What has the world come to? Must they taint the only innocence left in this world?
Holy... cow... That's worse than brainwashing, and in a public school, no less. A "skit", suuure. What were they thinking when they did this?
That's actually kinda scary... I mean, those kids are at their most impressionable right now, and someone is actually using that vulnerability for political means? That's illegal, for christ's sake! And I don't buy that bull about the lyrics being sent home. I think that's the school board covering their asses. Isn't that just lovely. They said there were other songs too for different presidents? Were they similar or what?
"mmmmmm mmm mm" xD The lyrics were odd, but i don't see much wrong with it. The children performed other skits 'bout events n' other Historic people. I can understand that not everyone is for Obama, n' the lyrics were quite odd, but as usual with Americans it's blown out of proportion. What they didn't show you in that report was the rest of the song goes on 'bout him bein' the first black President n' their support for him. N' apparently the parents knew? If the parents had really believed it was messed up they would've said somethin'.
It's not as bad as what some republicans do to their kids. Teaching them that democrats are evil people who believe in abortion and embryonic stem cell research and killing babies. I know he's the first black president but COME ON PEOPLE! Can't we wait until after we've decided he was good president AFTER his presidency to make a song about him.