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Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Nov 6, 2012.


Movie Night ?

  1. Sync.

  2. Stream.

  3. I don't care.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I'm about to help get stuff ready for Thanksgiving, so it'll be past midnight by the time I'm back. At that point I will write up the recap...

    Also, if anyone would like to start with Day 4 (at 12am my time), go ahead. Just keep these things in mind before you start:

    The next day is Monday December 3rd. School starts at 7:45am and there has been an announcement to meet in the auditorium at that time instead of your first class. The starting post should be at 7:30am.
  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Wow for some reason my alerts haven't been working and I've only been checking them for things. Um, that's my own fault though and I guess I'll just wait for the next day. but wow that sucks.
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    DAY 3
    Note: This recap will not substitute you actually READING, so do that if you have not or you'll miss things.
    The recap will only cover things that directly influence the story.
    (I am not a perfect human being, so I may have missed some things)

    Madeline is given $350 from Reuben for 'no reason'. Will this lead to dramatica in the future? THE RP MAY NEVER KNOW.

    Aileen is a secret drunken party girl.

    Anthony and Elizabeth are siblings. Did we know that already? Jayn doesn't remember. She's in an extremely silly mood right now.

    Altair is really freakin' cryptic. FATE this FATE that. FATE. FATE. FATE.

    O-okay...That's not a little...ominous or anything.

    Tyler x Abby? PFF. How SILLY. She obviously wants NOTHING to do with him.

    But what's this?! Quin x Tyler? AN OTP BREAKER APPROACHES.

    John apparently spends all day at church. What a loser, right kids? Let's POINT and LAUGH.

    Quin has her concert. Whoop.

    Hyuge contributed!! Snow tomorrow! Be sure to bundle up and whatnot! She's also heartbroken and that makes me sad.

    Tyler and Aileen are RUDE as HELL. *Ghetto snaps* WAS TRYIN' TO HAVE A TENDER LESBIAN MOMENT BUT NOPE.

    Yuna invited Aileen and Brian over but nothing happened because NEITHER ONE OF THEM POSTED. This makes me sad for Yuna. But she's a tough independent lesbian and she don't need no pizza or movies.

    Kallisti has grandma issues.

    Oh ****, Altair's got some issues too.

    Cherno-kun's extremely emotional because of the beautiful sounds of the violin. M-chan bumps into him in super slow motion as cherry blossoms fall. She blushes when he calls her fall "sugoi, sister". In a jealous rage, Temperance-chan storms in screaming "B-BAKA!" M runs away in tears, clutching her bookbag to her chest. She finds comfort in John's church...Well, the parking lot.

    Quin and some other peeps want to celebrate the great concert after school tomorrow.


    HeartlessOfLight is wayyy past the 48 hour mark. He made a Tumblr post on the 20th but if he does not post today by 7pm (GMT -8), he's removed. School is busy for him lately, he's communicated well, and hopefully he'll get more time once exams are over, etc. However, if activity does not improve within a week, I am removing him.

    Tequila / Danny has not posted since November 18th with no detailed Tumblr posts, talks with me or head's up. This means he is removed. Danny never existed.

    Fuzzybluelights has not posted since November 20th 11:29am. He technically has until that time today to post before being officially removed, but he's already broken the 5th rule.

    Midnight Star has not posted since November 20th 5:07am. She has about three hours before being officially removed.

    Chase is a sweetheart, ohmygoodness. He'll probably die next.

    Brian is an attention whore.

    I am really serious about this activity thing, obviously. It's not that bad if you communicate with me when you know you're getting busy, etc, but when there's nothing. No. Just a reminder for those of us who are still here;

    If you're expecting me to ask you where your post is or remind you of the last time you posted or when 48 hours is up, you're wrong. Lol. The most you'll get is in an update, and sometimes that update will just be that you're gone now. Boop.
  4. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    this is my favorite recap so far
  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Jayn, i was almost crying because i was laughing so hard. Michael thinks i my love affair with my phone is getting extreme. Also just to let you know, not only is t thanksgiving [HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE], but it's also my boyfriend's 21st birthday so this weekend my posts may be more distanced and shorter. Between holiday parties, work, and sober cabbing/partying I'll be pretty busy. But I'll also do my best tl make time to post as well.
  6. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    This just made my morning.
  7. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    >>> side note: did anyone else see the giant light up pikachu balloon in the macey's parade? We dropped what we were doing to stare at it.
  8. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    ....since that was posted at 10am this morning, I guess I'm out. Had lectures all day so only just seen it. Shame, it was fun and I'm still keeping Abby's tumblr going regardless.

