Sanar: The Relic of Time

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aelin, Jan 27, 2014.

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  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Main rp thread:
    There was a time that the two factions Isidiuka, and Inranahe where once one. However this time is long forgotten. The two factions have been at war for as long as anyone could remember. All they know is they want to obtain this artifact, or at least the parts to make this artifact. It was said Sanar, the artifact of time could be used to reverse the flow of time in a certain area. Each faction has their own ideals on how this power should be used. Isidiuka wants the power so that they can bring back fallen warriors, heal the hurt and make an army strong enough to protect from any possible attack. The Inranahe faction believes that this idea will only bring more war, and the power will go to their heads. Instead the people of the Inranahe believe that this power should be used to bring back a great civilization. They were once one of the most invented and advanced people of their time but when the Aisiki race attacked, they were wiped out. Now the Aisiki hold claim to the land that runs between the two factions regions. Most of the pieces to build the artifact where scattered during the attack all along the Aisiki territory. This race has no idea what power that they have access to and both factions are careful not to let on what they were after in fear of what the Aisiki might do with it. To the south of the Aisiki land lies Aparia territory, a neutral where no faction will fight each other, not only in respect for the people who live there, those who wish to be left out of the war, but because it is protected by the Apar. A great race that is more powerful than any of the three races on their own but wants nothing more than to be left in peace.

    · You can either join the Isidiuka faction or the Inranahe faction.

    · The factions are made up of both human and supernatural creatures

    · You are both fighting for resources to create Sanar most of which are found in the Asiki’s territory.

    · Most resources are limited and if one faction has obtained the other faction must take the resources back somehow.

    · Both factions are against the Asiki. You may form a temporary alliance but don’t expect it to last, the other faction is full of traitors you cannot trust them.

    · A list of resources and general map of the area will be provided when I see there is enough interest.

    · No godmodding

    · Keep it PG13. I do allow violence and if you want to have some love interests, but do not go into too much detail.

    · No killing other players without permission

    · Keep it realistic, no one should just be able to know instantly that something has happened without an explanation

    · The NPC race will always be around so do not plan a mass murder and expect it to go well

    · This is a free roam rp but if you have any ideas that may have a major effect to the plot run it by me

    · Respect the roleplay leaders(Me, Dr. Wigglz, and Beucefilous) as well as the other roleplayers.

    · You may have up to 4 characters

    · Your characters may have up to 4 supernatural abilities

    · Abilities must relate to each other in some way and be used with some amount of restraint

    · Your character does not have to be human, it can be almost anything. (Angel, demon, mutant, vampire, ect.)

    Character sheet

    Character name:
    Creature type: (Angel, mutant, werewolf ect..)
    Faction: (Isidiuka or Inranahe)
    Picture or description:
    Extra Info:
    Theme song:

    Accepted Characters:

    • Character name: Tinarah
      Creature type: Angel
      Faction: Isidiuka
      Age: 14
      Picture or description: here
      Personality: Quiet, Timid, She won't speak very much and is very obedient to what she is told. She doesn't care what race anyone else is, she won't judge anyone. She is a very peaceful individual.
      Fears: Being alone, the dark, being around too many people, bugs, large creatures, loud noises, spiders, almost everything
      Hobbies: Playing guitar, drawing and writing
      Strengths: quiet and good with stealthing around. very creative, and very observant
      Weapon: none at the moment
      Powers: Sedation, dreamwalking, memory manipulation, and healing
      Extra Info: all her skills take a little energy away but memory manipulation and dreamwalking take quite a lot out of her and cannot do it to more then one person at any given time.
      Theme song:

      Character name:Trevor
      Creature type: Demon
      Faction: Isidiuka
      Picture or description: here
      Personality: He is quiet but insiteful. He is protective of those in his faction. Although a demon he doesn't seem like it to many others for no reason other then he is protective of them no matter who they are. But for those who he views his enemies he is their worst nightmare.
      Fears: Losing the people closest to him
      Hobbies: playing video games, practicing his skills, and listening to music
      Strengths:Long range fighting, and planning
      Weapon: throwing knives
      Powers: invisibility, Increased stamina, flight, and increased speed
      Extra Info: Although not one to take leadership he is supportive of the leader and will almost act as second in command if need be.
      Theme song:

      Character name: Sasha
      Creature type: Witch
      Faction: Inranahe
      Age: 22
      Picture or description: here
      Personality: She is an obedient young woman. Her main purpose is to serve others. She is also very motherly towards the younger members of the faction, since many people where killed off during the war there is many kids running around without parents who could use someone to look up to. She does her best to play that role.
      Fears: Being forced into a life of slavery
      Hobbies: cooking, and cleaning mostly.
      Strengths: She is good at manipulating people due to her kind nature, most trust her without a second thought making it easy to manipulate.
      Weapon: None
      Powers: Create weather systems in small areas near her, can throw small bolts of thunder, can effect the temperature of the area around her (she would feel it too) and can throw ice shards similar to the thunder bolts
      Extra Info: Her family was captured by the Aisiki. She was born into a life of slavery to them but escaped when she was 20. She is the only witch in her family.
      Theme song:
      Character name: Flame
      Creature type: Human
      Faction: Inranahe
      Age: 20
      Picture or description: here
      Personality: Level headed. She is a strong individual with clear head. She knows what she wants and what their goal is. Even though Humans are often looked down on and seen as inferior she doesn't let it get to her. Her age is also another issue for her role in the faction but again she pays no mind to it.
      Fears: losing everything she has worked so hard to create within her faction
      Hobbies: Strategics. She also likes to play videogames to unwind.
      Strengths: Planning, She is a strong leader. Very powerful. She is very good with defense and is also quite strong for an average human.
      Weapon: sword and Shield
      Powers: Has minimal holy powers that helps with defense
      Extra Info: No one knows her true name. It also isn't clear how she became leader but she has proved herself worthy as a leader.
      Theme song:
    • Character name: Sebastian Abject
      Creature type: Avian (half bat, half human)
      Faction: Isidiuka
      Age: 18
      Picture or description: A light silvery gray colour to his hair, brown eyes. Wears a pair of black slacks, and a plain white shirt with two holes in the shoulders from where his wings extend.
      Personality: Extremely loyal, views himself as an outcast to all things, He will fight to the very end if need be and never give up, but he is hesitant to openly engage in fighting unless he or someone else he knows is in danger.
      Sebastian fears that if he were to become involved with the world as it currently is, he would be hunted until he eventually died. He is frightened of opening up to people, fearing that they will see him as the monster that he views himself as.
      Hobbies: Nightwatch, practicing combat techniques, messing around with Anthrax, practicing flight.
      Extremely quick, and has amazing hearing. He can see extremely well in the dark, though he doesn't have perfect vision in it. Light itself doesn't phase him, although if he isn't expecting it it can often leave him temporarily blinded.
      Weapon: None save for the claws on the ends of his hands, which he has instead of fingernails.
      Powers: Flight and the ability to use sonar.
      Extra Info:

