KINGDOM HEARTS Merchandise: Keyblade Paperweight

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Dec 31, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="KINGDOM HEARTS Merchandise " width="300" height="237" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-2669" /></a></center>

    Hey everyone, a new item from Hot Topic has been added to it's online store. If you have been looking for some more KINGDOM HEARTS merchandise ideas for your wishlist, you may want to consider this recent item that was added to Hot Topic.

    The KINGDOM HEARTS Keyblade paperweight is now available, which makes this product very unique against some of it's other merchandise items. For more information, check out the link below.

    Also, Happy New Year from KHV. Speaking of a new year, what a great time for KINGDOM HEARTS fans! KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Coded releases in North America on January 11th 2011 and in Europe on January 14th 2011. Another release is set for January 20th 2011, which is KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep FINAL MIX.

    Are you ready for what's next?

    Source: Our staff member DPWolf
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Dec 31, 2010.

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    1. KH2man13
      Hm... Interesting product choice, but a cool one nonetheless. =D
    2. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Honestly, I don't think I would pay $28 for a paper weight. Cool, but I'll pass on this one. Thanks for the info Mikeyyyy.
    3. Firechakram
      Is the paperweight keyblade life-sized? If not, too bad.

      In fact, are there any OFFICIAL life-sized keyblades that exist, not fan-made ones?
    4. MatthewWaller
      eek! it's just suddenly hit me how close Re:Coded is!
    5. The Twin
      The Twin
      Cute, but if I actually used it for it's intended purpose, my students wouldn't be able to stop playing with it. Or they'd break the keyblade off, which would then give me an awesome pedestal to use as a paperweight and a Kingdom Key letter opener.
    6. AndreaAras26
      it looks really cool! but I would like to know what size this is ^^?
    7. Mike
      7 1/2" x 4"
    8. Korra
      The Keyblade's removable, it's kind of like a heavier and not as detailed version of Square-Enix's Master Arms Keyblade, haha.
    9. The Twin
      The Twin
      Ah. So it's more of a paperweight with an included Kingdom Key letter opener. I gotcha.
    10. Invader Jack
      Invader Jack
      Hahaha, that's pretty cool-looking, but as Spunk Ransom said, probably not something I would want to spend that much money on.

      Ah, I can't believe Re:Coded is almost here! I'm still trying to finish Birth By Sleep! I'm on Aqua's story (the final one for me), but she's such a physically weak character (meaning I've died just fighting common Unversed while playing as her way more than I died [which was rarely] in the same situations playing as Terra and Ven) that it seems like it's gonna take me forever to finish her story. Anybody else had the same problem?

      Anyway, my point is that I hope I can finish BBS soon so that I can start on Re:Coded right away. Gosh, it's just over a week until it comes out...
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