Why is there so much hate?

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Stella Nox Fleuret, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. Stella Nox Fleuret Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 1, 2010
    First things first (just so I don't forget) I'm pretty sure there is nothing like this thread in the discussions sub-forum, since I've checked.

    I remember yesterday watching some Siskel and Ebert reviews when I clicked on a CBS Video relating to Roger Ebert. I clicked on the cursor and read the comments for about 20 minutes. From what I've seen there, I was disgusted. I know people are entitled to their own opinions, but...it really broke my heart a little bit. The poor guy has cancer and their mocking him, calling him names and everything, and calling his fans "losers". The amount of times I saw the "C" word on there was...well, there was a lot typed there.

    Why is there so much hate? Why was I sad? Why was I crying a little bit?

    I forget the name of the YouTube video. But this doesn't just apply to just that. It applies to all YouTube video comments and pretty much the internet in general.

    Why is there so much hate in the world, yet alone the internet?

    I wanted to put this thread here in this section because it's effecting me a lot. I just..don't understand why...and it's making me feel bad, like I'm going to cry. I'm taking it very personally, but I have no idea why I am. I know it's weird, but...it's making me feel bad about myself and everyone around me. Even listening to The Promise can't cheer me up now.

    Why is this? Please help me...I don't understand why.
  2. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    this is ironic. Right now I'm working on a paper about hate crimes. I can't say anything about the comments, but there is certainly a lot of hate about it. People probably don't like him because he's either just getting attention because of cancer, they don't want to see something like a man with cancer, or they're just creeps that don't know when to leave. I mean, people hate for many different reasons. I don't know why people hate others the way they do, there is just too much involved in it. The only real reason is that they need to either relieve stress, and they just take it out on someone who they just really don't want to hear talk on about. The most you can do is stand up for the person, and also find out why people have to act like 2nd graders like that.
  3. phoenixkh93 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 13, 2011
    When people are anonymous on the internet, it can bring out the very worst in them. Things people would never do or say in real life become the norm, because being anonymous means never having to live with the consequences of what you do. You don't have to see the face of the person you're saying this horrible stuff to. Bullying a faceless person behind a screen is a lot easier than doing it in real life. Lots of people forget how much what they say could hurt the person on the receiving end, and it's sick and cruel. That, and some people just like to flame and troll for the fun of it, which is even worse.

    I suppose we just have to be the best we can ourselves. There's no way we'll ever get rid of all the hate in the world but we can start with the man in the mirror :) I hope you cheer up soon! It's true, there are loads of hateful people in the world but I guess that just means we have to try even harder to spread the love and happiness :D (Sounds cheesy I know XD )
    By the way is that The Promise by Michael Nyman you were on about? Because if it is, that is possibly my all time favourite piece of music ever :D
  4. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Yes this is really bad... "Why do people hate so much?". I don't know, I don't hate anyone. But those people that hate maybe doesn't know why they hate too.
    The man has a cancer, and this isn't good. I don't know him, so I don't know what he do, if he's famous or how did the people come to write that things on internet. I just know that this isn't right and you know that too, you are being someone that can be called a real "human", someone that really is "rational". This is why you're feeling this, because you are asking to yourself "how come the world get this rage?", you are thinking about the others, about how they feel, if they're sad and hoping they are happy. You don't know how the people "hate", but know that they can live without it, but still they want to live with it. Maybe those people are worthless.

    For sure, the world would be better without the hate... this is the worst feeling.
  5. Stella Nox Fleuret Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 1, 2010
    Thanks Pheonixkh! It's beginning to perk me up...and it's not cheesy, it's the truth...although the world can be harsh, we get through it together. For people who do bully others, don't they realise the pain that they make people go through? You're just going to be as bad as them if you make them go through the pain you did. And with trolls, I guess they just do it for attention. Look at what happened with Bloody Roar 5. Eh...that was just...hard to explain...

    I'm beginning to understand it now, and I want to thank you guys for helping me understand it. For all the bullying I've been through (which is quite a bit, although, most of the bullies are on good terms with me now) I've never been placed through any of this kind of hate, so that's most likely the reason why I felt so sad for the person being effected. I just hope anyone who has been placed through this will get better.

