The World Ends With Sora

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Xaale, Jul 9, 2008.

  1. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Hey, just got TWEWY two days ago, and I'm already addicted. I thought, why not make a crossover fanfic? Yes, I am that uncreative. I haven't forgotten about my other fanfics, but the latest chapters are all on my dad's comupter and I have to spend the whole friggen week with my mom. It never ends...>.> I even have the next chapter in my once very popular fanfic Kingdom Hearts Death Note, but....

    Be patient with me please :D Anyone want to be a player? Then just ask! I'll most likely say yes, and please don't get mad if I kill them off (erase). This is not an rp, so I can do anything I want with them >.>
    No reapers...sorry. The reapers are the org.

    Also, one character per person. Excluding the prologue, I am planning on there being a chapter for each day in the game, so seeing as there are 7 days there will be 8 chapters revolving around a specific person because of the prologue. But remember, only one of the people come back to life, so there will be more to the story then those chapters. Depending on the amount of people who join, then the amount of chapters will be based on that.

    For a character sheet:

    Character's Name:
    Character's Age:
    Character's Gender:
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?):
    Character's Entry Fee:
    Character's Home Country and or State:

    If I forget anything, please let me know. You can mention how to character died...but that's not very nescasary.

    This story is rated PG-13, yadayadayada due to language and violence
    Character List:

    Username: Sakuraba08
    Character's Name: Anthony (Also goes by Tony)
    Character's Age: 17
    Character's Gender: Male
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?): Telekinesis, and Force Rounds
    Apperance: Wears blue jeans and a plain T-shirt, with a gray jacket over it, unzipped. Has brown eyes and hair. Hair is styled like Light's from Death Note.
    Character's Entry Fee: His self-confidence
    Character's Home Country and or State: Connecticut
    Username: Sakuraba08
    Character's Name: Charlotte
    Character's Age: 17
    Character's Gender: Female
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?): Piercing Pillar and Pyrokinesis
    Apperance: Wears blue jeans and a red tank top, with a black unzipped jacket. Blue eyes and blonde hair down to her shoulders.
    Character's Entry Fee: Her happiness
    Character's Home Country and or State: Connecticut

    Character's Name: Base Sebastian
    Character's Age: 14
    Character's Gender: male
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?): Boxer/Karate mix. Naturally nimble on his feet, and has surprisngly fast reflexes. Speacial strike ability: Song of the Country: a blast of sound such as trumpet fanfares and other instruments that attack the enemy on a large scale.
    Apperance: Tanish complextion, black hair(Think Nathan Drake in Uncharted video game almost in hairstyle), hazel eyes, beak/hook nose, overbite slight, not totally lanky but slight build, long arms, long fingers, long legs, 5"6, 98 lb.s, Hollister jacket, open to show a white Hollister T-Shirt, Hollister jeans, dark denim, and blue Hollister flip-flops.
    Character's Entry Fee: his ego, which makes his already absent personal sense of personality even less there, so if he has no personalities around him, he'll be very dull.
    Character's Home Country and or State: United States, Florida.
    Basic human abilities: His gift is that he's a sponge to personalities. Whenever he watches a movie or spends enough time around people around him, he'll inherit insight and attitudes of those people or characters. Also, his fast reflexes come in handy during a brawl, giving him a boost in defense more than on offense.
    Attributes: Good at solving various riddles and deciphering codes and anagrams. Knows alot about the United States of America. Very Intelligent and cooperative.
    Username: Shades / Destined
    Character's Name: Rif
    Character's Age:21
    Character's Gender: male
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?): prefers to use ranged attacks, like throwing and bullets.
    Apperance: Moral center of reasoning when required, always wears flip flops, reflective sunglasses (imagine a younger version of Mr. H, only with longer hair, and wears a colorado avalanche hockey jersey. if you want a pic, i'll find one)
    Character's Entry Fee: entrance fee was his ability to create or write stories. In this sense he has little personality and seems to try to keep to himself, and whenever he is asked about his past, all he answers with is "The past is something that made me what I could be today."
    Character's Home Country and or State: USA, Utah.