    Was actually planning on posting now, only didn't post yesterday because it was my birthday and thought I could afford to miss a day as I posted the day before. Forgot I'd posted in the morning, not in the evening like usual. Ah well~
  9. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Using my phone, at the moment. I will try to post within the next two hours. That's too bad about Tequila, but Midnight, I think your okay.

    I predict that the roleplay might be a bit slow because Thanksgiving, but we'll persevere.
  10. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Since it was school keeping you I think you'll be okay Midnight. At least I hope so, I was really looking forward to seeing Anthony and Abby interact and even planned on having him talk to her today. But who am I to say anything on the matter.

    Just have to wait for Jayn.
  11. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    I'm also wanting to put an appeal against this Midnight being removed thing.

    Yesterday of all things was her birthday and she had things to do. Also, she did post the day beforehand. So surely that should be a legitimate excuse.
    And the fact is, if she hadn't have had uni and been able to see that warning, shed have posted within the time constraints (3 hours) for sure.

    I know I'm not the only one here who knows she is a dedicated role-player, and if it wasn't for extenuating circumstances, she'd have certainly posted on schedule.
    I know things have to be fair and that rules are rules, but I personally feel that some slack should be cut here. Again... it was her birthday after all. :/
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Fuzzy, it's supposed to be the next morning. Monday before school... not still Sunday night.

    Also, i agree with everyone else. It would appear that we have mutinized...
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    That would be fine if she had said something. The rules aren't there because I honestly think we should all POSTPOSTPOST but rather because of communication. It's fine to miss the 48 hour mark. Just Skype, PM me or explain here. When there's a lack of communication with me is when the flexibility diminishes. That's the difference between Teq and HoL as well. HoL has been actively communicating. You need to pay attention to the last time you posted and communicate accordingly. I /will not/ warn you or pester you.

    @Thread; Also, can we NOT "appeal" please? That's awfully rude, I think. Tequila was removed and two others were in the dangerzone, but the only one jumped in defense of was Midnight. That would hurt my feelings. x:
  14. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    It wasn't intended to be an appeal like that in terms of rudeness.
    But very well, I apologise if I caused any offense.

    I will stress now though that if anyone else had been in Midnight's situation, I'd have jumped to their defense in such a case too. It's got nothing to do with my connection to her etc.

    The others who were removed or were in danger of being removed had their own circumstances where some were communicated in their cases, and some were not. But those situations were different to this particular situation.
    Take for example today being 'Thanks Giving' (or Saxima's birthday/someone elses) or whatever. If people hadn't been able to post for whatever reason (family or... stuff) in regard to those things/events, I'd have jumped to their defense in the same way too. For some events such as birthdays or holidays etc, I feel it is pretty obvious that not everyone will be able to take part for various reasons and in such instances, excuses should be made.

    But again. I apologise for my rudeness and will ensure it doesn't happen again. That's a promise.
  15. Agent.T Destiny Islands Resident

    May 20, 2012
    That England thingy place I've always lived in
    I'm British so thanks giving isn't something I do, but happy thanks giving everyone! ^_^ And sorry for not posting and ending the day properly yesterday I fell asleep D:
  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    @ Flowergothic & Agent; You guys are going to a coffee place when you need to be in the auditorium. School started at 7:45am and the first post of this day was at 7:30am so you wouldn't have had time for that anyway. You're missing school atm. looool.

  17. Agent.T Destiny Islands Resident

    May 20, 2012
    That England thingy place I've always lived in
    Gah I knows >< I edited the post sort of hoping Flowergothic wouldn't see the original, but it appears I was too late Dx I did try~
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I'll post something big tomorrow. I was going to post again tonight, but I decided to give you guys an opportunity to post a reaction. The weekend is here so we should be able to get some stuff done!
  19. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    I think it was like midnight posted something so people wanted to comfort her/saw her there while the others said nothing on the thread but at the same time i'm sorry for going against your word and being rude to the others. belated apology but yeah
  20. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    A few things regarding my latest posts;

    If you're not there, you're not there. You can't walk into the auditorium or anything. If you name is not on the 'spared' list, then you were not present for this visit, you have no memories of it, and you are frozen. You cannot post until the rest have finished and this period is over.

    @Monochrome; It took me a while to figure out what you were talking about... xD It's all good. No one's in trouble. I'm just asking for the future not to do that. You guys are free to approach me privately about things, though.
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