      Character name: Anthrax
      Creature type: Mutated Rat (wererat)
      Faction: Isidiuka
      Age: 3
      Picture or description: Appearance
      Personality: Extremely aggressive, yet has a slight fear of anyone that resembles a scientist. Is quick to judge people, and even faster to jump to conclusions. Overall a bit of a brute.
      Fears: Scientists and mouse traps.
      Hobbies: Eating, fighting, following Sebastian around.
      Strengths: Herculean strength, average speed, incredible sense of smell and can swim quite well.
      Weapon: His oversized rat claws, his oversized rat teeth, and whatever object he happens to find in the environment.
      Powers: Excessive strength, impressive sense of smell, acute hearing.
      Extra Info: Is an experiment gone wrong. Upon being injected with human DNA, Anthrax mutated from a small, defenseless rat into the hulkish animal he is today.
      Theme song: N/A

      Character name: Yana Aegrum
      Creature type: Witch
      Faction: Inranahe
      Age: 23
      Picture or description: Long black hair that hangs loosely on her back, stretching as far as her lower abdomen. Yana has striking green eyes, and a mark over her right eye in the shape of a red crescent moon. She wears a black tank top and wears a gray skirt that reaches down to slightly above her ankle.
      Very sadistic, will take unnecessary risks if it means she gets to inflict pain on someone, whether they be friend or foe. Can be very strategic, often trying to exploit her opponents' weaknesses, and is not usually willing to make the first move in a battle.
      Fears: That one day, her obsession with dark magic will corrupt her very soul and kill her.
      Hobbies: Tormenting people, manipulating others, causing mayhem in general.
      EXTREMELY strong willed. Once she sets her mind on something, there is very little that will stop her from achieving it.
      Weapon: N/A
      Has dabbled in necromancy. Not enough that she can summon the dead, but she can will their spirits to rise long enough that she may speak with them for a few minutes. She also uses many dark spells, spells that can cause harm to herself and those around her.
      Extra Info: Where she walks, the environment withers slightly; it doesn't die completely, but it slowly decays, a dead giveaway for when she is nearby.

      Character name: Gexln
      Creature type: Half Demon, half Human
      Faction: Inranahe
      Age: 21
      Picture or description: Will edit in later
      Transformed appearance
      Personality: Aggressive, has a distinct love for murder, can be a little obsessive with things from time to time. Does joke around from time to time, though not exactly frequent, and he is quite a showoff.
      Fears: giant ultimate grade dinosaurs Anything considered 'holy', the prey he pursues escaping, snakes, religion.
      Hobbies: Murder, showing off, competitions of almost any kind.
      Strengths: Fast, exceptionally determined, slightly more durable than the average person due to his half demon side.
      Weapon: When not transformed, uses dual swords and occasionally poison coats his blades. When transformed, he also uses the claws he gains.
      Powers: Able to blend into the shadows when travelling, however he almost never uses this in battle. He also has the power to temporarily use his demon blood to transform into a demon, for a very short time. In this form he is slightly faster, physically much stronger, but he is extremely reckless in it.
      Extra Info: Wears a rabbit costume for the most part, with light armour underneath it. The reason for this is simple: he believes it gives him a tactical advantage. His targets, if they see him at all, would be laughing far too hard or just not suspect him altogether, making it easier to take them down. Of course, this is just in his mind.
      Theme song:

    • Character name: Haru Shinryu
      Creature type: Avian
      Faction: Isidiuka
      Age: 17
      Picture or description: Haru
      Personality: A mostly silent and calm warrior, Haru is not known to anger easily. The long sword he carries is mainly for intimidation of his foes, which doesn't bother him much.
      Fears: Not being able to feel the wind
      Hobbies: Wood Carving, Music
      Strengths: Skilled with a Sakabatou and Nodachi, Agile,
      Weapon: Sakabatou, Nodachi
      Powers: Flight, Increased Stamina and Durabilty
      Extra Info: Doesn't often use his Nodachi
      Theme song:[/spoiler]

      Character name: Kreuz Siegrain
      Creature type: Wizard
      Faction: Isidiuka
      Age: 16
      Picture or description: Kreuz
      Fears: Losing his fathers hat
      Hobbies: Spell Casting, bringing small inanimate objects to life
      Strengths: Versatility in spells
      Weapon: Magic enhancing gloves
      Powers: A variety of fire and ice spells
      Extra Info:
      Theme song:[/spoiler]

      Character name: Zero
      Creature type: Human
      Faction: Inranahe
      Age: 19
      Picture or description: Zero, Armor
      Personality: Generally a laid back guy, Zero is very determined when he chooses to be
      Fears: Not being able to protect what he holds dear
      Hobbies: Reading
      Strengths: Gun skills, hand to hand combat
      Weapon: Two Silver shooter
      Powers: a magical gem that contains his armor
      Extra Info:
      Theme song:

    • Character name: Vallyn Desp'Ana
      Creature type: Half-Drow(Dark Elf)/Half-Human
      Faction: Inranahe
      Age: 125
      Personality: Vallyn is normally calm and collected, with a side of snark. He's a thrill-seeker and an avid scholar of sorts, always wanting to learn something new. Despite being a cynic, he has strong empathy for outcasts, people weaker than him, and the helpless. However, despite his compassion, he hides behind an amoral mask, wantng to be paid compensation for his services. Vallyn is notorious for his rash, headstrong approaches, wanting nothing more than to enter the fray; this is due to his own personal pride in his martial and arcane abilities. He hates Drow, politics, and nobility/royalty. As well, Vallyn much prefers to do things his way, making himself very headstrong.

