Catch the Rain
Last Activity:
Aug 2, 2011
Apr 2, 2007
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November 27
The Labyrinth

Catch the Rain

As the world falls down ♥, from The Labyrinth

Catch the Rain was last seen:
Aug 2, 2011
    1. Mathias Jay
      Mathias Jay
      CtR, I take that as a compliment.
    2. libregkd
    3. TheLightIsGone123
      haha They were going good, we preformed last thursday-saturday
      they went amazing btw
    4. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees
      Are you kidding that'll be ****ing hilarious

      I'll be spraying body spray all over the place
    5. Wing
      Nah, no major plans for me, besides gaming, maybe working on a few things but most likely taking it all in stride.
    6. Rayku
      Stop being so hard on yourself, you have a great voice, rainy...

    7. EvilMan_89
      almost happened to me, but when someone died, i was like "not gonna fly" and i restarted that part XD
    8. MadDoctorMaddie
      Really scary at first, but sleet is way worse. You sorta get used to the snow in a while, I just learned to drive in the summer/fall, so it was a bit of a shock when I first started to drive in snow xDx

      True ^^ Except if none of those work out D8 I might have to join the army or something in that case xP

      I think I saw the ending years ago xD
      I'm still not over my BoB craze, I'm having a marathon right now ^^''
      Although I really should get to bed, I've got an exam tomorrow >.>'
    9. burnitup
      Oh.. okay. Heh. Heh. ^^;

      Hey, uh, could I ask you for some advice?
    10. Nathaniel
      Yeah, a bit. For the rest, there is only one word: Internet.
    11. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      Told ya :3 :glomp: jaden says i really look cute :3 i can see why?
    12. Xephos
      I see. I wonder why? :/

      thanks. ^^ do you have a ps3 or xbox?
    13. Nathaniel
      Nah, she taught me the basics and then let me carry on by myself.
    14. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      okay :3 i'll put a desription of my faces hehe

      [IMG] hi/i love you

      [IMG] caught/uh..what?

      [IMG] i'll win this for you

      [IMG] im so happy/thanks

      [IMG] hmm jaden or zane hmm

      [IMG] any one care for a duel?

      [IMG] YAY!/hehe

      [IMG] i'll be there..

      [IMG] im scared..
      [IMG] morining already?

      [IMG] just kidding!

      [IMG] wanna fight?/ got a problem?

      [IMG] let's go to disney world!/bye-bye!

      [IMG] jaden.. im turing pink..

      [IMG] omg what did i just saw/ you scared me!

      [IMG] nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah!

      [IMG] jaden!/do you need a hug?

      [IMG] GO GET EM!/ I"LL GET YOU!/ i know he'll win!

      [IMG] today im going on a hunt to find zane and jaden/ im a tomboy!

      [IMG] what?!

      [IMG] omg put your shirt back on! jaden!/ im blushing!

      lol :3 yep ^^
    15. What?
      Your reign sounds quite like an ideal utopia. Now, what to name your secret pol - er, secretive robot army?
    16. MadDoctorMaddie
      Me too, it's really horrible to be driving then too 3:

      Sometimes it feels like I've over-thought them, especially when I see the look my friends give me when I explain the plans xD
      That's exactly why it's one option, although it wouldn't be (fortunately) too different for me. Just enough to feel refreshing, though 8D
    17. Xephos
      Really? I've been having fun with it. What does other people say about it?
    18. Plums
      Someone more evil than spdude? That's possible? :x

      I haven't really. I've been trying to give subtle hints at it, but that's without avail. Well, it's not really hurting me as much as it is annoying (haha, ego speaking). Other people around school say that too, and that she may have a crush on me. Which I sort of hope is not the case.

      That's more than likely the case. Everyone has felt envious of their friend going off with other people every now and then. Trying to explain is going to be the hard part; she's sort of the, how should I say, "I'm always right and you're wrong" type of person. And I am really, really horrible at confronting friends about things they do that are annoying.

      Towards the beginning she would just appear next to me as I'm going over to the Russian girl, and I thought it would be rude to just ditch in the middle of the conversation. Recently, it's been more of a physical restraint. As in, blocking me from exiting the group of people we hang out with in the morning to go anywhere, even if it's to go to my locker (which is not even 5 feet away).

      Don't forget, we still have that Wii cake somewhere in moments of tired-ness.
      And for people spying on this
      "Conversation Between Catch the Rain and Plums Vi Britannia"
      I would like you to know that the cake is infused with subatomic spores that will kill anyone, except for the former. So eat away. C:
    19. What?
      It will require some effort for you to get them out of the opposite sides of the dance floor, as it would appear.

      Oh sexual tension you silly thing.
    20. What?
      My energy is assumed to surpass 16000 joules. It should not be a problem.
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  • About

    November 27
    The Labyrinth
    Relentless fire

    Fairies and Unicorns



    But she wants to see colours and I showed her grey

    ~You Have No Power Over Me~