KH-Vids Podcast Applying to Be a Guest on the KH-Vids Podcast

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Sabby, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    To Be a Part of the Podcast

    As in the past we have had members interested in being part of various KH-Vids Podcasts, and know that there will be a variety of guests (staff members, regular members, etc) within future episodes of the Podcasts.
    So, we are allowing all members to volunteer their time to take part in podcasts, and this is the place where you can start to apply. Please know that we would love it if all of you to contributed to this!

    The following are needed to take part in a podcast:
    The steps to apply to be on the Podcast are as follow:
    We will come to you if you are eligible and wish you to partake, and ask again if you are willing to be on the next podcast organised and if the recording time we come up with is good for you.

    Podcast Application
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Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Sabby, Jan 5, 2013.

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    1. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Only if Sabby and I shout it at you loud enough, apparently. But at least I now have a guest list to come back to whenever I need it. Yay!
    2. Dinny
      Name: Dinny
      Username: D ι n n у
      Availability & timezone you're in: UTC+8 / Packed with school and rehearsals (especially this January) so I'll only be available on weekend nights, after March I'll basically be available whenever though!
    3. NemesisPrime
      Name: Adam
      Username: NemesisPrime
      Availability & timezone you're in: Mondays, Wednesday, Friday and weekends. USA Eastern Time
    4. kitty_mckechnie
      Oh hai, think I'll-

    5. Razgriz Thirteen
      Razgriz Thirteen
      Name: Larry
      Username: Razgriz Thirteen
      Availability and timezone: UTC+8 Most anytime now that it's almost summer, though morning/night would be best
    6. Jiηx
      Generally what's discussed on the podcast?
    7. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      That depends on a podcast to podcast basis. We have everything from casual Chilled Pods where we can talk about anything, to in depth looks and opinions on Kingdom Hearts games and the series as a whole.

      You'll be approached about appearing on the podcast, given a run down on the podcast and what will be happening in it, and whether you wish to still be a part of it.

      After that, you'll be kept for consideration on appearing on anymore podcasts in the future depending on why you did not wish to be a part of that podcast, though rarely would that be a problem.

      Anything else?
    8. Menos Grande
      Menos Grande
      Name: Gustavo
      Username: Menos Grande
      Availability & timezone you're in: 18:00~0:00 (week), probably most part of the day on weekends. UTC-03 (minus 3 hours from greenwitch) Brasília, Time zone​
    9. riku1186
      Name: Robert/Prefer Robbie
      Username: Riku1186

      Availability & timezone you're in: UTC+10:00, Monday, Tuesday, Wensday and Friday
    10. Shiki
      I'm not sure if you guys are still taking applicants, but I guess I could try and apply...

      Name:  Taylor
      Username:  Weeaboo
      Availability & timezone you're in:  Around midday usually.  Mostly in the evening.  CST is the timezone.
      Apologies if you are not taking any applications currently.
    11. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Always taking applications, more of a question if we ever get time to everyone, but yeah, apply away.
    12. Kai_Lyoko
      Name: Kai
      Username: Kai_Lyoko
      Availability & timezone you're in: 5-9PM (Eastern United States Timezone)
    13. Xenao
      Maybe some time soon, I would rather get to know a few people off here first :)
    14. Glen
      Name: Glen
      Username: Dr_Wigglz
      Availability & timezone you're in: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday i'm available just about any time from 9am-10pm. Weekends is USUALLY the same but that's subject to change depending on parents. I'm in AEST timezone.
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