      Fears: Drow (though, it's more of a hatred than a fear), snakes, and spiders
      Hobbies: Learning new spells, new martial arts, and new languages. He enjoys solving puzzles and riddles, as well as training and thinking of new spells to invent. Ultimately, however, he prefers to read.
      Strengths: Genius-level intellect, tactics, stubbornness, stealth
      Weapon: Twin Sabres
      Powers: Supernatural speed, Sword Magic, Faerie Fire (harmless flames used mostly for illumination; however, it could be used for intimidation purposes), and Shadowstep (capable of traversing/transposing himself through the shadows or Shadow Plane).
      Extra Info: His body is riddled with scars caused by the torture he endured by his own kin, due to being an "inferior" creature. Vallyn is also a polyglot, knowing many languages ranging from various Common languages (Human tongues), to Dragon, to Orc, Goblin, variety of Sign Languages, and even Demons and Celestials. Vallyn is from an underground realm named Svartalfheim.
      Theme song:

      Character name: Vladimir Inferna
      Creature type: Enhanced Human
      Faction: Inranahe
      Age: 34
      Personality: Vladimir is cold, calculating, and highly intelligent. Vladimir is a tactical and strategic genius, as well as a fierce and competent fighter. Vladimir only seeks power to further his own goals and does not quite value human life. He is quite manipulative and the master of misdirection, as well as flexible in his way of thinking. In this regard, he thinks with the mind of a devil rather than a mortal, always spinning a web that never ends. However, he is strangely chivalrous and honorable, capable of keeping his word and protecting those who, in the long or short term, may be of use to him. He's quite secretive, nevertheless, and his motives aren't quite clear. Vladimir is capable of instilling fear and a twisted sense of morale, making him a natural born leader (or tyrant).
      Fears: Dying, failure to achieve immortality, the Devils
      Hobbies: Chess, keeping himself in peak physical condition, hunting, plotting
      Strengths: Photographic memory, reflexive mimicry, strategy & tactics, charisma
      Weapon: Obsidian Broadsword
      Powers: Capable of summoning infernal weaponry (his favorites being pikes and spears), enhanced strength, enhanced speed, and Hellfire
      Extra Info: Vladimir is an Enhanced Human who made pacts with various Devils for the sake of power. Vladimir seeks the secrets of the long lost civilizations and is willing to use the Sanar to even greater extents.
      Theme song:
      Character name: Sess
      Creature type: Avatar (Mortal incarnation of a god)
      Faction: Isidiuka
      Age: 14
      Personality: Sess is a happy-go-lucky child, always in motion. He's very positive and outgoing, always wanting to meet new people. However, he's not easily dominated due to being a free-spirit, making him quite stubborn and has an overwhelming sense of loyalty. Though capable of being serious, he is often clumsy and mischievous. He enjoys to joke around and pester people, but in the end, he is quite lonely. He absolutely abhors killing, incapable of understanding the purpose and refuses to do such a thing.

      Fears: Being alone, losing friends, the decision to kill, failure
      Hobbies: Video games, pranks, tending to wounded animals (or simply playing with animals)
      Strengths: Kendo (preferably battojutsu), headstrong, clever, charisma
      Weapon: Lumia, a blunt crystalline sword that can be imbued with two kinds of light; white (harmless; bane of undead) and black (vorpal, capable of cutting anything in a single stroke). It also has the power to take shape of the wielder's prefered weapon. Sess and Amaru both prefer a Katana (though the size shifts during Awakening)
      Powers: Magic (though he's quite fond of Wind magic), Supernatural speed, Awakening (Transformation; caused by strong emotions such as desperation or overwhelming stress, even rage or immense sorrow are triggers), Mage Sight (capable of seeing the Nexus, the weave of Magic and Souls)
      Extra Info: Sess has no actual control of his transformation, due to there being a rune over the left side of his chest. The rune is slowly weakening, year after year, which allows Amaru to temporarily take over during times of stress or desperation. This leaves Sess with lapses of amnesia.
      Theme song:[/spoiler]

      Character name: Amaru
      Creature type: Deity
      Faction: Isidiuka
      Age: ??
      Personality: Amaru is a melancholy figure, haunted by his past as a Hero God of "mortals", where he had killed many of his own brethren to free humanity from their enslavement. Amaru is compassionate, yet has a serious and cold demeanor. He's willing to sacrifice himself to get a positive result (such as protecting his comrades), but remains hesitant on the matter of killing. Which is to say... he'll still kill if he absolutely has to. Amaru is quite loyal and honorable, making him a powerful companion; however, due to his own self-loathing, he sees little to no value about himself.

      Fears: Ragnarok (God of Destruction, the End Bringer)
      Hobbies: What's a hobby?
      Strengths: Kendo, abysmal knowledge of magic theory, keen perception (even during battle), speed
      Weapon: Lumia (read Sess's "Weapon")
      Powers: Magic (though proficient in all schools of magic, he favors floramancy), Ultima Drive (a transformation state; this enhances his magical prowess, however his physical abilities decrease), Chaos Drive (a dark transformation state, this enhances his physical prowess with the addition of darkness, however his magical power suffers a decrease as well), Reincarnation (read Extra Info)
      Extra Info: Though he's powerful enough to be considered a deity, he is quite mortal and can die. However, he can return to life after a few generations. In addition, Sess has no memory of what Amaru says or does, nor do they share the same senses; ironically, when Sess is in control, Amaru has perfect awareness of what happens. This is due to the fact that Sess is Amaru at a younger age, which is a temporal distortion due to the rune that marks Sess's chest, sealing away the mature deity.
      Theme songs: (see post)

    • Character name: Roman Arosium
      Creature type: (Angel, mutant, werewolf ect..) Elemental
      Faction: (Isidiuka or Inranahe) Inranahe
      Age: 700 (roughly)
      Picture or description: This
      Personality: Knowledgeable, secluded, hesitant to act on something he isn't completely dedicated to.
      Fears: He is claustrophobic
      Hobbies: Magecraft
      Strengths: Magic
      Weapon: Lots of magic
      Powers: He is well versed in all sorts of magic, but specializes in the manipulation of pure arcane energy and storm magic
      Extra Info: He seeks the Sanar to find out about a time before his own.
      Theme song:[/spoiler]

      Character name: Beucefilous Alexander
      Creature type: (Angel, mutant, werewolf ect..) Sorcerer
      Faction: (Isidiuka or Inranahe) Inranahe
      Age: 22
      Picture or description:
      Personality: Cocky, sarcastic, narcissistic, rarely if ever serious about anything
      Fears: Clowns, Spiders, The mail man
      Hobbies: Breaking the fourth wall and skirt chasing.
      Strengths: His good looks (as far as he's concerned)
      Weapon: A sword i don't have a picture of. Let's just say it's roughly the shape of the one in his picture.
      Powers: The Smolder
      The ability to break the fourth wall (possibly just schizophrenia, but he thinks it's a power)
      Extra Info: He is a demolitions expert, who specializes in walls.
      Theme song:[/spoiler]

