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Feb 27, 2016
Jan 5, 2012
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November 13
somewhere out there....
Visual Effects/Animation (College Student)


Gummi Ship Junkie, Female, from somewhere out there....

If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme... Aug 22, 2012

strfruit was last seen:
Feb 27, 2016
    1. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah. I've always loved movies, especially all the behind the scenes stuff. It's always captured my interest, and I've always wanted to make movies. I'm not good with talking with people in real life, so I don't really talk to any of my friends like this, talking about movies and such. They don't seem to see them the same way I do.
    2. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Ah, okay. I'll check it out when I can. I'm usually a fan of out there movies.
    3. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      yeah; either way, it's going to be a fun movie, either way. Even if it does turn out to be bad, it's probably going to be one of those "so bad it's good" films. And I haven't been able to see the trailer, but I'll look out for it.
    4. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      I'm not quite sure when it's happening, but I know that I am high up on the list. It all depends on when a good heart comes in. And thanks.

      Yeah, and c'mon, it's Abraham Lincoln VAMPIRE HUNTER. The title itself tells you that it's going to be a satire. Maybe he's someone who works with Burton. It's good that he may be showing him the ropes, but I'd like to see his own particular directing style.
    5. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, I'd probably catch the bus too, if it wasn't so far away. I have heart problems (and I'm in LA for a transplant), so it'd probably be a bad idea for me to walk so far. My parents would probably freak out.

      Yeah, that's probably how it's going to draw in a lot of money. I hope that it's good too. I've read through some of the book and it's funny, but the trailer makes the movie appear all serious. Burton did the same thing with Sweeney Todd, and although it was good, it could have been better. It does look pretty interesting though, and I will admit, I got on board with the idea when I saw Burton's name was credited. Even when the book first came out and I saw the original cover, I knew that if they were going to make a movie of it, Burton was going to be involved.
    6. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      LOL, I'm probably going to have to wait to see it on DVD too. I can't get a ride to the movie theaters to save my life. I'm on my school's newspaper, and I do movie reviews, but I still seem to get to see movies one week too late. I want to see Cabin in the Woods, but I don't think I'll be able to see it this weekend and have it up when I want it.

      Yeah; producers usually get some say in what's going on. I guess that's why the trailer looks very much like a Tim Burton style film. I hope the movie is good too; it'll probably be successful since the Burton name is attached to it.
    7. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, my friend was annoying me to read them, so I just decided to read them just to troll her about what I think about it and pointing out everything that I hated about it. XD Even i I wasn't trolling her, I'd probably still have my issues. I was able to read through the first two pretty fast because I got them over my Spring Break. I'm on the last one, and school's got me busy with everything. They're all pretty short though.

      Yeah; unfortunately, sometimes people will do that. It has him listed as a producer, but when it comes to how a movie turns out, a lot of the pressure is more placed on the director. Even looking at the trailer, and even the cover poster, it looks like a Burton film.
    8. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah; the movie is very adult, but also very well done. I want to read the book too, but it's going to be on my waiting list for a while. One of my friends has me reading through the Hunger Games books and I decided to pick up Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. I found out that Tim Burton isn't directing it at all (I got the paperback with the movie cover because it was cheaper) and it says "Tim Burton Presents A Timur Bekmambetov Film". That's not what the trailers sold us on; either way, people are going in because it has Burton's name attached. They probably also did that so in case the movie did very well, Burton can get all the praise, but if it's terrible, he can just say "I'm not the director; I didn't do anything, it's that guy's fault".
    9. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Mmhmm; although, I don't think this trailer misleads a lot though. It's just a crime-story that has a little bit of a thriller towards the end. Nothing too bad or out there. And, yeah, some of the stuff is strange, but a lot of it makes sense. Like, a character will do something terrible (and I mean really terrible that you have to look away), but that ends up to come to be something very important. And, of course, all of that symbolism that's in some o the strange scenes as well.
    10. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, I badly wanted to see that movie and when I finally did...I felt like I should have read the book prior simply to prepare myself. I mean, by the trailer, I knew it was going to badass and edgy, but some of the stuff in it is a bit disturbing. It's still a good movie though.
    11. Mike
      I'm a fan. =)
    12. Mike
      My avatar comes from this by the way.
    13. Mike
    14. Mike
      "Knew". Now I'm just being a pain. Lol
      Gimme More is one of my favorites. I actually like that one and then Womanizer, Stronger, Overprotected, Circus, Slave 4U, Crazy, Piece of Me, Born To Make You Happy and Break the Ice.
    15. greater_bloo
      Awesome! Looking forward to it! My next class is going to start soon so I'll ttyl! Thanks for the chat! :D
    16. Mike
      "Britney". What song? xD
    17. greater_bloo
      Cool! :D So, not sure how to ask this, what kinda style is it in? Like is it similar to anime or something else? And can I see it when you're done? xD
    18. greater_bloo
      ooo that sounds interesting. I respect animators a lot! And it's cool you know what you wanna do. I on the other hand am taking pretty normal classes and don't have a real goal in mind lol. But yeah did you animate anything?
    19. greater_bloo
      I'm actually waiting for my next class. Thought I'd pass the time talking to people! ^_^
      So what's an action analysis class?
    20. greater_bloo
      Yo what's up? :D
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  • About

    November 13
    somewhere out there....
    Visual Effects/Animation (College Student)



    "One day you will look into the mirror and see yourself as a person
    rather than just a reflection."


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