The Minuet of Shadows

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Sessamaru, Nov 2, 2008.

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  1. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Within the lands of Salavan, an ancient kingdom whose Lord, a mysterious shadow, rules superb and is no more simpler, if not complex, a Necromancer. The most powerful of the world of Dhar'khome. Upon this plane, within the country of Salavan, darkness became the strongest. Ruled by a cruel, shadowy emperor, whose magick can bring about the dead. No one, save for his slaves and servants, know what the emperor looks like, and his name is forbidden to be said, save until the children know his name at age. His name, Xarioch Netherstorm, is feared... his name a taboo...

    Within the years, the forever living Emperor left himself be, alone in his dark castle. Mourne Castle. The castle, made of nethereal stones, had seven towers. They were known as the Seven Towers of Naught. Most revered and feared of, the castle beckons its country to a masquerade, a wonderful ball. Though, out of the ordinary, this was the first party to Mourne Castle. Who would say no to such a generous offer? The Lord, Xarioch Netherstorm, bids you welcome to his beautiful home...
    This is only just the beginning...

    Note: EVERYONE was invited to the masquerade (a ball requiring costumes [primarily masks])

    No power playing
    No god modding
    Some romance is allowed.
    No Nudity (partial is acceptable)
    No Pornographic material
    Do not kill someone without permission
    This is purely Gothic-Horror Fantasy (I do not mind added humour), so please, remember this is during the medeival age and that this is based around magick and steel...
    Try your best
    Have lots of fun!

    + Vraenashae - Humanoids who are both land and sea creatures. They are described as followed: White and blue slender, scaly skin (like thin, near invisible net, the scales look like normal, though differently hued skin) ; hair (actually stylish looking dorsal fins) that are similary hued to the skin, only light or darker shade ; The average height of Males is 5'2" - 6'4", they weigh an aveerage of 120 lbs - 175 lbs ; the males' ears are like stylish sideburn tentacles that generated electricity, which transfers messages into the brain in electrosonic waves (meaning that sound is converted into energy [or electricity in this matter of communication] that sends a message to the brain as clear as if they had heard the sound themselves with the use of ears...), though, these tentacles also generate electricity for psionic defenses or generating mana for the magicks of water and energy ; the females hear by using small, slender fins of beautiful make. These fins generate sound like normal ears, though, it is transferred like a wave through the brain, giving the telepathic females of this race an even greater sense of hearing than their beautiful males.
    Males communicate in 3 ways: Telepathically, Orally, and Sign Language. Females, unlike the males, do not have lips, for they only have eyes and a little bump where the nose should be... they communicate in four ways: Telepathically, Sign Language, through touch, and by Magicks. The females average height is 4'2" - 5"4", they weigh an average of 95 lbs - 125 lbs ; These submarine humanoids breathe upon land by: air sacks within the sides of their head that is released through two small black holes, sensitive to the air, though the gills are sensitive to water or anything that is wet and contains oxygen (not "or" for that would mean they could have their air holes open underwater, causing them to suffocate underwater) ; they breathe within water by: gills that develope upon the sides of their throat, while the small air-holes on the side of their head close by a scaly film that is sensitive to surface/land air ; Upon their arms and legs, they have dorsal fins that absorb energy from the sun and the nutrients in the water, which is also their filter for magicks.
    The males' have smaller dorsal fins than the females, only being 1 1/2 feet long. Female dorsal fins are much larger in comparison, acting like robes to shield their slender and graceful body ; like most humanoids, They have human-like appendages, if not the similar organic structure. They have otherworldly hands and feet, legs and arms, toes and fingers, making them even more human-like. Their eyes are almond-shaped with usual black, brown, amber, and cyan eye colour. Their clothing is exotic, being sapphires and emeralds, some even the colour of rubies and amethysts. The men wear a single or dual coloured regalia, whilst the women wear multicoloured kimonos and dresses. Their jewelry, being ancient, long forgotten gems and metals. Some even extraplanar riches!
    The marine humanoids live in underwater societies known as "Dens", which are a vast network of underwater tunnels, mounds, and rifts. They make their buildings out of sand and sandstone, which are found farther beneath the rifts and farther within the tunnels. Their main schools of magick is geomancy medium arc and aquamancy. This allows them to keep their structures well built under the tremendous pressure of the water. Even still, their psionic powers and spells keep a large, spacious bubble to protect themselves from harm, making them isolated until trading season.
    Their main trade is fish and fine gems, along with pottery and other rich arts. Their economic system is made up of pearls and clams.
    The vraenashae women give birth like most humanoids, except, the children are as eggs. They only spawn 6 eggs per mating season. The males, natural born guardians, protect the eggs with as much love and care as they love their mates. Though, before the guardianship can start, the males produce an enzyme that fertilizes the egg. Thus do the 6 weeks begin. After 6 weeks of fertilization is finished, the new vraeshlings, looking much smaller in size to the average adult and somewhat bloated to the normally slender vraenashae. Except, when vraeshlings are born, they have fins for feet, their arms having very small dorsal fins, and their hair are like jellyfish tentacles. They appear mostly blue or green in this stage. They eventually learn to speak in their various communes, their two languages: Vraenashaeling Sign Language and Vraela, their oral (and telepathical) language. The vraeshlings eventually become of age (25 years old is the mark of exiting childhood to become a young adult) where they learn to fight and cast magic. They also learn the ways of trade. The peace-living merfolk often learn to walk and swim between the ages of 10 and 15, thus given time to learn balance. They become adults at the age of 50. Then they have an additional 150 years to live life with full responsibility. They usually age to be 200.
    They often worship the deity Vesikuu, the god of the waters and the moon.
    They favour a variety of weapons: Harpoons, Nets, Tridents, and Scimitars.

    + Humans - Humans are humanoids who are unpredictable in every way. They're the most imperfect race with the shortest lifespan. Their skin comes in many different "natural" hues. As do their eyes. They have unpredictable height, though it only reaches below 8 feet. Their weight is unmeasured, always fluxuating. They're either strong or weak, a little of both, and are most often never one thing. Their classes are split between mage and fighter, some are thieving/killing rogues. They have practically no patience unless taught by a master of such a virtue. They worship a variety of gods. They also branch off to their terrain or social structure: Barbarians (northen humans) ; Nomads (southern humans) ; Islanders (eastern humans) ; Acrolians (western humans). They use a variety of weapons and their clothing is more often than not terrible rags in the eyes of the longevity races. Humans are a polytheistic race (though they often war with each other for their patron/matron god).

    + Nils - A small, average 3'4" race that is, more often than not, mischievous.They are reknowned to be petty thieves, more often annoying (though, they are quite frustratingly cute!!!) rather than influential. They have a way of lying that isn't entirely a lie, nor is it that much of a truth. They are masters of insults and rarely feel fear. They're curious and kind, not meaning to harm anything. Nils often become rogues and sometimes mages (this is through their great impulse to try the unexpected!). Alas, the slender small race is well known to have kleptomania (mental disorder to steal upon impulse or to unconsciously steal). Their homes are found within fields filled with great hills (for their homes are built within the base of the hill!). They're slender, small, and have a high shrill voice. Their hearing is beyond sharp (for their ears are pointed and lobe-less). Their skin is fair and their hair is often brown, blonde, or black. Their eyes, shaped like almonds, are usually the colours of blue, brown, or black. Their features are angular and adorable (to many onlookers). They're often found as innocent, even though they steal and pick pocket. They're intelligence is high, though their wisdom is low. Nils are courageous and loveable and caring, though they don't realize their tight bonds of friendship until late in their life. They reach the maximum age of 200, never aging (similar to the Rheu). Their trade are stolen goods, cloths (cottons), maps, mysterious items (though they never quite sell them, but rather keep), and daggers (which are like longswords to the Nils).Nils often live apart from one another, stealing when the impulse strikes them, and often learn picking locks from their parents. When they greet one another, they shake hands, though the other hand snatches an item of importance. They do the same to other races, though their findings are often larger and more valuable.
    They favour daggers.

    + Panteras - Rogues amongst the races, the Panteras are humanoids who have ears, tails, eyes, and grace of a panther, their skin being ebony and their hair smokey grey. They have small colonies in Wood and Forests. They're as silent as death and as swift and graceful like panthers. They're natural born killers and often look after themselves. They care not about their own race, only of their own lives. This often results to intertribal wars. They live in Houses, for they believe they are royalty. They're slender and graceful, though they're average height is 7'4". They live in hierarchial societies, mostly ruled by the females (for they're far more superior in battle and with the magicks).

