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Jun 16, 2016
Apr 24, 2007
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Sep 27, 1989 (Age: 35)
Home Page:
Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down


Chaser, 35, from Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down

*TwilightNight* was last seen:
Jun 16, 2016
    1. Asterisk
      I posted in Thirteen, get there.
    2. Asterisk
      Pfft, at what, midnight?
    3. morphine and lollipops
      morphine and lollipops
      It was past huge, it was...humungo. XD Freetime for me is a curse, cause I totally blow it on TV or icecream or ogling boys I shall never have. Curse. Fer sure. And oh yeah, MSN is addicting. Like cake. Wow, thats a lame comparison but still...

      I CAN'T STICK TO THE OC's. I can't. I will always end up twerking them to make them more like me or more funny or more likeable or yeah. It is so amazingly hard for me, I always admoire those who can do it to like a T. Get even the character's freckles to be the same. Oh, yeah. I know ,next to nothing bout KH. It's kinda sad, but I just never got into the gaming scene. I even think I will sell my DS, i need cash and I never use the poor thing. Most (okay, nearly ALL) of the Role plays I have ever been in did not have any characters or anything from a real plot. It was just writers writing whatever. This is one of my first actual OC RP. Weird, huh? And yeah, I noticed. Same with Roxas and Demyx and whatnot. I noticed. An example for Harry Potter, there's a dude named Blaise Zabini. He appears 4 times in the ENTIRE series and says less then 15 words. However, he is my favorite character because I (among others) have built him up to be a sexy, coffee-drinking, motorcycle-riding, book-loving, smart and cynical Italian. We don't even care that JK Rowling's has said he was not Italian but black. XD

      Yeah, for sure. I will be browsing forums and I will see them in clumps. Literate, text-talkers, semis, and the amazing, 1 page posters. I find it cool. But I could never RP with all text talkers or where they ** the actions. Yeah, no. I'd go ballistic. I used to do Semi., a lot, but I am working my way up. I am just so lazy. XD

      How is your summer going so far?
    4. Asterisk
      Obviously your not free since your never on MSN anymore. I'll give you the Axel reply when you have time.
    5. Asterisk
      Go ahead, take your sweet time ^^ ..I'll reply to Thirteen as soon as your free again.
    6. Asterisk
      Well let me know when your getting back full time ^^
    7. Asterisk
      Hey, you doing okay TN?
    8. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Hey what your e-mail? Mines WhiteWolf_22@msn.com
    9. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      Probably not...but of course I will agree that the attitude towards the job is a big factor...and of course how you think of the work you are doing...
    10. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      Indeed...life is exhausting...but it can be rather enjoyable at times too...I would say the job aspect falls into both...
    11. Asterisk
      Trapped I'm likely just gonna give up on ..plot is just poor in terms of versatility ..oh noes, we're stuck somewhere with no way out, this plot is so original!

      Rivals ..idk, I'll stay with it, I'm just talking shi t when it comes to that.I'll post sometime soon ..but you really gotta catch up.
    12. Asterisk
      'Meh' nothing ..I might ditch trapped and Rivals. I'm not feeling it at this point.
    13. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      Me personally I enjoy one where you are on your feet to be honest...lets my body get its exercise and keep it from cramping and straining...but I think sitting jobs are fine too...as long as the people you work with and the job itself are ok I think that is the main thing...
    14. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      *laughs lightly* Indeed...I had one job that required me to sit and enter order after order of the products we were selling...it does tire you out...still if the hours and pay are good, and you find the job worth it...it should be...
    15. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      So far he has me working Monday through Thursday from 4 - 8pm...its not too bad...supposedly a chance to get more hours once I get the hang of things...and a chance at getting more hours when school starts up and he loses all the younger teens...
    16. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      I know silly...I am...I shall with you too when you get on...yeah...busiest day so far...
    17. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      Eh...just glad you will be able to relax some silly...miss seeing you on too...
    18. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      Eh...I guess I shall edit it some then...might as well make it fit into the setting...sounds good...
    19. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      *falls over* I guess that will work...as long as there is no rush on your end...
    20. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      *raises eyebrow* Guess I was expecting a difference...hmm...not as far as I know...
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    Sep 27, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Home Page:
    Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down


    "Bet you don't know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors...


    ...And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest."