Always Dance
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Aug 5, 2021
Feb 22, 2009
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Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)

Always Dance

Chaser, 30


I'm not going to make jokes about KHV being the new Facebook because I'm sure that was already a thing but damn. Apr 22, 2013

Always Dance was last seen:
Aug 5, 2021
    1. Amaury
      Why no Sokka avatar?
    2. What?
      Do get on MSN whenever you have the time sir! We usually host these games there, in enormous group conversations.

      And you are quite right, good sir. I shall complain about my mother and pro-bending instead.
    3. Makaze

      I'm just curious honestly. And if you want me to be really honest, I find your intelligence and general manner of speaking quite sexy, and am wondering if this will change if I start to think of you as a guy.
      Well, isn't that a sexist thing to say. Let's test it.

      I'm a boy.

      Feel any different?

      Asking others is cheating.
    4. Makaze
      Teeheehee. I don't get many chances to be girly. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ*:・゚✧

      Does it change anything if I have a penis? Think about why you are asking.
    5. Makaze

      I suppose it does. I would think it wrong to ignore my friends to do drown myself in a game, and would be mad if a friend did so to me.
      Then you probably shouldn't judge someone who would feel the same about someone in their dreams as inherently wrong... There are all kinds of values, and one of them being more 'healthy' is meaningless when they are functionally the same.

      I agree. And you've made me do quite a bit of thinking, which I appreciate.
      You're welcome. Hopefully you will reach the point I spoke of a long while ago yet...
    6. What?
      Yes yes sigh. I shall now scream into the stormy heavens akin to Zuko in that one episode of the original series.
    7. Makaze

      When you put it that way it makes sense, what I mean is, it would be wrong to ignore a friend who wants to spend time with you to drown in video games.
      It depends on whether or not you consider them a friend, doesn't it? Or what you consider a friend. Some people would label your conviction catering to or sympathizing with neediness.

      I suppose not.
      Hence why I try to convince people. Like I have been trying to convince you. I think we would all learn a lot more if we didn't limit ourselves to one view of the world.
    8. Makaze

      No, it's because they're real, and I value reality. I consider those who would rather drown themselves in a game than socialize to be wrong.
      Wrong, you say? Wrong in what way?

      Technically games are made by people and it is still interaction with a person. It could therefore be compared to drowning yourself in one person as opposed to society, so I am not sure what you mean by "wrong".

      I suppose so. It still matters though.
      I don't really think so. I mean, it isn't as useful because no one else will believe that it happened, but that's because they're like you. If everyone were like me there wouldn't be a lot of incentive to believe in reality, even for you, would there?
    9. Makaze

      Yes, that's true, but the reality of the person in the game makes me think differently about it (You yourself admitted it is fair to do so). For example I would not think it right to neglect my real friends to spend time with my virtual friend, but would see nothing wrong with neglecting virtual spend to spend time with my real friends. Because he is not real.
      Yes, but it is only neglect if your friends think it is. The game personality does not experience the time gap so it not the same as neglecting them. If not talking to them for long amounts of time affected your relationship in-game like it would affect your relationship with a real friend, your priorities would change similarly to how you would change them for someone who felt neglected in real life.

      Valuing a real friend over a friend in a game is subjective as well. Think of people who would rather drown themselves in a game than socialize. While you may value your closest friends more than your other friends, this is just because you think they are more fun than the game friends. It isn't so simple as 'real or not real', it is about who you have more fun with. That could change, you know.

      But you forget, I believe in God, who has objective values, and so my values are objective.

      The problem is that I said "I want to have an affect", that is wrong, "Affect" cannot be used as a noun that way, if I had said "I want to affect the world" that would be correct, but "Wanting to have an affect" is wrong, you can only "Want to have an effect".
      God does not have objective values because he is an entity that does things based on what he observes just like you. The scope of his knowledge does not matter, if he makes decisions separate from yours and he is not you, then his values are subjective. You may not have the same values, and yet you observe the world, and so does he—the only reason why you might share values is because like you said, you choose to follow him. Without him you would come to completely different conclusions.

      By definition, a being cannot know if anything exists outside of its range of knowledge. The only way to tell if you do not know everything is to compare to someone who knows more than you. Even if god knows more than any entity in existence, he cannot know that he knows everything that could possibly exist because it would be outside of the range of his experience. He would have no one to compare to. A blind man cannot know the concept of colors, et cetera. If you wish to argue that god is the universe and does not make conscious decisions, then fine by me, but again:

      God is just like the person you would have asked to prove that they were not a hallucination. You are asking your imaginary friend if he is real and accepting his answer. You cannot verify the existence of something using the thing itself as an instrument.

      Ah, but you said "effected" the second time, which is the past tense of the verb "effect", which confused me.