    + Wolfen - Wolves who can take an angelic, humanoid shape. They trade with potions and have no hierarchy, save for a chief. They are mostly benign, but when troubled or when a black sheep trotts into their lives, they are hellish hounds. They are, unlike the panteras, clumsy. Their height varies like humans, but their weight is more often than not of the athletic or muscular standard. Their greatest magick is born of druidism and alchemy. They wear togas and their flesh vary from a godlike bronze to a dead pale.

    + Avilest - They look like perfect humans, though more feminine (more often than not, they are mostly women). Their magick is bound by pyromancy and aquamancy. They are slender, and, like the the humans, their height vary.

    + Vamphyr - A dark race made up of many other races. They are not entirely evil, nor good. They are lovers of the night and are like rogues. The pariah race (or subrace) has an odd, enchanting beauty to their unnatural form. Their magick is bound by necromancy, hemomancy, and one additional magic class, depending upon the mood or past life of said race. Everything with them vary.

    + Tanelae - They are elfin, slender and beautiful, bound by magick. This race, having a beautiful bronze tint to their olive pale skin, their hair being many different colours, are known to be benevolent. Rarely are they found to be ominous, malevolent, and malicious. Their height is averaged around 4'8". They wear tunics or maybe a slight toga or robe. Their eyes change colour with their mood and they have no pupil (meaning it is just the iris). Their magick is Lumenancy, Aquamancy, and Aeromancy.

    Lumenancy: Magick of Light
    Necromancy: Magick of Darkness, Shadow, Undead (Dead), and Conjuration
    Aeromancy: Magick of Wind
    Pyromancy: Magick of Fire
    Aquamancy: Magick of Water
    Hemomancy: Magick of Blood
    Geomancy: Magick of Earth (Steel and Minerals included)
    Cryomancy: Magick of Ice
    Alchemy: Transition or Change of metals and/or minerals. Elements included.
    Electromancy: Magick of Lightning
    Druidism: The Magick of Plants.

    Character Sheet
    Magick: (Max of 3)

    Erm... When the RP begins, you guys must be wearing costumes to the masquerade. The story will begin in the Castle's Ballroom.
  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Name: Ruby
    Age: 20
    Race: Vamphyr
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Magick: necromancy, hemomancy, and Pyromancy
    Spells: Can summon the dead, controls and creates fire, summons, and can become a shadow while controlling them also
    Class: Rogue
    Personality: Cold and mean towards anyone else, mostly because she lack trust towards other people. She can be nice to her own kind but other then that she'll be rude.
    Weapon: Knifes
    History: Coming from a long line of 'royal' Vamphyr she's always been a natural at everything and powerful. Although she doesn't really like her 'family' and even left them after killing a family member and now wonders around, hearing about the dreadful king. Waiting, plotting, in the shadows.

    Name: Kimmy
    Age: 16
    Race: Human
    Appearance: Amine/Teens/anime_fall_fav6.jpg
    Magick: Alchemy, Lumenancy, Electromancy
    Spells: She can use Alchemy very decently, almost pefectly, knows a weak spell of holy, and can use Lumenancy to 'brighten up' the place. And in electromancy, her strong point, she can create a lighting blast for attacking and create a small thunder strom, she has also been able to use lighting as a power source but it was a fluke.
    Class: Apperatice Mage
    Personality: Always outgoing and trying to learn. She is kind by nature but doesn't hide her emotions, and gets mad easily but normally won't do anything about it unless she is insulted. It is rare to see her serious but she's always sleeply.
    Weapon: A staff (Picture Her master gave it to her, saying it used to an old friend of his who passed away a while ago.)
    History: Her father was killed and battle, leaving her and her mother to fend for themselves. Unable to handle the bad conidtions of being poor her mother became very ill. She didn't want her daughter to see her die so she gave her to someone else who happened to be a traveling mage and a good friend of the family when she was only 5. He is her teacher and soon he will start traveling again and he expects her to be a master by then or he'll leave her behind.
  3. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    That's great, RA! Accepted! ^^

    By the way, it's nice to see you joined my RP after my EXTREMELY long absense.
  4. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Thanks. :3

    No problem, you're a great rper.
  5. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    You're welcome ^^

