What you see is what you get with me But why is it still I seem to hide? I don’t care what others think of me But do I care of what I think of my self? Sure I show who I am when I am happy But what about showing sorrow? I have always felt guilty about showing my sorrow Do I really believe that I’m doing wrong? Every time I go to show sadness When I am not along? I want someone to tell But who can I burden? When I feel like I have been one all my life. I cannot cry, I will not cry Because it feels wrong to do so When I am not along. But late at night when sorrow fills up That is the only time I can I can cry without feeling guilty Of the tears that fall from my eyes Like rain drops siding down the window. Do I feel guilty about crying in fount of you all Because I’ll always know, That somewhere in the world There is someone who has a much Better reason to cry... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just something I've been thinking about, I've always felt bad about crying in fount of people if their not crying or upset for the same reason, so I tent to hide my sorrows till I'm alone.