User: Quorra
Last Activity:
Jun 27, 2011
Dec 29, 2010
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3:42 AM
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User: Quorra

Merlin's Housekeeper

User: Quorra was last seen:
Jun 27, 2011
    1. Firekeyblade
      Anyway. Just wanted to notify you that Jayn gave the okay on your character in Synchronicity.
    2. Shadox D.
      Shadox D.
      Welllll welcome to the forum madame! *takes off tophat and bows*

      I guess I was a little too late on the thread you made... whoops ^^;
      But it's a good thing that everything turned out right as rain! ^-^

      Yeah I gots a girlfriend too n am proud of being with her.

      Ehh I'm just ranting now so I'll stop cluttering your VMs lol.

      I hope happiness in your relationship. And if it comes to an end, I hope it doesn't hurt because I've been through bad hurting in my time (even if I wasn't with that person).

      Oh jeeze I keep ranting xP

      I'll let you go now. Haz the fun on the forum!

      (P.S. Don't get freaked out if you can't VM me, I have disabled them so you can PM me whenever you like.)
    3. Jayn
      Aww, this was nice. Thank you very much! c:
    4. KeybladeSpirit
      Hey, I saw your thread. I'm glad that everything turned out fine, but I just sort of wanted to add one piece of advice.

      Don't take any **** from guys who have a problem with your relationship. I've talked with a few lesbians in my short time and that's the main problem they've had was straight guys either hitting on them knowing that they're not interested or just plain harassing them for what and who they are. Fairly sure this won't be an issue for you, but I thought you might need the advice just in case. With that, welcome to the forums.
    5. P

      Ah well. We'll use Voxli, because that has a chat-box.

      No account needed or anything similar. Just click the link, and you're in.
    6. P
      Sure. Probably easier over MSN though. Mine's
    7. P
      Girlfriend? Nope. Someone I like? Yep. She likes me? Yep.

      There are considerable problems though, and there's a good chance it won't end well for me at all.
    8. P

      It's good that your relationship ended up starting. I'm kinda jealous. :p
    9. P
      Stop apologising. It's beginning to get annoying. B|

      Yeah, I'm kidding. I'm trying to get you to apologise for apologising. :p
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    Remember, remember, the Fifth of November,
    the Gunpowder Treason and Plot.
    I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason
    should ever be forgot...​
