He sighed out and closed his eyes for a moment only for an unintentional memory of the past to surface. The rock in his hand shattered in his grip. Scott took in a deep breath as he opened his eyes before sighing out in frustration. 'Calm down...'

    "There goes an hour's worth of my work gone to waste." He muttered halfheartedly. Scott shook his head slowly and glanced over at Luce. He thought about whether or not he should say something. Whatever he had to say was better left said in private. Scott knew that she resented him for his own attitude though he- "I'm sorry about Adam." Scott directed towards the new Acolytes. "He was dropped on the head and never really could get a grasp on manners." Scott turned over towards the new three. Scott said nothing more towards them but merely watched them for awhile long before turning away from them once more. 'Hmph. Manners. I spent most of my life using my powers to beat down anyone who got in my way. I really shouldn't be talking.' Though he never showed it towards the other Acolytes and had never once spoke out about anything specific in his past, he was always angry. Not at them, not at Lenny for bringing him into this, not even at Azazel. No, he was angry with himself. There was a reason why Scott always volunteered for the most dangerous things, the same reason why he was always going head first into any situation.
  5. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009

    Eliza sat quietly in the bar, feeling a little uncomfortable. She was the newbie here, intruding on the group that had already been set up and being dragged into something like she could have never imagined. Not that they'd explained that much yet, she'd got a million and one questions buzzing round her head right now and every answer seemed to lead to several more. She wasn't going to complain though, she hadn't had time to fully come to terms with what was happening around here. She'd been determined not to let her unease show, wearing a smile upon her face and trying to take in the best of everything. She knew she'd bide her time and see how things turned out, she'd survive whatever they threw at her, she wasn't going to let this defeat her so easily.

    Right now though, she could feel the eyes of all the established group watching her, judging her, working out if she was good enough. She wondered what they saw, she was by far the smallest of all of them and probably the youngest too; she didn't appear that strong, she was well aware of that. She didn't mind though, she knew she wasn't that weak and she'd enjoy proving it, she'd lived on the streets long enough to be able to take care of herself. She didn't trust these people yet, she wasn't that much of a fool to just just trust some complete strangers that she'd just met. She'd never been part of a group before and she'd certainly never opened up to anyone so this was completely new territory. Still they seemed decent enough people but only time would tell, they had to earn her trust and she did their's. At any rate, she wasn't the only newcomer, there were two more just like her sat beside her in the same situation. She'd smiled at them so far, but she hadn't really got into a conversation yet.

    She'd been listening to the talk between the existing group, she actually found it quite entertaining. The mood was far too tense in here and a bit of conversation would do it a world of good. It seemed to be an interesting bunch to say the least and she'd done her best to hold their gaze whenever they looked over but now, she just really wanted something to happen. "So, what happens now?" She asked, leaning back, she didn't really direct the question at anyone in particular and wasn't really expecting a good answer. Honestly, if she got any responses at all, she'd find it a bonus.

  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Luce half listened to Adam's agitated rambling and Scott's response. She'd never liked her first two members of their estranged family, but she held no feelings of positive encouragement towards Alexis. The past was the past and Luce couldn't quite remember everything that happened a few days ago. She was the oldest out of all of them...it wasn't an impressive feat...it didn't even make her feel better. It only meant, Azazel had destroyed their lives a few years after hers. Lenny had said to Luce on their last mission that she should become a monster...and direct her hatred towards Azazel. It was something she would do without hesitation.
    Directing half her attention to the constant sound of Adam's lighter and the other half to the new arrivals. She sat relaxed in one of the many chairs of the Roadhouse. Lucy.... Her mind played tricks on her. Shifting her position, she ignored the irritation that built up in her at the sound of that voice in her head. Hearing Eliza speak, she lifted her head, "We wait...it's all we can do." She didn't like the newcomers, but she didn't want to waste energy trying to kill them when Lenny wouldn't let her. She wouldn't make the same mistake as she did with Alexis. A fight would waste the energy she'd use to destroy Azazel, the Yellow-Eyed Demon, or any other demon that got in her way.
  7. muff monkey Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 25, 2010
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    ××× i'm a paper doll, you can t e a r m e u p,

    × No one had ever known about Tatum being..well, special. At times, she had blocked the memories of finding the powers out of her mind. She even went to the extent of covering her entire body in clothing just so there would be no more accidents. It had scarred her, and the only way to help her forget was to make sure it would never happen again. And even now, knowing that it is impossible to forget who she really is, she still wears all the clothing. She feels naked without it.

