Last Activity:
Jan 5, 2011
Oct 23, 2010
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Local Time:
7:52 PM
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Following 1

December 18
Personal info
Don't have a job but I wanna be a vet


Moogle Assistant, from Personal info

Naminerules was last seen:
Jan 5, 2011
    1. Korosu
      Happy birthday person =]
    2. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      To get the videos, click where it says "cutscene archive" at the top. And there you choose which game you want then it will show you a whole list of clips.
      To download them click where it has an icon that says "download". And I just upload them at YouTube, which you need to create an account.
    3. Naminerules
      Can you tell me where to get the videos and upload stuff like that?
    4. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Well I also have the same story, like I saw the vids from YouTube about kh amv's and noticed that they all got the vids from here and so I decided to become a member here & download their videos so I can make my own amv's :) and of course upload them. It just took me awhile to know exactly what to do in WMM.

      ~And Glad to be your friend :D~
    5. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Hi :) I guess your new so welcome to KH-Vids
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  • About

    December 18
    Personal info
    Don't have a job but I wanna be a vet
    Never really happy, more like hyper or depressed

    I like wolves, volleyball, wloves, video games, wolves, doing random stuff, wolves, computer, wolves