Peace and War
Last Activity:
Feb 3, 2019
May 25, 2007
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Cisgender Male
Jun 1, 1992 (Age: 32)
Lay about

Peace and War

Bianca, you minx!, Cisgender Male, 32

Peace and War was last seen:
Feb 3, 2019
    1. Amaury
      You're back!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        Grrrrrrreat! Yourself?
        Jul 28, 2018
        Peace and War likes this.
      3. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Good to hear! Yes, I am also doing pretty well!
        Jul 28, 2018
      4. Amaury
        Jul 28, 2018
        Peace and War likes this.
    2. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
      Hey, hope you are doing well.
    3. Amaury
      Like, hi!
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Hello, my dear.
        Aug 13, 2014
      2. Amaury
        Aug 13, 2014
    4. Amaury
      Get back on here!
    5. Patman

      I thought you' d like to know, if you didn' t already.
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Thank you. Sorry for the appallingly late reply. Interesting to see if it'll be reinforced well.
        Aug 13, 2014
      2. Patman
        No problem, I wasn' t expecting an answer on that one anyway. Besides, you are of course allowed to have a life. ^^
        Aug 18, 2014
    6. Amaury
      Fact: I like you.
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Cheers me dears!
        May 14, 2014
      2. Amaury
        May 14, 2014
    7. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
      gurl you looked so much better red
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
        well at least you are artistic with your transition.


        Mine makes no sense D:
        Mar 31, 2014
      3. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        White, grey, white, teal, rainbow, pink, red, pink.

        Yeah, i'm so much better, ha.
        Mar 31, 2014
      4. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
        Well I didn't count the teal and rainbow I've also dealt with. God damn I miss teal so much
        Mar 31, 2014
    8. Patman
      Heya ! Free at last ?
      Long story short I just remembered how, when I tried to criticize religion once, you were quick to point out that the books weren' t bad and the bad stuff came from people. However those books are (often ? always ?) full to the brim with backwards logic and morals, and unlike porn and video games they' re presented to kids as educational material. Just thought it was worth pointing out.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Patman
        By preaching I meant advocating for or something. Probably not the best choice of word, but it wasn' t meant to be a jab.

        The stress that comes with cognitive dissonance isn' t necessarilly conscious. Everyone does it, it' s one of the flaws that comes with the way our brains are built.

        Yeah, I saw a poll recently, not sure how reliable it was but it said a bit over 50% of Americans believe atheists have no morals. Britain was at 20%, France 15%. Hell, saying god wants this or that in a political argument would amount to career suicide here. My grandma and I aren' t at each other' s throat, don' t worry. ^^

        I' m not too worried by solipsism or Zhuangzi' s dilemma. Reality or not I' m stuck here, I might as well be pragmatic about it.

        When it comes to video games my priorities lie elsewhere, I want the gameplay to be good first and foremost. If the story' s good too, cherry on the cake. Did you hear its creators are writting a TLoU movie ?
        Mar 23, 2014
      3. Patman
        And btw, since it' s somehow related to what we just discussed, what did you think of the ending ? Would you have lied to Ellie ? Would you say it was fair ? I' d like them to make a sequel because I loved the gameplay, but I gotta admit I' d be curious to see that plot point play out.
        Mar 24, 2014
      4. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        I think it's a good self contained story. I like sequels, but i'd rather Joel and Ellie be left behind. I think the ending was fairly bold, and perfect pretty much. You could tell the script had been revised a good number of times, deciding what would work, what wouldn't.
        Would I have lied? Meh, probably not if I had the choice, but it wasn't my story, it was Joel's really. And Joel's a *******, he said he hung out with a group of raiders to begin with before giving up the life, done terrible things, and pretty much proved it in the end.
        I saw the movie think. I don't know much of Neil Druckmann's work apart from Last of Us and Uncharted 2, so I can't tell how good the movie will be, but yeah, I hope it's good. Better yet, I hope it's not a copy paste job of the plot.
        Mar 24, 2014
    9. Spike
    10. T3F
      WOAH! What happened to your magical staffie powers??
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        I magically gave them up. Their ethereal powers seeped from my fingertips, and I was left simply with the powers of the pink brigade.
        Mar 12, 2014
      2. T3F
        Aw :( Well welcome to the pink family again!
        Mar 12, 2014
      3. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Thanks. Kinda regret leaving, but I needed to. Hopefully pink suits me well again.
        Mar 12, 2014
    11. Spike
      Top of the morn', cap.
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Good afternoon!
        Feb 27, 2014
    12. Amaury
      N-N-No! You left staff!?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        Oh! Will you still be visiting, though?
        Feb 6, 2014
      3. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Still a member. Still here.
        Not sure about talking about, might be disrespectful.
        Feb 6, 2014
      4. Amaury
        That's fine. Like I said, I respect your wishes.
        Feb 6, 2014
    13. Amaury
    14. Patman
      On a completely different topic, how come you often seem on the defensive when it comes to religion ? If memory serves you even said it makes you switch to la la land sometimes. You' re obviously interested by that topic, love discussions, and usually aren' t afraid to submit your reasoning to outside scrutiny so ... what gives?
      1. Patman
        Besides it' s not as if we were talking coke or pepsi, religion covers pretty darn important questions, why wouldn' t you want to know whether your beliefs are rationally justified ?
        Jan 23, 2014
      2. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        I am? Maybe online. There are more atheists on the net that preach more than religious people. I go with the underdog usually.
        I said what now, a la la land? I suppose I might go defensive, like I said, underdog on the net. I suppose I also care about religion because it's a socially important aspect of our lives, psychology and history.
        I feel people are dismissive of it as time goes on, see it as less relevant when I feel different.
        It's not like I love all religions or religious ideas or texts. But I at least like they try to steer you towards something better even if some extremists subvert that.
        Raitonality doesn't necessarily mean anything to me. My ideas and beliefs are full of contradictions, so many specific details that don't logically flow, but seem to work together.