      Character name: Isidiuka
      Creature type: (Angel, mutant, werewolf ect..) Human
      Faction: (Isidiuka or Inranahe) Isidiuka
      Age: 29
      Picture or description:
      Personality: Fiercly loyal to his people, sees himself as the embodiment of their will. Self-Sacrificing. Reluctant to take on questionable help, but will do so if the people around him think it's a good idea.
      Fears: Defeat. The downfall of Isidiuka.
      Hobbies: Baking. occasionally video games.
      Strengths: His speed and accuracy, and his determination which allows him to push himself beyond normal limits for his people.
      Weapon: Katana
      Powers: He can mildly alter the flow of time to give him an advantage in the battlefield, but as his heart beats and normal speed, it puts incredible strain on his body and he can't maintain it for more than a few seconds at a time.
      Extra Info: He cast off his own name to take up that of his country, seeing himself as not a person, but the embodiment of the will of the Isidiukan people.
      Theme song:
      Character name: Gehenna
      Creature type: (Angel, mutant, werewolf ect..) demon
      Faction: (Isidiuka or Inranahe) Isidiuka
      Age: 40
      Picture or description: stay night/True_Assassin.jpg
      Personality: Many different aspects
      Fears: A target escaping
      Hobbies: Murder
      Strengths: Stealth, quick kills
      Weapon: Throwing knives.
      Powers: He can see the vital weaknesses of his enemy's body and exploit them to the best extent. (basically his crit strike is high)
      Can blend into and travel via shadows.
      Can split his personality into multiple incarnations of himself
      Extra Info: Not much is known about his origins and dammit yes that means i was too lazy to make a damn backstory get off my back
      Theme song:

    • Character name: Hiro Shinohara
      Creature type: Human
      Faction: Isidiuka
      Age: 21
      Gender: Male
      Picture or description:
      [Sub](I've never RPed as this OC before and sadly I have yet to draw a decent picture of him.. So yay, descriptions!)[/sub]

      HT: 6'4"
      WT: 187 lbs
      White medium length hair that's spiked in the back with long bangs in the front, relatively pale skin, muscular/toned body, and green eyes; wears a black button down shirt with an upturned collar with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a white tank top underneath, black ripped up jeans and black boots.

      Hiro is very stubborn and is almost always angry about something, even if he doesn't seem it. Hiro is also filled with hatred toward almost everything. He doesn't trust people at all either. However he has found a strange soft spot for Xero and has rather strong feelings towards her but tries his hardest not to show it. He is very protective of her and will do anything to keep her safe. He also likes to be alone most of the time due to his fear of being taken over by Shiro and harming others.

      Fears: Water (not exactly a fear, he just doesn't like it), losing Xero, and losing control to Shiro.
      Hobbies: Likes to rant sometimes.
      Strengths: Can channel his anger into combat.
      Weapon: Limbs engulfed in fire.
      Fire / Black(Dark) Fire
      (Due to his dark persona (Shiro) he is able to use darkness with his fire if he chooses to)


      Black Fire - If Hiro uses Black fire, he can use all of the same abilities he already has but they are enhanced as he uses this. He also risks losing control not only of his fire, but of his conscious as well, making him vulnerable of possession from Shiro. Another thing he risks, is having unintended casualties with allies. Black Fire is inextinguishable and is very troublesome to control, and can cause lethal backfire if not used properly. So he rarely uses this.

      Thermal Resistance - Hiro is not immune to fire. He can resist temperatures up to 10,000 degrees F.


      Flame Pillars - Hiro can make pillars of fire shoot out from the ground below and also attack from afar with this.

      Fire Ball - Hiro can create various sizes of Fire Balls and launch them at his opponent.

      Flame Body - Hiro can completely engulf his body in his own flames or any other parts if his limbs and fight with them to enhance his blows.

      Inferno - [LAST RESORT] Hiro can create a massive explosion of fire that cab destroy a very large office building (He only uses this as a last resort for it can take his life afterwards if he doesn't have proper control over his fire).

      Extra Info: Occasionally gets possessed by Shiro.
      Theme song: TBD

      Character name: Shiro
      Creature type: Demon
      Faction: Neutral
      Age: 21
      Gender: Male
      Picture or description:
      [Sub](I've never RPed as this character and sadly I have yet to draw a decent picture of him.. So yay, descriptions!)[/sub]

      Looks exactly like Hiro but with a few different features: Black hair, and orange eyes with sometimes the whites of his eyes black.

      Shiro is the manifestation of Hiro's anger and hatred towards everything. He is a twisted and savage version of Hiro and is quite egotistic at times. He enjoys causing pain to Hiro's allies and won't think twice about killing them if he had the chance. He has a rather distinct hatred toward Xero and isn't afraid to show it as he converses with Hiro in his head. He also enjoys torturing Hiro with mind games and forcing him to watch him kill his own allies while he has control over his body. Due to Shiro being created from so much anger and hate, he is easily set off by certain things and tends to go on a ranting rage at inappropriate times. Shiro can also be categorized as someone on the brink if insanity, for he has very twisted ways of thinking and acting.

      Fears: Hiro dying, not being the most powerful.
      Hobbies: Enjoys playing mind games with Hiro.
      Strengths: Shiro grows stronger the more Hiro's hatred for things grow.
      Weapon: Limbs engulfed in flames.
      Black Fire / Shape Shifting


      - Shiro is bound to Hiro by soul. If he were to die, so wound Hiro and vice versa.


      - Shiro has all the same abilities as Hiro except he only uses the Black Fire versions if them, which are much stronger and harder to control.


      Hybrid Form - Shiro has long black fox-like ears and tail, the bottom half of his body becomes that of a wolf and his fingers become blade-like claws. He is three times faster in this firm and also has Black Fire Aura. BFA acts like an armor of fire. He becomes hot to the touch and cannot be attacked by physical moves (only lasts for five minutes however).

      True Hybrid Form - Shiro has completely transformed into a fox-wolf hybrid. He becomes seven feet tall as well and has large claws on his paws and stands upward on two legs instead if all fours. His speed is increased by four times and has Black Fire Breath which is a flamethrower that comes from his.mouth.

      Extra Info: N/A
      Theme song: TBD

      Character name: Roe "Xero" Setsoku
      Creature type: Human
      Faction: Isidiuka
      Age: 19
      Gender: Female
      Picture or description:

      HT: 5'7"
      WT: 125 lbs
      Long black hair that is layered and looks spiked in the back, crimson eyes, somewhat pale skin, petit body, wears baggy and almost oversized shirt that hangs off past shoulders held up by black straps, black shorts, black thigh high stockings, red knee high boots, and black fingerless gloves.