    Character's Name:Ixa(xD weird name i know)
    Character's Age:13
    Character's Gender:female
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?):justs fights with fists and legs(if that's ok)
    Character's Entry Fee:.....
    Character's Home Country and or State:United States
    Character's Name:zach
    Character's Age:14
    Character's Gender:male
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?):fire(again if that's ok)
    Character's Entry Fee:hs strength
    Character's Home Country and or State:United States

    Username: Paladin12345678
    Character's Name: Marcus
    Character's Age: 14
    Character's Gender: Male
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?): Pyrokinesis and/or Energy Bullet
    Apperance: Brown hair and blue eyes, wears a black hoodie and jeans.
    Character's Entry Fee: Memories of being Anita's boyfriend.
    Character's Home Country and or State: Australia
    Username: Paladin12345678
    Character's Name: Anita
    Character's Age: 14
    Character's Gender: Female
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?): Ice moves (I think it's Piercing Pillar)
    Apperance: Black hair tied in a ponytail and black eyes. Wears a black shirt that reads 'Same Shirt, Different Day' and jeans.
    Character's Entry Fee: Memories of being Marcus' girlfriend.
    Character's Home Country and or State: Australia


    Sora sat with Kairi and Riku on the golden barked palm tree that rested a few feet off of the silky smooth sands of Destiny Islands. This was something the trio of teens enjoyed to do as often as they could, seeing as this place meant so much to them. Sora watched the waves slowly churn across the horizon, his brown hair rustling in the wind. It was so peaceful on a Destiny Island morning, seeing how the island was so laid back.

    It hadn't been that long since Sora and his older friend Riku had returned to their home. Riku finally admitted that he had had enough adventure for a life time, thanks to the constant nagging of Kairi. Sora still felt deep down that he wanted something more. He wanted to meet all of those people that he had befriended on his journey. He knew that they were in his heart.

    The waves seemed to roar now, instead of just a murmur of water swishing amongst the tiny grains of sand. Kairi looked at Sora and said merrily, "It's as if the water is trying to talk with us." She smiled, glittering white teeth matching the glint of the sun on the ocean, and crimson hair twirling in the wind.

    Sora nodded and grinned back. He would be nowhere without Kairi, and so would Riku. The perky young girl was always there to help out, even if it was just with a word of assurance.

    "No, the ocean can not talk." Riku never shifted his sparkling cobalt blue eyes away from the dancing waters. Kairi put her hands on her hips and said playfully, "Oh really? Well, with everything that's happened, its veeeery possible. Also, I didn't mean that it was alive, I just said it sounded as if it could talk."

    Sora saw Riku flash one of his rare smiles. He was such a quiet person, and not very socialized. It was wonderful to see he was perking up. Sora that Riku would never forgive himself for betraying them for the darkness. It must be very akward for him to be around Sora and Kairi.

    The roaring started to get louder. The crisp, green leaves on the tree started to thrash from an unseen force, and soon the tree began to shake violently.

    "H-hurricane" Kairi yelled valiantly over the wind, but it sounded like a whisper to Sora. Sora shook his head while planting his large yellow shoes firmly in the ground. "That's not possible! It's clear as day outside. Hell, it is the clearest day we've had since our arrival!"

    His feet started to slide, despite his efforts to keep them down. The sand underneath them would not stay in place, moving quickly underneath there feet and up into the air. What could that roaring sound be?
    Sora started to run against the wind, grabbing the hands of his friends so they wouldn't lose each other in the harsh sandstorm that was brewed seemingly out of nowhere.

    Suddenly, the source of the sound was unvieled. Something that barely resembled any heartless they had ever seen crashed through the ocean, moving along at a very fast speed. It had gapping jaws that were glowing with a large ball of flaming energy. Since when could a heartless have such a powerful magic?
    A figure could be seen on top of it, and as it drew nearer you could make out black hair, clothing and wings. It was a human with wings!

