Kingdom Hearts Series

News covering the general Kingdom Hearts series, including merchandise and other miscellany.

Merely days after reporting on the death of Rutger Hauer, we sadly have to report on yet another death of a voice actor associated with the Kingdom Hearts series. This time, it's Russi Taylor, who has been the official voice of Minnie Mouse since 1986, while also voicing Huey Dewey, and Louie since 1987. Russi Taylor has voiced the above characters (as well as Fauna) in all of their voiced appearances in the Kingdom Hearts series up to date. Sadly, her loss will be a heavy one for both Kingdom Hearts fans, and Disney fans who have enjoyed hearing her lend her voice to Minnie Mouse and other characters over the years. Thank you for your contributions Russi Taylor. You will be missed dearly.

RIP Russi Taylor

This past Thursday, the 'Kingdom Hearts III' Ultimania was released in Japan, providing fans with a ton of information on the recently released entry in the series. Included in the book was an interview with series director, Tetsuya Nomura, as well as members of the staff who worked on the game. Check out the interview with Nomura below (divided into two parts), along with links to interviews with staff members:

Nomura (Part 1):
Nomura (Part 2):
Other Interviews:

Tamotsu Goto (Programmer)
Masashi Nakamichi (Programmer)
Kengo Naka (Programmer)
Takashi Isowaki (Technical Director)
Tomokazu Shibata (Battle Director)
Masaru Oka (Scenario + Cutscene Director)

Credit to @lunesacree for translating the first part of Nomura's interview as well as the interviews with other staff members, and credit to KHInsider's goldpanner for translating the second part of Nomura's interview

Originally released last October exclusively in the United States, Kingdom Hearts -The Story So Far- is coming this month to Canada, Latin America, and Europe! This PlayStation 4-exclusive game contains all three previously-released HD compilations:
  • Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX, containing Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Re:Chain of Memories, and a cutscene compilation of 358/2 Days
  • Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX, containing Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, Birth by Sleep Final Mix, and a cutscene compilation of Re:coded
  • Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue, containing Dream Drop Distance, 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-, and the one-hour cinematic χ Back Cover
All of these are contained on two discs, and comprise the entire series except for Union χ and Kingdom Hearts III. If you or anyone you know are looking to get into the series, this is the game to buy!

The Story So Far will release in Canada and Latin America on March 15, and in Europe on March 29. In addition, the United States is receiving restocks for the game if you missed your chance with the first run.
'Kingdom Hearts III' has officially been out for about a month now, and as with each new release in the series, fans have questions about what the future holds. Luckily, the director of the series, Tetsuya Nomura, got a chance to discuss the recently released game with Dengeki Playstation, commenting on KH3's impressive sale numbers, discussing DLC plans for the game, and confirming that Critical Mode will be coming soon. Check out the fully translated interview below (courtesy of KHInsider's goldpanner):

It has been announced today that a Kingdom Hearts themed version of the popular tabletop game "Talisman" will be released later in the year! Check out the full press release from TheOP below: