muff monkey
Sep 25, 2010
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February 19
Home Page:

muff monkey

Twilight Town Denizen, from Wonderland

i'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye. Aug 14, 2015

    1. C
      y u hat
    2. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      so i guess i'll just start replying like VMs used to be
    3. The Fuk?
      The Fuk?
      "muff monkey is now following you."

      Quit following me, stalker. c:
    4. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      we lie beneath the stars at night, our hands gripping each other tight.
    5. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Yeah I'm like wtf

      I don't act that feminine do I?
      1. muff monkey
        muff monkey
        No, I do not think you act feminine.

        I am not sure if this is how I reply to comments now.
        Aug 16, 2012
      2. Te Deum
        Te Deum
        I guess?

        This is like Facebook. And I haven't used my Facebook in years.
        Aug 16, 2012
    6. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      i was gonna make a comment but then i thought it was racist
    7. C
      Of course you'll be tired of it by now, I heard about there not being a new patch for, what was it... eight months? Or something similar to that. If you've already maxed out your main character, you won't have very much left to actually, y'know, do. Maybe the expansion will change your mind, you'll just have to wait and see :b

      Well it's good to hear you've been decent, but why would it be an obvious thing that you've not been doing the best? Oh I'm fine, at an interesting point in my life currently.
    8. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      you can suck small dick with a small mouth AHAHAHAHA-*shot*
    9. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      it's like not even real X3

      so cute
    10. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      I think once or twice in Post Your Pic Here but I might be wrong

      Edit: found one

      /le stalker
    11. Te Deum
      Te Deum

      Is it just me or am I a total dumbass when I'm tired
    12. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Ahahahaha wut. I don't see why.
      Yeah not everyone.

      If you're boyish, I haven't noticed.

      I find tomboys sexy. No really. I do.
    13. Te Deum
      Te Deum

      Excuse my confusion. I blame it on Makaze and his/her genderbending ways.
    14. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      ....... :/

      Well now I am severely confused.
    15. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      i find cosplaying hot and i am just practically a guy so my opinion counts here
      This all makes sense now.
    16. C
      Ah I see, well it's not like it really matter much anyway. If your gaming needs is fullfilled by it, there's no need for other games c:
      The Brewmaster was always my favourite hero in Warcraft 3, so the fact that they are adding Pandaren to the game is almost enough for me to start playing it again. Unfortunately not quite though. But yes, they are adorable.

      So how are you?
    17. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      omg you so mean D:<

      my heart be flutterin' and i gotz the hot steams <3 i'm good. you?
    18. C
      Ahaha, I really didn't believe in the whole "addiction" thing when it came to WoW. I learned my lesson. But at least you found a game that you seem to enjoy a lot.
      Oh my, then you're certainly much better than I ever was at the game. Good thing that the Panda's are coming soon though, so you'll get some new material <:
    19. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      *knock knock*
    20. C
      Oh psshaw, you make me blush.
      A terrible game? Does that mean that you've moved on from WoW, or are you calling it a terrible game now? o:
      I'm doing pretty well, just in a very relaxed mood today, so I figured I'd talk to someone I hadn't in a while.
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