Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days - DSi Bundle Planned

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hey everyone, Famitsu has announced today that there are plans for a Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (special edition) Nintendo DSi bundle set. The Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days game and bundle set will release sometime February 2009 in Japan.

    As of now, that's all the information that I can give. It seems that the color, design and the price of the bundle set is undecided right now.

    Source: Famitsu
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Nov 18, 2008.

    1. kngdmhrts2
      please please please please please please please do the same bundle for rest of the world Nintendo/S-E...that would be awesome if they did :D
    2. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      Great for the people who will buy a DSi, when and if it comes overseas.
    3. Scott Pilgrim
      Scott Pilgrim
      This is perfect because I want a DSi very badly. It probably won't come out before the 358/2 Days game though.
    4. RusinaRange
      aww man don't say that i have to buy a DSi too... i was thanking myself that i had bought the ds cause the kingdom hearts will come to it.. and now i have to get DSi too... i allready have to get a psp too and if they release something on the ps3 ill have to get it too... The games expanding on too many platforms soon i can't get enough money for all of this... even though id go to one sommerjob where i would get 100€ a week... this sucks i don't like this at all... alll of my money will go to this soon..​

      oh well i think i can magicly get the cash out from somewhere..

      edit: oh wait a bundle!! yay i thought wrong!!! yay i don't need to get teh DSi​
    5. 007
      too bad it's not a DS lite and I already have a DS lite
    6. Ultima Wepon
      Ultima Wepon
      Great! luckly I can trade in my DS Lite for a DSi. For some reason my R button on there doesn't work anymore so I can't play Chain of Memories GBA version anymore cause it deals with the L and R buttons alot.
    7. Akino
      Heh heh, if the KH:Days DSi comes to NA, I'm for sure getting one. >:3

      No more borrowing a stupid pink DS Lite with a broken mic! What did my sister do to it?! D:
    8. Skylight_Defect
      I really hope they release the bundle here in the US ^^
    9. kngdmhrts2
      you wouldnt be able to play CoM GBA after the trade either...DSi dont play GBA games coz it doesnt have the slot on it....unless you have an old GBA/SP or another DS (or Lite)...otherwise you can kiss playing all your GBA games goodbye :(
    10. Anixe
      If only it was released internationally too. =[ But still, I'm guessing the color scheme might be black and red (considering the logo to be red and black for the Organization). Maybe there might be stickers for the DS cover though?
    11. Mike
      This doesn’t mean that it won’t happen for North America and Europe.
    12. PuffinBoy415
      Ok, it's official, I'm buying this DSi bundle as soon as it hits overseas. Thank God for Play-Asia! And screw Nintendo for making everything region protected on the DSi!
    13. sora125
      about Kingdom Hearts 3

      excuse me sir.. do you know who will be the main character in Kingdom Hearts 3? If you do know please reply. I really need to know who will be the main character. Is it still Sora or Mickey or Terra?
    14. RusinaRange
      yeah but i think you can't play GBA games on the DSi
    15. codebreakeronly1234

      wait does taht mean its only coming out for DSi?!?!?!?!

      if so....

    16. RusinaRange
      DS and DSi... i almost cried out too but then i realized it...:lol:
    17. KeybladeSpirit
      What is a DSi? Some kind of next-gen DS?
    18. RusinaRange
      yes exactly that check it out from Google..:)
    19. Shark
      Sorry, Dsi cant handle gba games. That's one of the bad things about it.