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June 23
Researcher and student of the mystic arts


Word of advice: Let the wookie win. He's Chuck N, from Classified

Darkcloud was last seen:
Feb 16, 2024
    1. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      Nothing. It was meant as a joke, but it's nothing. xDD
      Just forget it. Forget it or die. B|

      Ooo, I got a question for you since your a guy. 8D
      kk, So You-Know-Who told me that one of the reason we aren't going to prom together this year is because he had just gotten the conflicts with his group of friends (I'm assuming it had to do with us) and he doesn't want the conflicts to start up again. He also said that he could think of at least 2 or 3 people who would be mad if we went together. Now, my question for you is, why would a guy be mad if a guy and a girl went to prom together? And why would they have conflicts about us? Of course, you don't know the answers, but I just want a guy's opinion. I mean, I can think of one answer, but that isn't enough for me. xD
    2. Magick
      XD :glomp: you could tape the classrooom doors shut. *shrugs* or you could secretly spray the other's lockers with some kind of string.
    3. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~

      Hah hah.
    4. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      ...is there something you're not telling me?

      ...Oh gosh. xD
    5. Magick
      Notta one XD :glomp: I know what you and your classmates can do for grad day...>>
    6. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      Ah, I get it.

      Yes, I get that, but you would be wearing pants, not a skirt.

      And I love that fact that all of kh-v can see this convo.
      HI KH-V! 8D
    7. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      You didn't think I was that active, huh? xD

      A guy would wear pants, though. xD
      Unless...you were my friend Chris...he actually wore his sister's old cheerleading uniform to school for crazy day.
    8. Magick
      its otay :glomp: At least you has backup.
    9. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      Used to play basketball, but had to stop due to a breathing problem.
      Played football with the guys when I was younger.
      Same thing with baseball.
      Don't like softball.
      I play golf during the summer.
      Used to ice skate.
      Would play on the volleyball team if we had one.
      Cheerleaded for five or six years.
      Uh...I think that's it.
    10. Magick
      :bounce: Can you make it better?
    11. Magick
      :bounce: Yay! The site is kinda slow for me though...
    12. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      Not a fan of softball. xD

    13. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      I thought I told you that my school was unique...oh well.
      We are the only school who has a softball marathon. xD

      Awesome. 8D
    14. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      Bummer? How's that bummer? We start school two weeks later than anyone else in the district and end two weeks early. xD
      All of the other schools have 7-8 weeks left.

      That must be fun.
    15. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      6. Not even considering that we have a softball marathon next friday, the firday after that off for prom, and some other things here and there.
    16. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      True. xD

      Hah hah.
    17. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      I know you well enough to know that you don't fail at life.

      Actually, he's more annoying than you...
      Just kidding. You're not annoying. xD
    18. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      No you don't. xD

      Probably the boy who asked me to prom. I promised him at homecoming that I would save a dance at prom for him, so...I kind of have to. I might dance with a few other guys...only if they ask me, of course. Hopefully this one kid won't ask me though...I mean, he's a great Christian, but he can be sooo annoying at times....
    19. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      Heh heh; I WIN AGAIN! 8D

      Oh, and I'm not going to prom with Mark, fyi.
    20. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
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  • About

    June 23
    Researcher and student of the mystic arts
    Studying how to conquer the universe...just a little bit more to go.

    Being a ninja, spy, artist, mimic, and former athlete.


    Valentine of Destiny
    Last chapter update: June 29, 2009

    To those who believe, no evidence is required. To those who don't believe, no evidence is ever enough.

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