May 11, 2009
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May 23
going to school


Twilight Town Denizen, Female, from USA

    1. Bluelazor
      Nope... you have to come out and say it before they catch on... *mutters* even then it's a miracle when they do.
      Sora: What was that?
      Oh nothing. *smiles* So, as my demonstration... I will come straight out and say that unlike her... I do not have a bf. *slouches over* No one has ever asked me out for even a simple game of bowling or to a dance or anything. It's very sad.
    2. Bluelazor
      Look at the bright side, at least I'm the fangirl that isn't fainting left and right. *takes out two sea-salt ice cream bars* *offers one to Roxas* Ice cream?
      Roxas: *smiles* Sure. *takes it and starts eating*
      You know, I got bored one time and started a contest thing on YouTube... to see which KH guy would get the most points, and then the winner would be known as the "cutest KH guy"
      Riku: Who won?
      Sora. You won't believe how many fangirls posted comments on there going on and on about how cute they think he is. *bites into her ice cream*
    3. Bluelazor
      lol! I guess that's why animes are so popular... the guys with spiky hair-dos... there's at least one in almost every show.
      Roxas: Would you consider them as cute?
      *nervously not looking at Roxas* Just one.
      Riku: *walks into the room* Hey, are you girls done talking about hair yet?
      *looks at Riku and grins* Nope!
    4. SoraUchiha
      Whell O_o

      Mwahahahahaha do u like my name????
    5. Bluelazor
      I know what you mean. *looks at Roxas*
      Roxas: *looks at Blue* What?
      *face turns bright red and quickly looks away* N-nothing.
    6. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      >.< May I ask what your name is?

      I was wondering if you would like to make an RP with me?><
    7. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      hehehe ^^ yay i like kibahina weird huh?
    8. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Oh no no lol my real name is Rachel its just I have alot of nicknames and im commenly called Sakura And Lyric ><
    9. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      hehe really your middle name is Sakura? ^^ awsome and i dont like naruto Sakura is also in Tsubasa. Also in a was Sakura is my name too XD
    10. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      hehe deisaku, naruhina, saiino shikaino and sakuhina ^^
    11. Bluelazor
      haha! Nah, Lightning suits her much better than Ice. Her temper strikes very fast like Lightning. I doubt she could take Vexen's power, she's manipulative, but not power-absorbent.
    12. Qandee777
      naffin much juss woke up n replyin to everyone
    13. Bluelazor
      Actually Larxene is thunder. It's Vexen who's ice, and Demyx is water.
      Sadly I must go to bed, as I have to get up early... agian. For a stupid test that no one likes, but do it anyway because the school requires it.
    14. Bluelazor
      lol! Yeah, I have a lot of Roxas on there, don't I? XD oh! btw, do you like where I "strategically" placed Riku? When I say strategically, I actually mean me going through my pictures folder on my computer and going "hey! Let's put Riku there so he doesn't feel lonely!"
    15. Bluelazor
      oh the beauty of spell checkers. :) Alright, I'll go talk to him/her.
    16. Bluelazor
      lol! I certainly feel the love. I'll have to talk to Twilight, see if she'll let me back in. Or he... I'm not sure which one it is.
    17. Bluelazor
      I'm thinking about returning to Real Teen Life, but I'm not sure. One of the reasons I left was because I couldn't handle all the extreme drama going on... and all this talk of girls going into guy's rooms, talking about sex, and simply mentioning it. I'm naive, I know.
      I kinda want to go back to it, but at the same time I don't.
    18. Bluelazor
      Sorry, we can all still be friends on KHV... but I think the RP is just steering to far away from the original design and it isn't keeping my interest like it used to. I told Twilight the main reason for mine packing my bags and leaving the RP, if they deem it important, then they'll probably say something.
    19. SoraUchiha
      Omg did BlueLazor tell you mky real nome????? lol
    20. ShibuyaGato
      -stands normal again- who said that i take- ohhhhhhh noooooooooo-falls on her face- *muffled* Don't... say... a word.
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    May 23
    going to school
    Hello! So I'm back and if this your first time reading this, it's really nice to meet you! I love psychological thrillers, everything KH, and my personal favorite; everything else!

    *glomp* Now, do you forgive and forget or do I need to massage your feet?

    Have a wonderful day! Don't worry if you spill coffee on yourself!


    mum must be so proud...