New Famitsu Scan!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys! A new Famitsu scan has popped up, and once again we got the info for you!

    Besides what the previous scan, this scan features a few new images, including Terra! We'll have a full translation of this scan later in the future.


    Edit: Cropped out the Higher Quality Screens

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Source: 2ch

    Note: Be sure to give credit where it's due, I've noticed a site took our translation several times without crediting us, and if they do that again I will point them out without hesitation.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Sep 19, 2007.

    1. king-@
      for terra look, is a combination between Zack Leon and Xemnas....for what regards graphics....i think:

      1) is for wii :P

      2) is another kh for ps2 :P:P

      3) is for psp whit the best graphics the console can do :P:P:P

      3) is for ds and those photos are from cutscenes
    2. libregkd
    3. AlexleHoshi
      Can you send me a link to it please.
    4. Poppy
      Well, all this news is about to make my head explode. XD

      In the screenshot with Mickey & Jiminy, it looks like they're in that room where Donald found the letter at in the beginning of KH1. I'm probably wrong, though, as I haven't played KH1 in a long time.

      ...And, Oh, look! There's Terra and the old guy!
    5. king-@
      why:sleepy: nomura confirmed the consideration of multiplatform, i can't see why the wii should not be possible
    6. willi_211191
      damn! this news are really getting me into a heart attack!
      i hope that this is for the psp! ill get a psp, and i really want this over all!!!
      please! make this to the PSP!
      and this IS kinda confirmed, since otherwise, there wouldn't be any scans, right??
      man, this is great!!!
      cant wait for TGS either!
    7. xemnasfan
      terra has finally steped out of the dark, now i know what he looks like. but what kind of outfit is he wearing looks like half drakengard nowe clothes and half organization coat.

      but really i thought he'd have longer hair then that.

      i have a bad feeling i know how that talk with his enemy [bald guy] is going to end.
    8. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      I don't think it's on the DS, the graphics look PS2ish.
    9. xemnasfan
      yeah and it doesn't look wide enough pixaled enough for psp.
    10. Darkandroid
      From the looks of the graphics I'm suspecting it to be for the PSP. I see a similarity between the look of Terra and Zack in Crisis Core. Didn't the same team make that game as KH?
    11. willi_211191
      yes, it was the same.
      thats why im reaaaally hoping that this is the PSP game. i just HAVE to get my hands on this!
      do you guys think thatt this will get to be anounced tomorrow at TGS??
    12. Love
      Wow , Terra looks like Zack from FF7 with brown hair .

      Awesome !!! I can't wait !!!
    13. Xegreny
      If ZERO is for the PSP ill shoot myself. =\

      Id much rather have it be on the PS3. Or pehaps PS2? ;D

      But I doubt it willl happen. Who knows only TGS will tell.

      Set your DVR's people. =D
    14. xemnasfan
      i still the edges are to sharp everything looks to crisp, but then again i do only have 3 games.

      but i have yet to see a non pixalated screen video or screenshot, if this is for psp then i'm i'm suprised.
    15. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      The other thing you have to consider is the widescreen format, I don't know many games that are Widescreen on Nintendo DS. (I wouldn't know since I haven't got one.)
    16. willi_211191
      Yeah, im sure there isnt any widescreen games for the DS...
      ok, i bet 10 bucks that its for the PSP!
    17. Varnor
      my guess its for the psp. mostly because the psp has the best quality on graphics
    18. reptar
      OMG! I did not know the bald guy was in that pic!
    19. jadethefirefox
      Omg I hope this comes out in america if not it will mak eth ewhite part of me sad please i begg for some kh2 videos i notce most of them are gone why is that
      I will do anything i credit this site on all of videos pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease i need certain ones
    20. libregkd