Last Activity:
Nov 22, 2011
Oct 7, 2011
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3:47 AM
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Oct 18, 1999 (Age: 25)
the Funny Farm, where life is beautiful all the ti
goin' to school.


Moogle Assistant, 25, from the Funny Farm, where life is beautiful all the ti

christian_neko was last seen:
Nov 22, 2011
    1. Sora's Apprentice
    2. adamboy7
      Sure, why not. Ill join. Just send me a link to it :D
    3. Terra254
      I'm psychic ;)
      Need proof?

      Me:I'm psychic
      Accila:Me Too!

      Me:I'm psychic : )
      TerraxLover: Thats cool

      Me:I'm psychic : )
      Ventus PSP Aqua:Yeah,your physic :lolface:

      Me:I'm Psychic :<3:
      Roxas&Sora4E: I wish I was :<3:
      A few of the people's reaction when I told them I was psychic.
      (BTW those quots are real,but I'm playing about being psychic :P )

    4. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      hey can ya approve my char in ur rpg??
    5. adamboy7
      Why not, ill join :D What is it about?
    6. Beucefilous
      ok i joined and yeah he's gonna be in KH3D
    7. Terra254

      Sorry about the Riku-Aqua thing in the RP,I have no control over that.Especially since they don't realize that a against the rules being too descriptive,but,eh,I let them do it anyway.You've only been here a week and are freaked out.Imagine having to act normal about that for half a year.

      Are you like 11?I'm just asking because you said "I'm too young for this"
    8. awesomeperson
      okay then :stupid:
    9. adamboy7
      Indeed it is lol. It has been a pleasure Neko, but I unfortunitly must be off. See ya, and thanks for taking over Xemnas in the RP :D
    10. adamboy7
      That is good. I like easy going people. Oh, wich oddly reminds me. I never asked your name. What do you wish for me to call you? :D You may call me Adam. Though, you probably got that from my username lol.
    11. adamboy7
      Well, I am normally a patiant person, I just dont have the time for a sixth project on my hands lol. Not to mention school and preporation for the projects I already have, and bla bla bla. lol
    12. adamboy7
      Ah, now that makes alot more sense lol. All I have seen of it is some photos of it from the Japanese version. To play it, I would need an emulater, and alot of patiance lol
    13. awesomeperson
      hello there :)
    14. adamboy7
      Well, now I just feel like an idiot lol XD (not an un common feeling lol. Thats the second time today actually lol) I for some reason have yet to hear of it. I am guessing it means its only in Japan, and probably has somthing to do with Kingdom Hearts 3-D?
    15. adamboy7
      I unfortunitly am not fimilure with eather XP I am assuming by the name, it is an anime? The only anime show I watch is Death Note, however, the series died with L XP But besides the point lol.
    16. adamboy7
      I am afriad I havent. And thats alright, I suck at spelling anyways lol.
    17. adamboy7
      I tend to look up, you know, to the brighter things :D I am a glass half full type person lol.
    18. adamboy7
      Good, I do not wish to offend :D. So, anywho, whats up? :D
    19. adamboy7
      Well, if I offend I apoligise lol. I just usually ask how a person is, then ask whats up, you know small talk. Small talk to me mans not alot of time to be spent on it, so there is more time for the good stuff lol. But I suppose if I go to fast, by all means, put out a topic and I would be glad to stick to it. :)
    20. adamboy7
      I am fast? How so?
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  • About

    Oct 18, 1999 (Age: 25)
    the Funny Farm, where life is beautiful all the ti
    goin' to school.
    i'm, uh, a christian, and, umm, i like nekos.

    killing heartless, sticking pins in my voodoo dolls.