    Sora stood his ground, seeing as there was no escape. Surely enough, it was a heartless, obvious by the blood red heart on its chest. It moved its giant legs toward the island, ball of fire growing larger and larger. The person on top of it said at the top of his lungs, "Well, three minues three is zero! These heartless are more convenient then noise, hahaha. This fire will not hurt your island home, oh no. What are the chances of it spreading? Suprisingly, zero percent. I don't want too many players, so I've made sure it won't hurt your poor exuse for a home."

    The heartless was very close now, which showed why the group could hear the man over the deafening roar. It also helped him that he had a megaphone, just to make sure they would hear him. The fire escaped the giant beast's maw, and flew towards the group. Sora squeezed their hands and said, "Brace!" They let go and lifted there hands, the power of light shielding them. It was not enough though, and they all fell back. The fire was gone as quickly as it came.

    Am I...fading? Is this...the end? Sora's eyes grew fuzzy, and with his last strength he took Kairi and Riku's hands. Neither of them objcted, but it was obvious they were fading, too. Since when was there such a powerful heartless? A shadow fell upon them, and it turned out to be the winged man.

    "You guys...are zetta slow!" Sora's eyes closed, and he faded away.


    Wow, finally done with the prologue. Yes, the three are dead. The next chapter will reveal where the heartless came from, and the first day of the game. Sorry it was so short, it's just the prologue. The days have whole missions, so those will be much longer. Thank you, and feel free to make a player.
  2. Sakuraba08 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 9, 2008
    At my House, of course.
    I like this idea! I'll make a character sheet for me, it doesn't matter to me whether you use it or not, but I feel like making one.

    Username: Sakuraba08
    Character's Name: Anthony (Also goes by Tony)
    Character's Age: 17
    Character's Gender: Male
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?): Telekinesis, and Force Rounds
    Apperance: Wears blue jeans and a plain T-shirt, with a gray jacket over it, unzipped. Has brown eyes and hair. Hair is styled like Light's from Death Note.
    Character's Entry Fee: His self-confidence
    Character's Home Country and or State: Connecticut

    I'll let you make up how he died, and his last name, if you want to. Anyway, that was fun. ;-)
  3. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Lol, how did I know you would make a character for this?

    BTW, I posted a welcome on your introducion thread. Welcome to kh-vids~

    I'm adding your character to the character list once I make one, lol ;)
  4. Sakuraba08 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 9, 2008
    At my House, of course.
    XD I couldn't resist. With TWEWY being my latest little addiction, I have to be involved in everything I see about it. Thanks for the welcoming, by the way. ;-)
  5. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    You're welcome lol

    I just got TWEWY two days ago and I am addicted

    I still like Death Note more, though, lol ;D

    So...let's see if I get anymore players. If no one does for a while, it will be okay. There will be some other players in it, anyway, not made by people. I could've started with no users' players, but what fun is that?
  6. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Character's Name: Base Sebastian
    Character's Age: 14
    Character's Gender: male
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?): Boxer/Karate mix. Naturally nimble on his feet, and has surprisngly fast reflexes. Speacial strike ability: Song of the Country: a blast of sound such as trumpet fanfares and other instruments that attack the enemy on a large scale.
    Apperance: Tanish complextion, black hair(Think Nathan Drake in Uncharted video game almost in hairstyle), hazel eyes, beak/hook nose, overbite slight, not totally lanky but slight build, long arms, long fingers, long legs, 5"6, 98 lb.s, Hollister jacket, open to show a white Hollister T-Shirt, Hollister jeans, dark denim, and blue Hollister flip-flops.
    Character's Entry Fee: his ego, which makes his already absent personal sense of personality even less there, so if he has no personalities around him, he'll be very dull.
    Character's Home Country and or State: United States, Florida.
    Basic human abilities: His gift is that he's a sponge to personalities. Whenever he watches a movie or spends enough time around people around him, he'll inherit insight and attitudes of those people or characters. Also, his fast reflexes come in handy during a brawl, giving him a boost in defense more than on offense.
    Attributes: Good at solving various riddles and deciphering codes and anagrams. Knows alot about the United States of America. Very Intelligent and cooperative.
  7. Sakuraba08 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 9, 2008
    At my House, of course.
    I assume you'll have a player in your fanfic to represent yourself, right, Xaale? Anyway, I'm looking forward to see what you'll do with this...despite what others may think, I'm a fan of cross-over fanfics, so I'll be reading. ; )
  8. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Okay, I'm adding you and finally I'll get to making a character list. :D

    Yes, I will have a character. But my character probably will die...yeah. See, not all authors who have their own characters in their story don't think of getting rid of them. *Shrugs* Well, technically she's dead anyway...