    Aw, you give me too much credit ^^"
  6. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Long time no see, i've added the costumes to the party to the histories of my characters, I hope that is ok

    Name: Rik Valstein
    Age: 37
    Race: Vamphyr
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Magick: Necromancy, Hemomancy, Pyromancy
    Spells: middle class curses, creation of blades of blood at the cost of a blood source (the more blood the bigger the blade) and imbunement of fire to his own limbs and extentions of himself (weapons and what not)
    Class: Guardian
    Personality: Cruel at times yet honourable to his very core
    Weapon: A long sword made of a mineral that can resist heat much greater than steel, it has no name yet.
    History: Once a guardian of a noble Vamphyr family he now travels the Vamphyr's terrain in hopes of recovering the honour of his fallen households name as one of its two survivors himself and a young girl at the age of 13 who he protects. He wears a dragon style costume with a fitting mask shapped to look like a draons beak.

    Name: Morgana Kreiger
    Age: 13
    Race: Vamphyr
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Magick: Necromancy, Hemomancy, Alchemy
    Spells: can raise the dead, can drain the life force of others via bitting, middle class Alchemy mastery.
    Class: former Noble
    Personality: Kind but almost silent
    Weapon: A silver rapier called Flamont
    History: A former noble due to her families destruction by a group of assassins from another noble family, she has hardly any memories of her family because she was too young to remember at the time of the insident but she now travels with her guardian. She heads to the party in a Papillion mask and dress as her costume.

    EDIT: Sorry about the picture sizes I couldn't do anything about it DX
  7. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    lol, I see. And yes, it has been a while. Accepted.
  8. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Name: Lord Sithos
    Age: unknown
    Race: unknown but looks human
    Appearance: purple eyes and black hair. A middle age face that shows power and wisdom
    Magick: Necromancy, Hemomancy and Alchemy
    Spells: the only ones known are the ones he uses for casual enjoyment
    Class: (not sure here so) combat mage
    Personality: Cold, dark and crule to his ennemies. A gentelman to his allies and guest
    Weapon: a sword on his waist
    History: Lord of the (insert land of choice here sesamaru) from the Darkest Castle
  9. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Name: Surj
    Age: 21
    Race: wolfen
    Magick: alchemy
    Spells: His specialties rely in alchemy, commiting his life completely to it, so obviously being very skilled in it. Not only is he able to compose things, but also, he is able to decompose things (only metal though. nothing else)
    Class: alchemist (duh, lol)
    Personality: He is always a joker, always smiling, never really serious. He treats game like it is a game, not considering his life, whether he lives or dies. He enjoys drinking, and can hold his liquir quite well though. It is very rare that he takes things very seriously
    Weapon: He has a very unique weapon. he creates it with his alchemy (as well as other weapons), out of the very silk which makes up his clothes. it has metalics in it, which allows it to transform into a type of axe form of gauntlets (more can be explained once it is actually used)
    History: He likes to keep things unknown. all that is really known is that he is wanted amongst his race for the murder of a great alchemist amongst them, and has a high bid on his head. the rest of his past is unknown. as well as his reasons for committing the crime

    ((Gtg extremely fast. I'd put this on word, but I dun have the time. I'll repost bio when I get back. sry for spam))
  10. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    I think the Land of Shadows might just do for him, Xert. Accepted.

    Alright, mate. Can't wait to see what you got.
  11. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: alrite. its posted in the last post
  12. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Wonderful! Accepted ^^
  13. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Thanks and

    Name: Nox
    Age: 18
    Race: Human
    Appearance: Black hair green eyes he's hansome but it's hidin under his sad face
    Magick: unknown
    Spells: unknown
    Class: unknown
    Personality: quiet and sad
    Weapon: what he can get
    History: he is Sithos son he has been torchured all his life by his father. Spells keep his scars from showing
  14. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Accepted. You're also very welcome ^^
  15. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: what kind of costumes are they wearing? costume party costumes like on halloween, or sweeny todd judge's rape party kind?
  16. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Medieval. Think about puffy silk dresses, velvet, linen, etc. It is formal, the masks being the only true costume.
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: sweeny todd it is :P

    so then, we starten tonite, or tommorow?
  18. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    when can we start
  19. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Tomorrow afternoon.
  20. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    I'll only accept if you do not include any water dragons.
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