Sakura Angel
Last Activity:
Mar 8, 2014
Feb 26, 2010
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Sakura Angel

Traverse Town Homebody

Sakura Angel was last seen:
Mar 8, 2014
    1. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      I'm okay I guess. Going down but coming up a little. Oh not I didn't end up going. I'm definitely going next year though. And what happened?

      Honestly, I have no clue. Mom doesn't let me go out often.
    2. Korosu
      Indeed. I probably have much worse nicknames then that though.
    3. What?
      Perhaps the reason of such is due to yourself still being a tad confused over your identity as such - inner thought builds up and manifests itself through other external means, as unintentional hurt, for one. There certainly must be something you would be quite right at, madam - and making others happy is dependent upon your mood, which in itself is slightly down as we see. The fact that you understand you do not wish to is already a step in the positive direction.

      Congratulations, madam - you have already taken the first step. Disregarding such factors of wishing to hurt and be cruel is already an allotment of yourself - your identity - as it is what you are certain of and is quite true to your heart. You believe in it dearly. It is a part of you. These mean utterances and occurrences do not appear to stem from what your personality is, but over the factor that you are concerned over your own identity in itself. This state, as such, is not you. These factors are not part of who you may be. You shall know what person is really you - you shall decide for yourself, for, though we may most certainly coax and support you, it is upon your thinking and discretion. We may simply lead you towards a positive path. But you shall know who you are.
    4. Korosu
      Voxli thing c:
    5. Stardust
      Awesome 8'D. And lol, don't we all.
      K-ON is about a group of girls who join their school's music club and become friends, basically. =] And yeah, Haruhi's good.
      also omg I have a friend who loves Soul Eater but I haven't seen it lolol, just like Clannad. xD
    6. What?
      That is lovely progression on that part, indeed.

      I see. Why exactly do you consider yourself as such, madam?

      In such a case, I suppose you indeed require some thinking time to understand who exactly you are. You already hold an identity, indeed madam - evidenced by the factor of the avatar and text alone - however, you may certainly straighten out yourself as required - though indeed, in my opinion, you do seem quite nice indeed. I suppose you must be the person that you find is true to your heart, but being that person, you must drive that person to evolve with further positive traits, for that person would be yourself. One cannot be a person that they cannot be in themselves - one stays only with the same such person, and changes in people occur to fit who these people are, advancing them further with the same roots. It is quite hard to uproot a true using simplistic manners, really. Perhaps this may be the chance to take some time and reflect on which person or identity you feel is more natural and true to yourself - who is the real Sakura Angel, not simply a doppelganger. This, madam, in itself, may be a root of the confidence factor - and with an understanding of one's identity, confidence shall arrive soon. Friends shall be present.

      And you shall most certainly come at a sensible conclusion over your identity - most everyone does. It is truly a part of growing up and understanding the world as a whole. Differences in experience manifest themselves only through the environment. Simply give it time and remember to reflect - and indeed, you already hold the first steps in your understanding of the person right through the unique qualities you present through the posts on the forum itself! And I, and I am quite sure the rest of your friends here, certainly support you on such a venture.
    7. What?
      Gah, I see. Perhaps they may listen to one of their own relatives? You may, perhaps, inform an aunt or uncle about this - a sibling they may listen to more directly, so they may understand how they are hurting you as such. As for your friends, they certainly do not appear to be proper friends at all - wanton insults, ignoring, swearing, and demeaning is certainly a sign that one must find new friends - and it is certainly possible with yourself: You are a very lovely person, madam, I suppose you simply require some confidence, and people shall certainly adore you for who you are.

      You may indeed make attempts to speak with a few people - do not fret over what they may think of you at first and what will happen if such and such occurs and whatnot - most people certainly are quite nice and do understand others. Attempt to stay yourself, truly - if they do not accept you for whatever ridiculous reason, simply move on, as the world is most certainly large. You may even practice social conversations with others close to yourself, such as relatives, perhaps.
    8. What?
      Your parents do not speak to you? Oh dear, when did this ignoring begin, and do you believe you understand the reason? I do not believe it would even be possible for such parents to do that. As for such friends, perhaps something is bringing them to low points as well and they are themselves bothered by it? Are the usually that negative towards yourself?

      And madam, please do remember that this is most certainly only temporary - things shall most certainly change and be in a more positive light. One must simply have patience - perhaps try something new, and meet new people?
    9. What?
      Thank you, madam. Indeed - Tummer has exclaimed how his Firefox has been bothering him as well? And is that so? What exactly has happened, if it is not too private to discuss, madam?
    10. Stardust
      Haha it's not stupid, don't worry =].
      Welll let's see, I don't watch too much romance myself but there was a cute one I started watching about a high school girl who finds a magic violin (...and romance lol) called La Corda d'Oro (The Golden String). I have a friend who simply adores Paradise Kiss, I don't know anything about it though so you might want to research it before you watch if you want to try it.
      EDIT: Omg I forgot about this one but Mamotte Shugogetten was adorable, I watched that a while ago <3.

      As for comedy I really feel like I should know some but I am honestly wracking my brain and coming up with a full blank here >__> I know I'll think of something later and feel like punching myself in the face lolol. K-ON and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya are both really popular and cute though if you haven't seen them yet, and Busou Renkin was a good action show IIRC. =]
    11. Stardust
      Oh you might want to stay away from it then, it's really freaky xD.
      I might be able to recommend you some anime though. What genre do you usually watch? o:
    12. Stardust
      Yeah, seriously, it can be risky to just download stuff. And Higurashi is a murder mystery/psychological thriller/horror anime series; the first season was really confusing and pretty violent but the second season was more of a drama and made sense of everything perfectly, which was impressive imo.
      And yeah, lol, I rant a lot too =].
    13. Stardust
      Yeah, it really irritates me when some things are download-only so you don't have any physical copy whatsoever >: plus if your computer crashes or whatever then you lose it, whereas with an actual disc you would still have it. /rant
      And haha, that's what my friend said too =]. Reminds me of what I thought of Higurashi. I'll have to give both seasons a watch.
      And lol no worries, I'm the same way 8'D.
    14. Stardust
      Oh no it's no problem at all lol, don't worry about it. =]
      And I see haha xD Yeah I like having actual copies of shows instead of the download-to-own sort of thing that's gotten really popular, just like having the box to display is kind of nice. && Cool, I've heard of Clannad o: I have a friend who really liked it, I haven't seen it though D8 I'll have to watch it sometime.
    15. Stardust
      No problem <3 it's the truth.

      And aww, I see x: Sorry. I definitely hear you there about the anime though, xD the reason I never went to bed was because I was too busy hanging around on the computer.
      So what's your favorite anime? o:
    16. Stardust
      Would the worst person ever compliment people and sing loudly at crazy hours in the morning? I THINK NOT.
      Therefore it is only logical that you are not the worst person ever <3.

      And lol, it's because I never went to bed last night and as a result fell asleep at like 2:30 PM yesterday. I woke up at like 10 PM, and I've been wide awake ever since x: . What about you?
    17. Stardust
      B'aww, why do you think that? Of course you are haha. And you're welcome =].
    18. Stardust
      why thank you 8'D.
      So are you. ~
    19. Stardust
      Lol, nice. Listening to loud music at 4:30 AM here. xD
    20. Stardust
      o: then we shall.
      What's up?
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    Sig by Wolfie <3​
    "I love you.
    Thats why I promised myself....
    ....The next time we meet...
    I'll never let you go.