    Also, I totally forgot. You need two characters, neeed neeeeeed neeeeeeeed. Lol, you need a pact, *slams face on desk* how could I forget? Sorry to burden you all :(
  9. Sakuraba08 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 9, 2008
    At my House, of course.
    XD Alright, then. Character number 2, coming up!

    Username: Sakuraba08
    Character's Name: Charlotte
    Character's Age: 17
    Character's Gender: Female
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?): Piercing Pillar and Pyrokinesis
    Apperance: Wears blue jeans and a red tank top, with a black unzipped jacket. Blue eyes and blonde hair down to her shoulders.
    Character's Entry Fee: Her happiness
    Character's Home Country and or State: Connecticut

    I'd have it as her and my first character being childhood friends, that grew up together. Actually, I need to add a bit more to my first character...*Flys off to edit*
  10. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Okay, thanks. I better go tell BaseSebastian that he needs a second person for their pact. The next chapter will be

    Maybe tomorrow?
  11. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Username: Shades / Destined
    Character's Name: Rif
    Character's Age:21
    Character's Gender: male
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?): prefers to use ranged attacks, like throwing and bullets.
    Apperance: Moral center of reasoning when required, always wears flip flops, reflective sunglasses (imagine a younger version of Mr. H, only with longer hair, and wears a colorado avalanche hockey jersey. if you want a pic, i'll find one)
    Character's Entry Fee: entrance fee was his ability to create or write stories. In this sense he has little personality and seems to try to keep to himself, and whenever he is asked about his past, all he answers with is "The past is something that made me what I could be today."
    Character's Home Country and or State: USA, Utah.
  12. Hubba-Bubba-Bubbles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 18, 2007
    In a chair in front of my computer...
    mind if i make a character it sounds pretty cool

    Character's Name:Ixa(xD weird name i know)
    Character's Age:13
    Character's Gender:female
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?):justs fights with fists and legs(if that's ok)
    Character's Entry Fee:her necklace
    Character's Home Country and or State:United States

    what is the entry fee??
  13. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    An entree fee is what the person held most dear to them.

    Oh, and I forgot to add you guys need two people, because you need a pact. Please bear with me and have two people, or maybe join a pact with someone else's character. Would you mind having Ixa team up with Rif as a pact?

    Fighting with fists and legs are fine. If you have any other questions just pm me.​
  14. Hubba-Bubba-Bubbles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 18, 2007
    In a chair in front of my computer...
    ok i edited it
  15. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Okay. Also, I'm pming everyone to see if they want me to choose a pact for them or if they want to create another character. I'm also making two, and actually I already did but my computer restarted due to new updates and, err, they were deleted. I don't feel like writing that all out again >.>​
  16. Hubba-Bubba-Bubbles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 18, 2007
    In a chair in front of my computer...
  17. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Thank you.

    Argh it's my 666th post D: *hides*​
  18. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    *laughs nervously* if it's not too much trouble

    Username: Paladin12345678
    Character's Name: Marcus
    Character's Age: 14
    Character's Gender: Male
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?): Pyrokinesis and/or Energy Bullet
    Apperance: Brown hair and blue eyes, wears a black hoodie and jeans.
    Character's Entry Fee: Memories of being Anita's boyfriend.
    Character's Home Country and or State: Australia

    Username: Paladin12345678
    Character's Name: Anita
    Character's Age: 14
    Character's Gender: Female
    How Character Fights (what kind of psychs?): Ice moves (I think it's Piercing Pillar)
    Apperance: Black hair tied in a ponytail and black eyes. Wears a black shirt that reads 'Same Shirt, Different Day' and jeans.
    Character's Entry Fee: Memories of being Marcus' girlfriend.
    Character's Home Country and or State: Australia
  19. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    It's fine, lol.