    × When Lenny found Tatum, she was shocked, surprised, and an awful lot confused. How had he known about her? She had gone to many lengths to keep it a secret, but somehow he had found out. It scared her a bit, but the only thing that he had told her was that he could help. And she believed him. Leaving what family she had left behind, she went along with Lenny, ending up at a bar called the Roadhouse. It had only been a few days since she arrived.

    × Snapping out of her thoughts, Tatum glanced up at the sky through one of the small windows in the bar. It was bright outside, causing her to squint her eyes from the glare of the sun. Turning her head away, she looked around at the teenagers surrounding her, some older than her and some younger. Maybe some of them weren't even teenagers? She was never able to tell a person's age just by looking at them and the fact that she hadn't spoken a word since her arrival did not help the case. She felt like she had finally found somewhere she could fit in, but she was wrong. Tatum didn't know it was going to be like this - people disliking each other and every new person that joined. To be honest, she just wanted to forget these past couple of days and go home.

    × But she couldn't leave. There had to be some reason why all of this was happening now. Three people, including herself, were brought into this "family" (if that was what you could even call it) recently. Lenny hadn't explained a single thing to any of them, new and old, and she could feel the tension in the room because of it. Some part of Tatum didn't want to hear what this was all about, but she felt like she had to know. There were other people out there exactly like her, with these mysterious powers. They were made for a reason, but what was it?

    × Grabbing hold of a section of her long, black hair, she began to tightly braid it, all of her attention focusing on making it perfect. But when she heard Adam begin to shout, she jumped slightly, letting go of her hair and watching the braid slowly fall out. Blowing it out of her face, she looked at the boy, wondering what his actions were. Tatum did not know how long he had been there, but she knew it had been a few years from overhearing others talk. Listening to the rest reply to his comments, she kept quiet, not having anything to contribute to this conversation. She didn't know what was going on, and she didn't want to say the wrong words, resulting in a fight.
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Adam grimaced. "What," he turned and grabbed his beer, "Ever." He placed the bottle to his lips, letting the cool liquid rush into his mouth and burn his throat. He swallowed and placed the bottle back on the table. "Well, then," he scowled, looking at the three newcomers, "I guess it's time for introductions." He turned to look at Scott. I mean, seriously, what else are we going to do? He raised his finger and pointed towards his brother. "You first, Hulk."

    Lenny could hear them outside his door. Aside from Adam's outburst, he couldn't make out the rest of the dialogue with his door shut. He was standing over his desk, staring at several open books -some with printed texts and the others with written texts-, several photographs, and a map of the United States with plenty of markings on it. "I just don't get it," he whispered as he placed both hands on the desk, "Why now?" As he thought about recent events, he let his Acolytes alone in the bar, simply with the hope that they would not kill each other.
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Scott took a moment for himself as he completely turned to face the newcomers. He pressed the knife down on the table, leaving it alone for now before finally speaking. "I'm Scott." He paused before adding in, "But just call me Scott. Don't feel free to start using the nicknames Adam over here keeps giving me. I'm more than just muscle." Scott glanced over at Luce then at Alexis slowly. They weren't as...open to newcomers as he was but he decided to just let them introduce themselves. There were new Acolytes around and everyone just had to deal with it. It wasn't their fault that they were dragged back here.

