
Discussion in 'Archives' started by AlexleHoshi, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    This is the first boyxboy fan fics I've wrote, not to big on the pairing but what the heck enjoy


    The night was clam and the sky was full of stars, the wind was softly blowing in the tree. Under one of the trees sat a young couple cuddling up to each other

    “Roxas my love I have to go away for awhile” Demyx said talking hold of Roxas hand, He looked up at Demy with his blue eyes, even though he was smiling his eyes looked sad

    “I wish you didn’t have to go but I will wait for you to return” He said look away, Demyx held his chin softly and pulled his face back so he could see it and kissed him lovely

    “I do not want to go my love and leave you here but I promise that I will return to you” Demyx said.

    The next morning Demyx left, he got on a boat and set sail, as the boat drifted away, Demyx and Roxas watched each other until they could not longer see each other; Roxas went to the café where he said he would wait for her love to return.

    Out at sea the sky and ocean were both clam and the wind was strong just as Demyx had hoped for

    “If this keeps up then I should be home by tomorrow” he said to himself, Demyx’s hoped were washed away as a storm started to brew, he knew that he had to find land and fast, but there was no land to be seen for mails. The storm got stronger and the waves got higher, the boat was lomb sided and Demyx fell in to the sea, he thought that he was going to drown but for some reason he could breath underwater and he could feel his legs he looked down to see that he didn’t have any leg but a tail, he had been changed in to a mermen he swam back up to the surface in hopes of seeing land, but just as he feared there was no land to be seen, so he ducked back under the water to have a look around, but just like on the surface there wasn’t much to see apart from a his sitar that he dropped as he fell in to the sea, Demyx swam down to it to pick it up then swam away to where he thought was land.

    Some times Demyx would jump out of the water to see if he was anywhere near land, but he wasn’t, by night fell he wasn’t sure he could see land but wasn’t to sure so he lied down hiding in seaweed and soon fell a sleep.

    The next morning when he woke up he saw a shank swimming above him, he slowly grabbed his sitar and tried to swim away but the shank saw him and charged at him biting his arm, Demyx sung his sitar at the shank and hit it in the belly and as the shank sank to the bottom of the sea another storm started to brew and the sea carried him to land but as he got to land he was knocked out.

    Demyx woke up that night on the beach, he got up seeing that he was now human again, he knew where he was, he was home, he ran up to the café where Roxas said he would wait for him and when he walked in to the cafe he was asleep with his head rested on a table, he woke up hearing someone walking in and when he saw who it was he ran to Demyx and hugged him and he hugged him back and they walked home together hand-in-hand.
  2. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Well I think the paring is a little weird.
    But it is pretty funny when Demy turned into a mermaid and stuff (:.
    It's good written and pretty sensual, good work.
  3. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
  4. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Lovely. Really well written and sensitive.

    Demyx and Roxas - not the pair I would have thought of.
  5. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    I know, am not sure what I was thinking of when I paired them together but what the heck
  6. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    A weird pair....But I like it. Great descriptions and a very well written story.