    I'm adding you, and starting the next chapter in Word.​
  20. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Chapter 1:
    Sora woke up, hundreds of people walking around him. Voices rang in his head, hundreds of voices that thundered like a storm. He was lying in the middle of a crowded street, completely clueless as to where he was.

    Standing up, he wondered to himself, "Why was I laying in the middle of a crowded street?" He looked around at the towering buildings and sighed. He was lost in an over-populated, modern world that was the polar opposite of his beloved Destiny Islands.

    He continued to shift his eyes around the crossing. A large building reading, "104" could be seen not too far away. The cyan eyes moved to a large green sign in the middle of a concrete diamond that said in very large letters, "Scramble Crossing."

    He then remembered someone attacking him before he died. It was a man with wings, and a giant heartless. Did he maybe carry me here? Sora was confused. He felt empty, as if he had lost all of the light inside of him. Then he remembered Kairi and Riku being attacked by the heartless. Where were they?

    Sora suddenly heard a commotion behind him, and something screamed in his head. While putting his shaken hands up to his ears, he managed to turn around and see green frogs with paper thin, tattoo-like legs. He had never seen this kind of heartless before.

    Sora lifted his blue gloved hand and called for his Keyblade. The normal beads of light that would form in his palm did not come, and he moaned in despair as the frogs came nearer. The pain started to cause his whole head to throb. Where was it coming from?

    A rough laugh came from behind him. He managed to turn once again to see the winged man with a megaphone behind him. His black hair and wicked smile made Sora jolt with realization: This man was the one with the heartless!

    Sora shouted to him, "Help me! These heartless are going to attack me!" The laugh came from his parted mouth again. "Well," he said, teeth gleaming behind the smirk plastered on his face. "You're zetta slow! You need a pact to ward them off. Why don't you run and find your friend? That would be a good idea if you want to save her, get my calculations?"

    Sora started to run as fast as his feet could carry him. He had no idea what a pact was, but he had to save Kairi. It was strange that no one seemed to watch him as he ran by. They were probably too busy, anyway.
    The crowd wasn't as large where he ended his dash to find Kairi. He stopped and rested a hand on a statue that read "Hachiko". He turned his spikey brown haired head to a scream that was not far away. There, just in front of him, was Kairi with her back turned to Sora. How could he not notice her before? A mass of creatures not unlike the ones at Scramble Crossing were closing in on her.

    Sora closed his eyes, and called, "Kairi! Close your eyes and focus on me!" She spun around, crimson hair swirling behind her. Her eyes sparkled in fear and relief at the same time. "Thank God, Sora! Why do I need to focus on you?" Sora shook his head and yelled, "No time to explain!"

    They both had their eyes closed now, but nothing happened. Sora grunted, pulling his fingers into a fist. Another laugh sounded behind them, this time a feminine one. They both swung their heads to look at a familear face. Larxene sat slouched on top of the statue of the dog, black wings sprouting from her back.
    Sora was surprised at first, but then said, "Larxene? What are you doing? Have you teamed up with that other guy, the crazy "zetta slow" one? How are you alive?"

    She laughed and spread her wings wide, soaring to the ground in front of them. "You mean that psycho math wiz? We aren't a team...he's lost control of the game as well as his other little Reaper friends. The Organization runs this game now. We nobodies were all given a choice to become a Reaper or just, well, die. Of course, everyone chose to be a Reaper."

    Sora growled and put a protecting hand in front of Kairi, but without his Keyblade he wasn't much of a hero. He had no idea what she meant about game either, but he guessed that would be explained. She cast a finger lazily at something on Sora's pants. "See that? It's a player pin. Allows you to read people's minds. You both are players, hee hee, so you can't read each others minds."

    She went on to explain how to make a pact, and then the two formed one. She then said, "Forgotten? There are a bunch of Noise behind you. They will attack you, y' know. Why not go and fight them? I'm feeling generous...take these pins." She threw them to Sora and Kairi, and both caught them.