      Xero is a bit stubborn, blunt at times and sometimes bold. She can also be rather sarcastic towards others. But despite those things, she can be nice and caring towards others if she feels close enough to them. However she is rather weak when it comes to her emotional side. She will easily act on impulse and often do things blindly without thinking first. Xero has rather strong feelings toward Hiro. She would do anything to help him if he was in need and also does her best to listen to him if he is upset about something.

      Fears: Bugs/ Arachnids, losing Hiro, and Shiro.
      Hobbies: Likes being around Hiro.
      Strengths: Is fast and nimble.
      Weapon: Scythe


      - Good hand-eye coordination, enabling her to dodge/deflect most attacks. She is also very fast and nimble.

      - Quite acrobatic and has a high endurance. Due to a high endurance, she can take more damage than an average person could.

      - Can materialize and de-materialize her scythe with dark energy.


      Black Shockwave - Can slam her scythe into the ground and pulsate huge shockwaves of dark energy.

      Damaging Shield - Can create a dark energy shield around her that cab deflect attacks and also cause damage to anyone that comes in contact with it.

      Black Crescent - Can swing her scythe and shoot out a black, crescent shaped beam from the blade that attacks everything in its path.

      Armageddon - [LAST RESORT] Summons a massive portal like rip in the atmosphere and a giant "lazor" of dark energy comes down from the portal and attacks everything in rage (Xero only uses this as a last resort due to the alarming amounts of energy it takes to use it and is capable if killing her afterwards).​

      Extra Info: N/A
      Theme song: TBD

    • Characters:

    • Isidiuka
      Roe (Xero)

    • Flame

    • shiro
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2014
  2. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Character name: Sebastian Abject
    Creature type: Avian (half bat, half human)
    Faction: Isidiuka
    Age: 18
    Picture or description: A light silvery gray colour to his hair, brown eyes. Wears a pair of black slacks, and a plain white shirt with two holes in the shoulders from where his wings extend.
    Personality: Extremely loyal, views himself as an outcast to all things, He will fight to the very end if need be and never give up, but he is hesitant to openly engage in fighting unless he or someone else he knows is in danger.
    Sebastian fears that if he were to become involved with the world as it currently is, he would be hunted until he eventually died. He is frightened of opening up to people, fearing that they will see him as the monster that he views himself as.
    Hobbies: Nightwatch, practicing combat techniques, messing around with Anthrax, practicing flight.
    Extremely quick, and has amazing hearing. He can see extremely well in the dark, though he doesn't have perfect vision in it. Light itself doesn't phase him, although if he isn't expecting it it can often leave him temporarily blinded.
    Weapon: None save for the claws on the ends of his hands, which he has instead of fingernails.
    Powers: Flight and the ability to use sonar.
    Extra Info:

    Character name: Anthrax
    Creature type: Mutated Rat (wererat)
    Faction: Isidiuka
    Age: 3
    Picture or description: Appearance
    Personality: Extremely aggressive, yet has a slight fear of anyone that resembles a scientist. Is quick to judge people, and even faster to jump to conclusions. Overall a bit of a brute.
    Fears: Scientists and mouse traps.
    Hobbies: Eating, fighting, following Sebastian around.
    Strengths: Herculean strength, average speed, incredible sense of smell and can swim quite well.
    Weapon: His oversized rat claws, his oversized rat teeth, and whatever object he happens to find in the environment.
    Powers: Excessive strength, impressive sense of smell, acute hearing.
    Extra Info: Is an experiment gone wrong. Upon being injected with human DNA, Anthrax mutated from a small, defenseless rat into the hulkish animal he is today.
    Theme song: N/A

    Character name: Yana Aegrum
    Creature type: Witch
    Faction: Inranahe
    Age: 23
    Picture or description: Long black hair that hangs loosely on her back, stretching as far as her lower abdomen. Yana has striking green eyes, and a mark over her right eye in the shape of a red crescent moon. She wears a black tank top and wears a gray skirt that reaches down to slightly above her ankle.
    Very sadistic, will take unnecessary risks if it means she gets to inflict pain on someone, whether they be friend or foe. Can be very strategic, often trying to exploit her opponents' weaknesses, and is not usually willing to make the first move in a battle.
    Fears: That one day, her obsession with dark magic will corrupt her very soul and kill her.
    Hobbies: Tormenting people, manipulating others, causing mayhem in general.
    EXTREMELY strong willed. Once she sets her mind on something, there is very little that will stop her from achieving it.
    Weapon: N/A
    Has dabbled in necromancy. Not enough that she can summon the dead, but she can will their spirits to rise long enough that she may speak with them for a few minutes. She also uses many dark spells, spells that can cause harm to herself and those around her.
    Extra Info: Where she walks, the environment withers slightly; it doesn't die completely, but it slowly decays, a dead giveaway for when she is nearby.

    Character name: Gexln
    Creature type: Half Demon, half Human
    Faction: Inranahe
    Age: 21
    Picture or description:
    Transformed appearance
    Personality: Aggressive, has a distinct love for murder, can be a little obsessive with things from time to time. Does joke around from time to time, though not exactly frequent, and he is quite a showoff.
    Fears: giant ultimate grade dinosaurs Anything considered 'holy', the prey he pursues escaping, snakes, religion.
    Hobbies: Murder, showing off, competitions of almost any kind.
    Strengths: Fast, exceptionally determined, slightly more durable than the average person due to his half demon side.
    Weapon: When not transformed, uses dual swords and occasionally poison coats his blades. When transformed, he also uses the claws he gains.
    Powers: Able to blend into the shadows when travelling, however he almost never uses this in battle. He also has the power to temporarily use his demon blood to transform into a demon, for a very short time. In this form he is slightly faster, physically much stronger, but he is extremely reckless in it.
    Extra Info: Wears a rabbit costume for the most part, with light armour underneath it. The reason for this is simple: he believes it gives him a tactical advantage. His targets, if they see him at all, would be laughing far too hard or just not suspect him altogether, making it easier to take them down. Of course, this is just in his mind.
    Theme song:
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
  3. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Character name: Haru Shinryu
    Creature type: Avian
    Faction: Isidiuka
    Age: 17
    Picture or description: Haru
    Personality: A mostly silent and calm warrior, Haru is not known to anger easily. The long sword he carries is mainly for intimidation of his foes, which doesn't bother him much.
    Fears: Not being able to feel the wind
    Hobbies: Wood Carving, Music
    Strengths: Skilled with a Sakabatou and Nodachi, Agile,
    Weapon: Sakabatou, Nodachi
    Powers: Flight, Increased Stamina and Durabilty
    Extra Info: Doesn't often use his Nodachi
    Theme song:

