"You like Slurpees, huh" he asked me. No shit I thought to myself, but unlike the internet I didn't want to be an ass. So I simply replied yes. Just as the words left my mouth, he began pulling a stack of the small "free slurpee" cups out of his coat pocket. I looked around the establishment to see if anyone else was seeing this, but they were all completely oblivious to this odd man and his actions. He began to hand me the stack of cups, which had a note taped to them. The note read as follows: "Got to go, meet at next location in one hour!" By the time I had read the note, the man was pretty much out of the front door, and I was left to wonder what exactly just happened and why no one else seemed to notice it. After a few minute of pondering I decided to simply leave the store. As I Trolled my way out of the store. Wait, I meant strolled. Sorry about that. Now anyway, as I strolled out of the store, a cute blonde girl grabbed me and kissed me on the cheek. "Read the first word of every paragraph" she said as she pulled away from me.
It was clearly a code signal, he had to see if you were his man. He wanted you to meet him at the Barber Shop. Why did you go?
So this was my first ever free slurpee thing. So I got one But then it had caffeine so I couldn't drink it So I gave it to my bud Jin. end of story
After going back and reading trig's image in that voice, I had a good, hearty laugh. Thank you, good sir.