Got ransacked by a midget parade!!! They hijacked my car and fled to a "Hooters" convention...... Hope them sons of b****** dont find my seceret stash. All hell will break loose Im callin the cops.
Forget the midgets. I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck you were trying to say in the thread title.
Common Knowledge XD the logic of youthful minds Now plz remain on topic. My issue is still live... Police rejecting my txt messages. Looks like i gotta get out the ol type writy
I suggest getting down to their level and talk about things like gentlemidgets. If that doesn't work, start singing the oompa loompa song.
And I thought my thoughts were all over the place. Then again, the thoughtful think about thoughts throughout the Thursday feast.
I dunno this seems pretty legitimate. It's a rare occasion to see someone get robbed by a group of unpalumpas so it's really funny once you think about it.