They are sold for list price. >: Amazon, however... sells at a discount with no tax. >.> <.< hellz yeah.
@_@ Well if you ask for a game, can't you say you're buying from amazon? Plus the games usually get there on the day of release, voiding the hassle of having to drive to pick it up. Another reason I probably won't go to the retail disaster that is GS: the clerks tend to treat you badly when you are trying to save money. And for some reason they seem to need special help.
my parents letting me buy games? hahaha they hate that I play. =p but, yes I say that gamestop isn't even that great. Saw this video on how mean they treat their employees =p
Dude, I have a friend who works at Gamestop, he says he can get me like... $30 off. Anything. Totally cashing in when I decide to get Bayonetta.
i got kicked out of a gamestop for trying a demo for 30 seconds and the guy said "this isnt an arcade .....get out"
HAHA i must around the nice gamestop then, they always help me out tons and they tell me about games i might be interested in. I got in a long conversation about Okami with one employee. [could be the fact i used to work at one]
The last time I was at Gamestop I was pointed towards the section with games about training ponies and pink stuff. ._.
Your gamestops suck. My mall has two. I went to one for the first time a couple days ago. Reserved FFXIII, tried to buy GoW Collections, but one of them was sold out, called the other one who had one copy left and they put it aside for me. Only trip to the Gamestop was successful.