Always Dance
Last Activity:
Aug 5, 2021
Feb 22, 2009
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Local Time:
9:25 PM
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Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)

Always Dance

Chaser, 30


I'm not going to make jokes about KHV being the new Facebook because I'm sure that was already a thing but damn. Apr 22, 2013

Always Dance was last seen:
Aug 5, 2021
    1. Korra
      Yeah, I can probably go lower than that. I'll be going home this weekend so I'll take a look at the stores I go for for supplies and get back to you, how does that sound?
    2. Korra
      Hm...what price range are you looking at?
    3. Korra
      I still do, but it'd have to be when I'm home - when do you need them by?
    4. Makaze
      Okay. I have never seen it before, so I didn't know.
    5. Makaze
      Ah, glad to hear it. I was getting frustrated.
    6. Makaze
      Not quite. I got it to work by running it in the console, but it kept telling me that the button part of it, the event handler, would not process.

      What I recommend is making your own button that will apply your script and inserting it before the post button.

      // ==UserScript==
      // @name KHV Autocolor
      // @author Slaughtermatic
      // @include*

      // @version 1
      // ==/UserScript==
      var form;
      var btn;
      var box;
      if(document.forms.namedItem("vbform")!= null)
      { form = document.forms.namedItem("vbform");
      if(form.elements.namedItem("vB_Editor_001_save") != null)
      btn = form.elements.namedItem("vB_Editor_001_save");
      box = form.elements.namedItem("vB_Editor_001_textarea");
      {btn = form.elements.namedItem("qr_submit");
      box = form.elements.namedItem("vB_Editor_QR_textarea");

      form = document.forms.namedItem("quick_reply");
      btn = form.elements.namedItem("qr_submit");
      box = form.elements.namedItem("vB_Editor_QR_textarea");
      var box = document.getElementsByClassName("cke_source")[0];
      var btn = document.getElementById("qr_submit");
      var otherbtn = document.getElementById("vB_Editor_001_save");
      function herp(){
      box.value = box.value.replace(/,/g , ",");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/\./g , ".");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/\?/g, "?");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/!/g, "!");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/@/g, "@");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/#/g, "#");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/\$/g, "$");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/%/g, "%");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/\^/g, "^");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/&/g, "&");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/\*/g, "*");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/\(/g, "(");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/\)/g, ")");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/-/g, "-");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/_/g, "_");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/\+/g, "+");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/:/g, ":");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/"/g, "\"");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/'/g, "'");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/</g, "<");
      box.value = box.value.replace(/>/g, ">");
      box.value = ("" + box.value + "");

      clickedelm = this.value;
      var newbtn = document.write("<input type='button' value='Format Post' onClick='herp();' />");
      var defbtn = document.getElementById("qr_submit");
      var parentBtnDiv = defbtn.parentNode;
      parentBtnDiv.insertBefore(newbtn, defbtn);

      Out of curiosity, what do you think clickedelm = this.value; is supposed to do, and why is it inside the function?

      Never mind, that doesn't work... Sigh. This would be so much easier with jQuery...
    7. Makaze
      If people will not buy your service willingly, then it is not a good service.
    8. Makaze
      I believe that profit is relative. My taxes are paid in percentages, not flat rates, and I would not be happy to be paying even more money into war with Iran, as an example. In fact I may consider leaving the country if we go to war with them because I refuse to contribute to the slaughter.
    9. Makaze
      Those chances are significantly lessened when you are an anarchist and could be arrested before you are able to pay those debts, let alone be happy on the profits...
    10. Makaze
      Right now, nothing, but I am willing to do just about any kind of work if I can get it. I consider a university inefficient in terms of cost to reward, especially since I do not have the money to spend on a university anyway.

      I may change my mind if I get enough money that university will not upset my security.
    11. Makaze
      I am not interested in a career, however. I would have a job than a 'career path', and I would hate to spend years on one subject. Just me...
    12. Makaze
      Eh, I am more interested in being efficient than having a piece of paper. And I learn just as well in a class as with text when it comes to coding, so I see no reason to spend more than half of my would-be income on something that I do not need in order to learn the same material.
    13. Makaze
      I might, because I am a clever cookie with patterns, but I could never bring myself to pay others to teach me what I could learn by myself.
    14. Makaze
      Yet another reason to see university life as pointless...
    15. Makaze
      I can probably already beat most professors out at that without trying...
    16. Makaze
      That is a lot of pages.

      Why do they make you do so much work? It is just to look productive as far as I can tell. You know who reads research papers? Professors who grade them. That is it. You probably will never have to write a twenty page research paper in your working life, even if you write for a newspaper.
    17. Makaze
      Not in my opinion. It is actually one that I didn't like that much.

      You should start from episode one if you are actually trying to enjoy it.
    18. Makaze
      I see. Watching it with others isn't going to help you appreciate it at the start, people always have a tendency to mock things to entertain those around them...

      Which episode?
    19. Makaze
      I like the new MLP:FiM series because it is cheerful, the characters have some depth and tons of development, and the series generally has a very good feel to it, what with the "friendship" theme and everything. It is a good thing to watch when I am in a bad mood.

      Why? Are you thinking about watching it?
    20. Makaze
      Good, you're learning.

      Do we have anything else to talk about?
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  • About

    Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)


    used to be slaugthermatic
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