        Btw, i'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but hopefully i've answered it.
        Jan 23, 2014
      3. Patman
        You did, thanks.
        Jan 23, 2014
    15. Patman
      "To think Hiroshima and Nagasaki was almost 70 years ago and My Lai was 56. Appalling events. I know everyone would say the Holocaust or such, but ..."
      Wouldn' t preventing the nazis from ever winning the elections spare us the holocaust, Hiroshima and Nagasaki and, well, the two world wars as a whole ? Might as well cut at the root. ^^
      1. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        I could have done another clichéd choice of saying 'stopping Franz Ferdinand from being assassinated' thereby also stopping both WWs.
        And the Nazi party wasn't formed till 1920, two years after the end of the first world war. It would've stopped WW2, but the first one would've still happened.
        Nut thank you for the contribution of thought.
        Jan 21, 2014
      2. Patman
        By nazis I pretty much meant Hitler, I' d say he qualified whether the word existed yet or not. Admitedly history has never been my strong suit.

        If it was up to me I wouldn' t even change a thing. Wouldn' t want to risk making it worse or, you know, erase my future birth. Besides, hopefully we learn from our mistakes. At least the stupidity of extremism and the mechanisms of its rise in a democracy are better known by the public at large now, though I sometimes wonder if we know them enough.

        Anyway, I' ll stick to making present history.
        Jan 21, 2014
      3. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        Watched a documentary on the 7 critical points in his life that made him Nazi German leader. Changing one of them would've changed a lot of life we have.

        I may have said 'nothing' because I am mainly a 'here and now' sort of person in choices. But I thought Amethyst wanted a goo answer instead of a boring one. Not to mention I just hate those events, I'd willing wipe them off the history books.

        I like experiencing or making history more than rewriting it.
        Jan 21, 2014
    16. Amaury
      You should add a location for yourself. London, ENG, UK, assuming I have that right. I know you live in the United Kingdom. :3
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        It did a little. Thanks!

        Now, make your location London, UK! :)
        Jan 16, 2014
      3. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        But mystery promotes conversation.
        Jan 16, 2014
      4. Amaury
        Jan 16, 2014
    17. Amaury
      Get an avatar!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        Good boy. Would you like a cookie?
        Jan 3, 2014
      3. Peace and War
        Peace and War
        I would've noticed eventually, btw. I'm alright, i'm full.
        Jan 3, 2014
      4. Amaury
        I just like messing with ya, PAW. c:
        Jan 3, 2014
    18. Misty
      i finished editing the podcast, will post 2morro (mytime)
      1. Peace and War likes this.
    19. Amaury
      It is 2:05 AM for you. Go to bed.
    20. Chevalier
      Get on Skype if you can. We need to talk.
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  • About

    Cisgender Male
    Jun 1, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Lay about
    Past Usernames:
    PaW, Nobunaga, I am..., Afro, PaWn, Monkey King, Old Sage


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