    Sora examined the pin she had given him. It had the symbol of a Keyblade on it. When his cobalt colored eyes flew back up to the nobody, she smiled and said in an immitation in a concerned tone, "Oops, I gave you the wrong pin. I meant to give you something a little weaker." Sora narrowed his eyes and clenched his teeth. He had no idea how to use it, but he was in a pickle. The frogs, or Noise as Larxene had xalled them, were right at his feet.

    Sora put on his pin, as did Kairi hers, and they got into a battle ready stance. Sora focused on the pin, and he could feel the energy coursing through him. A beam of light shot out and penatrated the wall of Noise. Some of them disapeared, while others pushed their long, tattoo legs to fling themselves at the two teens.

    Sora grunted in pain as one Noise kicked off his left shoulder, which now throbbed like hell. He swung his head to look at Kairi, who was using some form of Pyrokenisis. She seemed to be faring well, and there were no scratches or wounds on her. He turned back and used the power of his pin again.

    Another beam of light came from Sora's cupped hands. He still was clueless as to what had happened, but his top priority was surviving right now. A yawn could be heard behind them, obviously Larxene trying to be obnoxius. Sora sent another beam, wiping out the last of the Noise.

    "Bravo, what a show," the Reaper said, clapping her hands mockingly. She stepped past them and said wickedly, "You just wait until the mission comes. I'm sure Xemnas has cooked up something veeeery difficult now that he knows you guys are in the Game. As for me, I have to find Minimimoto. He's messing with us, and he must be elliminated."

    Sora watched as the winged, blonde haired lady walked away towards the scramble. He guessed that this Minimi-whatever guy was the math wiz that had attacked them earlier. Sora sighed heavily and turned a sad head to Kairi. "How did we get here?" She put a finger to her chin and shifted her blue eyes up to the sky.

    "Ummm, I don't know, Sora." Her eyes reflected that she felt guilty, so Sora waved his hands frantically and said, "Oh, I didn't mean to make you feel bad! It's just...I have no idea how us three got here." Kairi tilted her head a tiny bit, and said, "Riku's here? You've seen him?"

    A chill ran up Sora's spine, even though it was the middle of summer and the hot sun was beating down on them. He hadn't seen Riku at all, and he was instantly taken aback. The light inside of him seemed to be gone, and he felt as if he could pass out any second. Sora had also noticed that Kairi was not her usual self.

    "No, actually." Sora managed a weak grin before Kairi yelled, "WHAT? He could be Noise fodder by now!" Sora now felt completely guilty, all at once. Was guilt the only emotion both of them could manage? Sora said, "Well, let's find him!"

    A sudden beep stopped them. Sora took out his phone and looked at the message. Kairi peered over his shoulder and both read aloud, "Come to the 104 building or face erasure. You have 60 minutes. -The Reapers." Sora lifted his bushy eyebrows at Kairi, and she shrugged. A sudden pain came into both of their hands, and Sora saw a ticking timer etched in his palm. He looked nervously at Kairi, who was just as stunned. Sora sighed and said, "Maybe Riku's there. I saw that building when I first woke up."

    Kairi looked strangely at him. "Wait, you woke up on the ground, too? I thought it was just woke up in the scramble? How could no one notice you?" Sora shrugged and said, "I think we're invisible to everyone whose not in the game."

    Kairi was so taken aback that she stumbled and managed to catch herself with the snout of the bronze colored Hachiko. "WHAT? How is that possible? Oh...maybe it's not really Shibuya?" Sora lifted both of his eyebrows now and asked, "How did you know this was Shibuya?" She pulled a black pin with a white, skull like picture on it. It was the player pin that Larxene had mentioned.

    "Oh, you read someone's mind." Sora looked away, the 104 building still in sight. They could make it if they picked up the pace. Sora started to walk away from Hachiko quickly, beckoning Kairi with his glove-clad hand and said, "Come on! If we don't want to be "erased", we have to make it there. Who knows, Riku might be there."


    The duo made it to the foot of the building and stopped to take a breath. When he looked at his hand, there was no timer plastered gaukily on his skin. He sighed in relief and said, "We completed the mission." Then, his gaze around to look for Riku. No one with silver hair and striking blue eyes like Riku could be seen.

