RUMOUR - Re:CoM Coming to the West?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Darkandroid, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Square-Enix made a presentation yesterday at the Gamestop Expo in Las Vegas, and Chain of Memories got a mention. Someone tipped off Kotaku stating:

    Of course nothing is 100% official but back in July Square-Enix were auditioning an english voice cast for some Organisation members who appeared in CoM. Don't expect Final Mix+ but Re:Com is highly likely.

    Source: Kotaku and KHU (Voice Casting Audition)
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Darkandroid, Sep 9, 2008.

    1. Sir Charles of Monocles
      Sir Charles of Monocles
      If I find out you are lying, I will really cry. But there might be a chance for RE: CoM? YYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY
    2. Absol
      I heard about this a while ago... It's awesome, but I'd rather not get my hopes up until it's confirmed.
    3. Cin
      Well, it's another Rumor, but this one has a much higher chance the the other posted. And I like this one. A lot. RIP Cin's CoM for GBA, I'll always love you.
    4. Xegreny
      Somehow I doubt it. >_>

      It's been how long since FM+ came out? Didn't have English dialog available? The only Japanese parts were the new parts, I thought. So... yeah.
    5. ultima_sora
      haha that would be awesome if re:com did come out in north america tho..
      i would so buy it ^^
    6. Speyeker
      I'm guessing that's for 358/2 Days and nothing more (which, as it stands, is quite impressive that they were rounding up a cast this early). I don't believe Re:CoM will come stateside. Isn't the PS2 effectively dead anyway? Last-gen systems died pretty early this generation, except for the GBA, which lasted like two and a half years after the DS came out.
    7. Shift
      I really do want this to happen,but i don't think it's going to,yet.
    8. EvilMan_89
      well it's not THAT dead, new games are still being released for them and i think that more people have a PS2 than a PS3.
    9. 1ofamillion
      Final Mix did include English voice over, but RE:Com didn't. I hope it does come to America, even final mix(maybe both?)
    10. Anixe
      Hmm, kinda strange that they'd only let Re:CoM come to the USA. Personally I'd prefer Final Mix+. But at least something's gonna come out. Then again, I'll prolly take this just as a rumour. Hopefully it does come out.
    11. W7F
      Another rumor? Jeez... I'm going to have to try my hardest and ignore this one, too. Every time SE gets my hopes up, they let me down. So, not listening! *covers eyes* Must. Forget! The capital of Mississippi is Jackson, the capital of Arkansas is Little Rock, the capital of Alaska is. . .
    12. axel90
      Should be interesting to see who will play Zexion, Larxene, Marluxia, Vexen, Lexaeus. I'm assuming Sora will still be played by Haley Joel Osment. Riku: David Ghalliger, and so on.
    13. Noise

      this acutally sounds like its going to happen...and if it doesnt well :3
    14. Virtuoso
      :O YAYYYYYYY!I am so much more excited now!but i think that Final Mix should come with it either at the same time or later since the saves in Re:CoM are connected to some of the secret bosses in KH2:FM+.....
    15. RoxasRox
      Ohoho this is some good new for once.
      I know its not likely, but i would really love to play
      this game over getting final mix+ becuase i believe the COM
      saga is wayyyyyyyyyyy better in 3D graphics and its more
      intricate in the story!

      this post wasnt ment to be this long ^^; haha
    16. Destined
      sounds like this could be the next kingdom hearts game the SE is working on for TGS. Seems way more plausible than KH3.
    17. 778MasterMarluxia
      man if kh2fm+ comes out in amerca that would be awesome but also kindv gay b/c i just ordered kh2fm+ jap version.
    18. Repliku
      At this point, I'll believe it when I see it. I have a small glimmer of hope but just am not holding my breath. They waited way too long to do this as quite a few people just went with swap magic and bought the Japanese version. It might not now be such a worthy investment though I would buy it still.
    19. Explode
      It'd be pretty f***ing sweet to get both, but I would definitely choose RE:CoM if we could only get one. If this turns out to be true, Square Enix gets -10 meanie points :3