Last Activity:
Sep 12, 2013
May 4, 2009
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I'm a student, and a secret spy... O.o shh


Merlin's Housekeeper, from Pigfarts.

FinalF7 was last seen:
Sep 12, 2013
    1. Rayku
      Well, what do you want?
    2. Rayku

      You keep sending me messages
    3. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Nah, you I happen to find quite sweet, though I think that is because you didn't get quite so agressive.
      I don't find you annoying <3
    4. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      How is life on the side of good grasshopper? <3
    5. Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Have you checked my age? 3/11/92.
    6. fadedphantom
      Yeah, I was gonna go into designing video games, but I decided I want to do animated movies instead. You should do something that you have passion for.
    7. fadedphantom
      Well, that's what I was worried about too, which was why I decided to go to Cal Poly Pomona. It is one of the only Polytechnic schools in the country, meaning that instead of just learning the theory of things, you actually actively learn how to apply the skills you learn to your future job. "Learn by doing" is the motto. It's really great. My school has a connection with Disney, so I'm hoping to get an internship with them next year.

      Also, that's why I'm double majoring. Having two majors makes you stand out more than someone with one major, and employers will likely be more impressed/more willing to hire you if you have multiple skills.
    8. fadedphantom
      Haha I know I shouldn't, but she can't teach, and she just confuses me even more D:

      Yeah, I'm double majoring in Graphic Design and Computer Science, and I'm thinking about minoring in Acting.
    9. fadedphantom
      Ummm well I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to go to math class today... I'm in total summer mode, so I don't wanna go D: It's not like she takes role anyways... as long as I study for my midterm on Wednesday I should be fine I think. But I'll feel kind of bad if I skip...
    10. Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Two years younger than me...who's the young one now again?
    11. fadedphantom
      No problem :)
    12. fadedphantom
      Nah, three years is a long time. You'll be ready by then.
    13. Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Hell Kaiser Ryo
      You're how old to me?
    14. fadedphantom
      Eh, I'm still as carefree as ever. I don't feel all that grown up. And I'm going to be an animator, so I really shouldn't grow up too much, you know? It is scary that I am considered an adult now though... I have to do everything by myself. Grr.
    15. Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Apparently because of the fact that the only money you get is from that of two things, a bet, and a triple dog dare bet.
    16. fadedphantom
      Psh, please, if that's what you're worried about, then don't worry. I talk to my high school friends practically every day, and we get together over every break. If they're really your friends, you won't lose touch with them, especially with facebook and stuff like that to make it easy to talk to them.
    17. fadedphantom
      You'll get sick of high school eventually :/ You're only a freshman. You've still got three more years. By the time you're a senior you'll be itching to leave.
    18. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    19. fadedphantom
      Oh, that's right, cause it's the end of the year, so you'd be older.

      Um, no? College is really fun. Where did you get that idea?
    20. fadedphantom
      Yep. You're 15, so I'm gonna guess you're... a sophomore in high school, right?
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  • About

    I'm a student, and a secret spy... O.o shh
    A few details about myself?? hmmm. Uh, I could write so much more, but to sum it all up... I'm weird

    Masque &amp; Mime! and... uh... yeah, that's it.


    In the middle of the night when I'm in this dream,
    it's like a million little stars spelling out your name.​