Your finally a grown up, im so proud of you. Nothing but surf,skate, and wake. I missed summer so much.
An update on my life in no particular order: I'm going to Holland/The Netherlands in a few weeks. I discovered the superamazingness that is Love Hina. My mom discovered Farmville. (Help. Me.) I made an awesome foam spear. I made an awesome foam sword. I made an awesome foam shield. I now have a PSP with custom firmware and might possibly under specific conditions consider having sex with her if she weren't dating my Nintendo DS. I just lost The Game. I have a life size cardboard cutout of Darth Vader in my room that scares the crap out of my mom whenever she walks into my room. I just noticed that Darth Vader's suit has a diaper in it. I just noticed that Darth Vader's lightsaber is pink, proving that pink is the manliest color since heliotrope. I got a full desktop computer setup (Computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse) from my school for absolutely free. And that's how I am.