YourSelf as a Keyblade wielder Version Birth by Sleep

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by RockmanDS, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. RockmanDS Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 18, 2007
    Twilight Town
    The successor to the previous topic with a few changes

    Weapon Type: What type of Keyblade do you use (Eg. Long Sword-type Short Sword-type , Katana-type, etc.)
    Battle Style: Do you fight more with strong attacks or do you fight with swift numourus blows, Do you rely magic more to deal damage or do you use a combination of physical blows and magic.
    Deck Commands:
    Attacks and Magic you can use -|----> What they evolve into
    |----> What you can combine attacks into to make new ones

    Attacks name and description: If it's you own original attack

    Action Commands: Stuff like Dodge Roll and Counter

    Finishing Commands: Take you enemies down in style
    Name of Finisher: Description

    Shoot Lock: Surrounded? Take-em all down Kira Yamato style with your own unique multi lock attacks.
    Name: What's it called
    Description: What it looks like.
    Max number of targets: How many targets you can wipe out without the extra input (Keep this reasonable, no being able to wipe out hundreds of targets in one attack)
    Additional Input: The extra damaging flashiness at the end based on button presses if you locked on to the Max amout of targets.

    Command Style Changes:
    Name: What is it's name, If not the ones that are know so far
    What it does: Umm..What it does. Sorry nothing witty here.
    Description of Finisher: How big of a bang it causes when it's over.

    Well that's it I'll add more if I need to but for now here's mine
    Weapon Type: A Longsword type Keyblade (Rejection of Fate)
    Battle Style: Wide swings that catches multiple enemies, A wide arrey of powerful magic and attack skills
    Deck Commands:
    Action Commands:
    Dogde Roll
    Quick Step: A dash thatmakes you invisible for a split second
    Attack Commands:
    Sonic Blade ---|--> Sonic Pierce
    |--- Wind Thrust (Combined with an Aera command)

    Strike Raid----|-> Judgement
    |---> (Insert element name here) Raid (Any magic Command)

    Stop Blade-----> Lethal Frame

    Aero----> Aera-----> Aeroga|
    |---Raging Storm (Combined with Firaga)

    Blizzard------> Blizzara--|--> Blizzaga
    | |--->Freeze (Combined with Stopga)
    |---> Aqua Splash (Combined with Fira)

    Cure----> Cura----> Curaga

    Fire----> Fira----> Firaga|
    |---> Firaga Burst (Combine with Blitz)

    Blitz -----|
    |--->Chrono Break (Combined with Stopga)

    Zantetsuken|---------> Sacred Anthem
    |-----> Kaze no Yaiba {Blade of Wind} (Comebined with Aeroga)

    (I'll add more later when I'm more awake)
    Sonic Pierce: A more powerful version of Sonic Blade

    Wind Thrust: I pull back and preform a single Sonic Blade motion but then it's followed by a horizontal cyclone that does huge Aero damage to all caught inside

    Stop Blade: Stop a target and pull a 3 hit combo (Doesn't work on bosses, same for Lethal Frame and Chrono Break)

    Chrono Break: Stop all targets and warp attack them (Press ^ at the right time to continue the attack)

    Kaze no Yaiba: I spin my Keyblade afew times then hold it back handed as time slows and the screen darkens, when the screen is black, several slashes of light flash on screen rapidly, and the screen switches back and all enemies in range stagger afew times as the attack takes effect. (Max: 15 hits divided up by the number of enemies in large range.)

    Finishing Commands:

    Hurricane: I rapidly spin horizantally hitting all enemies around me multiple times
    |----Hurricane2: Same as above only light is emitted from the Keyblade as I spin doing additional damage

    Earthblade: I Preform a powerful overhead slash which cuases rockspikes to shoot up in a straight line in front of me
    |-----Earthblade2: The rocks are bigger and go farther

    Full Moon Destruction: I channel my aura in to the Keyblade and pull an overhead cleave with all my might releasing it in a wolf shape blast that not only hits the target but also all the enemies behind it.

    Shoot Lock:
    Name: Radiant Arrows
    Description: I summon the number of light arrows to how many targeted enemies and let them loose as they home in on the targets
    Max number of targets: 15
    Additional Input: Pressing O at the right time lets you shoot out 15 more arrows

    Command Style Changes:
    Dimond Dust
    Sacred Anthem
    What it does: Boosts my power of the light enabling me to access powerful light type commands, and my combo range increases with the sword of light that extends from my Keyblade.
    Finisher: 13 blades of light appear and I begin slashing furiously with them, at the end the swords form around my Keyblade and I release it as a piller of light that shoots straight ahead of me.
    I'll add more later but for now goodnight.