is what I've been feeling lately. I just randomly noticed that mostly everyone on here is at least 14+ while I'm 12...>w> Has anyone noticed? Wait... *facepalms self for acting emo again*
I just imagine that everyone is the same age as me except for new people with bad grammar and What? & Misty.
I guessed you were young, but only because when you joined my RP, your character had a "youngness" that I liked. Don't worry though. When I was on the Internet at 12, it was OBVIOUS. It's embarrassing even thinking about how awful I was. <<;
I started using the internet when I was 11. 8D And I was a really strange troll. :/ You don't seem 12 to me.
yay TAAACCOOOOOS lul B) u guys shuld liek hear me SING about tacos cuz tacos are like AWSUM and stuff so yeah :) TACOS Thats me when I was your age.