The Ambulance Down in the Valley

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Donaut, Dec 2, 2007.

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  1. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    The sky turned gray as I stood on the hill
    The smell of violence and the smell of kill
    The sound of horror and terrified screaming
    It is the only place the sun�s not beaming
    A place of swings where no children will play
    For I stand by the graveyard to where they most lay
    I see drunks lay all over the alley
    And the ambulance is down in the valley

    Poor children living a life of violence
    With horrifying homes filled with silence
    Violent blood shattered on the street
    And a child who lay there that has been beat
    In fear of their parents I hear children crying
    Living in a valley that is somehow dying
    I see the blood on the walls in the alley
    And the ambulance is down in the valley

    The sun won�t shine in a place of horror
    The children cry and the parents beat more
    Living in a family with a father who's a drunk
    And a mother who smokes dope and a lot of junk
    The hospital is full of children bruised
    And many are still home being abused
    I see shadows of death in the alley
    And the ambulance is down in the valley

    The graveyard is full and there will be many more
    If the abused do not stop in this horror
    Rain pours down from all the tears
    That God sheds for people�s fears
    Defenseless children can not play
    For in their abusive homes is where they must stay
    I see a place of horror and a lonely alley
    And the ambulance is down in the valley

    I see a cry for help throughout the place
    And fear from a child�s terrified face
    At nighttime the moon is gray
    Like a horror movie I saw one day
    A poor child who doesn�t own a toy
    Because the parents won�t buy for the little boy
    I still see loneliness in that alley
    And the ambulance is down in the valley

    Careless children, fresh as sin
    And some have forgotten how to grin
    Children suffer, deliberately burned and bruised
    From poor parents who themselves were abused
    And violent anger on their mind
    Makes them beat on any child they can find
    A pool of blood lay in the alley
    And the ambulance is down in the valley

    The abuse is increasing day by day
    The valley full of pain and the sky still gray
    A little child in a corner is what I find
    And visions of the abuse still haunts her mind
    Seventy percent of children are abused every day
    The parents get upset and the children pay
    Horrified children and a lonely alley
    And the ambulance is down in the valley

    In the 1960�s abuse was first identified
    And since then many children has died
    Blood in the valley and a child in pain
    Somehow this world has gone insane
    Nobody will help or try to prevent the abuse
    No one deserves this; there is no excuse
    In the village by the alley
    The ambulance is down in the valley

    The pain and suffering have gotten out of hand
    The poor children can not even stand
    Some in wheel chairs and some in a cast
    And some just trying to forget about the past
    Some do not know how love would feel
    Some scarred for life that will never heal
    Screaming, yelling, the sight of the alley
    And the ambulance is down in the valley

    One story that is so sad
    Is when a stepmother got so mad
    The children could not tie their laces
    And fear poured out from their terrified faces
    She beat them till the blood ran free
    I am just glad this never happened to me
    The children and their visions of the alley
    The ambulance is down in the valley

    Think of all the problems the world must face
    So please stop the abuse in this horrible place
    Poor children who may never see
    What a wonderful place this could be
    What I am trying to say is think of their pain
    Do not think of your problems and complain
    Unless you have visions of the alley
    Because the Ambulance is still down in the valley

    This is by far my longest poem, so I hope you like it, even though it's a long read.
  2. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    Wow..... that's really deep. It's really sad. but wow.... amazing.
  3. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    wow - a message in a poem, been a while since ive seen one of those

    that was very deep and emotional - great job
  4. Solid Snake Kept you waiting, huh?

    May 21, 2007
    good one
    i like the rythem of it
  5. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    Very deep, and I like the lenght.
  6. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    Oh wow, that gives a dreary message. Definitely not a cheerer-upper. Sometimes serious poems can be good though, like this one. It's very deep, like the others said.
  7. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    It wasn't supposed to be a "cheerer-upper" as you put it. I wanted to point out an issue that is effecting this nation. I hear about this torture very often in Denver, and I had recently heard about one that just made me so disgusted about how people could possibly do that. Apparently when the police found the little boy, his neck to his sternum was cut open. That was so vile, this poem came to my mind.
  8. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    Yes, I realize that, and I know it wasn't supposed to be. And I understand what you're trying to say. This is by far the longest, deepest, and probably the most well written poem I've seen on this website. Good job.
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