Sep 25, 2006
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Cisgender Female
human with feelings


gimme kiss, Cisgender Female, from alderaan


i want you here as naked as a christmas tree left up until the second week of february Nov 1, 2015

    1. Kites
      Same. And over time, myspace began getting really boring for me for some reason. I don't know, I just don't update it as often as I probably should. Same thing with facebook. And for some reason I have a lot of stuff in my life to rant about, and livejournal works out because I don't have to write it down on paper with the chance of anyone in my family finding it.

      No kidding, I think it might take a few days to post it all because I get so bored being on the computer all day. My hand is going to kill me after I'm done posting them all, probably as bad as 9 hours of manga colorings with a mouse O.o

      That'd be awesome, thanks ^.^
    2. Kites
      Wow O.O I hope I can keep up with mine for at least a while, I love the icons everyone makes on there so that's how I really got into it.

      Oh and my community will be for icons ^.^ I use CS4 and have gotten really good. I have about 400 icons stashed from every possible thing on my computer and I desperately needed to put them somewhere. I plan to upload them soon :3
    3. Kites
      Oh thank you :3

      That's totally fine ^.^ Lol I just made an account so things are just beginning to start up for me on there.
    4. Atlas
      Same here, actually. Sleep is finally starting to sound like a good idea.

    5. Atlas
      It's great. And there's this one i watched about this kid with a terrible stutter who joins debate team cuz of this hot chick and he's all weird. I think it's called Rocket Science?
    6. Atlas
      Have you see Lars and the Real Girl?

      Jesus **** that one almost got me.
    7. Atlas
      I don't think i've ever cried at a movie (although that just might be because i'm the manliest ****er ever)
    8. Atlas
      I will have to watch it, and then we can discuss various bits.

      The dream sequences in science of sleep were amazing, btw. That ****in horse, man, that ****in horse.
    9. Atlas
      What's Wristcutters about?

      Okay i understand it at the first level, obviously, but go a bit deeper for me. that's what she said ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    10. Atlas
      Don't tell anybody but i almost shed a few manly tears at this movie.

      And i do feel i can almost sort of empathize because while i'm nowhere near as awkward as stephene sometimes i feel like it. I'm pretty good at not doing what i think i should like running into another room or hiding under my desk or jumping out a window to get away from someone but a lot of the time i want to and i was like woah this guy he just does what he does and it makes me sad.

      What's your first favorite movie?
    11. Atlas
      One of the only movies i've ever truly felt for the people being portrayed. Goddamn it was such a good movie.

      btw i do
    12. Atlas
      Yes yes yes mother****ing yes i ****ing love that movie jesus christ yes.
    13. Atlas
      What is your avatar/sig from.
    14. Advent
      Yea, I heard about the MMO, it kinda annoyed me since I wanted another game like KotOR, and the KotOR system obviously wouldn't work with an MMO. I hate people.

      He did like nothing, I think that's what got me the most. Not even a semblance of foreshadowing. I mean the least they could have done is add him to your party for one last battle or something. Anything to throw a bone to the fans of the first game. But no. No. Not Obsidian. I cried for weeks.

      Oh God, I think I've seen that one before. I assume the Exile needs to be female to get that scene, yes? It sounds kinda like that one scene right after Peragus where Atton's like, "Kreia might have been attractive before, but now..." and the Exile's like, "Are you that desperate?"
    15. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      Your background on this page is awsome, it looks like waves :D
    16. General Grievous
      General Grievous
      You should totally get yourself a myspace or a facebook ad talk to me. It seems I don't pay enough attention to this site as much as I should.
    17. Advent
      Saul, yes... I think Sark was the villain from Tron.

      GOD, I know. And at the end of the second game when you see Carth, I was like "OH ****, they might reveal stuff about what happened to Revan." then he's like "lol I dunno." That is the main reason that I will not be able to sleep at night until I hear confirmation for a third game.

      Oh God, yes. xD Some of the choices are just so damn irresistible. Like on Nar Shadda in the second game, you see those two guys, and you can be like "[Force Persuade] You want to give me all of your credits and jump into the central pit." and the guys are like, "Jump into the pit, yes, easier to get to bottom that way." My friend and I seriously lol'd for like 10 minutes.

      Everyone is such a ****** to him, though. Kreia kept saying how he was a brainless pistol jockey, then on Telos she decides to just invade his head... though if she hadn't done that, it would have been impossible to make him a Jedi, so I guess it's good that she did that. I always keep him in the party, not only because he's pretty much the best shooter in the game, but because his comments are just so damn memorable. I must say though, HK-47 comes in a close second for my favorite video game character... ever. I always make a point to reassemble him in the second game.
    18. Advent
      Like when that guy (his name escapes me, Carth's old commanding officer) was torturing Revan, Bastilla and Carth, trying to get information out of them, and you can make Revan give in to it when he hurts Bastilla... few games are that d'awww worthy. Love interests aside, the whole Star Forge thing, and the plot in general were pretty damn awesome. And I absolutely love both endings; redeeming Bastilla is all happy-ending-ish, but not too cheesy, and turning on everyone and killing half of your allies is just an opportunity so rare to come across in an RPG... God, I love that game.

      Yea, I agree, especially since the Handmaiden is such a drone until you talk to her A LOT... also, that game has one of my favorite video game moments ever. When you're on the moon of Onderon, and there's that Mandalorian who's stuck on that cliff or whatever, and he says "Whatever you do, don't press that button on the charge." and you respond "Oh, this one?" and you just see and hear the explosion... so classic.

      I always turn Atton into a Jedi, obviously, I adore the guy. I always love the wise cracking, Han-Solo-esque guys in games like these, and turning him into a Jedi just makes him even more awesome. Plus, yes, his backstory was completely unexpected and very deep.
    19. Advent
      YES, I agree completely. Almost no one I know plays it, I heard about it through my friend who's a bit too into Star Wars.

      Yea, the first game's plot was great. I kinda saw the Revan plot twist coming, but the way it was presented on the Leviathan was pretty damn epic. Plus RevanxBastilla made me d'awwww. The second one was much better with gameplay with the influence system and being able to make damn near everyone a Jedi. Sucks that it was forced out early for a holiday release, it had the potential to be one of the best Star Wars games ever. Well, it is one of the best Star Wars games ever, but it easily could have been the best.
    20. Advent
      ... My God, you've played/read KoTOR? You're, like, the only person on this site I know who has...

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  • About

    Cisgender Female
    human with feelings
    She / Her
    i definitely want to be a rapper, but i'm just a northern girl from where nothing really happens


    sharing this image of my all time favorite feminist icon!!!! lightning died for our sins and i hope with bated breath for her embrace <3


    i laugh along but inside i know it's true
    being in love is totally punk rock
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