S m i l e s <3
Last Activity:
Sep 4, 2009
Aug 11, 2008
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4:58 PM
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Certified loser, but I taste test at this one Bask

S m i l e s <3

Destiny Islands Resident

S m i l e s <3 was last seen:
Sep 4, 2009
    1. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      I noticed. :B|:
      Lol, how goes it?
    2. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      You're alive?!
    3. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      omgay! You were on! Gimme your MSN foo! PM it to me. I misses you mucho. :'D
    4. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      I miss joo! ;_;
    5. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      random ninja! :ninja:
    6. S m i l e s <3
    7. Fruity~
      I'm fine.
    8. Fruity~
      Why? D;
      Rabbits are such a dear.
    9. Fruity~
      Shaking, eh?
      *looks around*
      All I feel now is my rabbit nibbling my chair. ><
    10. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      I'm going to see Hamlet 2 soon I believe. LOL! It seems like a good comedy. Heh. And I knew I'd said that before! Heh, I'm like a broken record. LAWL. And I actually did my work this Sunday! o: I was not lazy and did NOT procrastinate! I'm so proud! ;_;

      My school started last week...<_< But it's ok since I've only 4 classes, and they are rather easy. Heh. It's not that bad actually. I'm enjoying my classes over the people, believe it or not. o:

    11. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      hey, whats up?
    12. Fruity~
      Helloo there~
      Thanks for viewing my profile.
      Here's a message for ya~
    13. Forever Love
      Forever Love

      Isn't he lurvely?
    14. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      xDDD Spiderman movie marathon? Well, you had fun with your friends, that's what counts. [I could've sworn I've said that before <_<] Anyway... Well now you're gonna see Tropic Thunder so it be coo'. Have fun! ;D

      Congrats on reaching 100 posts. <33

      zlomfglolmafogtfo puddin!! o:
    15. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      Umm, I'd go see HAMLET 2. It seems funny. x3 I'd also recommend PINEAPPLE EXPRESS, and TROPIC THUNDER. ;D Have fun.<33
      BORED. TO. DEATH. D':
      and how is you?
    16. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      *sneaks in*


      *stealthily exits*
    17. RoxaSora2010
      Random message for ya :3
    18. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      So what? As long as you have fun, it's all k3wl. xD Whether you chill with five-year-olds, or teens, you ish still so pwnsome. ;_;

    19. reptar
      awwwwwwwww when i met you, you were a noobie now you have to gems :D
    20. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      Yeah, it wasn't so rad when I traveled more then 20 miles to get to school. <_< But I had a good laugh at the end of it. xD


      D'awwwww!! LOL Minigolf. *smacks* You ish purdy! Period. 8<
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  • About

    Certified loser, but I taste test at this one Bask
    I curse like no other. I brush my teeth with Colgate Total. Make meh smile, I love it ;D

    I love animals. Especially hippos. Maybe its the name.


    Because the tension's like a fire
    We'll hit South Broadway in a matter of minutes
    And like a bad movie, I'll drop a line
    Fall in the grave I've been digging myself
    But there's room for two...

    Six feet under the stars