    Character name: Kreuz Siegrain
    Creature type: Wizard
    Faction: Isidiuka
    Age: 16
    Picture or description: Kreuz
    Fears: Losing his fathers hat
    Hobbies: Spell Casting, bringing small inanimate objects to life
    Strengths: Versatility in spells
    Weapon: Magic enhancing gloves
    Powers: A variety of fire and ice spells
    Extra Info:
    Theme song:

    Character name: Zero
    Creature type: Human
    Faction: Inranahe
    Age: 19
    Picture or description: Zero, Armor
    Personality: Generally a laid back guy, Zero is very determined when he chooses to be
    Fears: Not being able to protect what he holds dear
    Hobbies: Reading
    Strengths: Gun skills, hand to hand combat
    Weapon: Two Silver shooter
    Powers: a magical gem that contains his armor
    Extra Info:
    Theme song:
  4. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Character name: Ulrich Faust
    Creature type: Wizard
    Faction: Isidiuka
    Age: 18

    Description: Ulrich appears, at first sight, a scholar. He is below average height (4'11") and of slender build. His hair is long (to his waist when down) and black, but held into a topknot, whilst having a frame of hair around his face and a thick strand crossing over the bridge of his nose; the full frame of frontal hair is only two inches below his high cheekbones. He is, strangely, of a light tan complexion and has green eyes that possess an eerie glow and cat-like pupils. He wears thin, rectangular spectacles and often has his eyes closed into narrow, fox-like slits. He always seems to possess a friendly smile, as well. Ulrich wears a black sleeveless shirt with buckles and belts with a high collar, red leather pants, black combat boots, and a red leather duster that also possesses a high collar and a white flame-like design; he often has this duster closed as to appear more scholarly and exotic. Upon his arms/hands are black kote (Japanese arm guards). Ulrich particularly loves wearing a red scarf and a red, long-tailed bandana around his forehead. He also happens to have a scar upon his left cheek and over his right eye (which is luckily not blinded). His left arm is covered in a tribal-like tattoo sleeve, resembling flames or serpents that run upward and with a black sun in the center of his bicep. Without his shirt and duster, Ulrich is riddled with scars from deep cuts to penetrations to burns and frostbite (for over the left side of his chest is a black, spider-web like scar). Finally, around his neck is an amulet which he guards with his life.

    Personality: On the surface, Ulrich is very kind, loving, and caring, always appearing happy and outgoing. He tends to be very goofy and clumsy, often being a comical klutz. He truly enjoys life and everyone in it, be they friend or foe, but abhors violence. He's a self-proclaimed pacifist, preferring to talk his way out of trouble rather than partaking in a fight. He doesn't truly agree with either faction, but much prefers the Isidiuka faction for its "think first, action later" attitude. Though appearing quite cowardly on the outside, he's quite courageous in nature. Ulrich prefers to keep to himself and does not mind any malicious remarks or actions towards him; however he's quick to defend anyone, even a stranger. However, beneath the skin, Ulrich is self-loathing and sad, even alone. He is often in a constant struggle with his older self, who is quick to kill anyone simply for the absolute pleasure. In turn, he has a dual personality; one which loves all life and peace, whilst the other enjoys bloodshed and chaos. His alternate personality is cold, ruthless, and immensely distant.

    Fears: The safety of others, losing control of himself
    Hobbies: Reading, cooking, cleaning, gardening, video games, and puzzles.
    Strengths: Strong-willed (stubborn and headstrong!), tactical, perceptive, and merciful.
    Weapon: Blunt-edged Katana
    Powers: Wind magic, Earth magic (dust and flora being his favorite sub-branches of said magic), supernatural speed (augmentation caused by Wind magic), and split-second precognition (basically a magical spider-sense)
    Extra Info: His favorite colors are red and green; his favorite flower is the rose. It is said, if one was to truly look at him, a gentle curtain of petals grace his very presence.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2014
  5. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Character name: Roman Arosium
    Creature type: (Angel, mutant, werewolf ect..) Elemental
    Faction: (Isidiuka or Inranahe) Inranahe
    Age: 700 (roughly)
    Picture or description: This
    Personality: Knowledgeable, secluded, hesitant to act on something he isn't completely dedicated to.
    Fears: He is claustrophobic
    Hobbies: Magecraft
    Strengths: Magic
    Weapon: Lots of magic
    Powers: He is well versed in all sorts of magic, but specializes in the manipulation of pure arcane energy and storm magic
    Extra Info: He seeks the Sanar to find out about a time before his own.
    Theme song:

    Character name: Beucefilous Alexander
    Creature type: (Angel, mutant, werewolf ect..) Sorcerer
    Faction: (Isidiuka or Inranahe) Inranahe
    Age: 22
    Picture or description:
    Personality: Cocky, sarcastic, narcissistic, rarely if ever serious about anything
    Fears: Clowns, Spiders, The mail man
    Hobbies: Breaking the fourth wall and skirt chasing.
    Strengths: His good looks (as far as he's concerned)
    Weapon: A tome
    Powers: The Smolder
    The ability to break the fourth wall (possibly just schizophrenia, but he thinks it's a power)
    Extra Info: He is a demolitions expert, who specializes in walls.
    Theme song:
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2014
  6. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    All accepted up to this point
  7. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Character name: Isidiuka
    Creature type: (Angel, mutant, werewolf ect..) Human
    Faction: (Isidiuka or Inranahe) Isidiuka
    Age: 29
    Picture or description:
    Personality: Fiercly loyal to his people, sees himself as the embodiment of their will. Self-Sacrificing. Reluctant to take on questionable help, but will do so if the people around him think it's a good idea.
    Fears: Defeat. The downfall of Isidiuka.
    Hobbies: Baking. occasionally video games.
    Strengths: His speed and accuracy, and his determination which allows him to push himself beyond normal limits for his people.
    Weapon: Katana
    Powers: He can mildly alter the flow of time to give him an advantage in the battlefield, but as his heart beats and normal speed, it puts incredible strain on his body and he can't maintain it for more than a few seconds at a time.
    Extra Info: He cast off his own name to take up that of his country, seeing himself as not a person, but the embodiment of the will of the Isidiukan people.
    Theme song:
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2014
  8. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Character name: Vladimir Inferna
    Creature type: Enhanced Human
    Faction: Inranahe
    Age: 34
    Personality: Vladimir is cold, calculating, and highly intelligent. Vladimir is a tactical and strategic genius, as well as a fierce and competent fighter. Vladimir only seeks power to further his own goals and does not quite value human life. He is quite manipulative and the master of misdirection, as well as flexible in his way of thinking. In this regard, he thinks with the mind of a devil rather than a mortal, always spinning a web that never ends. However, he is strangely chivalrous and honorable, capable of keeping his word and protecting those who, in the long or short term, may be of use to him. He's quite secretive, nevertheless, and his motives aren't quite clear. Vladimir is capable of instilling fear and a twisted sense of morale, making him a natural born leader (or tyrant).
    Fears: Dying, failure to achieve immortality, the Devils
    Hobbies: Chess, keeping himself in peak physical condition, hunting, plotting
    Strengths: Photographic memory, reflexive mimicry, strategy & tactics, charisma
    Weapon: Obsidian Broadsword
    Powers: Capable of summoning infernal weaponry (his favorites being pikes and spears), enhanced strength, enhanced speed, and Hellfire
    Extra Info: Vladimir is an Enhanced Human who made pacts with various Devils for the sake of power. Vladimir seeks the secrets of the long lost civilizations and is willing to use the Sanar to even greater extents.
    Theme song:
  9. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
  10. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Character name: Gehenna
    Creature type: (Angel, mutant, werewolf ect..) demon
    Faction: (Isidiuka or Inranahe) Isidiuka
    Age: 40
    Picture or description: stay night/True_Assassin.jpg
    Personality: Many different aspects
    Fears: A target escaping
    Hobbies: Murder
    Strengths: Stealth, quick kills
    Weapon: Throwing knives.
    Powers: He can see the vital weaknesses of his enemy's body and exploit them to the best extent. (basically his crit strike is high)
    Can blend into and travel via shadows.
    Can split his personality into multiple incarnations of himself
    Extra Info: Not much is known about his origins and dammit yes that means i was too lazy to make a damn backstory get off my back
    Theme song:
  11. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    Character name: Hiro Shinohara
    Creature type: Human
    Faction: Isidiuka
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Picture or description:
    [Sub](I've never RPed as this OC before and sadly I have yet to draw a decent picture of him.. So yay, descriptions!)[/sub]