      If this was a dream, I would not regret it. This dream is, as you have said, as good as real, and I will take away from it what I will. But I will still acknowledge the fact that it didn't really happen.
      If it is as good as real, then it happened. It happened to you alone, yes, but that is 'as good as real', you just admitted. Why do you care about what others experience so much? Isn't it better to worry about how you see the world first, and then bother with others, acknowledging that there will always be a difference?
    10. starseeker3
      oh yeah and watch this
    11. starseeker3
      morning, just wondering: if your burryed next to toph, then where are the both of you?
    12. Amaury
      It reached 88 once during this week.

      Anyway, this is nothing. When I chose to repeat the 5th grade at a different school, during the winter, it once got to -10 degrees.
    13. starseeker3
      ok see you when you get up
    14. Makaze

      Sharing happiness in a dream does not satisfy me. It's not that I refuse to do it, it's that it doesn't make me happy. I can dream (Not while sleeping) of having achieved my goals and having done everything I want to do, and I can dream of a fake person to share it all with, but it does not satisfy me the way really doing so would. That's a big difference.

      I watched Into The Wild many years ago and am failing to remember its discussion on that quote...or much of the movie at all, actually.
      Ah, but you misunderstand my meaning. Let me use a game again.

      Let's say that full-on 3D alternate reality games were created where you could basically have a dream that was a game. You turn your head, you see stuff in the game. You move, you move in the game. Probably something you already think would be awesome and would love to see invented.

      Now, let's say you have a conversation in said game, a conversation which that in-game character will remember later. Perhaps it grows your in-game character's bond with that character. I will assume that you will enjoy this conversation and be satisfied with it even though the person in the game 'is not real'. If you lost your save, you would be pissed because you lost it, just as if someone forgot a conversation you had with them in real life.

      In denying a dream conversation, saying it does not satisfy, you are merely being a bigot and refusing to acknowledge that what satisfies you is completely under your control. You may not be satisfied for the same reasons, but you are satisfied with the game just as you would be with reality if you had a conversation that improved your mood. It is an arbitrary notion that satisfaction levels are not up to you even if reality really can be divined and is not meaningless.

      I recommend you watch it again.

      But I stand to gain by believing that I have effected (And I just realized that I used affected when I should have used effected and I want to shoot myself in the face) the world. On my death bed, I will be able to rest easily and ready to die knowing that I have had some effect on the world, however small.
      But that gain is only perceived based on what you personally value, it is not objective. What is subjective can change. You are able to change your values such that you do not care if you had an effect on the world. Do you stand to lose by changing what you value? Not by simply not getting something while you still value it.

      Also, I do not think you had the wrong word. To effect is to bring about change, to affect is to be a factor in change. You are not so important as to bring about a change all on your own—if all of this is real, that is.

      You say I have a low chance of effecting the world, but I already have. Not some huge change, not some revolution, but I have changed lives I have been involved in for the better. I want to continue to do so, and I want to to matter.
      Yes, and that is an interesting thought, but I believe that the world is real.

      When you put it that way I suppose (And I think I have already said this), that I suppose that the reality of something does not matter, in terms of use, but in terms of meaning (i.e. it means something to me that I have made a difference in someone's life), there is a difference, and it matters.

      You know, spellcheck has been telling me this whole time that "Practicalism" isn't a word, and when I googled the word the first result was "Pragmatism", and i was going to bring it up, but then I thought, "It's Makaze, I'm sure she's right in some way or another."
      But again, these effects are perceived, and you do not have to value them. Meaning does not exist without someone to observe, and more importantly, a thing has no meaning unless someone chooses to see meaning in it.

      If there were ten people like me in the world, we would all exist to observe meaning, and we would place meaning on subjective existence and not what we considered meaningless; objective experience.

      If no one existed who saw meaning in 'shared reality', then the concept would be meaningless. It would have no one who gave it meaning. A painting is not meaningful or beautiful if there is no one who would say it is such.

      Therefore you choose to value reality while you stand to gain nothing from valuing it. Of course you will feel bad if you wake up and realize that you have been dreaming your whole life, and that all of this never happened, but that is only because you choose to value things that way. You could just as easily say, "You know what, I don't regret that because it made me who I am today and if I were asked I would say it was more meaningful than the reality I slept through because I did not experience that reality subjectively, and it did not affect or effect me as a person, but instead only affected what I call real."

      The choice is yours.
    15. Amaury
      My life is fine.

      As for weather, see here.
    16. Amaury
      How's the weather?
    17. Amaury
      Ah, gotcha.

      Also, hooray for our first conversation.
    18. Amaury
      I'm your father?
    19. What?
      This is due to a dare! Whalphat will return as soon as possible!
    20. strfruit
      Haha! Hot tub!!! <3
      Sounds like you guys will have fun!!

      I am doing quite well ^^ Thanks for asking!
      I have a pretty busy weekend ahead.....lots of homework, an art competition (so excited!), and scheduling my classes for next year....-sigh- busy busy XD but it will be worth getting it done!
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  • About

    Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)


    used to be slaugthermatic
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