    And it is the one by Micheal Nyman. It's such a beautiful theme.
  6. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    [COLOR="CC00000"]It's possible that people responded that way because of all the bullshit he's said about video games in the past. He wasn't quite so tactful about any of that either, and while yes it is unfortunate that he was diagnosed, the "hate" swings both ways (I'm personally not a fan of him).
    As for why it happens, internet anonymity is a big part of it. A lot of the time it's also jumping on the bandwagon; if someone sees a comment, good or bad, but it makes them laugh or whatever, they'll agree and it just escalates from there. I mean we have instances of that even here on KHV, some discussions turn quite heated and it tends to be worse in the spam zone.
    There's also the "trolls", who are mostly wannabes at this point, who think they're hot **** for doing things like this online. Most of the time they're idiots with nothing better to do so they stir up trouble just for the hell of it.

    But it is unfortunately a reflection of the world we live in today, I've been seeing more and more stories of human indifference offline, such as the recent case of a pastor ordering his followers to attack a gay couple, a man attacked and burned alive for being gay (which I would link to but the video is EXTREMELY graphic and horrifying), and even on smaller scale things I recently read a story that was a first-hand account of seeing a dog hit by a bus and that no one paid attention to it (save for the person recounting the event) as it laid on the side of the road dying.
    It's an awful world we live in, but I think it's mostly because of intolerance and the lack/unwillingness to understand each other. I'm not saying everyone should hold hands and sing because that is unrealistic but educating kids not to hate others is probably a step in the right direction. [/COLOR]
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    It is true, anonymity makes little people feel like gods shouting out whatever they damn well care to say about any one or anything. There is a reason people HATE trolls, ironically.

    Hate can form for different reasons, but cases such as this it is because of being uninformed about other people or uncaring. No one who makes these comments knows the man personally, has sat down and talked to him over a drink or discussed world views with him, only because of what he has displayed in public is what is considered, not who he is behind that. He may not have made the best effort in his public image but people have turned it into something personal.

    Can't say I'm surprised, the internet in the last year has been filled with hackers and trolls all of them maligned digital life a bigger nightmare then ever. Be thankful to be part of the many decent and civilised people who use the Internet.
  8. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    On the internet, it is easier to say hurtful things than it is to say it to a person's face. I know there are horrible people who will say anything they feel like to a person's face and not care about the consequences. But on the internet, there is a detached feeling. I've felt it myself. A lot of people feel more confident in themselves when they get into internet forums and it's especially bad on forums that allow anonymous posting. There's also youtube and a few other sites. I honestly don't usually bother with youtube videos on videos that I watch anymore.

    [To explain, I like a lot of German industrial music and all too often it will descend into talk about Hitler and the Nazis. While I enjoy reading about the Nazis, a lot of these German industrial acts do it to be ironic. I know KMFDM gets the Nazi comparison a lot but they do it to be ironic. But too often I see: 'Are they Nazis?' and then poster B will call poster A an idiot and it'll explode in a huge argument.]

    In the world outside of the internet is a bit tougher. I believe a good deal of it has to do with the world kids grow up in and the times. Kids in the '50s were more likely to be prejudiced against blacks due to the Civil Rights Movement. and kids in the '40s were likely to be prejudiced against the Japanese due to Pearl Harbor and for Germans, nevermind if they showed genuine remorse for what happened during WW2. Just like kids today might pick up feelings of hate towards Muslims for the terrorist attacks. And that's just in America. Could it be so far out there to imagine that there might be people in Russia, for example, who teach their kids not to like Americans?

    I think also there is some underlying instinct to form social groups based on similarities and differences. Us versus Them. The Majority versus the Minority. We see it all the time in history and today. It goes back to when humans were hunter-gatherers and lived in tribes. Any member of the tribe who wasn't similar to the majority was outcast. Coincidentally, Us versus Them is the first step of the 8 Stages of Genocide under 'Classification'.

    Every person has felt hate in their lives. As I said earlier, I have felt it. I have felt such extreme hate that it felt like I was wearing red tinted glasses. When I had such unstable emotions, the smallest things would set me off and I would hate the person that did it. Often for months and in one case years. Until I would say that 'I don't even see this person anymore. Why do I hate them?' and then I would let it go.