    HT: 6'4"
    WT: 187 lbs
    White medium length hair that's spiked in the back with long bangs in the front, relatively pale skin, muscular/toned body, and green eyes; wears a black button down shirt with an upturned collar with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a white tank top underneath, black ripped up jeans and black boots.

    Hiro is very stubborn and is almost always angry about something, even if he doesn't seem it. Hiro is also filled with hatred toward almost everything. He doesn't trust people at all either. However he has found a strange soft spot for Xero and has rather strong feelings towards her but tries his hardest not to show it. He is very protective of her and will do anything to keep her safe. He also likes to be alone most of the time due to his fear of being taken over by Shiro and harming others.

    Fears: Water (not exactly a fear, he just doesn't like it), losing Xero, and losing control to Shiro.
    Hobbies: Likes to rant sometimes.
    Strengths: Can channel his anger into combat.
    Weapon: Limbs engulfed in fire.
    Fire / Black(Dark) Fire (Due to his dark persona (Shiro) he is able to use darkness with his fire if he chooses to)


    Black Fire - If Hiro uses Black fire, he can use all of the same abilities he already has but they are enhanced as he uses this. He also risks losing control not only of his fire, but of his conscious as well, making him vulnerable of possession from Shiro. Another thing he risks, is having unintended casualties with allies. Black Fire is inextinguishable and is very troublesome to control, and can cause lethal backfire if not used properly. So he rarely uses this.

    Thermal Resistance - Hiro is not immune to fire. He can resist temperatures up to 10,000 degrees F.


    Flame Pillars - Hiro can make pillars of fire shoot out from the ground below and also attack from afar with this.

    Fire Ball - Hiro can create various sizes of Fire Balls and launch them at his opponent.

    Flame Body - Hiro can completely engulf his body in his own flames or any other parts if his limbs and fight with them to enhance his blows.

    Inferno - [LAST RESORT] Hiro can create a massive explosion of fire that cab destroy a very large office building (He only uses this as a last resort for it can take his life afterwards if he doesn't have proper control over his fire).

    Extra Info: Occasionally gets possessed by Shiro.
    Theme song: TBD

    Character name: Shiro
    Creature type: Demon
    Faction: Neutral
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Picture or description:
    [Sub](I've never RPed as this character and sadly I have yet to draw a decent picture of him.. So yay, descriptions!)[/sub]

    Looks exactly like Hiro but with a few different features: Black hair, and orange eyes with sometimes the whites of his eyes black.

    Shiro is the manifestation of Hiro's anger and hatred towards everything. He is a twisted and savage version of Hiro and is quite egotistic at times. He enjoys causing pain to Hiro's allies and won't think twice about killing them if he had the chance. He has a rather distinct hatred toward Xero and isn't afraid to show it as he converses with Hiro in his head. He also enjoys torturing Hiro with mind games and forcing him to watch him kill his own allies while he has control over his body. Due to Shiro being created from so much anger and hate, he is easily set off by certain things and tends to go on a ranting rage at inappropriate times. Shiro can also be categorized as someone on the brink if insanity, for he has very twisted ways of thinking and acting.

    Fears: Hiro dying, not being the most powerful.
    Hobbies: Enjoys playing mind games with Hiro.
    Strengths: Shiro grows stronger the more Hiro's hatred for things grow.
    Weapon: Limbs engulfed in flames.
    Black Fire / Shape Shifting


    - Shiro is bound to Hiro by soul. If he were to die, so wound Hiro and vice versa.


    - Shiro has all the same abilities as Hiro except he only uses the Black Fire versions if them, which are much stronger and harder to control.


    Hybrid Form - Shiro has long black fox-like ears and tail, the bottom half of his body becomes that of a wolf and his fingers become blade-like claws. He is three times faster in this firm and also has Black Fire Aura. BFA acts like an armor of fire. He becomes hot to the touch and cannot be attacked by physical moves (only lasts for five minutes however).

    True Hybrid Form - Shiro has completely transformed into a fox-wolf hybrid. He becomes seven feet tall as well and has large claws on his paws and stands upward on two legs instead if all fours. His speed is increased by four times and has Black Fire Breath which is a flamethrower that comes from his.mouth.

    Extra Info: N/A
    Theme song: TBD

    Character name: Roe "Xero" Setsoku
    Creature type: Human
    Faction: Isidiuka
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Picture or description:

    HT: 5'7"
    WT: 125 lbs
    Long black hair that is layered and looks spiked in the back, crimson eyes, somewhat pale skin, petit body, wears baggy and almost oversized shirt that hangs off past shoulders held up by black straps, black shorts, black thigh high stockings, red knee high boots, and black fingerless gloves.