    "For what it's worth, I'm sorry you all have to be here in the first place." Scott spoke lowly, referring to the fact that Azazel had become part of their lives...along with every demon and monster that would come their way. Scott took in a deep breath, folding his arms as he leaned back in his seat. He looked back over at the two girls again as he waited for both to introduce themselves. He just hoped that as soon as they did, Lenny would come out to keep things from becoming too awkward. At least if he gave them a demon to hunt down they would all have something to keep them occupied.
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Luce felt Scott's gaze land on her after he'd spoken. Why was he always looking at her? It was starting to tick her off. Slowly, she turned her head and glared at Scott, "If you keep that up, you'll be apologizing until you die." Flickiing her icy gaze over the new three Acolytes, she slid her feet off the table and onto the ground. "I'm Luce, not that it matters. Unlike those children," she waved her hand over her shoulder towards Scott and Adam, "I'm the first found in our disfunctional little family and the eldest." She paused, not for effect, but to suppress the voice in her head and reprimand herself for running her mouth again. Her fingers touched her back pocket where she kept her cigarettes. She didn't smoke...no, she had a much more dangerous habit
  11. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Alexis watched as her three 'siblings' introduced themselves. It went as expected to be honest.
    'Well... I guess it's my turn now.'
    Alexis gave a brief sigh before bringing her attention back to and addressing the new arrivals. "The name's Alexis, and in contrast to what Luce said; I was the youngest and the newest of us before you guys."
    She reached her arms up and stretched slightly before tilting her neck to the side and giving it a satisfying click. Finally, she moved to one of the bar stools and sat herself down before resuming her folded arms position. "That's all really. I guess now it's your turn, Mulligan." She gave a shrug as she motioned to him, after all, it was his idea to do the introductions anyway.
    Alexis now started to go over what she could tell from the newcomers. One thing she obviously knew already along with the rest of the current Acolytes was that these guys were just like them; tainted by Azazel's blood as a baby after their mother's were killed. But there were other details that could be picked up straight away if you knew how to look for them. As just one example, Alexis was already aware that Luce would have picked up on this fact too: One of the girls, the blonde one who was clearly the youngest of not just the newcomers but all of them together (and this was not just from judging from her petite size...) shared their eyes. The eyes of someone who had lived hard. Someone from the streets. Living like that changed a person, it was as clear to Alexis and likely to Luce as it would be to read it from a book.
    It was easy to tell that the other two had had it tough too, albeit in different ways, but that was to be expected.
    Everyone here in this room right now had all had it tough and had all ended up here regardless of where they came from.
    Azazel had ruined their lives... each and every one of them. All of the current Acolytes had revenge on their minds... but it was hard to be sure about these new guys considering they might not even know about Azazel yet. But regardless, their lives were about to change completely...
    The four current Acolytes in the room all knew this.
    Scott had said he was sorry for them, and perhaps Alexis would have been too if that would change anything. But sorry was just a word.
    Either way, Alexis knew there would be no trust between any of them right now, and it could take a long time for that trust to be built up too. After all, Alexis was the same in this regard; she trusted nobody.
    That was the thing about trust... it takes a long time to make, but it only takes seconds to break.
  12. muff monkey Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 25, 2010
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    ××× i'm a paper doll, you can t e a r m e u p,

    × Looking up when everyone began to introduce themselves, she laughed to herself. It was odd how she had an idea of who they were, but there had never been formal introductions. Though, it made sense. Neither group had made the effort to get to know each other. Part of Tatum didn't want to go through that effort if it wasn't going to get her anywhere in the end.

    × That's how she felt about this entire situation. They were all acquaintances, and despite them being together for a while in the long run, that was probably the furthest any relationship of Tatum's would go. She couldn't allow herself to get any closer. Something big was coming and if anything happened to another person she cared about, the nineteen year old girl honestly might go insane.

    × "I'm Tatum," she muttered quietly, hoping that the others had heard her. It might have been the first words she had said, but she wasn't quite sure. She had spoken to Lenny, but how often had he been outside of his room? For all she knew, the others could have thought her for mute.
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    There was a short pause while Adam waited for Tatum to say more. Seeing that she wasn't going to, he decided it was his turn. "Well, alright then," the young man started, raising a hand to scratch the back of his head, "You guys give really lame introductions, you know?" It wasn't that he genuinely wanted to know more about them (though he was extremely curious as to their circumstances), but there was a lot of tension between the "original three" and Alexis when she first joined. Adam had somewhat hoped that learning more about each other would help them mesh better. "The name's Milligan. Adam Milligan," he shrugged, hoping that the new members wouldn't catch on to Lenny's nickname for him. "20 years young, though my licenses say otherwise, depending on the job. Beer's my vice, doesn't matter which. I smoke," he reached in his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "If you don't like the smell, well, get over it. I do it where I want. There's enough laws telling me where I can't do it." He paused, trying to think of other "mundane" details about himself. "I...listen to my music. LOUD. Lenny hates it, but hey, it's good stuff. I drive a Charger. You'll see it later. If any of you scratch it, or even touch it, or," he paused to look at Alexis, "blow my wheels, I'm roasting your body over a fire." And with that, he decided it was time for more important details. "On that note," his voice dropped, signalling a much more serious topic, and he grabbed a cigarette, "The 'gift' I was given is pyrokinesis." He opened his pack of cigarettes, letting out a low moan when he realized there was only a few left, grabbed one, and placed it in his mouth. "The long and short of it is," he said through the side of his mouth, "I'll never need a lighter again." He raised his index finger and placed it right under the tip of his cigarette. There was a small spark and his finger got hot. Right at the tip, a small flame came out, lighting his cigarette. He kept it lit for a moment longer than he should have, inhaling the smoke and letting everyone see. He could feel his throat burning as the smoke traveled in, but it didn't hurt. Smoking always felt good for him. As the flame on his finger went out, he exhaled through his nose, a stream of smoke exiting his nostrils. "So yeah, that's me," he mumbled, leaning against the counter and grabbing the cigarette between his middle and index fingers. "Alright, tough guy," he pointed his cigarette at Zeke, "you're up."
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Zeke wasn't particular paying any attention to the other in the bar. It wasn't that he didn't like them, it was how he was ever since his father committed suicide. He'd prefer to keep to himself rather than talk to anyone, besides at this point he had other things on his mind, like finding out more about the Yellow Eye demon that put him in this situation in the first place. He actually started listening to the others when they started doing introductions. By the sound of it, about everyone else knew what was going on alot better than he'd did, which was to be expected. Then his turn to introduce himself came an he turned to face everyone else in the bar. "You can just call me Zeke, that's about it." He said as he waited for the next person to introduce themselves.
  15. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009

    Eliza listened to all the introductions with interest, trying to remember all the names and get a picture up of who everyone was. She doubted she'd succeed, she was terrible with names but she could still try. The more she remembered, the less likely she was to go and embarrass herself later by asking for their name. She found it all a bit amusing though, they weren't the most sociable of groups and most of them got their turn in the spotlight done as soon as they could. She could already see that all of them hadn't had the easiest of lives and they'd all had it rough in one way of another, they'd probably all got their own stories to tell but if they were willing to share was another matter. She didn't really want to share hers just yet and the tension in the room felt like it could be cut with a knife. Maybe that was just because they were new people and nobody really knew what to do quite yet, maybe that would go with time.

    After Zeke's particularly short and blunt introduction that she couldn't help but grin slightly at, she realised she was the only one who had yet to go. That hadn't been intentional but she liked to know about everyone else before sharing anything about herself. "Well, I guess it's my turn now. I go by Eliza and it's a pleasure to meet you all." She said, her usual little smile lighting up her face. She may not trust them all yet but she didn't really want to make enemies of them and she found being polite helped her cause. "I expect I'm now the youngest but don't discount me, I can still cause a spark when I want to." She added after to make her introduction not so boring. She didn't want to share her past just yet, but she felt like she should really say something extra than simply her name. Although looking around, she wondered if she could ever come to fit in with this strange group, if she'd ever feel like she belonged anywhere. It would be nice to be part of a group, a family, but as things stood she couldn't help but doubt.

  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "That's everyone then." Scott leaned back in his seat. "Aside from Eliza and her bad puns..." Scott motioned over towards the girl. "You all aren't very talkative. Then again, we haven't been the friendliest bunch have we?" Scott crossed his arms as he started to rock back and forth in his chair. Luce's own comment towards him made him think over what he said, but he still didn't regret it. While it was pointless to apologize, he wanted to at least let the new Acolytes know that they weren't devoid of empathy...or at least he wasn't. 'So that's Tatum, Zeke, and Eliza. In just a few days we nearly doubled. I wonder if Azazel really is so confident as to leave around so many Acolytes who are willing to kill him...'