    Then, shouting could be heard behind them. Sora turned to see two more familear figures. It was Xigbar, the pigtailed sniper with the menacing eyepatch, and Saix, the beastly moon fanactic with the red scar on his face.

    "What the hell is going on? This Minimimoto guy is creating all these Taboo Noise to kill us," Xigbar roared angrily at his companion. Sora motioned for Kairi to follow him, for he did not want the two Reapers to see them.

    Saix turned his yellow eyes to something behind Xigbar. A large heap of trash could be seen, an assortment of junk piled almost as high as the third floor of the 104 building. Sora noticed it, too. Pi-face must like collecting junk, Sora thouht. He then saw two other figures run up to 104.

    One of them said in annoyance, "Look, the timer was already gone! C'mon, Base, someone else must have done it." His eyes showed no emotion, even if he sounded annoyed. What is going on?

    The other one said, "Let me try scanning, Rif. I have an idea." He took out a player pin from he pocket of his Hollister jacket, and then closed his eyes. Suddenly he turned his hazel eyes to Sora and Kairi. "Reapers," he said without any trace of emotion at all.

    Sora came out and said quickly, "No, we're players!" It mingled exactly at the same time as Rif said, "No, they're players!" Sora sighed in relief as Base lowered his hands from a karate pose. "Whatever."

    Sora stuck out a hand and said in an upbeat tone, "My name is Sora, and this is my friend Kairi. I am not really sure what this game is about, but I need to find my friend Riku." The two looked at each other, and then Rif said, "I'm Rif, and this is Base Sebastian. We think we saw you're friend before. He was with some other guy, so he's safe. The mission for today is over, thanks to someone."

    Both seemed to be either very quiet, or neither had any emotions at all. Sora asked hesitantly, "What's wrong?" Base looked at him right in the eyes and said matter-of-factly, "Everything. I've lost my ego as my entrance fee, and I'm dead. We all are. What is there to be happy about?"

    Sora was taken aback. He was dead? They were all dead? Sora wanted to change the subject so that the sick feeling would leave his stomach. Poor Kairi looked so taken aback that she was near tears. "Entrance fee?"

    Base nodded. "I lost my ego, and Rif lost his talent for writing. I hear he was extremely good at it." Rif nodded, black hair shining in the sun. A laugh not far away caused them all to turn around. It was Xigbar, who Sora had completely forgotten about.

    "Well, look who it is. Sora and Kairi, and some other little monkeys that are Reaper food." He slammed his fists together and grinned, scar on his left cheek even more menacing with his smile. "Well, I can't do anything to you until the seventh day. That was the rules, and I'm hoping the Boss can change that."

    Sora knew already that the boss was Xemnas. He sighed and then said suddenly, "What was my entry fee?" Xigbar titled his head and said, "Your entry fee is what was most dear to you. Yours was your light in your heart, Kairi's was her cheerfullness." Xigbar waved a hand in the air, wings flapping in a non-present breeze.

    "Little monkeys, I have to go. When I see you again, you think you can give me a good fight?" Sora rose a fist to the Reaper and nodded. "As if," the once second member of the Organization. He took off in the air and was soon out of sight.

    Base and Rif turned back to the Destiny Island residents and said almost in unison, "We have to go. See ya."
    The two walked off and were almost as gone as fast as Xigbar had left. Sora sighed and looked at Kairi. The whole day seemed to be full of sighs.

    "I hope Riku's okay. I'm trusting those two that he is safe with his partner, whoever the other is. We'll find him tomorrow."


    Wow, finally done. I started it around 11:30 last night in my brother's room, but he wanted to go to bed when I was halfway through it. Then, a whole dilema happened where my computer would take five minutes to minimize something, yadayadayada. So, I was going to put it on Word, which I was originally gonna write this on. I found out I didn't have Word. I didn't want to erase it, so I was going to put it on DeviantART, but after 20 minutes of waiting for it to upload I gave up and decided to email it to myself. I used my old one, and after five minutes I got an error that said I could not send emails. So I went on my Yahoo, pasted it there and sent it to myself. And thank God it worked -.-'