Last Activity:
Jul 7, 2010
Nov 22, 2008
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Aug 11, 1994 (Age: 30)


Destiny Islands Resident, 30, from Floooorida(:

.:BookWorm:. was last seen:
Jul 7, 2010
    1. Zeonark
      If it doesn't work, feel free to yell at me. You have a PSP for Crisis Core? If you do, Tales Of VS may be coming out soon. It's suppose to be a Melee like Tales Game. If she won't let you get mangas, Onemanga always works. What animes? Then reply with that. It might work. I would be your friend D: Wow. You must've had your eyes glued to the screen. I would be like "...I didn't see the clock." , "Why not?" , "Too busy." , "On what?" , "THE INTERNET'S GLORY! D:<" Time flies? Nice one xD

      Not yet, but I am browsing. I might wind up finding something for Bleach or Naruto though.

      ...I think I saw him. But I can't remember clearly. I need to re-watch the entire season.

      Next Goal, Make our lives better D:

      Kaoru and Hikaru were instantly two of my favorite characters. They're hilarious. Especially their fight episode in the beginning xD I would've died from laughter too if I was there.

      Woopie! <3
      My new after school hobby!
    2. lil woj
      lil woj
      nvm i can stay lol
    3. lil woj
      lil woj
      lolz cuz i g2g and i wanted to text u anyway ill ttyl BTW watch this xD
    4. lil woj
      lil woj
      sure was lolz u gotsa a celly?
    5. lil woj
      lil woj
      my god u changed your avi? lol
    6. Zeonark
      Oh god, that sounds like my mother. Ask her if she's actually and honestly tried to listen. It could work. Then tell her to name more important things for teenagers these days, really, it MIGHT work xD Five hours? Straight? I remember that, it was fancy times back then x3 Trust me, it exist out there.

      I've seen it. I'm going to comment on the fact that you look fantasic o-o. But I might be able to find a anime character somewhere.

      Really? O_o I never knew. What episode was that? I need to check right now to confirm it. D< Good luck if you make it.

      I wish I was her then. Honestly. ;~;


      Oh yes indeed I have. Not too many episodes but the ones in english to about episode 8. It is quite hilarious.


      We have a new hobby huh? xD
    7. Zeonark
      Maybe you could sit down and talk to her about it? Maybe she could come to a understanding. So she believes we should have lives? *Shot* Really? Was it like nine hours you were on that day? O_o I can't wait untill you turn 15 either! <3 I can't celebrate birthdays because of religous reasons but you becoming 15 is still a wonderful thing.

      I have, might've been in completed though. Because the first one was a tad dark to me. o_o

      I wish I could come with you so bad D: Was he someone else or another ranger? Seriously, if you get a shirt like that, take a picture for me x3

      Lol. Megan must be a awesome friend if she did that for you <3

      *SuperHappy with you* <3333333


      ...Indeed. o_O
    8. Zeonark
      She is a little coo-coo. O-o No offense but honestly. She should atleast get her facts straight about some of it. Teens can't live without that stuff. It's a honest fact unless she grew up with NONE of it. Well go get that 20 dollars! >D That's in a month! o:


      I thought that was only Manga colored scans. I'll have to remember to brighten a screen shot.

      FREE HUGS?! ;~; I'm not even a girl and I wouldn't mind that. Seriously, Vic is that awesome. Gets pictures and everything, when you get back we'll have a fan convo. xD Tommy? That might've been it. I need to watch it again. Wear a shirt that says "This is the best day evar!" and it will be offically x3

      Did he actually come back and say it? What was your reaction?

      I would too. xD

      Alrighty. But don't worry about it if you can't.

      Long indeed. o.o
    9. Zeonark
      Why is that? You don't get a allowance? D:
      When's your birthday?

      Thank you very much.

      Black like Tifa? Hmm...I might just be checking Wikipedia soon. *Shot*

      VIC?! OMFG. You are SO lucky. D:< Seriously. I hope you get a autograph. The original Red Ranger guy? Dante? Al?! You have no idea how much fun I know you're gonna have meeting them all. Krillen and Esther?
      That's it. I want to be you.

      Neither can I! 8D *Headshot*
    10. Zeonark
      I wish you the best while saving. <3
      You have it lucky though. I need to save for a PS3 to get Tales Of Vesperia when it comes out :/

      Holyfu- Link please? o.o

      I see...Well what color is your hair excatly? I don't want you to be left out there D:

      Nah, I don't have money for materials and such.
    11. Zeonark
      Hurry and pick one up <3

      Meebo? What's that? o.o Plus, Like I said, my mom would kill me. She finds chatting bad for some reason. I didn't know YIM got online though.

      D'awww. But I wanted to see you as Yuffie. D: As you going as someone else?
    12. Zeonark

      My mom would destroy me. ;~;

      YOU ARE? D:
      You need to inform me of this. D8 Lucky you <3 When are you going?
    13. Zeonark
      Controls are a little hard but it's fun.

      Sadly I do not. ;~;
    14. Zeonark
      I'm glad to know your alright with it.

      Like The World Ends With You o.o
    15. Dexnail
      heya how you doin well i would love to talk but its 4:24 a.m where i live so i need to get some sleep ill talk to ya when i wake up :)
    16. Zeonark
      Ah, I see. As long as your okay, but feel free to talk about it <3

      *Hugs back*

      Great. Been playing a bunch of games though.
    17. Zeonark
      Aww...Why would he do that? D:

      Fancy really.
    18. lil woj
      lil woj
      :3 idk ill tell u when i know xD
    19. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
    20. lil woj
      lil woj
      alo person :3
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  • About

    Aug 11, 1994 (Age: 30)



    Fly away, Fly away, Fly away,
    F l y to the t o p .