    "There's going to be a lot for all of you to learn. First off," Scott motioned towards Luce, "Luce isn't as cold as she seems." Though he said it with a smirk, he could still feel a phantom pain of when Luce had last punched him. 'Just like old times.' He casually pointed at Adam then at Alexis. "As for Adam and Alexis...Adam's as cuddly as a cactus and Alexis..." He trailed off, trying to sum up his own opinion of her. In fact, despite her having been around for a month he still had very little to say about her. They barely spoke to each other and for no apparent reason either. "Alexis is Alexis." He left himself out of his quick 'summary' of the group because he felt no need to talk about himself, ever.

    "Hey Lenny! Mind if I give these new kids a taste of the good stuff?" He called out loud, referring to the Demon's Blood. Scott wasn't being serious about it but felt that it would've been a fast way to get Lenny out of his room.
  17. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Luce couldn't help but curl her hands into fists at Scott's comment about her. Not as cold as she seemed, huh? Obviously, she hadn't beaten him too badly, but enough to make his memory loopy. "And you're just a regular old filthy mutt with freakish strength and an ego about the size of this entire damn place! Ya pickin' a fight by saying I'm not as cold as I seem?!" Still resenting Scott for his words all those days ago, "You must have a death wish, talking about me so casually. Damn brat!"
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Adam chuckled as he stepped between Scott and Luce, in order to avoid too much of a ruckus. While their fights were normal (Hell, he enjoyed watching the two bicker like an old couple). "You're mad that he doesn't think you're as "cold" as you seem? You should be mad that he calls you cold in the first place!" He laughed, his mood lightening. "But, let's stay on topic." He turned to look at the three newcomers. "Alright, then. I guess we should no-"

    "Are you out of your mind, Scott?" Lenny demanded as he stormed out. "The good stuff? You trying to get them addicted right off the bat? What's wrong with you?" His face was serious, but seeing the scene in front of him, he realized Scott's intention. Lenny was from an older time. Kids these days, sarcasm was a native tongue to them, but not to Lenny. He often found himself in the dark when it came to their humor. In his day, there were certain things that were too serious to talk about. Apparently, those days were long gone. Nothing is off limits now. "Well, um," he looked around at everybody, seeing all eyes on him. It was time for Lenny to slip into his role as father. "Alright then," he turned and quickly closed his door. "Mulligan," he called, reaching into his pocket and pulling a small silver case. "Light one for me," he ordered, tossing the case to his "eldest son." When the Acolytes talked about age, they never meant how old one was. It was like that for most hunters; your age depended on how long you've been hunting. The reason being that once a normal person became a hunter, their old life was gone. They were born anew...usually because something supernatural had destroyed their old life. As he walked along the bar, between the counter and shelves of alcohol, he said nothing. He skimmed the shelves, looking for just the right bottle. Settling on a brand of whiskey, he grabbed it and in one swift motion, turned and grabbed a glass from under the counter. "So...what have you all been chattin' about?"
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    "Oh, the usual...just the how and when we're all going to take Scott out of the picture. Just a little bigger slice of demon cheesecake for me." Luce glared around Adam, not that she didn't spare a bit of anger for the boy in front of her. She watched Lenny fall into the role they'd forced him to adopt and rolled her eyes, "Just getting to know one another...again." She still had the urge to throw something hard at Scott's head, but Lenny probably wouldn't approve of her chucking a table at him let alone one of the cars.
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Scott frowned, though not seriously, at Luce's comment even though it didn't affect him at all. It quickly disappeared when he spoke up. "I thought I made it clear though. I don't mind your threats." The front legs of his chair smacked against the floor once Lenny entered the room, scolding him about his previous comment before realizing it was just sarcasm. He shook his head slowly and slowly rose from his seat, scratching his chin for a moment as he headed over towards Lenny and leaned over the bar as he stared down at the selection of drinks. Scott didn't drink alcohol, it never tasted right to him. He had another addiction anyways.

    "Well, Luce can't take a complimen-Oh? You meant something new." Scott looked back over at the newcomers. "What've you been doing in that room of yours? Small talk is pretty awkward at the moment with the new kids." He tapped his fingers against the bar for a moment as he wondered about grabbing a bottle of...something, anything really. No alcohol would be enough though. "Say, do you remember their names anyways? You've been locked up for so long that I doubt you know what day it even is." Scott added in lightly, closing his eyes as he leaned down against the bar and breathed deeply.
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