    Xero is a bit stubborn, blunt at times and sometimes bold. She can also be rather sarcastic towards others. But despite those things, she can be nice and caring towards others if she feels close enough to them. However she is rather weak when it comes to her emotional side. She will easily act on impulse and often do things blindly without thinking first. Xero has rather strong feelings toward Hiro. She would do anything to help him if he was in need and also does her best to listen to him if he is upset about something.

    Fears: Bugs/ Arachnids, losing Hiro, and Shiro.
    Hobbies: Likes being around Hiro.
    Strengths: Is fast and nimble.
    Weapon: Scythe


    - Good hand-eye coordination, enabling her to dodge/deflect most attacks. She is also very fast and nimble.

    - Quite acrobatic and has a high endurance. Due to a high endurance, she can take more damage than an average person could.

    - Can materialize and de-materialize her scythe with dark energy.


    Black Shockwave - Can slam her scythe into the ground and pulsate huge shockwaves of dark energy.

    Damaging Shield - Can create a dark energy shield around her that cab deflect attacks and also cause damage to anyone that comes in contact with it.

    Black Crescent - Can swing her scythe and shoot out a black, crescent shaped beam from the blade that attacks everything in its path.

    Armageddon - [LAST RESORT] Summons a massive portal like rip in the atmosphere and a giant "lazor" of dark energy comes down from the portal and attacks everything in rage (Xero only uses this as a last resort due to the alarming amounts of energy it takes to use it and is capable if killing her afterwards).

    Extra Info: N/A
    Theme song: TBD
  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Will edit the new characters in tomorrow, or when I get time
  13. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Character name: Sess
    Creature type: Avatar (Mortal incarnation of a god)
    Faction: Isidiuka
    Age: 14

    Personality: Sess is a happy-go-lucky child, always in motion. He's very positive and outgoing, always wanting to meet new people. However, he's not easily dominated due to being a free-spirit, making him quite stubborn and has an overwhelming sense of loyalty. Though capable of being serious, he is often clumsy and mischievous. He enjoys to joke around and pester people, but in the end, he is quite lonely. He absolutely abhors killing, incapable of understanding the purpose and refuses to do such a thing.

    Fears: Being alone, losing friends, the decision to kill, failure
    Hobbies: Video games, pranks, tending to wounded animals (or simply playing with animals)
    Strengths: Kendo (preferably battojutsu), headstrong, clever, charisma
    Weapon: Lumia, a blunt crystalline sword that can be imbued with two kinds of light; white (harmless; bane of undead) and black (vorpal, capable of cutting anything in a single stroke). It also has the power to take shape of the wielder's prefered weapon. Sess and Amaru both prefer a Katana (though the size shifts during Awakening)
    Powers: Magic (though he's quite fond of Wind magic), Supernatural speed, Awakening (Transformation; caused by strong emotions such as desperation or overwhelming stress, even rage or immense sorrow are triggers), Mage Sight (capable of seeing the Nexus, the weave of Magic and Souls)
    Extra Info: Sess has no actual control of his transformation, due to there being a rune over the left side of his chest. The rune is slowly weakening, year after year, which allows Amaru to temporarily take over during times of stress or desperation. This leaves Sess with lapses of amnesia.
    Theme song:

    Character name: Amaru
    Creature type: Deity
    Faction: Isidiuka
    Age: ??

    Personality: Amaru is a melancholy figure, haunted by his past as a Hero God of "mortals", where he had killed many of his own brethren to free humanity from their enslavement. Amaru is compassionate, yet has a serious and cold demeanor. He's willing to sacrifice himself to get a positive result (such as protecting his comrades), but remains hesitant on the matter of killing. Which is to say... he'll still kill if he absolutely has to. Amaru is quite loyal and honorable, making him a powerful companion; however, due to his own self-loathing, he sees little to no value about himself.

    Fears: Ragnarok (God of Destruction, the End Bringer)
    Hobbies: What's a hobby?
    Strengths: Kendo, abysmal knowledge of magic theory, keen perception (even during battle), speed
    Weapon: Lumia (read Sess's "Weapon")
    Powers: Magic (though proficient in all schools of magic, he favors floramancy), Ultima Drive (a transformation state; this enhances his magical prowess, however his physical abilities decrease), Chaos Drive (a dark transformation state, this enhances his physical prowess with the addition of darkness, however his magical power suffers a decrease as well), Reincarnation (read Extra Info)
    Extra Info: Though he's powerful enough to be considered a deity, he is quite mortal and can die. However, he can return to life after a few generations. In addition, Sess has no memory of what Amaru says or does, nor do they share the same senses; ironically, when Sess is in control, Amaru has perfect awareness of what happens. This is due to the fact that Sess is Amaru at a younger age, which is a temporal distortion due to the rune that marks Sess's chest, sealing away the mature deity.
    Theme songs
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
  14. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Character name: Vallyn Desp'Ana
    Creature type: Half-Drow(Dark Elf)/Half-Human
    Faction: Inranahe
    Age: 125

    Personality: Vallyn is normally calm and collected, with a side of snark. He's a thrill-seeker and an avid scholar of sorts, always wanting to learn something new. Despite being a cynic, he has strong empathy for outcasts, people weaker than him, and the helpless. However, despite his compassion, he hides behind an amoral mask, wantng to be paid compensation for his services. Vallyn is notorious for his rash, headstrong approaches, wanting nothing more than to enter the fray; this is due to his own personal pride in his martial and arcane abilities. He hates Drow, politics, and nobility/royalty. As well, Vallyn much prefers to do things his way, making himself very headstrong.

    Fears: Drow (though, it's more of a hatred than a fear), snakes, and spiders
    Hobbies: Learning new spells, new martial arts, and new languages. He enjoys solving puzzles and riddles, as well as training and thinking of new spells to invent. Ultimately, however, he prefers to read.
    Strengths: Genius-level intellect, tactics, stubbornness, stealth
    Weapon: Twin Sabres
    Powers: Supernatural speed, Sword Magic, Faerie Fire (harmless flames used mostly for illumination; however, it could be used for intimidation purposes), and Shadowstep (capable of traversing/transposing himself through the shadows or Shadow Plane).
    Extra Info: His body is riddled with scars caused by the torture he endured by his own kin, due to being an "inferior" creature. Vallyn is also a polyglot, knowing many languages ranging from various Common languages (Human tongues), to Dragon, to Orc, Goblin, variety of Sign Languages, and even Demons and Celestials. Vallyn is from an underground realm named Svartalfheim.
    Theme song:
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